Author Topic: Joy in Transmitting (October 27, 2017)  (Read 46 times)

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Joy in Transmitting (October 27, 2017)
« on: Today at 08:42:51 »
AUDIO TAPE Transmissions Here / Re: Audio Transmission/ Joy in Transmitting
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 10:04:08 AM »(October 27,2017)
This is Abraham of Old:

"Take us for granted not, folks.  This Adjuster has it correct andright on.  The more you transmit, the better you can do in the future for our work on Urantia.

"I am Abraham, and I leave soon for Uversa, as I have been released to do work up there and not worry about a Teaching Mission or a Magisterial Mission that leaves me dumbfounded at every corner.  This is not like the old Teaching Mission, where we could weave in and out and prefer our work over trying to discern what happens to us next.  Ron is in the same boat I am and cannot make sense of the moves, or no moves, that happen or do not happen.  He believes at times he is doomed and must attempt to figure out what to do with the mess he holds as his own doing and that is truthful.  But Michael makes it clear that the house that we built together over these many years is not over and that we must take it on faith that we accomplished something with a grave Teaching Mission of old and a new Magisterial Mission waiting to show today.

"Ron says he will miss me and I agree as I am the past and the present and yet I see it as a way to break with the old traditions I had to work with for many years and then see it go down the tubes because of vital disagreements between Ron and Gerdea, and it did not stop there either.  Our work for God is to finish what we have sewn and wait out what has transpired since then,

"We also see the House that Jack built (civilization on Urantia), is fully deployed once more and hits the skids in a few days or weeks depending on your view of actions to come.  I hat saying this, but our time together has ended Ron, and you are truly sorry to see me go, well worry not, as you are among the few who understood my vital role and waited for it to improve for all sorts of reasons and it could not and would not without our happiness for all humans who will be relieved of the damage of the Lucifer Rebellion soon.  Good, and now this:

"Our work in the Teaching Mission Ron was awfully difficult from the beginning and we worked hard to end the problem between you and Gerdean, but she refused to listen and still is hard of hearing for all work associated with you in her fairly secure world of Mansion World Three.  Her life if over with as far as further contact with all of you on Urantia, and she will work to take things as they are on that place of habitation now.  But she understands nothing regarding your silliness and works hard to relieve herself of any idea of working with you at all.  That said, the Father has decreed that she learn her lessons better and forces no issue between you now.  As you say to yourself, it makes no real difference if that is the case and it is not entirely the case because she sees you as a bon vivant and herself as a brat that should have done better and did not. 

"Now we come to the idea of that Thought Adjuster and the 'joy of transmitting,'  and you have it Ron and that is why you are so good.  Most people never question authenticity and you do all the time and make sure no one is trying to pull something over you or your members on this forum.  You do well, but sometimes miss the problem we all have as to the timeliness of information and not so much an error but difficult to assume to be true today.  You say to God frequently, this is not hard for me, but you make it hard by forcing me into hoops of changes I rather not make and then wind up taking the heat for it without result.  That is not yours mostly but you find the entire matter of web sites as awful to deal with unless there are updates and there have been none for six months now.  Why?

"Your life is sacrosanct for Michael, yet he fools you into taking actions that are useless and expensive and you still have nothing to show for all of this work really.  You got shot at by the old attorney firm and stood there and took it until you discovered there was no change for months and you let them know it was not their to do to you.  You found that woman a disgusting variety of heartless versions for her own needs and the boss unlikely ever to address you again.  And so it goes and we take it hard that this has happened so often to yours truly we stand a good chance to talk a lot when we meet face to face someday as I will not let this one go if I die trying to keep you together with the rest of us who did the ole Teaching Mission and you worked so hard to preserve it.  Now this:

"Why go to all this without a point to the forum?

"The answer lies in you Ron, as you took it all well and worked like a slave and did all you could to bring the Magisterial Mission to Urantia without giving a hoot over expense and effort.  It worked well until the Father Himself said no, and the entire matter fell to Michael to rearrange around you.  Then suddenly the Eternal Son spoke and rescinded nothing to be left of your effort to keep it all going.  Then the Infinite Spirit spoke and the entire matter went for adjudication to the Ancients of Days, and they found you so wanting spiritually they could invoke a special tribunal to work on the problem for you or for them.  Finally Michael spoke, and he said to stop trying Ron until I can get this all worked out again but he could not because the Father invoked high powers over Nebadon, and he quit trying for many months and you agreed it was one terrible period of concern that it was to be all thrown away.  Not necessarily so said Michael, but the Father invoked 'executive privilege' and was prepared to invoke a war powers injunction against you.  However, as luck would have it, Michael showed us a copy of the paper you wrote to try to understand how Michael's hands were so desperately tied behind his back over the incident of the Lucifer Rebellion, and they relented when you told them you feel you failed them in doing that and let it lie.  You also do not conform to Urantia rules of behavior entirely and leave all of us aghast at your broken events everywhere whenever you tried to find solace for the temple you live in and for the Teaching Mission and now the Magisterial Mission.

"I am Abraham of Old no longer as I have been summoned to the Court of the Ancients of Days on Uversa to put aside my woes in the Local Universe, and to take my courses with others to go to Paradise and fuse what is left to fuse and be done with the work of time.  You are happy for me?  If course you are for me.  Your work continues unabated then but sadly we leave this part of our lives for good and wait for you to arrive no longer as Father has decreed I must go on and then take what I can from this experience on Urantia.  I am desirous not to burden you further, and that is that.  Now this:"

"Ron, you feel blue so much over things that are transient and you cannot find their end near you but distant and unassigned to history rather having to live it so much again and again.  Your heart is pure and so are your motivations, and yet we must consequently infuse you with heat and light and energy for you to get your head off your pillow these days.  You attempted to complete what we said we would complete a few days ago, yet it refuses to let you alone, and then counts you out as you are not capable of rising to your work as you should these days.  I say this sadly as that is the case as you are no longer eventful for us to consider and for this reason: you are too good for what has to be done on Urantia today.  Let us pray you are no longer resentful of the pain that must continue for weeks if not months more and that is that.

"Now the truth: That which I just stated above is what you and Abraham see together and he is worried not over you now as a new directive has come down exonerating Abraham from failures in the old Teaching Mission, and so on.  He is truly ready to go and that is that and you feel good for him?  Of course you do, and as you say it is a mixture of sadness and happiness that he should be so released to take on the Deity Adventure for himself.  In any case the idea of Abraham of Old being sent away into a great big universe without us is sad for us too, as he considers himself, more or less, a permanent fixture with Me.  I am now training him to learn that the old days of probity and farther done than most, he has earned his trip to Urantia as a father of us and then back to Edentia to learn good governance and then to Salvington to learn his fate once more before the tribunals of the Lucifer Rebellion, and to learn his fate as a good man to compromise with, and out the door the Father has decreed for his own good.

"As a Creator Son, I have run into remarkable people and Abraham is one of those.  So are you too Ron, and it must be noted that you cared about Abraham mostly because he was forthright and rigorous to those he taught and you enjoyed the man too and said so many times.  He could be counted on to cheer you and keep you going.  But the time is allowed to be truthful for all of you and that is to end this fatuous way of speaking to a major change for the Magisterial Mission:  It is going on without me for now as I cannot move with it and the responsibilities I have for Salvington and Urantia at the same time.  Therefore:

"As of today, the entire Jesus mission is not scrubbed but placed off into the distance of a few months more.

"I must relay this to Ron as it relieves him of the Jesus spelling he does so often to keep himself informed and to replace the idea of Monjoronson in charge of Ron at the top, and to admit it was a pipe dream we all shared briefly for all of us.  Now that we have settled the issue of Ron and Monjoronson, let us settle one more thing for all of you:

"The right of passage given to Ron is kept alive and well.  He is to be all we promised him to be.  BUT:  He no longer is in charge of people but of himself as we must relent and let the human arrangements stay in abeyance for another month or whatever it takes, and to assign Larry Gossett and Sue Whiley and Wendy Winter to their own purposes until the year2017 is over.  To do this we must ask Ron to stand down with all he has done and just wait out everything he has been promised until we are finished making out entry into the world of Urantia with all guns blazing.  This will not allow Ron to do much but wait out the winter again and hope for the best with legs and stilts and all of that, but he will be relieved of money worries and so on, and that is so we can catch our breath for all he has done corporately for us to take hold and work.  He has correctly assumed he is now out of the picture for all of you and direction and that is the case EXCEPT, he has no real reason to quit as he has his work in Washington and in other places around the globe as Serara will use him on his rips abroad to see the world and to take lessons he needs to hear well spoken.  Let us pray then that Ron will be released from pain soon and that his heart is restored with good will to all as this has been a harsh lesson for all of us not to take for granted that the Father is ruling without just cause on Urantia.

"Further more, the adjudication of Ron and Andy is approaching full measure.  Andy Vines is to be moved to Australia shortly and he must finish his work at 2709 Sunset Lane today or tomorrow as he will be asked to remove his property and move on to Oregon as soon as possible as Ron has received the orders to clear the house and get started on renovations.  The house either needs paint or siding and so on and Ron is quite aware of what else has to be done and it cannot be done with Andy still in the house.  Further it is impossible to thank Ron for what he did to supposedly keep that man in place while his spiritual adjustments began to take place.  They are still in place and Ron is quite aware of the unusual nature that surrounds Andy but says nothing.   We place Andy well but he is to move on without further recriminations and the means to do so will soon be available  to Andy as he is to receive an offer of employment shortly but must wait it out on the west coasts before accepting the challenge elsewhere.  We now finalize the report here this way:

"Ron is near death sometimes as he is truly made ill by all this transitional changes he must accept graciously which has not be the case in the last two weeks as he is made worse and worse and is concerned he cannot move on with health or good spirit because he is made so ill.   He now hears that Abraham is moving on to the higher sphere and must make amends with the big guys up there, and then take his place with other Finaliters upon Urantia and plan for the age of Absonity which is prepared already by God the Supreme and Ron will have a tape one of these days  just what that entails when the Magisterial Mission is proudly declared on Urantia finally and so shortly I cannot give you a time much less a date so close.  Nonetheless, we must wait out the hour declared by Gabriel for the last, EVER, of the Roll Call of Destiny, not only for sleeping survivors on Urantia, but for all mankind as he will be judged and sent on his way either to glory or end the mess of life situations found on Urantia today.  I am Michael and I wish you all a good day."

"I work with Michael 24/7-- you all know what that means.  It means you have me in that situation unending until there may be another Universe Age that tells us differently.   The House that Jack built is not going away and it will collapse as promised shortly, but the collapse means disasters everywhere and we need to apprise all of you that the House that Ron built is now closing its doors for repairs and will be back shortly much better and healthier than he has every been.  You are watching a man in Ron Besser who gave all and found it wanting only to learn he is not tribulation but worth his weight in gold.  Our work is super spirited with Ron because he is actually fused with everything but the one fusion that takes him to Michael in first stage spirit status.  The same goes for Larry Gossett and Lemuel in Spain.  In any case these three gentlemen know nothing about their futures and it is nip and tuck with Lemuel who has no real heart for savage discussions he feels he will get soon, or for Larry Gossett, who is so damn tired of his life in Florida, he could spit!  Your lives are so entwined now you will likely be in the same Finaliter unit that returns to Urantia. 

"Ron poses the question, how many Finaliters may that be Mother Spirit?  Urantia will host ten Finaliter Companies when it is fully pledged to the Universal Father, and that is contingent upon Urantia being alive after the Magisterial Mission is completed we feel in about 800 to 1,000 years from now.  Ron looks at that time span and wonders how he will ever complete it, but he will be so busy that he will we feel assured.

"Now, this:  We are determined that Ron relive his past not and become well advised how to match himself with others and to let bygones be bygones with people like he met recently on Urantia in the Teaching Mission.  The trials he suffered at their hands was unfair and totally abridged before it started, but he reasoned correctly that he could not be harmed even if trying was so difficult for him.  People like Rob Davis, Allene Vick, Daniel Raphael, and many others saw the trial of some sort of mockery of justice in their view and they utterly fail to recognize what is truly happening to them and to the Missions they agreed were verdant and ready for prime time not as Ron saw it.

"In looking at the situation, Ron has won the Team awards and wishes to be let alone for the duration to repair the home and to get things done and finalized for us which will come to him shortly, we promise Ron.  He also knows that his brother is ailing and perhaps finally brother will see the stars instead of the twigs on trees above him.  Ron is determined to share what has happened when he has some actual visual proof of his assignments, but that is not easily coming for months and so we leave it alone there too.  Truthfully the money situation is aggravated by existing conditions he cannot change for the moment but that ends shortly in weeks if not days.  Today is the final day for most of the pain Ron, but I must be careful because it keeps returning with a vengeance most times in spite of our efforts to end it.

"Clarifying history is so difficult, but let it be known that those individuals named herein are entirely unaware of most of anything transpiring and Rob Davis is surely going to miss his cushy new job but he is learning quickly he is not fully aware of what he should be in spite of a new attempt to transmit which works and doesn't work according to the conditions he finds himself in.  The new job lasts until it cannot anymore, and then becomes moribund as the rest of the community will fade into history too and be restarted in York under different leadership and manners not understood presently in Rob's place of employment.  Furthermore, Allene Vick will likely receive her call to go home and be with those she misses so much already.  Those Ron has worked with who find him ascerbic and unready to compromise with Mission  tasks we assign him are already wondering what is going on that Ron can give such explicit lessons on money and corporation we will use when we can.  Be assured he knows what he is doing if only he could feel better and that is coming quickly.  Be assured we are done now Ron."

OCILLIAYA - Master Spirit Four,  The Father-Son Voice on High -

"I come at a propitious time for all of you.  Michael has finally come to the point with all of you here:  There is no Magisterial Mission for all of you for months, except there is a Magisterial Mission on Urantia that all can see and hear and that is not through any of you this time.  The last epochal Roll Call by Gabriel is scheduled for November 3, 2017.

"November 03, 2017, is a Friday, and at noon time Salvington Time which is about five hours ahead of New York Time on Urantia (Ron notes this is Urantia's GMZ time in relationship to New York), the Roll Call will begin and lasts no more than two hours at best.  It means that people like yourselves in York will see it all done by 7 AM and be glad as no one wishes to stand in the way of the Father as He will see to it that all vestiges of the Lucifer Rebellion are wiped out for good, and that may mean the deaths of millions of humans at that point.  You have so much death on Urantia, it may not be noticed.

"November 03, 2017, is also a red letter day for Ron, as he must be up and about it for he will meet Mantutia and all who travel with him and that is quite a contingency of who is who on Urantia in spirit.  You are lucky Ron that the house you have can accommodate at least ten easily and t hat is what will arrive not including Jesus this time as originally planned.  They are all Melchizedeks and that is yours to enjoy as they have a well wishing ceremony for you as they are fully aware of your career so far.  That visit will be on Saturday, November 4th if all goes well for everyone.

"Our work on Urantia has already commenced.  It has taken six years that Ron knows about as his transition started then and so one, and we leave one last word for all of you:  Michael of Nebadon returns to Salvington to direct the Magisterial Mission from there and not on Urantia a foretold many times here due to restrictions on the appearance of Jesus at this time.  We will avoid great announcements about Jesus thought and he will arrive as he wishes to: unannounced and fully clothed in a suit and not white robes as all of you see in your views at time.  I am completely done now Ron, and I thak you for holding on so long so early in your day.  I am the Creative Spirit and I wish you all a good day."

"I say farewell to Abraham with Ron in sadness as Abraham let us know when things turned ugly on Urantia as Ron tried to make some inroads to perpetuate the mission as is as he saw it as vital to the average man for all sorts of reasons.  He misses t he commradiere and folksy nature of that mission on Urantia, but it will return again in different ways this time for all of you.  Allie you are the worst of your kind at times as you cannot keep your mouth shut and you will not learn what you need to, but you are adorable as you are and we all appreciate you as is.  For the rest of us who must move on too as I do back to Salvington, I remind all of you that the Last Supper commemorated the end to the life of Jesus, and Abraham leaving us also is a Last Supper too, as he must go as he is bid to go, and as Ron says, what duds he will come back to us in!  Does this matter to all of you? Yes.  We are losing one of the greatest proponents ever to grace Urantia for Urantia and that is a sad day for us too.  Good day."

"I seldom rusticate on these matters but Abraham is stupendously done in the flesh and in the morontial career.  He has not taken on first stage spirit status due to the location of Salvington being further than he can reach by himself.  Nonetheless, in a few hours he will have that power, as he will be transported, not asleep, by his Adjuster t o Salvington and be received by Michael thereon.  Now this for all of you who listen to this farewell to ABRAHAM.  He leaves in splendor this time but barely made it to the mansion worlds at his death due to the pattern angel taking a course that took him instead to Edentia where he was allowed a moment of Grace, and he came out of it with such fervor for Urantia we asked him to stay on and prepare for the end of the Lucifer Rebellion and so on.  We mistake it not Ron as you use capitals for that a you should as it is a unit phrase that desereves stating its condition as such to explain it.  As such, the Lucifer Rebellion, has caused such strife and mishaps that even I am affected by its horros and dismayed by its results and so on.  Let it be known it is being cleaned up permanently on November 3rd as instructed by Gabriel of Salvington, and let this be done as well.  I salute Abraham as he goes to his reward with me!  I am Father and I wish you all a good day."

"I seldom tear up in spirit as you would say, but I am so glad I stopped by as you began your day Ron.  You are t he wonder of t he moment and will flash past most you work with in order to be sure you are getting done what you need to and Monjoronson and Serara will keep after you if you dive beneath the covers too long.  Be assured you are not losing a corner stone by me leaving but you have your understanding of my importance and so on.  You take it for good reason to hear Patije say hello briefly as she agrees with you whole heartedly as you work your way through all that has happened in a short twenty or so year span.  Be assured we wait for no man anymore and that is true.  LinEl says good by too and he is one of your great favorites too as he speaks eloquently over his mission of speech on Urantia but it will be revived as soon as he has the go ahead to teach the foreign language of Salvington.  I am Abraham and you are the best of the best mother Besser, and that is yours to recall when I see you again because you are so much like the Eternal Son, it t'aint funny McGee.  Now learn this:  Your life is embolden not by those you know but by those you do not know yet as the One Without Name and Number is the famous poet Alderan and that is a correction not to be spoken too, but one known throughout the entire universe as so superior in pronouncement in poetry that he will never be equaled.  Your personal dislike for poetry is based on Shakespeare Ron as he is an obsfucator brilliantly done and he was genuinely the only one as Raleigh was never his match for his prose.  I conclude with this:

"I leave with  this thought, and that is that all of you on this forum know not what you have entered and many of you leave for t he same reason. Be assured you will rue the day you leave without understanding, and I include Ron in that too as he is so busy keeping it together he forgets that the individual transmissions are excellent and succeed in giving back what was lost in the old Teaching Mission.  You ran afoul of a corporate busybody in Gerdean and she had them by the short hairs as you call it, and she would not relent because she was determined to hold it her way and leave not other there.  As long as you existed she was out to get you and did sometimes to the failings of others who never really bothered to look at it from the side of the big picture which you always did.  She is learning to do better and to relent that you outdid her finally for things she never thought of at all, but she is not truly prepared to take you on for centuries as she must learn that her ideals are yours and she does not see it yet.  Her friend also knows the story much better now but relents not until she and others make amends on the earth Paradise called Urantia.  I am not supposed to guess but that was an attempted hack and it failed because you are no fool and leave it open for them to continue and so on.  In any case \, good day and good bye to all my friends everywhere."
« Last Edit: Today at 08:50:10 by Jose Vargas »
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