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Online Jose Vargas

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Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« on: October 29, 2024, 06:42:14 am »
October 29,2015
Michael of Nebadon - "I am here this morning as the ex officio officer of the Second Return.  We are making great gains in helping people hear the sound of the bells ringing on high on behalf of the Jesus missions.  Our wish is to provide a help of sorts to all of you by keeping you prepared for these Missions as best we can.  Today I authoirze Ron to say that the speech that Jesus is to make will be heard withing 24 to 36 hours from now and God Bless all of you for standing still while we worked this thing out with Paradise, Edentia, Salvington, and Urantia.  By Monday of next week it is a past event and the airplanes can fly again.  I am Michael and I wish you a good day!"
« Last Edit: October 29, 2024, 06:47:40 am by Jose Vargas »
José L. Vargas Núñez

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Re: Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2024, 12:22:38 pm »
In October 30th 2015 I was 68 years old, I don’t remember whether I was a member of the Serara forum at that time, but I hope heartily that the promise will occur as a gift on my 77th birth date to-morrow the 30th of October 2024. AMEN
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Re: Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2024, 20:05:57 pm »
God Bless You Clency!

Love Pj

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Re: Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2024, 06:34:36 am »

 A very Happy Birthday, Clency.

 And many more to come.


Online SophiaVeronica

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Re: Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2024, 06:46:11 am »

Happy Birthday Clency, may your days be blessed, 
your wishes come true 
and may you enjoy a long and healthy life.

Online JuliodaLuz

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Re: Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2024, 08:30:02 am »
Clency. Joyeux Anniversaire. Happy Birthday. Feliz aniversário.

Post Scriptum:


Dear Clency.
To all

I don't write much. But I wish you, Clency, all the best on this day of yours, your birthday.

As a member residing in France, if I'm not mistaken in Paris, or a nearby city, and who speaks French, you are very important to this Forum.

In addition, if I'm not mistaken, you are, in a certain way, a representative of the African continent. It seems to me that you mentioned a long time ago that you came to France, it seems to me that you came from an island near Madagascar in Africa.

On the other hand, I hope that Ron Besser, the main administrator of the Forum, recovers soon from his illness.

I have no idea what will happen in the near future.

I was just reading the story of The Urantia Book told by the leader of the American group, William S. Sadler, who was a student of Freud.

This group of Americans received the 196 documents and the introduction to The Urantia Book, which was first published in 1955 in English in Chicago, USA.

The Urantia Book was revealed by a huge number of celestial beings, coordinated by Mantutia Melchizedek.

The Urantia Book, why our planet is known in the universe as Urantia.

I make these comments for the visitors to the Serara Forum who know almost nothing about The Urantia Book.

Returning to the line of reasoning.

William S. Sadler tells, in the story that is on the Urantia Foundation website, that there were many years of revelations.

And I hoped that at least some of those who were part of the group would be able to witness the publication of The Urantia Book, which only happened in 1955.

During this period, from what I have read, the wife of William S. Sadler, who was part of the group, died in 1939. And probably, many others died without witnessing the publication of The Urantia Book in 1955.

In the same way, here at the Serara Forum.

The Serara Forum has this name because it is possible that several missions from God will occur in a short period of time, such as the Magisterial Mission, the return of Jesus, Melchizedeks physically incarnated (just as Machiventa Melchizedek physically incarnated in the time of Abraham). And there are several Magisterial Sons who may come to our planet on a mission of spiritual recovery, among them the Magisterial Sons Monjoronson, Rayson (who is very connected to science) and Serara.

I have been actively following this international forum of readers of The Urantia Book since February 2015, and much more (because it means updates on possible missions on our planet, with the same elevated celestial beings who created The Urantia Book).

As far as I remember, many gave up following the Serara Forum because of the many postponements of God's Missions.

And I remember some prominent members of the Serara Forum who have already died and did not have the opportunity to see the various missions of God planned for the spiritual recovery of our planet.

I pray that many members and visitors of the Serara Forum will be able to see the various missions of God that may happen, that is, I pray that our generation will be able to see these missions.

I pray that the various missions of God arrive as soon as possible, if possible, before the partial or total shift of the geographic pole, a natural event that is about to happen, according to scientific information linked to the extreme weakening of the planet's magnetism.

Yes, I remember the information from many years ago here in this Serara Forum that even when God's missions arrive, everything indicates that the previously announced catastrophes will happen.

I have learned to trust God, without expecting anything, only with love and trust in God, the Father.

Exceptionally, I will translate this message in three parts. In addition to the Google Translate translation into English, exceptionally, I will translate this message into French, your native language, since today is your birthday.

A big fraternal hug.

From your friend in Brazil.


Cher Cléncy.
À tout le monde

Je n'écris pas beaucoup. Mais je te souhaite, Clency, tout le meilleur pour ta journée, ton anniversaire.

Vous, en tant que membre résidant en France, sauf erreur de ma part, à Paris, ou dans une ville proche, et qui parlez français, êtes très importants dans ce Forum.

En plus d’être, sauf erreur, d’une certaine manière, représentatif du continent africain. Il me semble que tu as déjà évoqué il y a longtemps que tu es venu en France, il me semble d'une île proche de l'île de Madagascar en Afrique.

D'un autre côté, j'espère que Ron Besser, l'administrateur en chef du Forum, se remettra bientôt de sa maladie.

Je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui va se passer dans un avenir proche.

Je lisais justement l'histoire du Livre d'Urantia racontée par le chef du groupe d'Américains, Willian S. Sadler, qui était un étudiant de Freud.

Ce groupe d'Américains reçut les 196 documents et l'introduction du Livre d'Urantia, qui fut publié pour la première fois en 1955, en langue anglaise, à Chicago/USA.

Livre d'Urantia révélé par un grand nombre d'êtres célestes, coordonné par Mantutia Melchisédek.

Livre d'Urantia, pourquoi notre planète est connue dans l'univers sous le nom d'Urantia.

Je fais ces commentaires pour les visiteurs du Forum Serara qui ne connaissent presque rien du Livre d'Urantia.

Revenons au raisonnement.

William S. Sadler raconte, dans l'histoire publiée sur le site Internet de la Fondation Urantia, qu'il y a eu de nombreuses années de révélations.

Et il espérait qu'au moins certains membres du groupe pourraient assister à la publication du Livre d'Urantia, qui n'a eu lieu qu'en 1955.

Durant cette période, d’après ce que j’ai lu, l’épouse de Willian S. Sadler, qui faisait partie du groupe, est décédée en 1939. Et probablement beaucoup d’autres sont mortes si elles ont été témoins de la publication du livre d’Urantia en 1955.

De même, ici au Forum Serara.

Le Forum Serara porte ce nom car il est possible que plusieurs missions de Dieu se produisent en peu de temps, comme la Mission Magistrale, le retour de Jésus, Melchisédek physiquement incarné (tout comme Machiventa Melchisédek s'est physiquement incarné au temps d'Abraham). Et il y a plusieurs Fils Magistraux qui pourraient venir sur notre planète, en mission de guérison spirituelle, parmi lesquels les Fils Magistraux Monjoronson, Rayson (qui est étroitement lié à la science) et Serara.

Je suis activement depuis février 2015 ce Forum international des lecteurs du Livre d'Urantia, et bien plus encore (car cela signifie des mises à jour sur les missions possibles sur notre planète, avec les mêmes êtres célestes élevés qui ont fait le Livre d'Urantia).

D'après mes souvenirs, beaucoup ont renoncé à suivre le Forum Serara à cause des nombreux reports des Missions de Dieu.

Et je me souviens de certains membres éminents du Forum Serara qui sont déjà décédés et n'ont pas eu l'occasion de voir les différentes missions de Dieu prévues pour le rétablissement spirituel de notre planète.

Je prie pour que de nombreux membres et visiteurs du Forum Serara puissent voir les différentes missions de Dieu qui peuvent se produire, c'est-à-dire que je prie pour que notre génération puisse voir ces missions.

Je prie pour que les différentes missions de Dieu arrivent le plus tôt possible, si possible, avant le changement partiel ou total du pôle géographique, événement naturel qui est sur le point de se produire, selon les informations scientifiques liées à l'extrême affaiblissement du magnétisme de la planète.

Oui, je me souviens de l'information d'il y a de nombreuses années ici dans ce Forum Serara selon laquelle même si les missions de Dieu arrivent, tout indique que les catastrophes annoncées précédemment se produiront.

J'ai appris à faire confiance à Dieu, sans rien attendre, juste avec amour et confiance en Dieu, le Père.

Exceptionnellement, je traduirai ce message en trois parties. En plus de la traduction Google Translate vers l'anglais, exceptionnellement, je traduirai ce message en français, votre langue maternelle, car aujourd'hui c'est votre anniversaire.

Un gros câlin fraternel.

De votre ami du Brésil.


Caro Clency.
A todos

Eu não sou de escrever muito. Mas eu desejo para você, Clency, tudo de bom neste seu dia, o dia de seu aniversário.

Você, como membro residente na França, salvo engano em Paris, ou cidade próxima, e que fala francês é muito importante neste Fórum.

Além de ser, salvo engano, de certa forma, representante do continente africano. Me parece que já comentou há muito tempo atrás que você veio para França, me parece que de uma ilha perto da ilha de Madagascar na África.

Por outro lado, eu espero que Ron Besser, principal administrador do Fórum se recupere logo de sua doença.

Não tenho ideia do que vai acontecer no futuro próximo.

Eu estava lendo agora a pouco, a história do Livro de Urântia contada pelo líder do grupo de americanos, Willian S. Sadler que foi aluno de Freud.

Grupo este de americanos que recebeu os 196 documentos e a introdução do Livro de Urântia que foi publicado pela primeira vez em 1955, no idioma inglês, em Chicago/EUA.

Livro de Urantia revelado por uma quantidade enorme de seres celestiais, coordenados por Mantutia Melquisedeque.

Livro de Urantia, por que nosso planeta é conhecido no universo como Urantia.

Estes comentários eu faço, para os visitantes do Fórum Serara que não conhecem quase nada sobre o Livro de Urantia.

Retornando a linha de raciocínio.

William S. Sadler conta, na história que está no site da Fundação Urantia, que foram muitos anos de revelações.

E que esperava que pelo menos alguns que faziam parte do grupo pudessem presenciar a publicação do Livro de Urantia que aconteceu só no ano de 1955.

Neste período, pelo que eu li, morreu a esposa de Willian S. Sadler, que fazia parte do grupo, em 1939. E provavelmente, muitos outros morreram sem presenciar a publicação do livro de Urantia em 1955.

Da mesma forma, aqui no Fórum Serara.

O Fórum Serara tem esse nome por que é possível que ocorra diversas missões de Deus, em pouco tempo, como Missão Magisterial, retorno de Jesus, Melquisedeques encarnados fisicamente (assim como Maquiventa Melquisedeque encarnou fisicamente no tempo de Abraão). E existem vários Filhos Magisteriais que poderão vir para nosso planeta, em uma missão de recuperação espiritual, entre eles os Filhos Magisteriais Monjoronson, Rayson (que é ligado muito com a ciência) e Serara.

Eu acompanho ativamente desde fevereiro de 2015 este Fórum internacional de leitores do Livro de Urantia, e muito mais (pois significa atualizações das possíveis missões em nosso planeta, com os mesmos seres celestiais elevados que fizeram o Livro de Urantia).

Pelo que eu me lembro, muitos desistiram de acompanhar o Fórum Serara por causa dos muitos adiamentos das Missões de Deus.

E me recordo de alguns membros do Fórum Serara, proeminentes, que já morreram e não tiveram a oportunidade de ver as diversas missões de Deus planejadas para recuperação espiritual de nosso planeta.

Eu rezo que muitos membros e visitantes do Fórum Serara possam ver as diversas missões de Deus que podem acontecer, ou seja, eu rezo que nossa geração possa ver estas missões.

Eu rezo para que as diversas missões de Deus chegam o quanto antes, se possível, antes da mudança parcial ou total do polo geográfico, um evento natural que está prestes de acontecer, conforme informações científicas ligadas com o extremo enfraquecimento do magnetismo do planeta.

Sim, eu me recordo das informações de muitos anos aqui neste Fórum Serara de que mesmo chegando as missões de Deus, tudo indica que as catástrofes previamente anunciadas irão acontecer.

Eu aprendi a confiar a Deus, sem esperar nada, apenas com o amor e a confiança em Deus, Pai.

Excepcionalmente, vou traduzir esta mensagem em três partes. Além da tradução do Google Tradutor para o idioma inglês, excepcionalmente, vou traduzir esta mensagem no idioma francês, seu idioma nativo, pois hoje é o dia de seu aniversário.

Um grande abraço fraternal.

De seu amigo do Brasil.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2024, 14:08:29 pm by JuliodaLuz »
Julio da Luz (Bar'MTinsha - Pre'Msha)

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Re: Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2024, 12:19:27 pm »
Some years back, when I was still a youngster, I said to myself that it would be a blessing if I can do it up to 70, now that I have crossed the line my only wish is to be a witness of the Second Return, to bring to this glorious event my humble support before I quit for another adventure. Anyway, thanks to all for your best wishes and may the UNIVERSAL FATHER gives us all the strength while waiting for the event to come.
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Re: Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2024, 17:43:00 pm »
Clency please accept my congratulations a little late, on the occasion of this new birthday, which I hope you can read before the hours of this, your day, October 30, are over. Cheers, a good chocolate cake and a bottle of wine. Thank you for staying with us.

I take this opportunity to thank Dominick for the medical report on Ron's health. We know that a stroke is often very serious, but I know and hope that Ron, who is a great conqueror of many difficult battles, will also emerge victorious from this one.
By the way, I was kind of fantasizing when talking about and giving significant importance to the upcoming, very tangled elections in the USA between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, with the idea of, what if Ron is being prepared by the heavenly government to be named the new president of the United States of America? As they say: "Dreaming costs nothing." We would have a tremendous president. Thank you.
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Re: Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2024, 08:01:29 am »
[font=Arial, "sans-serif"]To Julio da Luz : Thank you for the translation, but I must say that I am at ease with both French and English language, having grown-up in a country colonized first by France and later on by England. English and French are taught since the primary education up to the secondary. My country is part of the African Union, having signed up a convention, but is not on the African continent per say. I was breeded on an island in the sun where the only language used by the people is the “patois creole”, a mixing-up of French and English. My only regret is that since my stay in France, my English-speaking has been lost in none-practicing. That’s it Julio.[/font][/b]
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