Author Topic: RECOVERY/ROLL CALL/CONSTRUCTION( November 1, 2017)  (Read 4223 times)

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Online Jose Vargas

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« on: November 01, 2024, 06:44:35 am »
General Discussion / Re: Recovery/ Roll Call/ Construction
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 05:57:13 PM »( November 1, 2017)
You had serious injuries, Larry, and thank goodness we know of no complications to repair you and to be feeling better beacuse of it even though it will take months to undo what damages you had to the kidneys and your internal tissues.  That said let me address somethings generally for all who wonder about the efficacy of the Magisterial Mission and the November 3 Roll Call.

First realize spirit operates through three reality areas which the Urantia Book teaches well.  But the text does not teach how spirit uses them for divine missions as that would be way off subject for the Urantia text to do as it was designed to reveal God, and not his programs to work missions on Urantia.
Top down these reality areas are:
1  Spirit - both existential and experiential
2  Morontial and Super Morontial
3  Finite - time and space matter living and non Deifies both
The Magisterial Mission on October 19, started the Magisterial Mission on the second level noted above: The morontial.  There they introduced the new Mansion World designs to its residents and began the proper examination of the Lucifer Rebellion in the old design of the Mansion World ascension careers of what we would call deceased humans but really are the souls of the human flesh toward a spirit form and designation, but not yet spirit and not human flesh any more.  This is an in-between state which already exist as our souls but our morontial souls do not detach until we die and then they move toward the angelic terminus for transport to the mansion worlds to be enshrouded with morontial coloration closely resembling how we appeared in the flesh in our human lives.  You must study this in the Urantia Book because much understanding how we become perfected must include this step and the divine missions appear in the morontial first before they appear to us.  On October 19, 2017, they appeared in t he morontial and the expected Magisterial Mission began.

Furthermore, October 19th was used to insure that Urantia is truly ready to face the opinion that Michael holds:  Those who help it on Urantia must be gratly improved to be acceptable to the Magisterial Son to be insured of his attention and then his directions for work to perform.  Monjoronson in particular notes that even I have too much temper to be fully trusted by the Paradise Sons and I have been placed on probation until they see how I handle anger over unfair issues that I have to endure anyway in spite of them being so unfair.  I do not take kindly to ruffians taking lives in the world for their political gain and get furious over this being allowed to continue.  But what they do not seem to understand is that I mitigate the anger by understanding that justice is a slow affair at times and I do bide my time.

The November 3 Roll Call is epochal Larry.  We had two of them in the recent past.  Those were also epochal because Urantia in the first one was cleared of rebellion seekers.  The second one was to clear humans of the old Spirit of Truth and relay  the new Spirit of Truth which is to reunite t he human with the idea of truth and justice as preeminent in the world of spirit and that it must pervade Urantia as the Magisterial Mission shall operate with it in mind all the time.  The Roll Call of November 3, is to to clear the table of all lose pieces left over throm these two recent past Roll Calls - one on 28 July 2017 and one on January 15, 2017.  Both the July and the January epochal Roll Calls were brought to all of your attention by my posting their event at that time. but like everything else, memories fade too fast to correlate events like this for your own good to remember.

Now let me review the purpose of the coming Roll Call on 3 November which is the end of this week as I write.

Roll Calls announced, as this one is, repair the rip in thecosial fabric caused by spirit when the Justice System operated by  the Paradise Trinity and its related sub-infinite Trinities, the First Experiential Trintiy of the Supreme and its environs; and the Absonite Trinity or Second Experiential Trinity as it is preferably called, all three levels make up the Trinity of Trinities spoken to in the Urantia Book in Papers 104 and 105.  Spirit must make sure that the upper levels of reality are fully cleared before it works on the lower levels of reality which constitute time and space most usually.   And finally, we are trading good sense for a change so t his message is read well by all of you.

Several people have written us privately that there is no motion in the Missions and they are losing faith or heart or both and yet they fail to understand all of this has been reported faithfully in the recent past and no one remembers anything about it.  Even Larry Gossett is so vague he confuses the trial this 3 November Roll Call with previous disclosures about other Roll Calls that have nothing to do in purpose or reason with the Gabriel call to Justice on 3 November this coming end of week now in progress.  Roll Calls are very rare on Urantia.  The last Roll Call of epochal significance before these three mentioned here was at the birth and death of Jesus well over 2,000 years ago now.  None were called until 1986 when the Court case against Lucifer and Caligastia and millions of others who were ensnared in the Rebellion were called to justice and over five million beings lost their lives over this very serious matter before the Judges on Uversa, the Ancients of Days.

In this case for the Roll Call on November 3rd coming, the Roll Call is unusual in that it follows two other significant roll Calls meant to purge Urantia of fractional rebellion both by the celestial entities unnamed to you, and to clear the PREPARATION for removing the human element that will be taken care of this time and to discard them as sinful and iniquitous beings to be forever discarded from life by the Ancients of Days. 

Gabriel has the power inherent in him as the Bright and Morning Star of Salvington and the Chief Host of Justice of Nebadon, to invite the Ancients of Days to attend to their duty to determine the worthiness of human souls to go over to the Justice of Mansonia as declared in the Manifesto of the Eternal Son made available to Justice on Urantia on the fifth of July, 2014, and subsequently added to this October to Michael of Nebadon.  I myself was in that Manifesto due to my recalcitrant approach to the pain I endure for years over a transition that makes no real sense to my human mind.  That Eternal Son Manifesto declares me on probation until I assure them I will not kick anybody over this and to address what to do with sinful beings who do great harm to Urantia still, and who must be removed for the Magisterial Mission to proceed.

Finally:  When the 3 November Roll Call is complete about 730am New York Time, there will be an interlude of about seven hours while the trials and effects are counted on Urantia and in spirit.  On 4 November there will commence the ideals of the Magisterial Mission on Urantia and will be noted by either myself or others unknown to me being informed what to do now.

Visitations with the Melchizedek Supervisor and others attached to that duty may or may not visit me immediately as so much must be attended to by myself and my supervisory personnel that I will receive them incarnated but the time is open to rescheduling due to the emergency this will invoke, most likely, on Urantia at this time.  I play it by ear and my eyesight will await their decisions just how and when this is to be done.

"I am Ron's supervisor and he just reported to you as he is supposed to with full authority at his disposal to inform you all by announcements in this tone and writing of the facts to you.  It will be necessary for those who seriously wish to enjoin in the Magisterial Mission to start paying full attention as I doubt there is a lot of time to go over and over and over old information you have already received from us and from Ron.  We will leave all changes to be placed after Michael arrives on Urantia to see to the changes that are in effect and God help those who attempt to confuse the issue by bleating they had no time to act when we have constantly informed all that the time to act is now and ready to go the moment it is authroized to act on behalf of these Missions.

"The world is nearly at war again.  Be assured the nuclear exchange Trump is thinking about will not occur.  I also wish it to be known that certain qualities of behavior will be enforced on the discussion forum soon enough because it will be opened to discussions by personnel in spirit and in the world of diplomatic concerns so they may be advised what is what insofar as actions by the Magisterial Mission will be found.  That includes t he Chinese ambassador who does watch this forum for information which is dutifully taken back t o China by his own envoy and that there are dreadful reactions in official circles concerning reporting this, but you Mr. Ambassador, have done right!  They will listen carefully soon.

"With regard to North Korea:

"I am Salonia.  I am the Uversa Ambassador to Urantia.  You know these designations well enough to instruct your superiors in China, and you are concerned they give little credence to these reports.  They give more credence than you are aware of and they feel they are well informed of your work and registry of the importance of these announcements.  Few other countries take this seriously, and yet in China you have a tradition of being able to hear the spirit and its wisdom regarding the course of your nation in the world.  Be assured that will continue for even the dreadful United States and its ways will come to heed the spirit when it is important to world peace and tranquility.  Be also assured we have much to say regarding China and its militeristic charms over t he South China Sea shortly.  We say nothing further on this matter now.

"I am Salonia, and I am the Ambassador of the Ancients of Days who rule from t he Superunverse Headquarter World we all call UVERSA, a planet the site of Jupiter and Saturn combined in your solar system.  A Superuniverse is one million times larger than the Local Universe of Nebadon, and Nebadon is all you see at night in the starry firmament you observe, and Nebadon is over six point five  (6.5) Light Years wide and thirty-seven (37) Light Years deep or high, and it is only one-seventh of t he total time creation of space and sequenced living.

"As Salonia, I greet the Chinese Ambassador to the United States and to Great Britain who admire this reporting when it is allowed to occur.  Ron Besser is our preeminent Transmitter and will be used in official releases to all governments on Urantia when  the time comes to state more of what we propose to the world for a reassignment of fractional criticisms by the American government over trade and plagiarizing incidents on intellectual property. Furthermore, the Magisterial Sons, Serara and Monjoronson, will see to the Ambassador being honored for this work which was not easy to understand at first but you gathered correctly that it was necessary to hear as we geared up to bring the Magisterial Mission to this planet, Urantia.

"By this time on November 2nd, 2017, Ron Besser will be receiving a very important diplomatic statement which will outline the entire measures to be taken in the first twenty-five days as to what and how nations on Urantia will be addressed concerning their role in the porposed world government and how a Council will establish diplomatic relations with China andt he other major powers to begin the work of assigning personnel to your own councils within your governments as to who will transmit this date to you and the Councils of your choice inside your own ruling mechanisms.  North Korea will be reduced to a very small voice and eventually discarded to maintain the people of North Korean in a decent life and reduce the fear of a dictatorship ruling over them to the extent they are malnourished and near death over many issues not known  to the western democracies.

"I am Salonia, and these messages will become more prevalent for awhile.  Kind reagrds for your kind attention and concers. Good day."

"Salonia is our ambassador to Uversa and not the other way around.  You heard correctly but She is not entirely used to speaking humans and their brain foibles.  It does not harm for the Chinese Ambassador, to know this at all.

"I would like to comment on Transmitting facilities to be made available to China.  We intend to have Transmitters capable of speaking Mandarin, but for now we only have Ron Besser who is the best Transmitter possible as he has practiced until he is blue in the face as we colloquially speak to repetitious habits over and over being done.  He is responsible for seeing to it that these messages can at least be placed on a public forum for governments and other concerns to read them and determine if they are valuable to themselves or who they represent.  W continue with this:

"Ambassadors aside the trial to become advisory to any government requires our personnel to have achieved high spiritual status as human beings and this Transmitters has done that in complete recognition by the Highest Spirit that he is eminently qualified to do this work.  His temper is modulated and he knows his reasonableness all the time, but pain and suffering have occurred for years and he vents his anger over this and nothing else.  We will propose that official personalities of the various world governments allow themselves to be fully informed and questions allowed in the presence of this individual.  He makes no policy input and has no political views for or against any country so long as they mean no harm.  His life is dedicated to the Magisterial Mission and he proposes nothing be done to otherwise assign him to any political party or organization.  His work is for God and the improvement of Urantia by bringing peace to its place and to obtain a higher degree of spiritaul development for all concerned.  He is a teacher and avails information to all who would ask.  This is Michael of Nebadon and we will have much more to say in twenty-four hours or more to all of you.  Good day."

Ron - Larry and other reading this response.  The Roll Call scheduled for this Friday is best remembered to be the clarifying agent that allows spirit to decide what they face on Urantia now as the Melchizedeks are already incarnated and proceeding to their stations already.  Mantutia is always near by to me an will provide updates as we get closer and closer to what will manifest to our eyes soon enough.  Thank you all for your patience while we made reports to the Ambassador.  I wish you all blessings to you and yours.  Ron
José L. Vargas Núñez