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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: November 04, 2024, 16:24:20 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International -  4 November 2024

This is Lightline Netherlands International for Monday November 4, 2024, 

with Elise, your host. 

We thank MICHAEL OF NEBADON, our UNIVERSAL FATHER and MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK for their words and time to address this group. 

Link to recording:

Offline Raz

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2024, 18:23:57 pm »
  • 110424 Audio Tape Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subjects: continue active Serara Forum involvement, continue to listen for Spirit and to your Thought Adjuster, the Federation (Dominion) has been disbanded as not needed currently but may be reinstated if required for the future;
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Universal Father, and Machiventa Melchizedek;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape:

Well, hello, everyone. After a lot of problems, I got a connection. This is Netherlands International Lightline for Monday, November 4, 2024, and this is Elise your host. I welcome everyone, and I thank you for joining. Well, let's stay together and strengthen our efforts to bring our friends from the spirit world closer to us, maybe we will hear some words from the other side.

Let's pray to Father for his grace and blessings on us and on the world that needs guidance and spiritual nourishment as it pursues the one great goal of ending all misunderstanding, exploitation, hatred, and war and in bringing peace to all nations. We thank You, Father, for all those of Your great heavenly family whom You send to us to help us find truth, beauty, and goodness in all that You have created. We welcome any guest or teacher who would like to address this group today.

Michael of Nebadon  
Good evening and good day to our listeners. This is Michael of Nebadon.

Welcome, Michael. I'm so happy you're there. Please speak. You're very welcome.

Michael of Nebadon  
Well, thank you. Thank you, Elise. I'm here, and I would like to comfort everyone a little bit who is feeling a little lost. You are all missing the inspiring messages that Ron used to bring you in his transmissions and postings that kept the forum going that yes, most of it was done by him, and here on the discussion forum, you almost take care of yourselves now. Transmitters do what they can to inform you or bring you our words. But the forum should not be dependent on just a few it should demonstrate strong interest and participation from everyone who joins this forum. It should be a place where members give their opinion and feedback, as some of you do so that it offers the members an opportunity to respond and to express themselves. It is also an opportunity to express your personal feelings, for things are not always as you would like to hear, or you can agree with, and that's okay, and sometimes it is very confronting and even unbelievable.

But know that much depends on your own development and the desire to really be willing to listen for communication with the spiritual world is indeed possible, as you know, as you all know, and with practice and perseverance you will be able to contact us, and may experience yourselves daily in your conversations with Spirit. We are as close as your own physical family and friends, as your neighbors and acquaintances and your loved ones around you, you just have to attune to our presence and prepare yourselves in these moments for such moments and you can talk to us about your everyday experiences. But you have to be willing and open and ask your questions clearly and specifically if you have them, and I assure you that you will always get an answer in some form, even if you do not immediately hear Our voices speaking to you.

I am Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Father and I know your thoughts, but we can only respond clearly when you are fully attuned to our presence. So keep practicing and do not give up and know that without proof of expression, we are always present and always interested in your life and in your daily needs. It is not always easy for us to convey to you what we mean to say. It always has to do with you, the listener, with your own experience and abilities. It has to do with your intention, with your expectation, and dedication, and also with the different words and expressions used in transmissions or daily talks to you. But all that will improve by getting more accustomed to listen to the voice of God in yourselves. And that, of course, is your Thought Adjuster, whom you learn to hear and understand as you progress in your spiritual development and in what your ascension may entail for you and for Urantia and for your ascending career as a whole. So be persistent. Do not give up on what you have already achieved.

We want you to continue to believe in what must be learned and done from the Spirit knowledge and all the assistance we give to transform Urantia with you and with your help. We are still here, working with you and for you to help the planet achieve its next goal, and that is to produce a civilization that, with your help, will establish brotherhood among men and move this planet towards full trust and faith in the Father. The world today is not easy, and there is a lot of destruction causing people to suffer which really touches our hearts deeply. Attend to your brothers and sisters whenever you can, stay close to God, and take the time to keep thanking Him for the good that still can be found on your world.

God, your Father, always allows love to prevail, and He lets go of the hatred towards his children, who are all desiring the same, and that is health and prosperity and a balanced future for their children, and this can be achieved through mutual understanding and for love for each other, as Jesus showed you not so long ago in His life here on this world. But all humans on all inhabited planets eventually come to know their Creator, whom they give a name, as you did with the name God - G O D. Each planet is ready for revelation when one or more groups in its primary civilization have come to pray to one God, and then true religion can take its place in the hearts of man and a new period can begin to awaken on the planet and grow until the days when men begin to realize that they are all from the same Father and that the universes are all created by the hand of one God, ruled and governed by the one God they then love and worship.

And then, yes, then such a world will begin to prosper and its people will slowly rise to a higher civilization under God and His high associates, whom the Father created specifically to help humans to accomplish what God the Father likes to see for the planet to complete in the first stages of evolution and up to the final entering to the days of Light and Life, which is the ultimate goal for all planets in the local universes and God's plan for you and all the planets in My local universe of Nebadon. I am Michael of Nebadon. I am your Creator Father, and I leave you today in my hope and trust on a planet that will rise one day in glory when man realizes that all are children of the same Father. I am Michael, your Creator Father, abide in my peace. Good day.

Thank you. Thank you, Michael, thank you so much for your words. Well, this is Elise, and I see that more people have come and joined us. Roger Raz, and Jose Vargas, and Steven Gitz are all here. And Charlotte, I think, has just appeared again. Well, you're all very welcome. Thank you for coming. Oh, let's see if we have someone from the other side, speaking to us.

Universal Father  
This is Father, the Universal Father.

Oh, welcome Father. Please go ahead.

Universal Father  
Yes, I'm Father. I greet you, My children. I bring you my blessing, and may you speak My name. You are living in a time of tremendous tension around the world and We know that you are missing your almost daily transmissions you were used to receive, but no other whom you receive your teachings or information from your world is so stubborn as stays in its unbalanced situation of misunderstanding each other and suffering the consequences. Whereas it could make living meaningful and joyful instead of harming one another. This world population still has a long way to go before it understands that peace can only come to the world, to your world if everyone, indeed, all on your planet, long for peace and work for it. There must be a general and deep desire to make peace.

Yes, the people themselves must have the will to make peace, you and all people, one by one, must make your own peace, which will then come to the world when people learn to love and to work collectively in achieving their goal, to achieve peace, and it must come from the people themselves. Peace is not a divine gift, it is something you have to create and work for because otherwise it would not be acquired and not made it your own. It is man, it is the people, collectively, all who inhabit the planet who decide whether you are living under peace or keep fighting and keep destroying. It is the people themselves, indeed, one by one, who decide whether to turn to their Creator or stay away from Me and deny My existence and try to prove that they are the kings who rule the nations.

You all know by now that this world lacks understanding of her spiritual origin and everything that is manifested for you on your world here and beyond, this is primarily due to a great lack of spiritual education, which is so necessary for each planet to be able to evolve and to trust and believe in Me, your Father, Who cares and upholds all of creation, and Who gave you the attributes and the restoration characteristics to reason, to think, and to come to believe and trust in Me. You have learned about great revelations. Great revelations have been brought to you, but those never had the full opportunity to work for this planet, to the extent that you have been able to form and build your society in accordance with the grace and intentions coming With it, the important meaning and necessity.

Pardon me. I think it was necessity. I don't know if I heard this word correctly.

Universal Father  
of those wonderful revelations were interrupted or not fully understood and much of what was brought to you has been forgotten or just put aside. But here I am, your Universal Father. I love you, and I can assure you, this world has My love to create a beautiful world for all. A world that you are able to develop for you and with you, and to grow a soul so strong that is ready to enter the morontial worlds easily and quickly and to benefit from what you learned in your previous existence.

Continue to listen to your Thought Adjuster, Who is from Me, and is Me, Who lives within each of you, and Who will let you know what is important in a short time that you live your human life. Your Adjuster is your guide, and it is important that you become familiar with how you can draw closer to Me. I am your Father Who awaits you, after your long traveling through the spheres from sphere to sphere and learning your lessons to reach me and to approach me. I am your Father, your Universal Father, and I decided that all my children return to me from where I send you on your eternal journey and that you come to know me in the universes that I have created for you.

My creation is made to share with everyone, and everyone can find and meet me there. Continue to seek the truth in all that is revealed about the Creator and His universe, and you will reach Me and be with Me forever in My loving peace. Work for that desired peace in your lives and for world peace, try to strive, try to work for it as best you can, because only when every man and every woman in this world desires peace and dedicates themselves to achieving peace, only then will peace come within reach, and then everyone will feel it. Everyone will feel peace, and everyone will be in peace and to help accomplishing peace by all who join forces, by all who want to work for it together. This is your Father, your Universal Father. I love you all. I leave you with my blessings, My dear children.

Thank you, Father, thank you for speaking to us. This is Elise, and I will see if there is something else for us today, if we have more speakers.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, you have Elise, This is Machiventa Melchizedek.

Welcome. Machiventa. Welcome to our Lightline.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Elise, and greetings to everyone. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I would like to talk a little bit about something your host Elise has been thinking about lately, and it is about the Federation. The Federation you all know about the Federation between certain local universes that have been created and established and which you have all heard about and hoped to hear more about in the future. But some time ago you were told that the Federation had been disbanded, and this message went out and shocked Ron and the listeners at that time and yet, that message was true, and Ron delivered it with all honesty, as always in his transmissions, this Federation between a group of local universes has not been permanently disbanded, but it has been suspended for an unknown time to see where it can best serve and be used as a unified cooperative body between local universes, for reasons not yet known to us and which will be decreed by the Universal Father.

As you know, each local universe is ruled by its own Creator Son. And although all Creator Sons are from the same source, the Universal Father and the eternal Son, they are all very different, just as you humans are all different from each other in appearance, in character, and divine qualities. All Creator Sons are of the same origin, but they all came into being and come into being after the First Sources and Centers arrived at a first and completely supreme Divine thought that is caused solely by their ability to unite their divine minds in the realization of a new being, representing a Creator Son with all the privileges and divine attributes of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son combined into one with the purpose of creating an individual of the Michael order of Sons, a very high rank of divine sons with the characteristic attributes of both the existential deities together.

The Sons were created specifically to create universes for themselves after a long period of training on The Paradise sphere called Sonarington and they will become the sovereign rulers of their own universes, which they are expected to bring into Light and Life, as many other Creative Sons have done before them and will do after them, still giving their universes their love and attention. The local universes are created according to the ideas and ideals of the Creator Sons and just as all Creator Sons are different from each other, their universes are also different from each other and will evolve from there depending on the decisions of each Creator Son as how to perform such a mighty task, always bound to the course of evolution, inherent in their creation. But each Creator Son is equipped with all the prerogatives he needs to fulfill this task, and each Creator Son is deity in his own universe, and knows exactly what to do in every circumstance, and does not need any help or assistance from another local universe, because they are so high in the rank of deity, they foresee in everything, and they each have their own vision to bring their special creation to fruition.

So each Creator Son has the power and ability to do whatever needs to be done for his universe, and they all make their decisions in accordance with the Universal Father to whom they have pledged their eternal allegiance, which has never been broken by any Creator Son in the Grand Universe, where local universes are still emerging. The Federation was created for cooperation between a number of local universes as a group of united universes to be fortified against any attack but proved to be not necessary for this time in evolution. However, the idea of a dominion will not be discarded, as there will be something in the future that calls for a federated universe, and the dominion is a good example to see what it can be and where it can be for and for what will play out in the future when new and young local universes are created with a new purpose and a new kind of life on it.

But right now, the dominion lies dormant until it will, if ever, be used again as a unified universe idea to serve any special use that the Universal Father has in mind. When and where all this will become reality we do not know. These ideals belong to the First Source and Center and His plan for His creation and even the Creator Sons do not know the plans of the Father, as you can easily understand. Well, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, and I hope you have enjoyed this little talk. I'm here on behalf of your Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, and I thank you for listening. I'm asking others, invite others to say a few words if you want to add to these transmissions, and if not, Elise, you can close this light line for today.

Well, hello, Elise,

Yes. Lemuel?

Yes, please go ahead.

Thank you, Elise, I would like to comment on your this transmission from Machiventa Melchizedek about the Federation, or what later became known as the dominion as I understand.


Let me adjust my phone a minute, because you come in over a bit too loud. All right, that's fine. Yes, we all were given to understand when was it 2019, since the what happened to the Supreme Being, and even before that, Creator Spirit Nebadonia, and then the need, or the decision was taken it was necessary for a new universe age, and so many other things in recent years. Excuse me for the moment. Elise, excuse me. Where we were, we were receiving messages from Ron on a regular basis. And what I would like to say is that perhaps others of you who are listening have also noted that there is no information. There is no mention of any of this on any of the other websites producing messages from Spirit.

Well, that doesn't mean to say, of course, that what we have learned is not true. My comment is, of course, that we simply do not know. We do not know. We have taken it on as an act of faith that what we have been receiving since 2019 is true because we want it to be true. Of course, we do. But we have no real proof that the Supreme Being is no longer with us, or what has happened to the Creator Spirit Nebadonia, and the need for a new universe age and so many other things over the past, what is it now, six?, five or six years now. We simply do not know. We have received countless messages purporting to be from Spirit through Ron. And as I say, we as a family here on this discussion forum because we want them to be true, we take it as an act of faith that they are true. But the fact remains that we do not know.

The messages that you are receiving on your Lightlines recently, Elise same messages purporting to what will be in the future if man is able to do this, if man is able to do that, etc, etc, etc. And of course, we have listened to these things so many times before. What concerns me, and always has concerned me, is now. What does an individual do now? What do we know really? I only know what I experience for myself, everything else I take with a pinch of salt, but I do and always have kept an open mind, and I will continue to keep an open mind. But I find it, what is the word I want to use? I don't find it really helpful to continue hearing about some type of utopia life in the future when man has learned to do this and when man has achieved this, etc, etc, when we all know the state of the world is now.

I hope this doesn't sound negative or pessimistic, because I am not a negative or pessimistic person. I am realistic, and what concerns me is now, I would just briefly mention that any one of you who is interested to find out what has taken place here in Spain over the past week in Valencia, with a tremendous flooding and loss of life, etc, etc. When everything is taken away from you, what have you got? People look for help outside of themselves. Of course, they do naturally, because they have not been taught to look for help withinside of themselves, and I find it impossible to recognize the situation where it is like talking to children in kindergarten, but sometime in a distant future when they reach Oxford or Cambridge or Yale or Harvard and they are able to study this, that and the other. It just doesn't work. People need to know what they are capable of doing now. But in fact, we know that. Don't really we, you and I here on this forum.

What we have got, and always have had since our infancy, is our beloved indwelling Thought Adjuster and our soul growing within us, hopefully. These are things that we can identify with and and try to come to terms with and to increase our knowledge on a personal level through our own experiences, not in the hope of something wonderful in so many years into the future. We need to know what we can do now and well, whilst I'm talking about this, Elise, I would like to take this opportunity of saying to all of you that I will hold a Lightline on Wednesday if I am able to do so. At the moment, I think I will be able to do so, and I would like very much to hold a light line on this Wednesday. Well, in fact, this is all I really wanted to say, Elise, bearing in mind what you have just received from Machivent Melchizedek and so thank you, Elise, thank you for the opportunity over letting me speak. Thank you.

Well, thank you, Lemuel, thank you for your comments. And well, I can only say that I also only know what I experience and what I experience for myself, and what I hear in these Lightlines that I bring to you and well, what we experience now, maybe we may learn differently, and when Lightlines are adjusted again I don't know. I do not know about that, but I encourage you Lemuel to hold a Lightline on Wednesday, and maybe we'll hear stories from a different side or a different view. So please, if you are able to hold a Lightline, please go ahead and let's see what happens.

Well, this is all I have received. And I'm very thankful that we got some words from the celestial side. And I do want to thank Michael of Nebadon for that, our Universal Father, and of course, Machiventa Melchizedek, who is always here to help me out, even in my personal life. Many times, he has helped me out in my in difficult times. So I'm very grateful to Machiventa Melchizedek and I want to thank all these listeners again today. I thank you for joining this Lightline, and just hope that you're taking it as I hear it today, as speaking to you under the guidance of our Celestial and Divine friends and I thank you for listening, so I will stop the recording if I can, let me see.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)