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Offline SophiaVeronica

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It is Christmas, Jesus speaks to all
« on: December 25, 2024, 10:11:21 am »
December 25,  2024.    

Hello to everyone,  I wish you all a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas. 
Here is a  message for Christmas. 


Jesus speaks to all on Christmas Day:

My dear children, it is Christmas and you think of peace, happiness and love, but instead there is war, hunger, loneliness and struggle for possession of territory on Earth that belongs to all of you. The Earth, the planet that was created for you to give you a home and to work and live together with family, neighbors, friends and the many others you encounter in life.
All opportunities for knowledge and growth are found on your beautiful world, full of resources, nature and opportunities to gain experience on a material level, intended to prepare you for your next destiny, a more spiritual life on the many mansions of our Father who created all this to share in His love that He gives in abundance to His universe of universes.

I am Jesus and I came into the world to serve the Father, just as each of you has your own mission. I was born as a helpless infant who, like any other human being of this world, walks his/her path and fulfills his/her life in the Name of the Father. I was given a special assignment to reveal the Father to the people of this world where they were rapidly losing the image of a Creator Father, that would leave them in ignorance after leaving this planet. 

I came into the world to reveal a loving God and a caring Father and to teach that the Father is present in His children, that man can experience God inside and learn to know our heavenly Father and all His wonderful attributes. That the Father's love and concern is for all humanity, for each and everyone of you. To make you aware that God's love is with you always and that no one lives without His grace and love.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, as I have shown that there is life after death. There should be joy in the hearts of men, as each of God's children journeys to the Father who prepared for you a universe to experience and for everyone to meet Him as your Creator and the Source of eternal life. I am Jesus, I ask you, follow me and live with me. I am your brother who has gone before you, who rose from the death and who has taught you that there is a majestic and loving God who draws everyone to Him and wants to embrace each of you in His kingdom.

This Christmas I ask you to love one another, to have peace among your family, friends, neighbors and everyone you meet. To be caring and kind and share with each other what the Father has given you. You cannot take on the worries of the whole world, you cannot stop the war or feed all those who suffer, but you can radiate your love to those around you so that they may receive a spark of the Father's love radiating from you.

The significance of my birth into this world has never been fully understood, but there are many reasons to celebrate my birth as the Son of Man and the Son of God and the knowledge of the Father's love for this world, a world that will ultimately grow into greater unity and bring peace among the people. Give your love in abundance to open the hearts of others and radiate your light like a burning candle that nourishes all people and makes them feel God's love for all humanity.

Let your Light shine wherever you go, wherever you are this Christmas and remember Me as your brother who showed you the Way, the Truth and the Life. Be cheerful and happy and know that I am with you in every moment and in every ray of light that shines from your heart into the hearts of your brothers and sisters. Besides the child of Bethlehem, I am the man who lived among you and who longed to open the hearts of God's children to our Heavenly Father who gave you life full of promise, love and mercy, and the means to reach out to the Creator Himself, as you follow Me and – Let your light shine – in everything you think, say and do. I am Jesus, I am always with you and I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Re: It is Christmas, Jesus speaks to all
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2024, 11:27:39 am »

Good morning Elise,

Thank you for the message above from Jesus that I missed a lot. This is

the kind of message that I enjoy reading, very encouraging and fulfilling.

Thank you Jesus and Joyeux Noel to all members of the Forum.


Online Jose Evelio RivasPortillo

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Re: It is Christmas, Jesus speaks to all
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2024, 23:25:45 pm »
Grupo 11:21 Phoenix AZ 
Por: Los Pleyadianos 
Evelio Rivas. 
El Salvador, 25 de diciembre de 2024, 7:30 a.m.

Los Pleyadianos:
"Nosotros somos los Pleyadianos, es un tiempo de reencuentro, hoy queremos manifestar que la actitud más consecuente para este tiempo es la paz, aunque de este lado del velo se hacen muchos preparativos para la paz, el humano continúa elaborando planes de desarmonías, pareciera que el nivel científico alcanzado les hace no mirar la dulce trama de la vida, olvidan que todo el propósito es avanzar hacia la paz, ¿pero, porqué persiste el humano terrestre en evadir la paz?, esto se debe a la sencilla razón que al mando de la psiquis en los que lideran a los pueblos, y toman desiciones se encuentran yoes que buscan imponer su dominio sobre los vecinos, de modo que tendrán que ser removidos estos elementos, estamos hablando de una limpieza que trasciende las temáticas desplegadas por la humanidad, nos encontramos cara a cara con elementos que están dedicados a crecer raíces en este mundo, refugiados en tecnologías para la destrucción, queremos expresar que en ningún momento es ese el plan del Creador, esta es una esfera cimentada en el libre albedrío, de modo, que los indicados para bajar de la silla a estos elementos enquistados en el poder, son las mismas personas, es el despertar de los pueblos, un camino que llegará, por eso lanzamos el llamado a deponer la actitud conflictiva, y a priorizar la convivencia pacífica de todos los pueblos en esta esfera, las barreras de idioma, país, religión, deben quedar superadas, en Urantia sólo hay una familia humana, son hijos del mismo Creador, y los factores vitales que sostienen la trama de la vida en este mundo, se mantienen por la misericordia del Creador, crecer raíces en el mundo que habitan sólo les traerá lastimaduras, vuestro ingenio ha de ponerse al servicio de la felicidad y bonanza del planeta, deseamos que la paz encuentre sitio en sus corazones"
"Nosotros somos los Pleyadianos cerrando este mensaje, les amamos a todos, pasen buenos días".

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Re: It is Christmas, Jesus speaks to all
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2024, 23:56:10 pm »