Author Topic: Change Your Channel  (Read 741 times)

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Offline Ghost Dancer

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Change Your Channel
« on: December 30, 2024, 19:49:45 pm »
This is The Order Of MELCHIZEDEK, and we choose to speak through this one known as Ghost Dancer. He had gotten tired of listening to ego or monkey mind. So he has changed his channel in order to hear ours. We are here now in spirit for this lesson. Several months ago this transmitter had a vision. In it he saw us rain down from the night sky like paratroopers. And this vision was a site freely given for his eyes only. As he was given the gift of seeing spirit after a NDE or near death experience he had at the tender age of 16 years young. 
Having no one in his family or peers to share this revelation with. Except for those on this forum, who else has ever heard of a MELCHIZEDEK  ? Leaving him in quite the query of a rock and hard place. Having one foot in this material, while the other residing in the spiritual realms.
That being said, there are many changes coming to this world of the cross, Urantia. It is an uprooting of the old terra ferma to make way for new seedlings, new growth. Rumors of new contagion, increasing sun flares stirring up the pot making people on edge and an imminent 3rd world war in the making. With that all said and in the works. Let it also be known that you do create individually and collectively your worlds. Just by your thoughts about it.
If you want to change your world you need only change your thoughts about it. We are collectively speaking of the world that exists for you from the time your alarm clock wakes you up until your head hits the pillow at the end of the day, that world. If you're not liking the outside picture, change your inward thought. If you don't like what your hearing seeing or feeling ? Change your channel or frequency. We aren't saying that these tragedies are not happening, but indeed for those who have and will invest in a struggle or a good fight and want to and will experience just that.
When you change your frequency this raises you to a higher level than your third dimension or karma. It's not ignoring the travesty, but rising above it. It has been stated many times by your admintrater Ron Besser and other equally talented transmitters that you are all liken to a radio. And can indeed pick up other channels or frequency by your free will  choices. This then is precisely what this transmitter has done to receive ours. None of you are alone in this or without this option. Though you can make believe it is so. Until you don't,.. If you don't like what your experiencing here just change your channel or frequency. Did not your brother and favorite teacher Jesus the Christ say,"invest not in that which is temporal, but that which is eternal."
This has been The Order Of The MELCHIZEDEK and we stand down from the podium of Ghost Dancer. We bid you a fair ado.

Offline Jose Evelio RivasPortillo

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Re: Change Your Channel
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2024, 23:03:57 pm »
Grupo 11:21 Phoenix AZ. 
Por: El  Ajustador de Pensamientos. 
Evelio Rivas. 
El Salvador, 29 de diciembre de 2024, 7:11 a.m.
El Ajustador de Pensamientos:
"Yo soy tu Ajustador de Pensamientos, hoy trataremos el tema del sentido de la vida"
"Llega el momento que esperas una mayor participación de nuestra parte, en este punto es el momento de desmontar muchas rutinas, y el reajuste del rumbo de la vida en este plano, entra a aparecer con intensidad creciente, así podemos decir que te estás asomando a un mundo nuevo, sus parámetros son totalmente distintos, como puedes ver surge un vacío, es aquí donde surten efecto nuestras recomendaciones, y todo adquiere sentido si avanzas, esto implica mantenerse dentro de las normas elementales, admitir que todo es un aprendizaje incesante"
"Aquí es bueno traer a memoria el simple hecho de ser útil, a las personas que te rodean, y al planeta, la forma simple de ser útil es no ser nocivo, y respetar la libertad del otro, recordar que entre más avanzas, confías en dejar más libertad al otro, esto tiene un trasfondo de trabajo, queremos decir, que a estas alturas te has vuelto muy ocupado en sacar de tu psiquis elementos que se te irán mostrando, como los que recientemente descubriste, en alguna forma debes buscarlos, querer algo, induce respuestas"
"Cuando comprendes que tu albedrío es el iniciador de casi todo, las metas más sorprendentes serán asumidas, en verdad eres el artífice de tu proceso"
"Básicamente a eso se debe el estancamiento que miras, es este punto que la información juega un papel importante, mantener los medios masivos de comunicación controlados, moldea la psiquis colectiva, y traza los límites que las personas perciben"
"Yo soy tu Ajustador de Pensamientos, les amamos a todos, pasen buenos días".

Offline Ghost Dancer

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Re: Change Your Channel
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2024, 11:28:46 am »
Jose, I like your transmission better than mine. Good work. I'm glad my post inspired you to do the same. Gracious 

Offline Jose Evelio RivasPortillo

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Re: Change Your Channel
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2024, 12:35:58 pm »
Ghost Dancer gracias, saludos, compañero