Group 11:21 Truth Transmission Phoenix AZ.
By: The Pleiadians.
Received by: Evelio Rivas.
El Salvador, January 25, 2025, 6:24 a.m.
The Pleiadians:
"We are the Pleiadians, today we will address the topic of mental cleansing. Yesterday, in passing, you heard a tip that your wife was watching and listening attentively, pointing out one of the most anticipated changes that will occur in the humanity of Urantia. It is about thoughts. These define the quality of the person that you are, when they crystallize in routines that are repeated day after day, so that a large part of the new man is defined by stopping thinking and gradually placing himself in the moment, in today. But, how does humanity manage to get lost in memories and fears, without paying attention to the present moment? Well, this happens for a simple reason: in the minds of people, elements have been stuck or added that do not know rest, and they drag their host to the basket of memories, or to the bag of suspicions, but they hardly allow him to live in the present. This defines the routines of people on Urantia. So, entangled in that dynamic, it is impossible and complex to help them. What do we suggest next? Well, this is related to some pictograms that we showed today. There is an element that blocks everything from being in the present, it is about laziness. Soon this element becomes a race, and the person settles down to doing nothing. We said that this change does not happen by inertia, the person has to choose it, and as you choose what you like, and you like what you love, so love plays an important role here. This is the beginning of change, because today comes the task of cleaning yourself, this is a need for every person, nothing can clean you from the outside, every valid effort to clean yourself is born from within"
"As you see, it is a complex task, after finding the door you must sustain the cleaning effort, and little by little elements that must be swept away will appear in the person's mind, and here another challenge appears, since the broom to develop this task is partly represented by the denial of being taken to the past, or to the future, we speak of feeding such elements, but, the elimination ensures that they are no longer there, and that the scene is over, so that the cleaning techniques must be applied, which today anyone can find on Facebook, this is a pending assignment for humanity, at this point only love can help sustain the effort, so we launch again the call to recognize that we are brothers, and that our UNIVERSAL FATHER wants us to return home, his love will strengthen us, and the hope of a better life will grow"
"We are the Pleiadians, happy to cooperate in the earthly outcome, we love you all, have a good day."
The end.
Evelio Rivas.