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Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« on: February 02, 2025, 15:22:05 pm »

Online Moses Ouko

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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2025, 16:02:45 pm »

Hi. This is Dominick on February 2, 2025. Currently joined, with all lines open. No one's muted, and we're here with 5 of us right now. Michael, George, Elise, and Roger. Welcome. Now I'll just start with a quick prayer, unless someone else would like to. Roger, would you care to launch us with the prayer? 

I'm sorry. No. I've got a new phone, and I'm trying to figure it out. 

You bet. 

I'll do it. I'll do it, Dominick. 

Thanks, Elise. Go ahead. 

You want me to do it? 

Yeah. Go ahead anytime. 

Okay. Just give me give me a minute. Dear Father, dear Michael of Nebadon, our creator father, and Jesus, we come together today with just a few, but we come with grateful hearts. We thank you for the blessings we receive from you daily, and we thank you for this opportunity to be together to share our thoughts, our knowledge and we hope to grow in cooperation. We ask you, Father, to guide us in all that we do and work for. Please help us to make good decisions.

Help us to treat our sisters and brothers with respect, and most of all, help us to be able to serve you, Father, here on Urantia and in your beautiful creation. We pray for Ron Besser and for all who need your support. We pray for strength and faith to fulfill our life according to your will. We thank you, Father, for your light and your presence, and we pray for guidance in our everyday work and care for each other. Thank you.
Okay. Dominick, can I give it back to you? 

Yes. Thank you, Elise. Beautiful. This is Dominick, and it's 2:07 now. We've been in a state of no officially sanctioned Lightline communication since around October, and that's a continued pattern today as there are no, as we call it, sanctioned voice of God communications coming through on official channels such as this. That does not mean that no one's connected or transmitting. It just means that official broadcasts are not being conducted at the time. 

If you look at what has happened since October, which is roughly the start of Ron's stroke, and what has happened in the world around us with elections and world events, politics and tremendous technological advances, along with, you could call it, disasters in the news happening as well, that there is just really so much to talk about that we could dedicate entire lightlines to entire subjects if we were working under previous types of programming.

So this is I'm not going to draw out, this is recorded today, and it's not like the last 2 telephone calls in the last 2 Sundays where we really talked about the history and future of the forum and the foundation's relationship to the world at large and how that's going to change going forward as well. So we've got some updates regarding the patent. There has been there is going to be some filings for international treaties that have a deadline of 30 to 31 months once that patent got initiated that we're up against the deadline of less than 2 weeks. So the foundation is about to make decisions on which countries to file with and that will release the majority of the funds left in the foundation and enable the invention that Ron made and is putting in the entrust to the foundation to protect its use in the countries we sign on with outside of the U. S.

Let's see. So that's the patent development. And then our next order of business as a Board is determining the scope of the retainer with the attorney who's filing those patents. And this is the same attorney who filed the original patent with Ron, and he wants to work with us. Moving on another subject with the forum, the Serara forum.

The Serara .org domain is someone who provided it -provided the subdomain forum.serara .org to Ron a long time ago and is happy to provide it. That person uniquely and separately, found Ron after he asked Ron who Serara was because he, the person who eventually bought this domain, was receiving communications from someone identifying themselves as Serara. So that's how he met Ron by asking about that. But what I'm getting at is the forum in general is about to wind down and age out.

And it will be reborn in a different format. That's all. But some of the but as it's hosted now and today, it, really no longer serves a function that it was intended to do, which is kind of act as a forum like the original Urantia book had. In other words, people asking questions and receiving answers. It's kind of, you could say, devolved.

I don't mean that in a bad way, devolved into a normal activity of …. And some of the things, and even in the last few weeks, is that even in transmissions, they're turning into I've noticed they're turning into something more private, whether it's personal Adjuster communications that are received about subjects in prayer or worship or just regular dialogue. And also, more, you could say, exo political type stuff, meaning communications from fellow humans, ETs or whatever, about Jesus or, cosmology that we share with them. But that's a lot different than sanctioned communications from the Spirit government of Michael of Nebadon, Paradise, etcetera. So in that sense, there's been a difference, in the cadence, not to mention a devolution in just the minutiae of administrating it, where subjects are put up and no one really pays attention to where they're posting and in what context.

What's the point if someone comes in who's unfamiliar and finds unrelated content out of context in in different places or not. It's just not really serving its function, except for the loyal people who've stayed aboard, and we have this community. So we're not gonna destroy that. We're just gonna repurpose it somewhere else eventually, which leads me to the next point in that the projects and future of the foundation, really everything involved with Revelation needs to keep up with the technological advancements of the times, And it's the forum also does not serve a purpose meeting those conditions whatsoever. And I need people to help, and some people are.

And if you're and if it's too much technologically advanced for you, then don't worry about it. But we need, people involved in projects that are capable people, capable with industry and technology experience that they can lend to these various projects that are being developed, namely in major sectors like industry and technology or excuse me, energy and technology. Hello, Renee. Welcome. You're unmuted, and we're in the middle. Welcome aboard. 
Let's see. So really, that's all I have to say in summary, except for one more addition, which is related to the, I don't know, what might be perceived as some harshness of these updates, it’s just to give you an example. The, Mission Urantia has a weekly meeting with Machiventa at 9 AM Pacific. Gotta mute Renee. Must be feeding the chickens or something. 

But, alright. So this is an example of how lightlines and sanctioned things are probably that I see the wind changing. And I don't think even the normal folks that produce lightlines and transmissions are aware of specifically. And so my point is if Mission Urantia hosts Machiventa on Mondays at 9 AM Pacific, 12 PM Eastern, in traditional business, on a Monday, anyone who's working is not going to be able to attend that. 

No big deal. I'm just pointing out that the normal rhythm of any business that's well run has the leadership and management teams meet with the rest of their teams first thing Monday. And they go out and do their work.

That's true. 

If you're gonna yeah. If you're gonna show up on Monday with Machiventa, my feeling is that Machiventa wants to give direction. Now if I show up tomorrow morning on Monday and kinda demand this from Mark Rogers, is Mark how's Mark gonna take that when the email that sent out advertising this says join Mark Rogers for an inspirational message when everybody has been talking together for weeks, how we need to change the direction. Right.

So I'm gonna show up and ask for direction. And is that a hostile maneuver or not? I don't think it is. But it's like, this is the future, and transmitters are gonna need to convey what Machiventa wants to convey. I'm happy with Mark Rogers, if he can take that or anyone any other transmitter can take that well and give me guidance.
That's a kind of AB test for transmitters and me. Like, of course, I'm gonna receive and take direction, personally, but I think that's a interesting thing to ask transmitters to do, to give someone like me guidance and test out the transmissions that are coming from Machiventa. What do you think, Michael? You were chiming in there with a couple of amens. 

This is a well, kinda. I mean, it's all a matter of perception. And what he is, this gentleman's gonna think what his perception is of your question. You know. Like, it can be perceived several ways. Or, you know, are you challenging or which you're not. You're actually just asking how does this work, you know. How are we gonna make this work? Because Monday morning, 9 AM for me is an impossibility. As much as I wanna do it, I have other things that must be accomplished that day. 

Right. So what I'm thinking with that is, like, sorry to interrupt you, it's like it's like maybe that's not coming. You know, at first glance, you can say, boy, why is this group advertising a time slot that nobody can attend to? And then if you look at it the other way, it's Machiventa asking us to attend to give him primacy in in direction. 

Well, that's good. But could we ask him the same question? Do you want more or less people to show up? You know? It is what it is, and even I mean, I'm not here to question Machiventa in any way, but I would say to him, if he's listening, hey. Maybe if you want more people, you might consider a better time. Because working people, you know are you assuming everybody on earth is retired? 

Because we're not. I'm I should be, but I'm not. So and Yeah. You know, a lot of people are in this in in modern era, a lot of people are still working, you know, up until they they're no longer on the planet. So because they like it, it's not and, of course, some of us, we have to, but then there's the other side of it.

It was like, what are you gonna do if you're not? But, anyway, I don't wanna get lost on that. I would ask that question of Machiventa as well. Like, what do you really want? Do you want everybody to show up anyway, or do you wanna make it to where you have more people that can show up, that can be there?  That would be a logical question. 

Yeah. So I think thanks, Michael. I'll probably use that approach tomorrow when I join them. Just for noise reasons, I've had George on mute, Roger and Renee. So if you want to press 5 star or 4 star to unmute yourself, go ahead if you have anything to add while we're talking. But those are the main points I wanted to provide today on the call. So it's 20 minutes in. And, Elise, do you have any comments? 

No, not really. I was just thinking why they had changed that time, on Mission Urantia, because they used to have their meeting at 2 and then they went to 1 o’clock P. M. And now it's even earlier. And for me, it's also a very awkward time. So we should address that point, I think.

It should really be good to have it either in the afternoon or after dinner time in the evening for us, for Europe. Well, I'm the only one from Europe. So they don't have to consider my time, but for you, I think it's an unusual time at 9 o’clock in the morning. Yes, we should address it. So if you would do that, Dominick, it would be fine.

Yes. And once again, the key difference here is what's going to happen in the future as far as organizational development and working on projects? And if the focus is shifting towards projects, then such a time slot reflects the project manager, who is Machiventa, and everybody showing up is receiving direction in a businesslike fashion as opposed to the traditional message, which is inspirational? 

Yes, that's right. Machiventa didn't give them a real goal to work for, just to get together and to cooperate with each other. And maybe, Machiventa could be well, he was clear enough to get this point, but not in a way that we can start working on. 

Right. Right. And welcome, Carole. You're unmuted. You're here with a bunch of us, 7 of us. 

Well, thank you. Very good. Thank you, Dominick. 

We're not in the middle of transmission, but we're talking about the a few things. Namely, we're talking about shifting how we're going to shift focus with transmissions between working with the voice of God to get work done as opposed to working with the voice of God to answer existential questions and receive inspiration. Is that clear to someone like you coming in and just hearing that kind of summary? 

So far. 

Okay. Good. Yeah. It needs to be simple for people to understand, and we're just helping that lead. So it is being recorded, also, Carole. And…

Oh, perfect. 

We are Kinda ending the call. Yeah. We were just kinda ending the call. 


So it’s really open to everybody at this point as far as maybe revisiting some things. We've we opened up Carole and others with just appreciating all that's happened in the last 4 months to the point where you barely know where to begin.

So if anybody has some questions about some of those things, we can talk about that. Otherwise, I think we've said all we need to say as far as updates go. And if anyone would like to receive a transmission, if they're prompted, go ahead as well. Well, so much has happened in the last 4 months. Maybe people are scared to, to bring it up. But that's what the forum is for too. And really, we end that on yes. Yes. 

Is Ron, okay? 

He's okay. Yes. But he's in a situation where he's not his same self. He has severe aphasia with memory and between memory and then understanding how to say things. He doesn't retain information, to give him adequate reason to make decisions and understand, you know, protocols he needs to take for his health compliance. So all I'm saying is what that means is, Carole, is he needs 247 assisted care.

Even though he can get up and go to the bathroom and do some things that make him feel like he's independent, but he's still at a risk to fall and stuff like that. Does that help? 

Yes. Thank you. 

Yeah. Yes. So if you receive yes? 

Dominick, this is Elise. Well, just a little follow-up on Carole's question. Does Ron ever revert to the foundation, to the Magisterial Foundation or to lightlines or he never talks about that? 

Yes. Good question. He does. But in general, he senses the silence as well. So silence on an official level, certainly some silence on a personal level. And then to the point about any, say, complex communication, whether it's him receiving things or communicating any kind of, like, forward planning or organization, I can't honestly make it out. That's what I mean by the aphasia. 

Yes. I now understand.

Yeah. It'll so, for example, I'm just gonna make up some aphasia and try to emulate what you might hear from someone in Ron's condition referring to lightlines. You might talk about the ice maker, and lightlines need to make the ice maker go well. And if they don't, then everything is gonna go haywire, so the ice maker. You know? Oh. So what do you what do you make, you know, what do you make of that stuff? You can't. 

That's scary. 

Right. And so what'll happen is you come into that condition, and Ron seems fine for the first five minutes. Really clear, really understandable. And then the more you talk with him and you realize he's not retaining, information that needs to be processed together to put together anything that's really cogent or understandable, that you can trust it. You can't trust the fact that he'll take his medications once you remind him for the 5th time he needs to take his medications. That's one example.

Yeah. Just basic stuff. You need to get you know, you need to hold on to the railing when you get out of your chair, and that's fine, you know, for 7 times. But the 8th time, you know, he doesn't do it. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
And, so it's really basic baby steps to and it's just unfortunate that at age 82 and considering the noncompliance of his health condition that is probably diabetic and would explain a lot of the problems with his legs in the first place, that’s where we talked about in these last two lightlines. It's not to get into it too deeply. But at what where do you draw the line between the transmissions of Ron's personal nature compared to what's sanctioned as official broadcast from Salvington? And that's where, you know, we'll never know whether Ron had some types of schizophrenia or, cabal influence, where he describes his what normal medicine would observe and sees as untreated diabetes and a person who attributes his diabetic condition to the you know, Vorondadek Sons or the supreme or mother spirit trying to kill him. Do you understand the gravity. 


Of all these claims being made that it get associated with the executive functions of the Magisterial mission and the Magisterial foundation that it claims to represent such high authority. That's all I have to say about that for now without delving into that. But we really dove into those subjects in the last 2 weeks, and they were unrecorded for good reason because it's not fair to levy accusations on Ron without him being able to respond to those. And we don't want to open that. We just need to move forward knowing where we are in the context of all that.

We sure appreciate your work, Dominick. Thank you. 

Well, thank you. And I invested a lot to be here, and Ron invested a lot in me to put me here. It's just odd having to take leadership and recognize the good, the bad and the ugly, as we say, and then go forward.
But I do have some updates. Like, we could pray for some home care, that Ron could go home with the proper care, at home. That's a real tough thing to do. I've got a lead on some people in California that I know who may be able to come out, and that's what I would like people's prayers for, for that vector to come through because that would be a really sweet, I think, thing to happen. 

Oh, yes.

Everybody would win. If it doesn't, then the labor market for in home care is not that good, and agencies don't really have anyone ready. They have to go out and hire someone after you tell them that you need somebody. And that's how that works. So that's why he's not immediately in the home because those things just can't line up fast versus the level of care that he needs versus the financial impact that is probably, if you go through an agency, is going to be even more and you have even more risk involved, especially since Ron is not compliant a 100% of the time with understanding what level of care he needs.

So he, for example, he, you know, he wants to go up and down the stairs of his home, and that's just very dangerous for him. Stuff like that. So I've been having those conversations every single time I've seen him. Yeah. So now it's to the point where I can't really effectively see him without triggering, a sadness in him and depression, which affects, you know, both of us.

You know, I'm just trying to take steps to keep his home intact and align those things that he can be cared for once he gets home. And that timeline is April 1st. And that's a timeline that Ron has not been able to accept, because he declares himself well enough to go home within 2 days or a week, and then doesn't and then doesn't put together what conditions need to be in place for him to be successful, and he doesn't recognize those conditions. So that's the that's the kind of limbo that that I'm stuck in.

Yeah. So it's not it's not so bad. He's, I mean, he's cared for. He's fine, and he could get better. But he's not very happy there because he thinks he's better than he is and wants to go home.
And nobody around him agrees with that assessment. And so we let him be there, and he seems to be okay day to day because he doesn't really understand the time that goes by. Like, I could be there every day, and the conversation would be the same, But the conversation is still the same if I let a week go by now. 
That's all that's my update there. Was there any other questions? 

Are you with him the whole time? 

What do you mean? He's in a memory care facility on the other end of town.

OH, okay. So you live at home and see him from time to time? 

That that's right. 

I see. Okay.

And his and his sister-in-law sees him about every week as well, and she helps him with kind of physical therapy. And then the facility gives just enough care that Ron doesn't degrade, but not enough care that it forces him to improve. So that's what's different in like, a real intense Medicare facility that he was in. 

It's care rather than therapy and care. 


Usually, the way my wife works, as you know, is a is a place like the senior center. And they have psychologists and people come in that the family actually hires these people to come in. They recommend them, and they help people that are got a chance to get out. You know? So you got a caregiver that handles the physical stuff, then we have meetings with psychologists and people that help them, you know, transition back to normal life if possible. But it costs money. It's expensive though. 

Yeah. And in the meantime, I'm taking care of Ron's estate. Like, I got the home insurance taken care of. There was a drop there, and I got a new carrier. There was a plumbing incident as some pipes burst on the downstairs, with 3 days of subzero temperatures…

Oh, boy. 

...In York. And, had to take care of that. And then just taking care of the bill and working with that insurance gap for Medicare that really was in the middle of the whole ordeal. So…

You're really taking very good care, Dominick. We all appreciate it very much. 

Yes. Thank you. And really, the difficulty of last week's conversation was that I can't take care of everything 100% well without letting another thing go.

So between running Ron's estate so that things are in place regardless of his condition And then there's also taking care of the business of this foundation and all this, taking care of my own responsibilities to keep a roof over my head. And then also having my own family back in Washington state, and my mom's 86 and approaching where she needs probably some assistance. And that's weighing on me too. And then I have, and then, of course, there's Ron's personal care, you know, visiting him and making sure he's okay. And I was just saying, I can't really effectively take care of all of that without letting another go.

And so what's happened in the last couple of weeks is that, I've been able to effectively work better by not visiting Ron. So I, you know, I just have to I have to visit him soon, but I'm just explaining why because it was intense for the last 3 months. And if you're getting nowhere doing that and it's taking away from everything else, then that's the decision I had to make. So…

Wow. You have a big job there, Dominick.

Yeah. And I think I think April 1st, things could be running quite well. It's just this interim time for the next 2 months where it's very difficult. So that's all. 

Do you sleep well, Dominick? Do you sleep well? 

Yeah. I sleep fine. 

Okay. That's good.

I hope your health is good too, Dominick. 

It is. It is. You know, one aspect of being thrust into this position is I have a lot of energy. I'm not overwhelmed except for the fact that I can't make everything perfect as I just mentioned. I can't do all of everything well without sacrificing another thing. But the things that I can focus on, I'm doing quite well. Thanks. And that's what I mean by, like, it's I'm not, it's not it's not it's not I'm not all ego driven. I make sure I love the protocols of the foundation we have in place that; I'm not running the show.

And whenever I feel like I am running the show, that's a good sign I need to defer back to, Michael, Father, and any of the Melchizedeks that wish to do anything. And, of course, the support of all you starting with the board and all you, loyal community members that are here on the call. 


How are you doing, Carole? 

Well, in transition or in the process of things. Well, actually, at the moment, we're in the process of, getting a hearing aid. I have just about become deaf. And as a musician, that's not real good. Because I sympathize with Beethoven. So but it's gonna be another week and a half before I get the hearing aid, so I'm gonna have to muddle through this next week. Other than that, try to stay well. 

Good. Good. Would you be amenable to helping us with the closing prayer, Carole? 

Well, well, I yes. I'll be glad to. Thank you. 

Alright. Go ahead. 

Dear Heavenly Father and Michael and Jesus and all of our celestial friends, what a privilege it is to be able to be near you and to hear you and to know for sure that you are aware of all these situations and that you are ready to help.
And we thank you that the help that you give us is timely and is exactly what we need. We thank you that you go with us and go before us and behind us and around us so that every step we take, as we dedicate it to you, we become more like you, and we can appreciate so much more what you are like. So we dedicate the rest of this day into your hands, and we thank you for this conversation. We thank you for Ron. We thank you for Dominick, and we thank you for all those who helped.

And we thank you that you have shown us that all is going to be good after all. So we commit the rest of this day into your hands. Thank you. In Jesus' name.


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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2025, 22:06:16 pm »
Tremendous work that Dominick is carrying out; thank you very much and we hope that your sacrifice will bear extraordinary fruits, such as the return, at the stipulated time, of Ron to the forum. Although the situation of Ron described by Dominick, is not the one for which we all pray and wish, it is so stimulating to know about our great leader. However, I ask with much respect and humility, how is it that despite the limitations, we do not hear mention that in view of the serious state of health that Ron has suffered, no attempt has been made, on the part of any of our star transmitters, to obtain the medical services of Dr. Mendoza. Thank you very much
« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 23:24:37 pm by Dominick O »
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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2025, 23:35:31 pm »
Because we cannot reconcile Ron's decisions to ignore his earthly doctor's recommendations to treat diabetes and high blood pressure, or healthy diet, exercise and medications.

Instead, Ron told us, repeatedly, his condition was a rare universe condition not normally seen on this planet; or that Lanaforge poisoned him, or Mother Spirit created such conditions attempting to kill him, etc.

Under those conditions, you respect his claims from a distance. He made his decisions and banked on life extension and Mission-go. He suffers the same fate he promised anyone else with life extensions that are not in the making.

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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2025, 07:33:56 am »
Good morning, understood Dominick; thank you very much. I too had thought that something like this might be the case. However, above all circumstances, I will continue to believe that Ron is called to an even more glorious role here on the planet and that for this reason, whatever his current health condition, his case will be another great triumph of good over evil in this divine game. Thank you Dominick and ask the Universal Father to give you even more spiritual strength and mental fortitude.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2025, 08:19:02 am »
Thank you occerpa. 
One example, supporting your statement is how Ron probably came up with one of the best philosophies on the subject of Certitude this century.

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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2025, 08:22:52 am »
Thank you Dominick, Carole, Elise, Michael, Moses, and any others who played a part, for keeping us informed.  Dominick, how can we thank you enough for your great service to Ron, his estate, your leadership skills, and all you do for this forum!

We will move our prayers for Ron to the forefront.  We will keep you all in our daily prayers, thank you so much.

My question is for Dominick.  It concerns the domain, software, and database.  With the "forum in general is about to wind down and age out", has any thought been given for the future of tmarchive?

Tmarchive contains the records of the Teaching Mission, the lessons of which have great value now and into the future.  There is nothing quite like it anywhere on the internet that I can find.  Thank you in advance for any insights, discussions, or plans you might be able to share with us.


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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2025, 08:52:51 am »
From what I learned in the discovery and dialogue phases a month ago with Mission Urantia, is that Rob Davis re-created TM Archives at the Daynal Institute.

There's probably not a direct 1:1 match of records. You can kind of reverse engineer the timeline based on the newsletter disruptions in Ron's version of the archives, about when the split(s) occurred. 

What we ended up, therefore, are two silos of archives and Ron's position that his archives were official, while the rest of the movement moved on without him because Ron kicked them out of his TM Archives by literally removing Rob from the login credentials. That leaves Ron in a karmic position of people like you and I naturally wondering if something like the Daynal Institute would be willing to take them, but given the history, why should they?

The databases are proving to be too outdated for a seamless update. That's certainly the case for this forum as it is several versions too late to run an update from the Admin panel. Instead the whole thing needs a fresh install of the newest version. Hosting is not our pain point, but legacy software is that these databases are on. Ron relied on individuals who came and went, just like any other small business enterprises reliant on part-time and volunteer IT help. On top of that, Ron didn't keep up with tech advances and like many of us who are older, prefer to remain with something as long as it's still working. Think of it this way. Ron never upgraded from Windows 7 and that same approach to the servers and database carried over. And someone like me doesn't know server migrations well enough to handle it. It needs professional help and that takes money.

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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2025, 10:19:30 am »
Thank you Domminick, for this tmarchives update.

A google search on "Daynal Institute" turns up two main sites:

Nowhere have I been able to access Teaching Mission documents.  At first I thought because I am not a member, but the sites sign up is not working.  Also I came across this explanation at:

"You don't have to log in to read any public MediaWiki wiki. You don't even have to log in to edit, normally: anyone can edit almost any page, even without logging in."

It appears our site is not the only one becoming outdated.

My memory is that Machiventa has several times in the past mentioned that the Tmarchives material is worth saving for current studies and posterity.  If that is still the case, and if this is something you would support, I am willing to take a lead in assessing this situation, and if warranted, working with other groups who may also share my concerns.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 20:54:33 pm by PJammer »

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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2025, 10:53:29 am »
Thanks PJammer! I'll support your efforts. They are worth preserving. 

You also want to check out

Their latest efforts are through Center For Planetary Management (copied here from their newsletter email yesterday)

Center for Planetary Management
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Recording done via AI

Offline Dominick O

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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2025, 11:05:48 am »
I'll be frank with you PJammer,
I don't fully know or understand the full reasons Ron took actions he did when he did, other than to share the bafflement of the explanations at times, followed by the frustrations of him being unassailable because he's acting on authority of MICHAEL.

This kind of collaboration left Ron on a high ground that isolated himself and antagonized other groups. They quarantined him and he became 
non compos mentis /nŏn kŏm″pəs mĕn′tĭs/

This is why I compare him to Ellen G. White when Ron continued full time on Lightlines to declare the other groups near apostate for not recognizing his updated revelations, timelines etc.

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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2025, 13:57:14 pm »
Yes Dominick, I was a full witness, and it was sad to see. 

I have known and worked with Ron since about 2011.  At some point he began to view me as an enemy (which I never was, nor will ever be), simply because I questioned.  But we now know that illness most likely contributed.

I have an update on the Teaching Missions data, and links you gave me.

It appears to be at:

On my own, as time allows, I will do some analysis to see what the overlap is, as well as the usefulness of their site vs, then report back to you.

Thanks Much!

Offline Raz

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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2025, 11:32:14 am »
Dominick if you have a date when you know that TM archives will no longer be available that would be good for me to know.  Ron had asked that I archive all Urantia Book-related websites and I have been working on doing that. Having said that I am no computer geek and I am not even sure what I am doing is the proper way to do it so I'd appreciate guidance anyone wants to give. 

As for the individual transmissions from the Teaching Mission they are available at Daynal and are better organized there than on Serara Forum. Pjammer if you use the second link you posted which lands you on the Nordan Symposia main page and then click on Primary Corpus at the top of the list near the bottom of that page it will bring you to a page with a big long list and at the almost bottom of that list is - The Teaching Mission-Dialogues. If you click on that link you will get another page and at the almost top is a link that says "Here". Clicking that will bring you to the nearly 12,000 pages of transmissions from the Teaching Mission. Nordan is really a more superior organized site once you learn how to find your way around it. 

I started at the beginning of The Teaching Mission and am creating a spreadsheet by date of the transmissions for each year. I am only up to 1999. I would guess that there should be a way for me to access the last 20-some years once you shut down this website, Dominick, but I don't know if that is possible or how it could be done. 

In any regards I estimate that the large majority of the transmissions which are on TM archives are also on Daynal and usually they are identical when looked at closely. Having said that there are as many as ten percent that are a bit differently recorded with either a different date, location, or TR. Daynal will often have a TR listed where TM has unknown and similarly for location or vice versa. There is also a small percentage of less than 1-2 % that appear to only be on TM archives and a larger percentage of about 5% that are only on Daynal. They both have errors and sometimes have different celestials speaking or a different title. Both sites also have duplicate posts of the same transmission differently edited or only partially presented.  There are half a dozen other sites online which have many of these transmissions as well plus hundreds more transmissions that TM doesn't have but Daynal may or may not. I haven't gotten that far in my comparisons.  
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

Offline Dominick O

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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2025, 15:50:02 pm »
Here's a technical project that could be applied to other archives once the process is done with one or more.

Dom asks Computer:
Can a bot scraper or an AI agent, or a combination of the two together, effectively retrieve an archive database of articles distributed on webpages and indexed through links to those pages?

Computer replies:
I'll help analyze this question thoughtfully and provide a balanced technical response.

Based on my understanding, there are both capabilities and important considerations for web scraping and archive retrieval:

Technical Feasibility:
- A combination of web scraping bots and AI agents could effectively:
  - Crawl through webpage links systematically
  - Extract and parse article content
  - Index the content in a structured database
  - Use AI to categorize, tag, and organize the archived materials

However, there are several important limitations and considerations:

- Need to respect robots.txt files and site policies
- Must follow rate limiting and access rules
- Copyright and content ownership rights
- Terms of service restrictions
- Privacy regulations around data collection

Technical Challenges:
- Dynamic JavaScript content may require specialized handling
- Anti-bot measures need to be respected
- Site structure changes can break scrapers
- Content format inconsistencies
- Link rot and dead pages
- Load balancing and bandwidth usage

Best Practices:
- Use official APIs when available
- implement polite crawling with delays
- Cache results to minimize repeat requests
- Handle errors gracefully
- Document sources and permissions
- Follow site-specific guidelines

The most effective approach would likely be to:
1. Check for official APIs first
2. Design scrapers to be minimally intrusive
3. Use AI to help with content extraction and organization
4. Build in robust error handling
5. Maintain detailed documentation
6. Follow all applicable laws and terms of service

Would you like me to elaborate on any of these aspects? I can provide more specific technical details about implementation approaches while staying within appropriate bounds.

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Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2025, 15:50:54 pm »
Thank you Dominick for these updates. Kindly let's all keep each other in our prayers. This too shall pass.
Thank you Raz for the instructions on how to navigate the Nordan Symposia website and land on the Teaching Mission transmissions.
God Bless to all.

Love and Blessings,
« Last Edit: February 06, 2025, 02:33:30 am by Moses Ouko »