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Offline SongatSunrise

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Pleiadeans on Today's Political Scene
« on: February 15, 2025, 12:24:27 pm »
 Diary 02-15-2025

Good morning All!
Thank you Michael, Father, the Melchizedeks, and all our Celestial Helpers for your continuing guidance and care.

Is there anything you would like to say today?

Hello Pleiadeans. Come forward.

Hello Carole.
We can hardly believe our eyes to see what is happening to the political scene in your world today. We know you join hands with us in this appraisal.

Mr. Zelensky said that the war in Ukraine is lost if the US doesn't help any more.

We well know war isn't the way to go in any case. However, even without war there are victories and losses. Ukraine has much to lose: their freedoms, their most valuable  assets, their self respect, their cities now in rubble, many of their finest young men, and the opportunity to participate with other freedom loving countries. No anything to gain. It is blood chilling to us to hear your president say that Ukraine "owes" the United States their most valuable resources as "Payment" for the help the US has provided.

Ukraine did nothing wrong. They were invaded.
You may ask, how does Father deal with this?
We know that Father delegates his will to be done, through human and other celestial entities.
Sometimes it takes a long time for the parties involved to catch the vision of just what exactly they could do to implement the Father's will.
When love comes into the picture, many people will make a run for the exit.

Why, you may ask, is love so intimidating?

Nobody likes to admit they are wrong. They want to blame someone else or something else. Here is pride at its worst.

Interestingly, a male lion with his harem of females is called a "pride". The pride that runs this world is centered in only a few greedy and power hungry individuals. The mortality of human beings is a safeguard against a permanent installation of prideful individuals. This is built into the human evolutionary experience.

Pleiadeans, what do you suggest?

We have seen many cultures on many planets. War is common among mortals, but the evolutionary aim is to get past that, and work together, listening to each other, and being aware of the other's needs.
All of that takes a willingness to put self interest aside.

What now? Your prayers can put an envelope around these prideful efforts, and contain them so they can be examined. Justice as seen through the eyes of humans still exists. The power of prayer to bring forward new ideas and real progress spiritually is in your hands, particularly.
That is why it is so important that you all, individually and personally take these events to heart, because YOU can make a huge difference in the overall outcome.
Father wants you to be working with him, and alongside of Him. He has to do His work through others.

Stay strong people. Don't go away.
We love you.

Thank you Pleiadeans!

Offline Dominick O

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Re: Pleiadeans on Today's Political Scene
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2025, 13:06:23 pm »
Who Controls Ukraine Controls the World. The Stakes are High for the Deepstate

Solari Report Money & Markets: December 5, 2024 with Catherine Austin Fitts & John Titus