Author Topic: As Much As You Love Another  (Read 5059 times)

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Offline Ghost Dancer

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As Much As You Love Another
« on: February 21, 2025, 19:13:25 pm »
Occerpa, for what ever it is worth I respect your elegance to your teacher Sai Baba. I too am a die-hard Jesus disciple to the core of my very being. I often forget when I either leave a transmission or leave a comment that not everyone here has read the same books I have, or watched all the podcasts that I have, meditated like I do.
It's really about our consciousness and not filling our mindel library's in our heads so we can quote with the best of them, but how we proceed in every moment. That of service to our neighbor and love for the God that exists in us all. Whether that brother needs food, clothing, shelter or just shoulder to cry on.
As Jesus use to say and still does in my heart," as much as you have done another brother you do unto me." Peace be unto you Occerpa.
Love Ghost Dancer

Online occerpa

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Re: As Much As You Love Another
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2025, 12:55:22 pm »
Ghost Dancer, thank you for your attention to my devotion to SAIBABA, and for the rest of the comment you make, which now that a few days have passed, I will try, to the best of my understanding, to give you a proper response and I apologize for my lack of attention in time.
I don't know, Ghost Dancer, how much you have had the opportunity and interest to learn about SAIBABA, who for me represents a dividing line: before and after SAIBABA. In such a way that whenever I find the opportunity to make known about His life and His message, I am not moved by the vain purpose of exhibitionism, but by sharing without measure, what I consider can be of benefit to others; and this following the advice of SAIBABA Himself who says: "Knowledge that is not shared, nor even possessed."
I thank you very especially for your comment about, Ghost Dancer, with which I agree, one hundred percent.
Many blessings and my gratitude for your important contributions to the forum.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

Offline Ghost Dancer

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Re: As Much As You Love Another
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2025, 21:34:05 pm »
Occerpa, I  appreciate your reply to my salutation in your direction. I was not interested in Sai Babba for myself, but your steadfastness in your teacher or guru.
I too have my own thoughts, beliefs, teachers that have lived past the expiration of their flesh. Some might not necessarily blend or jive with those on this forum. So some I keep to myself for the time being. Although I would like to add that our homework here through various avatars or ascended master is not so much to add to our collective informational libraries, but a shedding of that which no longer serves us and come unto our Creator naked of all preconceived thoughts, dogma or mental luggage or preconceived anticipation about anything. There's a saying I read somewhere that states, " when you're not thinking with God, your really not thinking at all."
So I do this by staying present,  either through meditation,  yoga, listening to music or even a reading a book, thusly leaving myself open to learn or be taught something new.
Namaste' to you Occerpa. There's no word for goodbye in any native american language here in the America's. But we do have a saying in my tribes language of Ojibwa. And it is, "Giga wa-bamin miina-wa." This phrase in English means, I will see you again. Because there is no death or opposite to life.

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Re: As Much As You Love Another
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2025, 05:02:02 am »

Ghost Dancer, interesting information, thank you. Now I see where your very original name on the forum comes from. I have a lot of respect and admiration for all native peoples and their innate wisdom. 
I want to close this salutation, as you call it, by saying that my devotion to SAIBABA is not fanaticism nor an attempt to indoctrinate anyone, but rather an attempt to share what I myself seek to learn and put into practice; things like those you mention about the priority of God in all our activities, for example: "Don't talk about God, be God"; or that other one that says: "Concentrate on what you do, with your mind fixed on God." Thank you Ghost Dancer for allowing me to talk in the forum about SAIBABA, considered the only Poorna Avatar who has incarnated on the planet.  
I say goodbye in your Ojibwa language, a very stimulating expression equivalent to SAIBABA's statement: "Man is born to die no more."
Giga wa-bamin miina-wa
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"