"Free Speech"
By: René
February 20, 2025, Phoenix AZ 9:29 pm MST
Today is of special importance because it is the follow-up to the 'free speech' program that we have started, you do not see a viable option, choosing concerns that are not available, given that the matter of transmissions that do not carry any identification, must be treated in a totally confidential manner, since the key to success is that none of your interlocutors who are with you should know the source or origin of the arguments that you are using.
This is for the purpose of protecting each individual who transmits, from attacks similar to those that have occurred in past centuries who have been unjustly punished for having more advanced and different points of view than the public.
This is one of the first reasons that are the most valid. It is well known the aberrant acts that have been committed against the so-called martyrs, many of them have died at the stake, others on the gallows, many have been tortured with death mechanisms.
The time we are reaching on Urantia has similarities, starting with the governments that become biased, and that is a characteristic of the fact that the people are becoming ungovernable. It is our wish to communicate, based on some readings of the future probabilities, I want to make you aware of the reasons that have led us to promote this new system, especially with the elements that know how to listen to the voice of their Adjuster, we must understand the reasons, so that they are coherent with the situation that they live on Urantia.