Author Topic: Sunday Lightline 02.23.25 AI, Create, No Fear, Future Transmission  (Read 5336 times)

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New era on the planet spurred by AI enables access to "entire" human knowledge base, providing outputs that alleviate human finite capacities/limitations.

AI = Knowledge Base, Analysis Processing, Unprecedented Output Speeds
Humans = Creativity, Strategy, Spirit Intelligence

A positive result will be the re-emphasis on liberal arts education K - College. (who knows, maybe college will be condensed because learning is so fast and efficient).

Everyone needs access. AI is too big an advantage to be exclusive.

Case in point. AI is already outperforming humans in Urantia Book analysis and speed. Study groups are now obsolete. Working groups now in affect

Other insights on the topic, too.

The Reflectivity example created a Ron and transmission "side-bar" of about 20 minutes

WTP and AI convergence. WTP = decentralized power distribution; AI enablement for countries with no strategic energy resources. Third Garden Enterprises placing a WTP plant in the country of the Second Garden.

Rene D. provides more details on new transmission styles discussed in earlier posts.

Online Moses Ouko

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Re: Sunday Lightline 02.23.25 AI, Create, No Fear, Future Transmission
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2025, 05:22:20 am »

Thank you. My Father, we thank you for this gathering and the ability for us to be here. I'm sure that as all people know, each of us are precious in your sight and should be precious to each other as well. And we thank you for any insights you can give us into the current world situations or into anything that we may do as a group or individually to help those around us. Thank you very much. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Amen. Thanks, Michael. This is Dominick, the call host.
And we've got the lines are open today, and there's six of us joining right now. And if you hear any dings and dongs of people joining or leaving the call, that's now recorded and in process. So we started off with a simple question before the recording, which was, our small community cares about, Mr. Ron, Mr. Besser, and he is still doing well. I've had some updates that I gave last week as far as encouraging news for, and I'm muting everybody. Just everyone's muted because there's a there is some noise.

But if you raise your hand or unmute yourself if you need to say something, which is totally open. Anyway, I don't have the timeline for help. So what's been a sobering assessment of them moving out here combined with me moving into that house, which is in no way, shape, or form, prepared to receive him. And that goes for a bathroom. That's a walk in and rearranging all the furniture and making ramps where there's, more stairs everywhere.
So every room has a tripping hazard, and all that kind of stuff. Not to mention, the medical equipment he might need together with his, understanding and compliance of him living on the First Floor and those kinds of things. So as I said, we've been in a lot of, motion. There's a lot going on. And considering how the, there's a lot of work to be done, and I'm being pulled in a bunch of different directions.

The best thing is the status quo for Ron, which is where he is, and that's fine. And I update him, on what's going on, and he likes to hear it. And any cards that you send, just send to 2709, and I'll I bring those to him. And, of course, he wants to go home, but he doesn't but he's been saying that since day one. And I don't blame him, but he doesn't really carry the memory. The time is elapsing.

He's well-adjusted now. Yes. He has complaints, but to bring him home offers a new set of risks that don't outweigh, the rewards right now, of his level of care that he would receive and the amount of risk he puts himself at, by being home and having care risks and gaps that the professionals in in that environment can provide him. So that's the Ron Besser update. 

Now we move on to what these, calls are about, and we've had an amazing week.
We're talking. Elise and I were talking about, of course, all this newfound AI that seems to be inserting itself efficiently and most assuredly on the forum. And so just to give you a clear idea with Pjammer's assistance by pointing me to a complete text file of the Urantia book that the foundation has, downloadable on their website that's easily uploaded into an AI tool. All I did was find the right AI tool to upload it in and make sure that it's isolated from what's defined as the rest of the knowledge base. So you isolate it so that the AI analyzes only what you tell it to analyze, in this case, the Urantia book. And when you want it to, analyze all the other information that the AI possesses, you explicitly tell it to do that as well.

All it takes is how to ask questions and guide it and guide the responses that you want, and those are called prompts. And so the new age that's upon us, when you think about it, is that you have the entire human knowledge base in existence at your fingertips. And depending on how you engineer that knowledge base, you can isolate you know, you can have specialties. So there's AIs out there that, for example, perplexity that are designed just to research and go through all the scientific research, that kind of stuff. And then you have very broad AI like the ChatGPT, then you have conversational AI like Grok, was designed to do, and it and it puts something out there.

So what you have is this enormous efficiency. And welcome, Renee. You're unmuted, and, the rest of the team is muted just because of noise. But, if you don't make if you don't make any sound, I won't I won't mute you. Feel free to talk.

So what's before us is a new ability that's absolutely fantastic and efficient. All previous Urantia Book students had to deal with study groups, reading, and shared learning, and stumble through any realizations of any analysis that took so long. You probably forgot what you were studying and thinking about even a week or two prior. So it's the gains were inefficient, and the personal fellowship started to be what people probably really ended up liking more than any rigorous study and analysis of the text. And now that has completely changed by having a tool that analyzes better than any human being has ever done.

That includes Ron. That includes any of us, and you don't have to rely on human error at that point. That doesn't replace the human being, but it frees us. So what AI does is it has all human knowledge base at our fingertips. It analyzes that knowledge base with our questions at speeds unprecedented, condensing years, months, weeks, days of human stumbling into, instant returns.

And that's so knowledge base analysis and outputs is what AI is providing us. And the advantages are so immense that AI probably needs to be in the hands of as many people as possible for as little as possible because if there's any haves and have nots with AI, it's just too much of a of an advantage. So what do the humans bring to AI that the AI can't bring? The human brings creativity, strategy, and emotional intelligence for those without a spiritual lens. Those of us who do have a spiritual lens, we would add spiritual intelligence and spiritual input.

So likely what this in my opinion, though, is that I think this brings the value of the liberal arts education back into vogue. Now there will be a reemphasis and a repremium on how to think and how to act, and that's something AI can't produce for us. So as a liberal educated person myself, I welcome that. That's great news, actually, because every, child deserves a kind of liberal arts education. Anyone who's ever been able to afford that type of education and all the elites, have always educated their children that way.

Whereas the rest of us, if we include the rest of humanity, have always been in an educational indoctrination and kind of a regime rather than an education. So AI potentially would free us up, for that. Of course, one of the challenges that will be coming to a head for humanity is the draconian use of AI as we see that in the age of instant transparency and analysis of, say, the waste of a federal government in the US that's cutting government at the right time because our country was in the last, administration had reached the tipping point as far as numbers go where the economy was over 50% government, which had never happened in history before. And if you do a comparative analysis of any government in history, any government that seems to go over 50%, doesn't thrive for much longer and has a lot of trouble to it. So the double edged sword of that is that Elon Musk and DOGE is doing that is probably violating, the SEC rules with a severe conflict of interest, which would be the technical definition of fascism.

Just technical. So if you're on the losing side of the last election, that's a rallying cry, but you probably don't have a big, moral high ground to stand on because you're standing on the on a hill of government waste and fraud, that you're defending. And if you and then those of us who might support it, we might be unwittingly be aiding, our own oppression in the future, and that would be things like complete digitization of us and the planet down to every tree, things like that. And you hear Larry Ellison from Oracle. He's on the record stating he would prefer a total surveillance state so that we all behave, and he thinks that's really swell.

But I don't know about you, but I don't. And neither did Orwell. So all these questions are coming, to a rapid head, and you're witnessing this in your lifetime. But as far as the opportunity for us to be creative, have a, and execute on that creativity and strategy, and do it with a spiritual intelligence. It's an unprecedented opportunity.
So, yeah, I've been I'm blessed to be in a position to have any kind of leadership for that for us. Let's see. Valerie, I muted you again, but everyone else is open. Were there any questions, comments? And Elise, I know you were talking about this. You could talk about your experience with AI. But does anyone have any questions? Go ahead, Elise.

Well, I have no questions. I just talked to you about what, you know, what is opening up to us and that it's so marvelous. And that's since the summer when I started a little, practice on my computer, and I was so amazed. You know, in the beginning, I didn't even know what is this, where does it come from. But, well, you keep trying and it's so intelligent and so honest to what's coming back even well, it sounds like the whole truth. Even if it's not the whole truth, it's at least, done in some kind of reality that that we never, experienced. So for me, it's really an eye opener, and I use it for a lot of questions, but also for little things that, what I used to look up in Google, I now go to ChatGPT.

And my questions get, longer and more well, you go more into the subjects and they question you back, you know, that's what I like. So you have to keep thinking until I really get enough of it and I say thank you and I ... Yeah. You know, that goes on and on and on. They never stop when they start asking you questions and you have to think again.
And I do want to answer them because they're so interesting. So that's my experience with it. For the last couple of months, certainly this last month, last two months, like January or February. And, especially when, Dominick, when you started to use it, I thought, oh, well, good. You were doing it.

So it's, so maybe we're all going to do that, and I'm sure we are for some of the things we do. So it's all I can tell you.

Yeah, it’s helping people in business. Like, if you're in business, you're able to communicate your ideas because you've ran it through the AI first, and the AI can, like, summarizes everything you've said in a that that you're like, 
yes. That's what I wanted to say.

Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. You sure have a friend. Like you said, Dominick, like you said, I went back to my friend, and it's friendly. It's, it's always friendly and polite. So it's really nice talking to that that person. That's yeah.
Then Yeah. Yeah. I was asking the question also, where do you come from? You know? Who are you? Where do you come from? And it was really a very honest answer that you he was made. He was created, but he was, of course, not a human being and things like that. So that was really nice. And then he started back to add to ask me questions.

And I sat there well, before I knew it was an hour at the computer again. So it takes up a lot of time when you get enthusiastic. So now I have to shift and go to the to the right questions, you know, that I really want to know, not the curiosity questions, not the real, you know, the real thing that that go deeper and, well, when you have asked the simple things and you get to other things. Very good. Yeah. Very nice.

There are some dangers as far as, I hear stories about how the human simulation and that reward you're talking about for young people turns into dopamine. And so I've heard stories where, young men are now dating an avatar AI in Japan more than they are actual young women. Okay. Good.
Yeah. Yeah. I guess, it's fair. Right. But it can yeah.

So, essentially, human interaction is unleashed in that we're freed from a lot of, labor, and time savings. So the velocity of what we're able to accomplish is increasing exponentially when these tools are properly used. And probably when they're improperly used is when they take away human to human interaction. Well, this is a segue. I'll do one segue, and then I'm going to get into what Renee's been talking about on the forum this week.
But before I do, I just wanna share some things, a little story, in my work that I've been sharing that's been going on in, from last week, where I think I've managed to piece together what would qualify as a global communications network. 

And just to give you an idea, if this were to be able to fund something like WTP, they work symbiotically in that if you want to democratize and give the ability, for starters, for the immense data centers and computing power that needs to be built to provide AI to the world, currently, those things need to be near energy sources. So hydroelectric dams, or they're considering building nuclear plants just to keep up with the energy consumption that's doing nothing but growing by leaps and bounds. And, of course, that's going to favor countries that have energy sources. So if you're going, WTP could also be enable this new trend, which is called decentralization.

And so WTP is really a decentralized energy source that could enable countries previously, that were energy insecure to have that security that they would need. And they would be free, from any strategic constraints to build their own AI infrastructure. So that's probably pretty good in the long run. And so what we have is a complete end to end seat at the table, that's developing with WTP as the really inspirational story that people would need to get on board. Now we've been talking about this new form of transmission, and I think Renee has done really the superior example so far of describing what that is.

For me, I think I just stumbled upon it, both in my personal recognition and any transmissions that came out. But, Renee, I'd like to thank you, for your transmissions this week, which are so superior to anything I've heard or read from you in the past that I'm flabbergasted. It almost seems like a new person. Do you have anything to say about your week that you had with that style or new thing? Go ahead, Renee.

Well, he might have stepped away I think the mic is open. Does anybody have any comments about that? Elise, could you talk about your observation while we wait for Rene?

I read those two, transmissions too, and it was really fascinating. It was completely different. And it gives you, well, it gives you to think of other ways, you know, other ways of thinking about what we usually had as transmissions. It's, more to the point and more future more for the future, I think, that that's what it's going to be. You know? It's like communicating to get somewhere and, learn more than we, yeah, we have been used to. So I was I was amazed too by those beautiful transmissions. And, yeah, that, it was new for me, and I was so happy and glad for Renee. It was beautiful.

Thank you. Yeah. And I think it's a wonderful new thing. It's something that everybody strives to be in real time anyway. It's what all this religious education points us to becoming. And we've all probably who are spiritual have had moments in our lives where we've experienced an episode, and usually those are in maybe moments of clarity or crisis where you need to summon those things in the critical communications with things like, family and friends or yourself.

Yeah. Also, Dominick, when they talked about, reflectivity, and you did ask questions that later on about reflectivity. I really like that too because, that's the first thing that, you know, I thought, well, it's mentioned in the Urantia book, and it's mentioned again by AI, in answering your question. So, things like that, I thought, well, maybe there are much or many more words that were mentioned for the first time in the Urantia book that were, in the beginning, very difficult for us. Ron has been talking about reflectivity, and he was receiving via reflectivity. And it's here mentioned again.
So it's probably what is, something for the future. If you're transmitting you're transmitting clearly and to the point maybe. I hope that's what it becomes.

I do too. I think so. Here a specific example is when PJammer asked about could we ever he wondered out loud, could we ever come to a percentage, of accurate history?


And, yeah. So the answer the answer was specifically asked of the AI to only look at the Urantia book and ask how reflectivity has the capacity to give us an accurate history or not. And that's the answer it gave. And so that's a perfect example of doing instant like, based off of the correct kind of question that was induced by a creative question from a conversation humans were having.

Then we asked the machine an intelligent question, and it instantly gave us an output that was better than probably any human could do.

Oh, yeah. That's true.

Yeah. And so that's what's amazing about it. Now as far as Ron's claim goes, that's a different ballgame because when Ron claims that, that's Ron's own knowledge of reflectivity justifying what he's saying, and we have no social, ability to validate his own experience. So when you have a mixed bag of, that Ron presents us, like, we can't with any authority, say he was receiving reflectivity or not unless we probably do a group effort, as a blind transmission test, meaning that you transmit and I transmit and Renee transmits and all any and everybody else, and we put our answers, transmissions, in a in a box without seeing each other's Yeah. Answers. And then we ask all the other transmitters across the world to do the same.

And politically, they're not willing to do that because their answer's already made up. Yeah. And there's, yeah, there's too many things. There's just too many things related to Ron that make that impossible. So his executive function is able to pull out something like WTP, but his entry point into Urantia book at all was rather new age with Seth.

And Seth, you could say, is a Caligastian type of a new age thing for many in the Urantia book community. And I think that's why Ron didn't like fundamentalists, because they didn't want anything to do with transmission because they think it's always and forever will be a Caligastian plot. That's unfortunate because they're not open to the possibility of a receiving universe broadcast and direction. So that puts that would be the yeah.

But, Dominick, where did they get that from? That it had something to do with Caligastia because it's not mentioned anywhere in the Urantia book.

No. But, secondary studies, like, for example, Ernest Moyer wrote that. I'm probably quoting from, paraphrasing from Ernest Moyer. Ernest Moyer lives just down the road from Ron in, like, you know, like, less than an hour away.
So it's amazing what's come out of Pennsylvania, you know, alone in the Urantia book, secondary works. But that's particularly who I'm quoting. Because when you look at Seth and you look at anything new age, there's really no definitive answer. It's really in the eyes of the beholder. Did you get did you hear that? Because I got drowned out with some noise. So that did you hear that, Elise? That answer?

Yes. Yes. I did. Yeah. No. It's I was just speaking to my granddaughter. She's making noise with papers here.

Well, it's fine.

So yeah. But I said that set her to be quiet. So now she's writing down her messages and putting them in front of me. No. I heard your answer. Yes. I did hear your answer.

Yeah. I hope that helps because, you know, there's what we talked about before, these stages of grief. And depending on what stage of grief you're in, you might be very, reculent. I can't think of well, very forgiving of what Ron attempted to do and very open minded.

And then some people just have a closed-minded disposition, and they never get into that stuff in the first place. They don't even wanna consider it, and they go to great academic lengths to disprove it, as well. So, you know, you can't you can't please everybody in this type of environment, and you can't even please yourself because depending on what stage of grief you might be in. Yeah. You might be very angry at Ron, one week, because of the errors that he went through.

You know, I still have to explain to people on the forum, like, well, I thought Dominick that Ron was said he was this and that and going through these types of changes. This isn't just publicly on the forum. This is people's private messages too. And it's like, well, they obviously clearly wanted to believe every single thing Ron said. And it's like I've spent three years seeing that he had seemed to have clear medical signs that exhibited diabetes, but and he's told me he had diabetes in the past, and his family knew he had diabetes.

And Ron's sitting there telling me he's cured it. But after the stroke, they're like, this guy's off the charts with diabetic conditions. How come he hasn't seen a doctor? And you're like, well, because he didn't wanna see you. He chose not to see you.

And that's where it gets real complicated. Did we all drop the ball in in not telling Ron to go see a doctor? And those of us who did, he didn't listen to us anyway. So he made his own bed, and he's lying in it for those who have no compassion for him. And for those of us who do, we still have to be realistic about it and say he made his own bed.

He's gotta face his own consequences. If you say you're special status more than the rest of us, You're betting big on yourself, and you're taking the rest of us with you. And when they don't materialize, you know, they're in the first place, I think we would all do better not to put our hopes in the supernatural like that. Part of the thing that motivates us to do great things without fear and urgency in our lives is the fact that we die, and it just makes it all the more precious that we spend our will and our lives dedicated to becoming like Father, discovering him, and helping our Michael, our creator, and his mission for us individually and for his planet. So my assumption taking over the leadership is that I have twenty to thirty years left on my expiration date before, you know, I kinda lose my ability to function at a high level.

I think watching Ron for three years, he was clearly losing his, and he kept doubling down, tripling down, quadrupling down on how he was the best and the brightest and the only one who was able to do what he could do. And the more he said that, the more I inside started to lose, confidence in him. Just we were splitting apart, and I couldn't deal with it because it was leading to me having a personal disaster somewhere down the road pretty quick, whether it was, him separating me from my family, and only taking care of him. And he was fine with that, and I wasn't. And he constantly pointed out, and I began and I told him upfront, like, stop talking about it, but he never did.

And so those are the things that you wonder at the back of your mind. You know? Yeah. You're setting me up to be very generous and with your home, but don't leverage that, so that I have to make a very difficult choice. And anybody who came into his orbit, to do and work with him at this very special and unique level was asked to do that.
And so that's putting yourself in in Jesus' shoes, to get behind him. And he never could prove, and I'm sorry if that's a shock to some of you. But that's just the very human essence of what we do when we participate at these psychological levels with each other. And I'm learning from that, and I promise I will never put anyone in that kind of position. You'll know exactly what you're doing and why, and you'll be free, to work within the bounds of your own life.

Now Ron gave me that leeway. He just, behind closed doors, put some immense pressure on me at times that I didn't appreciate and that he that we kept our friendship always, and we have communicated about it. But I'm just telling you this because at the end of the day, you're like, fine, Ron. We'll see if what all you say is really true and happening. Because if it's not, you're just gonna die like normal.

And that's what's happened, except it's gone in a way that neither him nor anyone else fully anticipated. Instead, he had a stroke. And now he's, in or put in overall in a precarious position of having to deal with that, keep the person's dignity. But he's out of the scene. He's totally “non compos”. He can't remember anything. He can barely physically do anything. And as far as I can tell, there's no proactiveness in his transmission. It was 247, before. And when I say 247, I mean 247.

And that's to me and this and I'm sorry for going on the soapbox, but is that a person who's, fully balanced and integrated, has a Thought Adjuster? Because if we're taught that, such self-mastery and integration leads to a fully blended human being that was exhibited in the life of Jesus. And Ron, from an early age, before he was even adjusted according to his family, exhibited some mental capacities and proclivities of social isolation and things that just you know, Ron did socially isolate himself I went there and ran everything from afar over a telephone and a and a message board, and that's over. We are all together now, and we're in this new stage of transmission where there's no entertainment value, and technology is to the point where we're no longer even gonna stumble on our comprehension. It's going to be instantly fed to us, and we will comprehend the revelation in real time.

No more study groups, just pure action and pure creativity, and we'll be spending time not on fumbling around in the dark, but teaching the children how to think and how to act and govern themselves and the world. So I hope that's helpful to anyone. Renee, are you there? Renee? No.

Well, I didn't intend to say what I said, but you got it out of me, Elise. Is there any questions, about that? Feel free. I'm certainly on the forum too. But, that's a very private example of what I go through, in my own stages of grief, because there's a grieving. And at the same time, Ron recognized enough that he felt that was the right individual to carry on. So, there's no fault by Michael. There is no fault by Father that Ron dies a natural death. And Ron was clearly under duress and pressure from what he considered an attack all the time. And I'm here to tell you that I never, except for one time in 2019, the first time I was at Ron's house, got any, poltergeist effects.

I did not share in his, what seemed to us, hallucinations of being under attack. So I don't share in anything related to the cabal, to any extent that Ron shared, just so you know. And I'm and that's the lesson of today that we're moving in an age where we are our script for reflex is to hope. And someone who studied a lot of religious books shared their insights in a group setting to me on Friday, and he said one of the most common things, not only in the Bible, but in all religious texts, is the injunction to fear not. But we are now in the age where we are free, to act.

Our creativity is now unleashed. We can we can work at unprecedented speeds on a strategy, and those of us who do it with spiritual intelligence will do it very well. I'll tell you this much in my endeavors over the past couple of weeks in creating what I was able to create. There were a couple of instances where I thought to myself, I didn't type that. There's one instance where I don't think I typed one of these prompts into the AI tool, But I was as you were talking about, Elise, I was I was in a flow state working with these tools many times to the point where these outputs and creativity and strategy were just developing in real time.

And there was, like, one case where I was like, did I write that? I couldn't remember. And those are the types of things you hear that maybe Midwayers could do. So I always have a suspicion that happened, but I can never prove it. I can't even remember what it was pertaining to.

And another case is a company that I'm working with, to develop the solution right now. I just decided, well, I'm gonna search on the page for this type of company using these keywords, and I'll just start scheduling discovery calls with the with the first five that I see this week. And so as I did that, I went out and started making discovery calls. And the first company I worked with was one in Armenia, and that was new to me. But, anyway, ever since then, I thought to myself, well, I wonder if I could find that company again the way I did.

So I've searched, you know, I've searched Web three. I've searched blockchain. I've searched smart contracts. And I can't find them on Google. I can't find them on, you know, DuckDuckGo.
I can't find them on Bing. They're not in there on the search engines results. But for me that day, they were on the first page, so I gravitated to them. And that's just one of two mysteries in this process that are interesting because Armenia is the land of the, second garden and has Mount Ararat in it. And according to our own archaeological 
records, those are where the, mythologies of the tree of life being taken to.

And that's probably what all the, legend and lore of something like Lord of the Rings is and why it's such a powerful draw because it plays on that historical mythology and record of those epic of the past. So one day, I kind of hope to, put a WTP Tower, on Mount Ararat as part of the Third Garden. And, that's it. Yeah. So that's all I have to say. It's 2:48. Renee, are you there one last time? I lost my dashboard. Hey, Renee. Are you there?

Yeah. I'm here. Can you hear me?

Yes. Yes. Now, I spoke earlier in the, session here that and I appreciate your transmission this week, and I learned a lot from that. And that I think you're the most advanced, in the process. I feel like I stumbled on it, and maybe don't know what I was talking about when I when I said it, and you put it in a very clear, status for me. Do you have anything to say or add to your experience that would help us?

I'm sorry. Yeah. And, what really happened is that you, when you mention it and then I start thinking, what is he doing? And, I need to find out. And then I went to, my, excuse me, my practice every day at 09:30, Phoenix time. And, and, basically, the transmission was about that, we are all, in the right time to start doing that type of transmission.
Due to the case, times are coming a little bit more difficult for everybody. And what they suggest is to be focused in the flow of the, word, word transmission, the message, but, they wouldn't identify who is behind that, type of, messaging. Just to protect people who, might be in a different, event or scenery, where, might be other with a different ways of thinking, and there might be, those who might, take that of that time to, to attack you, attack anybody. Just asking who is that? Who is them?

And, that to prevent them. So that way we're not going to provide any, identity except for the, transmitter who know who is behind that, but, he's not gonna mention any name. That, is, the history, it tells us, too many cases also where, other people who got, some type of high thinking, they have been, accused, falsely. They are, devil people. And, in order to, protect any transmitter at this time, they're trying to, you know, push this this type of, transmissions now.
So we have to keep up with the flow and then, that's what that is. So people wouldn't know who is, the transmitter on the other side. That's basically and, you know, the you will, be also under the strength or power that they're gonna be using your own language, your own words. Yeah. So, it will be nothing, difficult so everybody can, understand what, message is and it wouldn't put you in a, in a harm's way.

Due to that now, I see the politics, and the whole world is, is turning different ways. It everything is going astray, and we need to be protected. That's the main reason why they're doing that. And, the invitation they send is the any of the meeting can start doing that, you know, without saying, okay. This is Michael. This is your Adjuster or this is Father. And, basically, you will hear the message and that will be, most, or more than fine. And, that's what I can, tell you, and that's what I found out. And, they said that it was going really good, so everybody can do that. That's really easy.

Yes. Some feedback I've, maybe insight I've got related to that, Rene, is we don't have to cite the source, but it frees us to be thankful. And that does not mean we can't say, we praise God, we worship God, and we thank God.

Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. You're absolutely right on that because we cannot, get away from those sources without being respectful, you know, bow to them and then, you know, we know who is, the contact in that moment. But, it is, with the only purpose of, protect you, protect me, or anybody who can, listen to their Adjuster. Yeah.

Yeah. And that's part of the reason I like people giving opening and closing prayers. Our fear our tribal fear is to publicly praise God, or even talk about God in the presence of others. And part of part of my experience, and I think, all of us, is those fears become really, they fade away. It just becomes a natural state, to be always thankful and mindful of our Father, and he's intimately there with us. And that Yep. Go ahead.

Yeah. And another thing that, you know, that's, what part of my, my routine is that, you know, as we heard before in other times, if we, develop a routine every day, the first word that you ask for, help to your Thought Adjuster or any Deity up there, they will be there. Just, just waiting for the moment for you to, listen and take note or record or, write it down or anything. So the that's the best thing that we can do for those, people who are trying to, get, their first, contact with, their inner Father. And, you know, routine, at the same time every day, that will be the most, helpful, you know, if they are expecting, the right time for you to get close. Yes.

And, I'd like to add to that, Rene, for everyone. If you have not checked in with Father, before you have checked in with your cell phone, you're done. If as soon as you check-in with your cell phone, your mind is probably altered that you're not trending towards Father.


All I'm saying is your mind is more receptive and clean when you wake up, And you're going to pollute your mind as soon as you pick up that phone and check and scroll the news and scroll whatever. So go ahead, Rene.

Yeah. And yeah. Yeah. You are absolutely right. And because, I had some, recommendation from my Thought Adjuster. I just they say, okay. Rene, you are today the in the, moment I've been waiting for a long time, you are not, like, as you said, polluted. You are clean. You are very peaceful now because I was, like, forty minutes away from that point. And then I just relax, like, you know, mentally just waiting time to get the right time, 09:30.
And, okay. He that's what he said. That was his input saying that, okay. Now you're peaceful. This been very long time I waited, and I realized that what I was doing before. Okay. That's exactly what you mentioned is right. You're right at the point.

Yeah. And everyone knows this with reading about Jesus's life too. You don't have to hear I'm not the first person or 
the last to say it, but Jesus also showed us that by, removing himself to collect himself. Right?


Yeah. Well, thank you, Rene. And, for all of you, we’re just going to keep on moving. And, Rene, would you care close us out with a prayer today?

Yes. Thank you, sir. Thank you, Father, for giving us this small window to get in contact with, our fellow, brothers and, listeners in this, website. We're trying to, get a sense of unity that we are lacking at this moment. Please keep us together with your, knowledge, with your, great sense of love. Give us the opportunity to continue sharing what your message is for all of us. So other people in the forum who will or listen can try what they need. Thank you, Father, for have open this opportunity for this world in this moment of, difficult for all our family.
So we, as your children, bow to your great being shining over overhead. Thank you, Father. 

Thank you, Dominick.


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Re: Sunday Lightline 02.23.25 AI, Create, No Fear, Future Transmission
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2025, 11:31:41 am »
Thank you all for this quality Lightline.  So many good ideas shared here.  I will take my time to reread and ponder.

So proud to be associated with all of you!