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And all those videos about messagens from Ashtar Sheran or something, are they all lies too? Why is there people that spread lies in the name of pleiadens then?
Hello HelderPoeta,

Here is a link to a website that may help clarify things.

Thanks for asking.

Song at Sunrise.
So, there are some people talking about Med Beds, and that they are a thing given by the Pleiadeans and the Galatic Federation... so these talks are lies?
A small explanation for you over these Lightline changes I especially am experiencing now.  I dislike cancelling any of them, but we must be reminded of something I suppose most of you are not aware of that affects the Lightlines at time.  For one thing, are you aware that Michael has been on Urantia for the past six (6) days?
He just left this morning, and took with him his Staff of about 1 million beings.  He was prepared to start a mini-Mission, but failed to synchronize with the polarity of the planet.
I do not know much about that, but I do know the Urantia Book speaks of the Urantia pole synchrony required of anyone who attends to the planet for beneficial reasons.  I am also aware that our planet has been cast out of several communal service organizations AGAIN over our incessant war happenings every few years.  It also appears that the United States may be drawn into a war in the indo-Pacific region is China does not stop fooling around with the smaller and independent countries of Indo-China (i.e. Southeast Asia), and for that reason hear this:
The indo-China region of Urantia is infested with so many subliminal interior land cracks, the shores of the South China Sea and other regions around Japan and Korea, could seriously decay if explosives, perhaps of a magnitude of atomic explosions, could rupture the sea bed in the South China Sea near Tokyo, Japan.  The would increase inland pressure on Tokyo and perhaps collapse the southern end of Japan and South Korea.  For reasons of secrecy, the indo-China region has not been discussed at all, but the recent sticking of the Urantia core has the Power Directors seriously troubled over what to do about the Urantia core.
All of this seems to come up and accrue over problems with the spiritual aspects of our planet, and I am seriously concerned we could have a major collision with fate and ceremony if this core problem is not corrected soon.

About 3 weeks ago I had a promisory note delivered to me which explained that the core of Urantia was unstuck for a change and was floating around in its normal sequence in its central vault about 3,250 miles toward the center of our planet. 
That is seriously taking the toll on MICHAEL OF NEBADON, for he is on the plant with us from May 17 through May 19 this morning.  He left about six hours ago now, and left me with this announcement:
The last five years of the Urantia fault lines beneath of the South China sea have been exacerbated by the North Korean testing of atomic weapons.
For that reason, there is an alert issued by the Power Directors, to clear the ancient sea bed around Formosa and Taiwan.  These degrees of insurrection physical power are forcing the entire central region of Urantia celestial Directors to consider an evacuation of the best and brightest people on Urantia.

"Their is scant evidence right now to be alarmed.
"However, this could change dramatically in the next 24 or less hours due to the fact that a subterranean fault line is present collapsing, not under China, but under Taiwan.  This was caused by an alarming fault collapse this morning just as the Creator Son was leaving.  We ascribe this to the stong spiritual power of the Creator Son, and have no way of knowing precisely if there is also a repair.

"A similar cause like this was caused by the appearance of Caligastia over 250,000 years ago and that tectonic collapse still has not been remedied.  For our own good cause, we must stay away from this very recent change in the depths of Urantia, and MICHAEL OF NEBADON, is attempting to remedy the tear in the deep underground of Urantia.

"Finally, the approaching death of Ron is coming along rapidly, and he cannot get sense from FATHER what to do with is properties that undo these forums you listen to.  We have no idea what is planned, and Ron is very tired today and just lets things sit while this problems communicates more than a seizure of land, but it also threatens the integrity of the whole planet too.  For instance, the rupture of these SE Asia tectonic plates could render a huge whole into the plant's side, and if that happens the planet would have to be evacuated.

"We have to leave this alone for now:

"We  are unaware of this development here on Paradise.  We are unaware of this at all.  But I see that the Creator Son is sincerely concerned.  Do we have a report?"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Yes, and it is true and dangerous.  I will report this later today in a discussion with Ron, and his ability to hold Lightlines if he has to suddenly and we may call the Lightline at once if this gets any worse.  The tectonic plates under the South China Sea are not the real culprits, but the atomic testing by North Korea has seriously undermined the entire region.  More on this when I can report on this better.  K"
Ron - I will keep on this as I can.  For now I close.  Thank you.  K


Amen on that Robert.


Thank you for your message above to let us know about your health,

resting will help you save your energy. 

May God the Father continue to bless you, to keep you safe and help

you to regain your health.

TRANSLATIONS / 19.5.2024 - Plejadianie i komory leczenia
« Last post by Andre_P on May 19, 2024, 04:26:43 am »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Przekazała : SongatSunrise, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : Wiadomości od Plejadian i innych ludzkich cywilizacji / Plejadianie i komory leczenia
« 18 maja 2023 r., godz. 22:30:49 »


Dzień dobry ! Witajcie Plejadianie ! I Arthuro, Melchizedekowie i wszyscy zainteresowani słuchacze !

Witajcie Plejadianie ! Dziękuję za dołączenie do mnie. Co chcielibyście dzisiaj powiedzieć?

Plejadianie : Tak, dziękujemy Carole. Obserwowaliśmy, jak wielu z was na forum nieco opadło z sił, gdy ogłoszono wycofanie. Mimo to wszyscy byliście upominani, żeby „trzymać kurs”!

Reakcją było „uh. . . . OK”. Ogłoszenie ? Niewiele. Chyba, że tak.

W tym miejscu chcemy podjąć ten wątek. Wszyscy „trzymaliście kurs” przez długi czas. Co robiliście przez ten czas ? Samo „przeczekanie” nie oznacza energicznego udziału umysłowego i duchowego.

Pozwól nam zadać WAM pytanie : Czym jest ten „Kurs” ?
Każdy z was ma inną odpowiedź na to pytanie.

Być może wielu z was słyszało cytat : „Biegnij cierpliwie w wyścigu, który jest przed tobą... ale tylko ten, kto dobiegnie do końca, otrzyma nagrodę”.

Niektórzy z was, którzy są biegaczami, znają „ceglany mur”, przed którym stają biegacze w połowie maratonu. To ogromna pokusa, żeby się poddać.

Powszechnym narzędziem w kategorii porad jest „Ponownie przeanalizuj swoje długoterminowe cele i połącz się z ludźmi, którzy mogą z tobą współpracować, aby osiągnąć te cele”.

„Kurs” to ścieżka, którą WY wybieracie !

Niedawno HelderPoeta wyraził chęć efektywnej pracy w dziedzinie opieki zdrowotnej i pojawiło się pytanie o „komory leczenia”. Oto coś, o czym być może nie pomyśleliście : „Uzdrawiająca komora” może znajdować się tuż między uszami !

To właśnie mamy na myśli : Uzdrowienie może być fizyczne, ale także emocjonalne, mentalne i duchowe.

Uzdrawianie to ogromny temat. Zaczyna się od trudnej sytuacji samej Ziemi, a kończy na najmniejszych osobistych potrzebach fizycznych, ale zrozumienie uzdrowienia fizycznego wiąże się również z czynnikami emocjonalnymi (zarówno świadomymi, jak i podświadomymi), duchowymi (ukierunkowanie duchowego skupienia na tym, co i dlaczego jest uzdrawiane), psychicznymi (zajmowanie się zarówno ignorancją, błędną wiedzą, jak i apatią), ale nie należy zapominać o powszechnej obecności aberracji genetycznych, które mogą zakłócać optymalne zdrowie. Nie zapominajcie poprosić. To WY musicie wyrazić zgodę na uzdrowienie.

Pamiętajcie ludzie, że priorytetem Światów-Mieszkań jest uzdrawianie, usuwanie z naszego życia tych rzeczy, które na różne sposoby przyczyniają się do śmierci.

Jako Plejadianie możemy wam pomóc w poszukiwaniu odpowiednich informacji, wody, żywności i innych produktów spożywczych, nowych metod ćwiczeń, eliminowaniu toksyn środowiskowych i wewnętrznych, właściwego snu i oczywiście spokoju, który medytacja może pomóc poprawić. Wiele rzeczy może pomóc w procesach uzdrawiania i kontakt z duchowym źródłem zdrowia i energii może pomóc w stworzeniu innego spojrzenia na istniejący stan. Nie zapominajcie, że wasze ciało ma funkcję odpornościową, która często jest sabotowana przez styl życia. Wasze ciała mogą się same wyleczyć w wielu okolicznościach. Po prostu dajcie im szansę !

Być wdzięcznym i dziękować za zdrowie, które macie, to duży krok w utrzymaniu pozytywnego nastawienia, które samo w sobie jest czynnikiem leczniczym.

Jesteśmy tutaj, żeby pomagać, ale nie uzdrawiamy fizycznie.

Dziękuję wam Plejadianie !

Carole Dawn, czyli S@S
Dear Folks,
I have received information from Michael of Nebadon, that the UNIVERSE prefers no LIGHTLINE for Sunday, May 19, 2024.

May 19th Lightline is then cancelled and it will be back next Sunday undoubtedly.

Secondly, Elise please hold your Lightline for Monday the 20th.
The Lightlines for the rest of the week are to go ahead too please.

Michael of Nebadon is on planet Urantia tomorrow (Sunday) and wishes no Lightlines for reasons of State on this Sunday, the19th of May.

Fully explained is that Urantia has quit the forums it necessarily belongs to because it is a Bestowal sphere, and for that reason we must wait for the Universal Father to decree any other activity on that day to use a special license of approval and that is not given right now.

And finally, I am a little too ill to do much planning for the coming week and seek to rest to resume the Lightline schedule the 26th of May and the 2nd of June 2024.  You are all expecting something and you are going to get it soon enough.  I have nothing more to say right now myself.  Thanks and good day.   NO LIGHTLINE THE 19TH OF MAY - remember that please.

Ron Besser

Good morning All! Hello Pleiadeans! and Arthura, Melchizedeks, and all interested listeners!

Hello Pleiadeans! Thank you for joining me. What would you like to say today?

Pleiadeans: Yes, thank you Carole. We watched as many of you on the forum slumped a little as the pull-back announcements were made. Yet still you all were admonished to "stay the course!"

And the reaction was "uh. . . . OK". An announcement? Not much. Unless it is.

That is where we want to pick up the thread. You all have been "staying the course" a long time. What have you been doing during this time?
Just "waiting it out" does not imply vigorous mental and spiritual participation.

Let us ask YOU the question: What is "The Course"?
Each of you has a different answer to that question.

Perhaps many of you have heard the quote: "Run with patience the race that is set before you.. . but only one who has run to the end gets a prize."

Some of you who are runners know the "brick wall" runners face halfway through a marathon. It is a huge temptation to quit.

A common tool in the advice category is "Revisit your long term goals. And connect with people who can team up with you to reach those goals."

"The Course" is a path YOU pick!

Recently HelderPoeta outlined a desire to do effective work in the health care field. And the question came up about "healing chambers". Here is something you all may not have thought of: A "Healing Chamber" can be found right between your two ears!

This is what we mean: Healing can be physical, but also emotional, mental and spiritual.

Healing is a huge topic, ranging from the plight of the earth itself, to the smallest personal physical need. But understand physical healing also involves with it emotional (both conscious and sub-conscious) spiritual (realigning the spiritual focus of what, and why the healing), mental (addressing both ignorance, mis-knowledge, and apathy) factors, yet not to forget the common presence of genetic aberrations that may interfere with optimum health. Don't forget to ASK. YOU have to give the permission to be healed.

Please remember, people, that the Mansion Worlds have healing as a priority, removing from our lives those things that contribute to death in its various ways.
As Pleiadeans, we can help you in the pursuit of the proper information, water. food, and/or other ingestables, new exercise methods, elimination of environmental and internal toxins, proper sleep, and of course, peace that meditation can help improve. Many things can help in the healing processes, and being in contact with the spiritual source of your health and energy can help you create a different perspective on your current condition. Don't forget, your body has an immune function that is often sabotaged by our lifestyles. Your body can heal itself in many circumstances. Just give it a chance!
Being grateful and thankful for the health you do have is a big step in maintaining a positive frame of mind, which is a healing factor in of itself.

We are here to help, but we do not do physical healings.
Thank you Pleiadeans!

Carole Dawn, aka S@S
Thank your S@S!

You and our Pleiadean friends produced a well explained definition of spirit ecology and economy for us to understand.

For those interested in the psychic circles, here is a direct link:
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