Author Topic: Of The Finest Wheat  (Read 11486 times)

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Offline Ghost Dancer

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Of The Finest Wheat
« on: January 25, 2023, 15:00:41 pm »
UNIVERSAL FATHER is it thy will that I communicate with my Family of Celestials in brotherhood with you at this time ?

UNIVERSAL FATHER: It has been granted.

Ghost Dancer: Very well then, is there anyone from my family of GOD in spirit  wishing to share a message at this time so I can make your word be known and publish it on this forum  ?

Good afternoon TARKAS, ONE WITHOUT NAME OR NUMBER do we have a clear channel today ?

TARKAS: There is no clearer  channel than the Father's Will that it be so. Go ahead with this transmission.

MONJORONSON: This is MONJORONSON and SEN SEN Magisterial Sons we speak as one for this transmission. You that are parents here are quite familiar with the teaching that children  should not play with matches or they will get burned ?

Recently your scientists in the United States although  still in the beginning stages have had what they call a breakthrough  in a experiment demonstrating that one can ignite a thermalnuclear fuel in a laboratory setting for the first time by bombarding a hydrogen pellet with laser beams, thus producing out a flood of neutron particles the byproduct being a product of fusion, carrying 3 megajoules of energy. A gain of 1.5 of energy.

Initially the reason for these tests being to further their nuclear sources of weaponry. The side effect or other side of the coin being a possible new source of energy for a world running out of options. 

Although mankind feels they have advanced far from the days of Anton and Fonta. We here from above see things differently ? If we could we would encourage you all to head for the hills, so to speak and run away from these lab experiments and go back to living in tree houses much like Andon and Fonta did.

If it wasn't for the fact that you have already eliminated that source by leveling most of your forestry altogether. That number currently a loss of 47 million hectares of trees. A hectare meaning 107639.104 square feet.

Returning to our introductory statement. What happens to children that don't know how to safely play with matches ? They will be taken away or the alternative being letting the whole place soon enough be burned down to its foundation. 

You have indeed read in your scriptures that the weeds will be separated from the wheat ? At that time weeds will  be collected in bundles to be burned, but the wheat will be gathered and brought back to the barn. The barn being the House or Kingdom of GOD.

The purpose of this talk or symposium has been to be the bearer of good news in that all of you that have taken time to read this message are of the finest wheat and have nothing to worry about. Let things then come as they may, for your future is brighter than any forrest fire that could be seen even from Paradise ! 

This has been Magisterial Sons MONJORONSON and SEN SEN and we bid you a good day.