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Offline Rene A Duran

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The Education.
« on: August 14, 2023, 10:55:20 am »
 The Education.

 By: The Adjuster.
 Transmitter: Evelio Rivas.

 El Salvador August 11, 2023, 0:40 a.m. |

 My Father, my God I thank you for the breath and I pray you prepare my mind to receive a message from the heavenly family and give us a channel free from interference.

 The Adjuster:
 "I Am your Adjuster, today we will deal with the topic of education which is a process open to all and all ages."

 "The improvement of manners and knowledge are an expression which characterizes the partners of divinity.

 "No one is excluded and the inner being is involved, being it the driver of all effort, it is very important to let yourself be guided since the ability to learn resides in it."

 "But it is the free will of the individual the determining factor in the culture of each.

 "The Adjuster cannot compel the free choice of his guard and this is where the manipulation of the masses came in."

 "The elite that feeds on uncultivated conditions predominant in the population see in conformism the opportunity to perpetuate their dominance and privileges."

 "Basically this is the reason for the present state of humanity the having conformed and abandoned the search for the transformative element it has always hoped for for the awakening within itself."
 "It is here at this point where arose the created interests and habits that paint fascinating to put out if the attention encouraging routines that attract out if people."

 "By making sure they will never find outside of themselves remedy for their limitations, a people so focused outside of themselves will fall into the chaos of not knowing for certain their destiny, Urantia has filled itself with a people devoid of inner knowledge."

 "The interest in achieving individual success has potentiated and in the meantime the planet remains, the idea of the common good is relegated, individualisms bleed this being called Urantia now throbbing an enmeshed complex blocking the entry of changes."
 "The inertia transiting humanity is to chaos and self education is raised as a link with the inner being capable of overcoming this cultural jam in the present moment."

 "I Am your Adjuster leaving the study of this subject here and hoping to strengthen our bond, have a nice day."

 My Father thank you for your message is You welcome always, we wish the transformation of this people and we will serve in whatever your will chooses.



Online Ron Besser

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Re: The Education.
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2023, 11:45:40 am »
This was a truly insightful transmission, Evelio.  Thank you.   Your Adjuster said this:

EVELIO ADJUSTER: "Basically this is the reason for the present state of humanity the having conformed and abandoned the search for the transformative element it has always hoped for for the awakening within itself."

This statement in particular could also be stated in other language, as to make it up to say, "the present state of humanity has conformed to the idea of survival first and a first class God second."  If that is problem translating back into Spanish, let me say that a first class God is the God within who cares and loves you, and adheres to the idea you are spiritually survivable.

However, if I can get your Adjuster's view point here, HE is saying man abandons the idea of a relationship of God to his work to live well on Urantia in favor of making man himself in charge of all requirements to survive spiritually without asking God's help.

That condition which I think is everywhere now, puts a barrier wall up to God the Father to have those minds stop a moment and reflect that the trouble to working self survival only leads to self burial and disease and mammon supply the transition to burial only.   In plain English, no last rites for spirit is ever necessary, but the last rights for most deaths today in the world is the only rites given as there is no longer an automatic privilege of probation to see if a useless soul can actually live again if fed properly.

Thank you Evelio for taking this transcription.  It does speak to the problems I am facing in trying to get information out there that there are spiritual missions coming to Urantia whether you want to be spiritual or not.  Blessings to all.

Ron Besser

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania