Author Topic: LLUSA WEDNESDAY 7 FEB 2024  (Read 6088 times)

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« on: February 07, 2024, 15:17:37 pm »

Today we heard from Lemuel´s Thought Adjuster and Amadon.

We also received a transmission from JESUS through Elise.

Link to today´s recording:

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« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2024, 03:31:27 am »

Hello everyone good afternoon or good evening wherever you are and welcome. Welcome to another Wednesday Light Line, today being the seventh of February 2024. Well, it really is a strange week because this in fact is the sixth Light Line, the sixth Light Line within four days. What we've all done to deserve this, I don't know. This bombardment of information that is coming down from from upstairs. Anyway, we're here and bearing in mind one of the last things that was just said this afternoon or earlier on with Ron's Light Line.

Well before I say this, let me welcome someone else. Who is it, well Donna and Larry Wheland, good afternoon to you and welcome and number three four two eight. Welcome to you. That brings us up to 17. All right. Well, what I want to ask you all to do now, just for a moment, bow your heads as I offer a prayer to Father. Beloved Father, may every thought, may every word, and may every deed that we perform be according to Thy will and pleasing in Thy sight. Amen. Do we have someone here who would like to address us, please? (silence) Let us be patient for a moment. (longer silence)

Lemuel's Thought Adjuster  
This is Lemuel's Thought Adjuster and I want to speak to all of you through all of your individual Adjusters. We are all joined as you know. You have all been informed many times that you are here for a reason and that you are here because of your cooperation with us, your Adjusters. But I would like to remind all of you of some things for you to pass back in your mind certain events in your life. You all have memories, I'm sure, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes good, sometimes awful whether in your infancy or childhood, your youth, until you became an adult maybe in your 20s or 21, for example.

And perhaps at that time, you realized, even momentarily that you had come to an end of something and the beginning of something else, which had not yet revealed itself. It is certainly in the case of Lemuel and I'm sure for most of you as well. There is a period when you seem to be between two doors. The one door has closed behind you. And you hope there is another door in front of you, but you cannot see it yet. It is a period of great doubt and uncertainty. And this is repeated throughout your lives.

There are moments when you realize that you no longer need the company of certain people and you you seek to see them or to make dates with them to go out for an evening or a meal or whatever. And time passes by and you realize that you come to the end of that particular friendship it may be more serious relationships, it may be in fact a marriage. There are other times throughout your life where you come to the end of something and Lemuel likes to refer to it as chapters.

Chapters in your book of life, chapters of experience. So you can all remember the beginning chapter in your book. It may take you up to the age of 21 adulthood and then you begin another chapter. This is probably the chapter for you in which you find a lover and you get married, begin a family, seek for better employment, etc. Well, that chapter can be long or it can be relatively short. But you yourselves will remember I'm sure you'll begin to experience the same symptoms again with something or someone is becoming less important in your life until you reach the stage where you know that that must end and has ended.

Sometimes, of course, it is quite a drastic event, especially if it involves divorce, separation, and divorce with children involved. Or it might be also that you've lost someone through death. When you look back on these things, you will realize that those moments, yes, they were hard, they were painful, and you grieved, perhaps for the loss of a loved one. But now, when you look back after so many years, I am sure you will admit to yourself. You remember, yes, you remember. But the feelings are gone. There is no more pain. This is a big difference between the mind and the heart. I'm sure you're all fully aware of this.

Sometimes you hear of a friend who has left everything behind, changed his job, and with his family, and the money they had, they bought a boat and they went sailing around the world and left everything behind to escape the system so to speak. Perhaps you have all had this desire from time to time.

But I want to give you just one example, in Lemuel's case. He had a military career for 16 years. But there came a moment when he could not for one day more, put on a uniform and continue to pretend to be someone that he was not. And it caused tremendous problems for Lemuel at that moment in time because he was still contracted to do six further years in the forces, and he already was married with six children. But for him, it was easy in the sense that he knew it had to stop. So that was the end of a big chapter in Lemuel's life.

And perhaps you have had similar experiences. What I'm leading up to of course, I'm sure you have sussed it out. When you make a decision, an irrevocable decision to try to do nothing else other than the Father's will. From that moment on, you are really tested. It's the beginning of your problems, not the end. Your sincerity is tested. Your faith is tested. And as you pass each test, your faith grows even stronger.

In Lemuel's case, he left the army in April 1974 with a wife, six children, and a car and he was stationed in Scotland at the time, close to Edinburgh. He had nowhere to go, and very little money, and yet through his active faith in Father, within two weeks of leaving Scotland, he found somewhere to live and in a short space of time, all the family were reunited again. Because to begin with two children had to go with his in-laws, the two boys stayed with him and his parents, and two other girls were with his sister-in-law, just for a few months.

Chapters of experience can be short or long. They can be hard, or enjoyable. But really, when you come to think about it is the most wonderful life it really is the most wonderful life. Yes, there is hurt, there is suffering, there is aches and pains, and you know, God knows what else. Yes, of course, all these things are par for the course. But this is what life is all about. This really is a school of hard knocks here on Urantia. It really is.

Over the past, what is it 16 years or more 18 years or more? Since the beginning of well, the teaching mission, I think ended around about 95, I think if I remember rightly. And then initially, we had the Monjoronson website, if you remember and the call went out for people to to join and wanted to partake and all that sort of thing. And this is what some of you did, but Lemuel didn't. And then of course later on it changed forum.Serara.

Apart from anything else the global situation as you know, with the various wars that have taken place in most recent times, and not going back as far as the Vietnam War or no but the war in the Gulf round about what, when was that 1989, 1990. The first war with Iraq and it's been nonstop since then. On the one hand, the peoples of the world are experiencing almost nothing else other than a war of one type or another. And you all know the earth is greatly overpopulated. Millions of refugees living in tents in such deplorable situations. Human needs are beyond way far beyond the ability of international institutions to take care of including the Red Cross, Oxfam, and all these things it is too much now. There is not enough money.

And now in many places, there are droughts where it hasn't rained for years. Even now at this moment in Spain and Catalonia where Lemuel lives, water is being ordered to be delivered in ships from other parts of Spain. Months without rain here and not just here, in other countries as well as you know, but on the other hand storms, floods and even snow in countries that have never experienced snow before. The changes in the weather have caused catastrophes and also fires. You know all these things because you've seen these things on telly (television).

Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I know as far as Lemuel is concerned, all these things do not touch him. He does not allow these things to enter into his system to hurt him. And I agree with him. He is not here to save the world he cannot nor can you. You are not here on this planet to save the millions of people who are starving. You cannot change the weather; but what you can do, what you have done, and what you are continuing to do, is to follow your hearts and your feelings in the service of your Father and this is where you are now.

You really are the most wonderful group of people. You really are. You really are truly like brothers and sisters you are all longing for the same thing. You all want to be of service in some way, shape, or form it doesn't matter but you want to be you need to be of service. This is why you are here. This is what you have dedicated your lives for.

We your Adjusters are very pleased with all of you of course and you all know full well it is us your Thought Adjusters that have already planned the course that we mutually will take with you. We want you as much as you want us, it really is the case. We investigated the possibility of this becoming a fact long before you were born. What was the potential of each and every one of you to become interested in things of spirit, and here you are. Not one of you can imagine what we Thought Adjusters have planned for you. We know full well you have all been tested and tried and you have not been found wanting. So we know that we shall continue our journey together as planned although truth to tell the plans have had to change more than once but you're also fully aware of the reasons for that.

If for some reason, I, Lemuel's Thought Adjuster, or any of your Thought Adjusters are asked to put your ascension journeys on hold it has to be for a very good reason. Because we are the ones who say yes or no except with the specific request of your heavenly Father. You've all come to know Ron Besser very well over the years and you all know that he is definitely a one-off. There has never been anyone like him on this planet or in this universe and he has brought you together and molded you together for a reason. Some were lost along the way but look at you who are still here. And what you have achieved over the years and now without knowing exactly what is in front of you.

Well, I can't tell you but what I can tell you; is you will not be bored. There are very difficult times coming, very difficult times. But you are prepared you will be used in more ways than you can even conceive at the moment. I just want to remind you before I finish try not to take things too seriously. There is room for laughter and joy. Yes, especially joy when you can really feel even just for one moment that you are in fact doing Father's will. You will be joyous. This feeling will surge upwards from deep within your own being to know you are doing Father's will and that is the reward in and of itself knowing that you are being of service and this will continue and it will grow.

Well, thank you for listening. This is all I wanted to say. Please remember my words and remember those events in your lives that have taken you too, to different chapters of experience in your book of life. Thank you. Thank you, Lemuel, that's all I need to say.

Thank you Beloved. Thank you. Just give me a moment because I need to clear my throat. (silence) Just checking the dashboard to see if we've gained any more, we have 19. Well, I think that's a very good number considering the six Light Lines this week, good heavens. Alright, let me see if that is if it is someone here now. Just be patient for a moment. Ah, Amadon. Thank you.

Good evening, everyone. Yes, I am indeed Amadon. Thank you, Lemuel.

Thank you Amadon. Please, you're very welcome. Please go ahead when you're ready. Thank you.

Well, I have nothing of great import to say because I am fully aware of the fact that this indeed, yes is the sixth Light Line within four days since Ron's Light Line on Sunday past and so there's nothing new that I can tell you. Up to today's Light Line earlier today with Ron. There's nothing else. There's nothing. Well, what you have heard from Lemuel's Light Line is very interesting for many different reasons.

It is good to look back over your life and try to identify certain events that shaped your individual futures from time to time. As Lemuel terms it, well a chapter ends or you, you're in between two doors. It's interesting to identify those moments and with whom you were at that time. And, of course, along with all these things, is the awareness that all those people that you have left behind, of course, they are continuing on their individual journeys, they have their own individual Thought Adjusters, just like you. And there were moments in time where you came together. And there are moments in time when you had to part.

As if you were all actors on a stage. You enter the stage. You act your part, with others. And then when the moment comes, you can leave the stage. And it's the same for everyone. But the important thing, of course, is to remember when you are offstage. Or when you are even outside the theater, you've left the theater behind. This is the most important where you cease to be an actor because you can only be and need to be yourself. This, in fact, I think is what the gist of the message of Lemuel's Thought Adjuster was, was saying.

To thine own self be true, it's a saying. One of many sayings that are based on truth. You cannot go through life trying to be someone else. No, you can only be yourself. And of course, it is the hardest thing to be, to reach that state. It really is. You have all been told many times before; the hardest thing you will learn or the biggest toughest lessons that you have are really most of the time under your own roof. That's with your parents and your brothers and sisters or your children or whatever it is and of course yourself. And to be able to separate yourselves from all that influence. To be yourself is the toughest thing of all.

You've all done that and that's why your Thought Adjusters are very pleased and proud of you. Knowing full well that it is not easy. In fact, most people just cannot do it. This is Amadon and I'm now thinking about my own past. Well, of course, my past is totally different to yours, of course. Totally different. But nevertheless, I can identify where you leave certain things behind you leave certain people behind. For a time you miss them. You miss their physical presence of course. Especially if it's a loved one. But time heals. Time heals all wounds even though the memory remains. 

But in fact, it's a blessing is it not, the pain ceases otherwise nobody would be able to achieve what you have achieved if you were never able to be released from your pain and suffering along the way. So think about that for a moment. That really would be hell to suffer unceasingly the pain in your heart, but time has healed it, thank God. But your memory remains and it is the same with myself. Well, today is another, Light Line another Wednesday and hopefully I will be here again next Wednesday, Lemuel. I have nothing to say. But nevertheless, I've enjoyed popping in just to say hello to all of you. And to thank all of you who attended which in fact is a very good turnout of 19 and bearing in mind it is the sixth Light Line this week. So thank you all very much. So I bid you all bye-bye for now. Bye-bye.

Well thank you, Amadon, thank you so much.

You're welcome, Lemuel. Good night.

Good night, thank you. (silence) No, there's no one here. I'm not picking up anyone. Well, we still have about 15 minutes. What I would like to do now is to open it up. Please if you have something to say or a question about what has been spoken to so far, please don't be shy, five star, and I can see your hand raised. Thank you would you do that now, please? All right, well if no one has anything to say. Or if that is no transmission from anyone. Oh Elise, I see your hand raised, I see that you have unmuted yourself. Thank you, Elise, go ahead, please.

Well, thank you, LemueI, I have no questions. I have a transmission. I have Jesus here.

Okay. Welcome Jesus.

Thank you, Lemuel. This is Jesus. Hello to all. I have been listening to Lemuel's Thought Adjuster and to what Amadon had to say and I gladly want to say some words to you. Because so many things are happening, many things are going to happen, and many things will not happen, as you have heard over the last 24 or maybe 48 hours. There have been serious discussions and lots of negotiations between high officials regarding your planet and the universe and for you, sometimes messages have been sparse.

But you waited, and you accepted, although it has left some of you with deep emotions because there were things that have been announced, that really stirred your feelings but with all your life experience, as Lemuel has just pointed out to you, through his Thought Adjuster, you have all learned to stand tall, not to let yourself be disturbed. You have learned to cope with changes and you picked up again your daily duties always knowing that it is God who decides what is best for the universe, for this planet, and for you.

I am Jesus. I am very happy to be here. I am very near you. I love you all. And I know your faith is strong. You do not doubt. I love this planet which is my planet. It is Michael's bestowal planet. It is the planet of my birth as a bestowal Son, I am also the Son of Man. I love humans. I know how they live, how they feel, what they go through in life, and although you are all different, you all have to face the same situation of growing up, mature, make decisions, and learn to take responsibility for what you do and for what you do not do,

Well, you all have Adjusters, you are aware of that. But that is not the case with everyone on the planet. There are so many who do not search for contact with God. Still, the Adjuster is there within them and It tends each newborn soul to bring to Father, to its creator, and even those who do not show respect or do not like to speak of God for whatever reason. Deep down within them there is a force inside that drives each human forwards. That keeps them going and you know especially in times of trouble or when disaster occurs. The first thing they cry, they cry out loud is, oh God, please, please have mercy. Help me out of this situation. And for some of them that could be the big turning point. 

Well, Lemuel has just gone with his Adjuster through his life. We all know lessons of life can be hard. And everyone has to go through the experience of what it is to be a human being. All have to learn to cooperate with others, to be sure to give, and to be thankful for what is given. Yes, all, all do learn. All have a chance to learn. Whether conscious or not, they learn. They know what it means to be good. What it means to be truthful. To know the truth and also to live the truth. These chances are given to everyone.

I am Jesus. We all know things are changing. The world will change. The people will have to change with it. And there are opportunities to learn to see and to live the truth. To see the beauty and to feel the goodness of our Father and you all of you here are finding that in your service to Father. I am Jesus. I do not want to be too serious. I only wanted to add some words to what has been said before. And I say to you now; be good. Do good. Be of good cheer. And most of all, never never forget to thank your Father in good and bad times. Father is there for you, always. He lives inside of you. And He will always show you the way. I am Jesus. I'm here to help you. Think of me. Thank you. I'm leaving you in My peace.

Thank you, Jesus. Can I give it back to you, Lemuel?

Yes, thank you, Elise, thank you so much. And thank you Jesus for that transmission. Thank you. Yes, thank you, Elise. I'll mute you now. Is there anyone else with a message or a question perhaps? Please press five star and raise your hand. No, you're all shy, all right. All right well, we've come to the end of another Light Line. And well I thought it was interesting. And it was also interesting that we were not visited by any of our, except Amadon. brothers from upstairs but I'm sure they are all so very busy doing other things.

And so thank you to Amadon, thank you to my own beloved Thought Adjuster and thank you to Jesus and His transmission through Elise. And so I will now close the recording. And just to remind all of you that I hope to welcome you again next Wednesday which will be the 14th of February, which will be Valentine's Day so I hope you all receive Valentine's cards from your secret lovers. Wouldn't that be wonderful? So until then, take care of yourselves, love each other, and God bless. Thank you.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)