Hello Albert,
Please read this message from Michael to all of you!
"The Father of All wishes you to continue with your ministry whether that is Lightlines or any other ministry you want or your group favors to be done. Our work in the United States has gotten difficult and what we do is not necessary for you to do at all. For your information in the United States we have to see to other groups becoming ready to work to. We welcome them, but they are not understanding how to work together, and as a result we have disagreements. We work it out first, and then change second, but now there is nothing but disagreement between groups of all things. We will work it out and not to worry, for I am very happy to see you organize yourselves into the right ways to address our FATHER, and thank you for showing us how. I smile as we are supposed to lead you but you lead us sometimes with good vibrations, and we have none of those vibrations sometimes. May God bless you and keep you going, as you are moving to God well and finally with good will. I thank you for telling us that, as it inspires us to do better very much! Thank you Madagascar!
from Ron
Now a transmission from our Lord, Michael:
MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks to MADAGASCAR - "You should have learned what I said when I was in the flesh over 2 thousand years ago. I said all men are created equal, and Ron makes sure t hat you are equal in the law and care of the world, but you must stay away from other names used to name me, Albert! Call Me by my true name and let the churches learn from you, and do not despair that you lose your group if you name it otherwise, for the name of Jesus means a lot to people all around the world. Your group will stay with you and the truth! Let it be Jesus, and do not worry what happens. I am JESUS and now I speak to you: more
"I am JESUS. And I make it clear you have the group to work with. But do not confuse other names with Me, and I am used to my own name and do not enjoy being called something else!
"Bless you Albert, and all in the group, for saying hello to Me, as I do hear you and thank you very much! I am Jesus and use my right name all the time please too! JESUS."
Ron - I have transmitter the Lord to you, Albert, and to all of you who read these messages from the United States. I do agree with you and thank God I may hear of your voice as Madagascar seems to far away, but your messages really help me understand what you are doing, and I am grateful to hear from you very much. Wait for the day Jesus will speak directly to you and then celebrate such a time of reunion with us too! Good day and God bless you everyone!