Author Topic: Micahel Message new Mary 24 2024  (Read 759 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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Micahel Message new Mary 24 2024
« on: May 24, 2024, 14:35:14 pm »
Magisterial Foundation
Michael of Nebadon speaks
May 24, 2024
This is Michael of Nebadon.  Here are a few points to be made today to the discussion forum now:

1 - I will return to Urantia shortly; (Ron - this announcement is to detract from other transmissions that insinuate otherwise)
2 - I will bring with me a new era to the State of Affairs on Urantia;
3- I will bring a forth estate with me, and the fourth estate is not the news media, but it is my fortune to bring you a happy state of affairs that Ron must stay in the flesh for and he is improving today quite a bit;
4 - There is no MAGISTERIAL MISSION today, but shortly it will be ALL MAGISTERIAL mission when I get through with the CABAL;
5 - There is a strong indication that Ron will receive divine unction to stay the course as he very much wants to but is weakened by the cabal to stay the course with them, and he refuses anything to do with them;
6 - I am silly with this man and I must keep my decorum, but as usual I relax when he is available and I want to tell you even FATHER enjoys the wackiness of Ron, and I decree he is to be with you for at least four more months unless we cannot undo the death threat he has now;
7 - Today is Friday, the 24th of May, 2024, and Ron is trying to stay the course without any help from Me or elsewhere, and is finding it very difficult to do.  For that reason I am standing by and batting down any attempt to put him in the deep freezer of death for months if we can afford the work.  In other words, I intend to keep busy for months if he can keep his vitality working;
8 - No one today is equivalent to this person we call Ron, as he has the right stuff and works hard to maintain it with Dominick and his Board of Directors.  No one ever had such a grand standing as Ron does in the future, but that has to be done later and not now.   Let us pray for his continuance!
9 - Without Ron you do not have a coherent set of vibes to keep you all together, and that is essentially your purpose as a group today.  The later appearing transmitter out west have no real region to claim as their own, but Ron claims most of what is doing east of the Mississippi River and California and Washington and Oregon.  I have no idea why I say this but it happens to be the case.
10- And finally this: we are going to hold a special meeting on Urantia, this evening, in Ron’s living room.  He layed down about 9am and could hot stand it and up again at 10 am and it has been nothing but posts since then.  I want you to know this:

“This is MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I am making this plea to all of you now.  One of your earlier member, DaCandyman is back, and Ron is delighted, but it might be temporary unless DaCandyman understands that there is fire and brimstone about to appear all over the globe, as URANTIA itself is reforming its boundaries again, and you Ron worry about the West and I worry about the South, and it is a desire of both of us to clear those areas while you and I and the others can, because the tectonic plates have been seriously disturbed again, by a passing gravity wave.

Pressure Wave Danger
“No one should be smart and just move, but listen: the West coast is super vulnerable and the United States could lose half of Washington State, the north of Oregon, and what is left of Vancouver  Island.  Do not despair over it if it happens quickly as no body will feel it as it is a pressure wave that starts it, and you are not familiar with those things as you have never known them before.

“Those familiar with Andy Rooney know what he said in the 1980's “it won’t be me that starts it, but it will be me that ends it, because I refuse to participate in a California disaster, period!”

“That is typical of Ron too, and I almost sure he will be here to warn all of you as I am now making sure he is okay enough to continue and that is worthy of small fortune in the lands of the mansion worlds, as only six individuals on the mansion world today are so assigned and they get lots of attention.  For that reason alone Ron, I salute you for being so hard working you hardly notice that the criticism of others on your electric plant will suddenly cease and somebody might come along and finance it.  I hope so.

“And finally this to all who are assembled on this discussion forum.  You could have triple the number of people on this site as members but Ron is forced to hold the question hard to keep people from joining too easily.

“If you would like to be a member of this site, send him an email at and give your 1 - user name; 2 - the password you want to use - 3 - and your email you want to use as the member.   

He will personally sign you up.  He gets ungodly email from the eastern Europeans and Russia and it takes a lot to remove over 2,000 members who all they want to do is sell you shoes or purses or drugs, and they all do.  Remember see the email in the above paragraph, and send him the date to be a member and he will sign you up.  Thank you.

“Good day for now from MICHAEL OF NEBADON.
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania