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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: June 24, 2024, 15:40:06 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International, June 24 - 2024

Here is the tape of the Monday Lightline on June 24, 2024

with your host Elise

We like to thank all Speakers for their words and time given to us.
Our thanks go to Mantutia Melchizedek; Margul-Trinity Teacher Son for Urantia; 
The Universal Father; Michael of Nebadon; Jesus and Machiventa Melchizedek

This is the link to the tape: 

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2024, 10:00:21 am »
  • 062424 Monday Lightline Netherlands InternationalSubjects: 
  • Subjects: cabal overtook the planet, difficulty to communicate; testing, trials, hope and faith; acknowledge Father’s presence daily, shine; the purpose of local universe creation; the people of the world are getting worse; say good morning to Father; the dream of Elise, family of Go in the universe where everyone is equal;
  • Speakers: Mantutia Melchizedek; Margul -Trinity Teacher Son for Urantia; The Universal Father; Michael of Nebadon; Jesus and Machiventa Melchizedek
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:
Hello, everyone. This is the Monday Lightline. And it is today June 24, 2024. I am Elise, your host. And I welcome everyone who took the time to join us today. Let's hope we hear from the heavenly beings in whom we found our trust, and we always enjoy listening to what they have to say. We thank our Father and Michael of Nebadon for making this connection possible, and we ask for protection in maintaining a clear reception. We are very grateful to what we receive, and we thank all our celestial beings who continue to help us, and make us a part of their existence in their work for this planet. It is not easy for them. 

We thank you, our Father, and we will try our best to live our lives according to your will. We thank you for your love and care. Now I'm asking for access to the spiritual circuits, and I ask for someone to speak to us, if there is someone today. 

Mantutia Melchizedek
Hello to all of you. This is Mantutia Melchizedek. I am your Planetary Prince, and I am here to tell you that we are having trouble, as some of you have, in connecting and holding the lines. So we will try to get you connected to some of our speakers who are here today and see to it that the connection will stay as it is at this moment. 

Margul, Trinity Teacher Son 
I am Margul. I am standing next to Mantutia Melchizedek. Thank you, Mantutia. I am Margul, the Trinity Teacher Son. and I would like to address this group. You do remember me, I guess? I am the one who will truly work on your planet when this world is finally freed from the grip of insurrectionists, and of war and greed of the people, whom are all looking to a future of peace and cooperation among all nations. 

Of course, everyone is waiting or would be delighted to see when the weapons are laid down and negotiations are signed and possibilities will open up for a new future. A future without hatred and envy, without depriving each other of possessions, and with equal opportunities for everyone. A time for new insights, for new methods and changes. But at the moment there are all kinds of trouble brewing and existing, and playing out on and around your planet. 

You, at your side, and this group as a whole, you have kept your hopes and expectations alive, and these will not be taken away from you. But the circumstances that you and all of us face largely determine how things go, how history evolves and the progression of events unfolds. And these are certainly not very favorable when we look at the situation on your world now. And this has taken us back from all the attempts to enter Urantia that have been made in recent years. And time and again, the decisions have had to be revised by these interventions and unavoidable events that made reverse our decisions and disrupted promises. 

Many times you have been tested. Your patience has been tested. but it has made you stronger and proven that you can be faithful servants of the Father. and it will give you a future, a future to work for Michael of Nebadon and for the missions. Will we ever get a chance? We do understand how easy it is to lose trust when things do not happen as expected, when loyalty and patience come into play, where promises do not come true. But yet, this little group here has proven its ability to remain faithful to an invisible mission and to be trustworthy before God. And that will be reflected in the service you are willing to render to the world and to the Father. The words, “do not give up, and stay the course” became the motto for all of you, and to your participation in everything that has taken place in recent years on the discussion forum, and through other messages and lessons. Strong sons and daughters of faith in spirit, these messages and also promises keep coming. Your patience and faithfulness, but when the rebels are finally brought under control and the world situation is improved, then your patience will be rewarded with a truly visible presence of spirit on this earth. 

Some good and joyful news was shared at the Sunday Lightline when the words of the Magisterial Sons and of our beloved Jesus were spoken. In that unexpected and beautiful moment at the end of the Lightline, where the revival of joy was palpable in the group that was present. Be assured that your sincere hope and a strong and trained mind will give you the strength to continue. You have learned that after times of purification and adjustment, there are always new opportunities, new ways in a fresh and free direction. 

The feeling of hope gives people the opportunity to move on, to look to the future, to learn, to grow. Hope is always linked to the future and to a prospect of improvement or improvement progress. It is your hope combined with your faith that drives you forward and makes you reach for truth, beauty and goodness of God. You will be numbered among the workers in the field, as you do your part and consider what you can do best, what you can do even now, in times awaiting for hopes to become reality. 

This is Margul, your Trinity Teacher Son. And I thank you for listening and turn this back to you, Elise. 

Thank you, Margul. Thank you. 

Universal Father 
This is the Universal Father. I bring you my blessings in everything he receives to live in my name. I ask you to be helpful, to remain faithful to the laws and rules that Jesus taught you. And I want you to keep hoping for a better future that awaits this earth, when humanity has discovered that there is no life without the Creator, who gave you everything possible to return to your Divine Origins through his guidance within you, and through the abundant resources the world has offered you.

These gifts are recognized by only a small part of the people on your planet, and it should be known and taught to all young children when they come to the age of understanding that they are not alone. They have an Heavenly Father besides their earthly father. It will help these children in their lives to work together with their Adjuster at an early age. and make them realize that they have a Father in heaven who takes care of them, to grow into adult individuals with reason and intellect to learn, to understand my creation. 

Be that child forever. Trust only what is good and beautiful and search for the truth in your life, so that you are prepared for a much higher existence in my other realms. Never lose me. Do not take for granted what people tell you, but keep looking for the truth that will be found in you. And do not be satisfied until you feel my love for you, which I will sprinkle on you since the day you were born. This is a normal procedure for any newborn on Urantia, who lives a life of expectation and healthy curiosity about my being as God, as Creator and Sustainer of all that is. 

I ask you to stay with me through every challenge that comes your way. Be a shining star for your brothers and sisters, and help those who are still in darkness or need some comfort. and Help them to discover the Father within. I ask you to be willing to work for good and ignore evil. and to find the positive side of every opportunity to gain a clear view of my creation and my purpose for humanity. The future is yours to the people and they will realize that God is the center of everything and the one from whom they derive their life force. From whom they receive the grace to arrive at higher insights and values to serve God and to serve your brothers and sisters in your life, short life on this earth, and in eternity. 

This is your Universal Father. May all who participate in life on this planet in these difficult times, for all of you shift their attention to the realities and the needs of their existence, making possible a great expansion of the mind and enabling humanity to grow spiritually and materially to a more advanced state of service and reverence for God, your Father, your Creator of all living things. This is your Father. Be in my blessings, my children. 

Thank you, Father. Thank you so much for speaking to us. Well, let me see if there is anyone else who would like to come and speak to us. 

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon. I agree you all. We are having trouble to get the lines cleared. And we are doing our best to get their words to you. I am staying here.with you and I am guiding and guarding what is happening right now. I am Michael of Nebadon, the local universe of my creation, in which I desire to bring all created beings to God the Father by making them understand and appreciate my creation. 

My universe is created according to the laws and ways of the Father and to understand the purpose of creation and the nature of God, and thereby for all of you to find God in all you do, and to be willing to climb the long road to Paradise by passing through the many worlds created for that purpose. Through learning and experiencing, to reach and to enter the home of our Father, who will welcome each of his children and you will be embraced and recognized as a child of the Father that has found its home. Amen. 

Life in the local universe develops and evolves step by step as the people who inhabit the planets take advantage of what is offered to them, and what they can add to the development for the planet and to themselves. The time this takes is different for each planet, that is through the help from the spiritual worlds in the form of revelation and visits from higher orders of created beings. Each planet will eventually arrive at a time in which a certain stability has been achieved for the planet and its inhabitants. The development of my creation unfolds slowly and steadily, and depends on many factors related to geological changes on the planet, and on its history, as it develops on a planet with its inhabitants and manifests itself over time. The origin and history of the planet are of great importance for a clear knowledge of man's origin and existence. And will teach him to understand that he is a part of the greater whole that is interconnected and works established by me, the Creator Son of this local universe, which I, Michael of Nebadon, administer to the pattern of the perfect universe of Havona. 

We, the Creator Sons, work with the Father in the purpose to create local universes of their own understanding, serving the Father in a vastly expanded mission to complete these creations and bring them into light and life. So that ultimately the entire local universe will participate in the completion, in the confirmation of the master universe and its infinite purposes in far, far distant times. You too, all of you (will have) good experience (in) that advanced state, and you will be able to participate in the creation and management of a universe,  after a long training in the master universe. Not unlike the Creator Sons underwent before they were given permission to begin their local universe in a space available in the universes. In the future, these universes are likely to work in partnership to further their growth and share their experience, adding even greater strength and unity to such a conglomeration of universes.

The work of a Creator Son is focused on the Father and his desire to see his creation in perfection. Your work and life here on this planet should be focused on the Father and His desire to see His children in the completion of their soul growth that brings them to the Father and where you can be. embraced and blessed by the Father with the words, I am pleased in you, my child. You have done well. 

I thank you all and I thank you Elise for letting my words come true. This is Michael of Nebadon. I retreat, but I will stay to keep an eye on the connection and this Lightline. I wish you a good day. And I do have another speaker for you who likes to address this group. Hold on, please. Just a minute. This is Michael of Nebadon. There is a speaker for you. There is the next speaker and it is Jesus. 


Yes, this is Jesus. I am with you, as always. I love to communicate with you, as we have done many times on light lines. Times and circumstances have become so difficult for us to begin our missions on your planet, and even to contact some of you whom we have used as transmitters before. The situation is really that bad. And it is very disappointing for both you and for us to have had to postpone and ultimately cancel much of what was once planned. 


Excuse me. Please go ahead, Jesus. Excuse me. 

Yes, thank you, Elise. Our Father has been a constant source of help and has made it possible to bring his Paradise Sons back onto your world. But things have been getting worse and people are preoccupied with everything except the need to make major changes possible. Money is still the great attraction for men on this earth, and it has become a life goal for many young people who only want to become famous and rich, instead of feeling sheds aside and living in harmony with one another. It is so sad they have no idea where true happiness lies, and where to find fulfillment in their desire for happiness and peace of mind. Not a simple thought is given to our Father in Heaven.  

It is even considered quite strange to make a daily greeting of gratitude to your Universal Father who loves and cares for all, and never judges your choices, even though they may separate you from Him. The Father knows that it is only temporary and that every soul of goodwill will eventually return to Him. I am Jesus. And I know much how much the Father appreciates his children thinking of him, are spending just a few minutes each day acknowledging Him through words of friendship or worship, whatever the choice. 

How would your earthly father feel if you got up in the morning and slipped past him without even saying good morning or a quick hello. But this is the situation on your world. Where I will be present and come among you, but not until more people realize what life is about and what has been given to you. Life has a purpose and it will bring you great joy and satisfaction if you share it with its maker, your Father in Heaven. who will patiently wait for all his children to turn to him in the morning after a good night's sleep and to say hello. 

I am Jesus. I love you and I care for my planet. The planet of my birth as a child in the evolution of Urantia. I wish to see this planet as the most brilliant star among all the stars in the universe, of which you and I can proudly say, we have helped this planet a little to fulfill the purpose of its existence among the populated worlds of the universe of the Father. And for Michael of Nebadon and his bestowal, and his unison with me, your Jesus, who was chosen as to be so bestowal for the entire universe of Nebadon. That includes all of you here today. 

I am Jesus. Remember my words. I love you. I am your master, your teacher, as well as your brother. I am also Christ Michael. I am the way to the Father. I will never let you down. I bless you and leave you all in my peace. Good day. 

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. This is Elise, and I lost my dashboard. And I hope I didn't lose the connection. Let me see what I can do now. … Well, I want to go to Dominick. I'm going to unmute you Dominick for a minute. Can you still hear me? 

Hi, Elisa. Yeah.

Did you hear me all this time, or was it last? 

No, I heard you fine. 

Okay, okay, thank you. Okay, I'll mute you again, Dominick. Thank you. OK, you're muted again. Uh, well... Let me see what else we can do. And my dashboard is there, but it's very vague. I can hardly … I see the red spots of the unmuted sign. Well, let's go on. 

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Elise. There are some slight problems, just continue. I'm here and I do not like to go into all these difficulties. What I would prefer to do today is, I would like to talk a little or more to explain to all of you a dream this transmitter had from long ago. And that, as in most cases with dreams, never get explained or maybe understood. She remembers the dream vividly, and it was a true experience she had with one of our Melchizedek brothers, who wanted to make her feel the love for her as a child of God on the way to the truth. She was in that dream with her sister who is making rapid progress on the mansion worlds in the creation of God, our Father. She truly felt the divine love that enveloped her when she was in the embrace of a Melchizedek Son of Michael of Nebadon. And that is why, Elise, you will never forget this experience and hold it in your heart forever. 

I am Machiventa Melchizedek. I was not that Melchizedek brother at the time. But to whomever such an experience is given, the meaning of it is to feel universal love given to a person in moments of deep trust and devotion. Given by spirit from the great source of love, our Father. And we, and you, are all part of Fathers’ creation and do what we can to express the Father's love, which is immense. There are no words available in any language to describe the love of God, but there are ways to express it, to feel the love within, as you seek to live an increasingly spiritual life and search for the good things, beautiful and truthful, the divine traits of the Father that are inherently present in all of his children. 

We are all one big family at different levels of existence. And there is no separation between God's children in spirit, only in form and experience. Which can be overcome by training and experience, by growth that takes place over many lifetimes in many different realms as you grow and become to understand creation. Until you can be sent back into the universes to work for Father, and be his ambassador. And of course, all this takes time as you know, but it will be an enjoyable and educational journey that will fill your natural curiosity with knowledge and wisdom. Never try to be ahead of time, because the mind has its own time to grow from one stage to the next, without you being aware of it. Spiritual growth goes beyond your consciousness and allows your soul to grow into an increasingly spiritual being in the image of the Father. 

I am Machiventa Melchizedek. The purpose of all this is to begin to feel a part of evolution, when many of you come to see themselves as an active part in this transition that the world must undergo, to make a more responsible and humane society, visible and tangible for all people on the planet. This means that all people must awaken to the fact that they are children of the same Father, and that they are worthy citizens. And must help each other to bring the human race and its societies to a higher form. And this concerns both the human race and the society, your government, and social institutions. And so, everyone has a role to play. And once man becomes aware of his position in society, he will be eager to cooperate with his brothers and sisters, because it has dawned on him that there is no growth possible for the survival of the planet and the people on it, without recognizing each other as equal, and serving each other as brothers and sisters, leading to brotherhood on your planet. As many of you are already experiencing in your love connections in your families. 

This is Machiventa. And I am soon taking my leave and we will be closing off this Lightline for today. We are almost at the end of the hour, and we are glad that this transmission could take place, because the circumstances are not very good at the moment. We thank you all for being here and for listening, and we thank your host, Elise, for allowing us to speak the words to you. And with this, we say goodbye. 

Thank you, Machiventa. Thank you. Well. I will have a look at the dashboard, which is still not clear enough. But I don't think that I see any hands up or question marks, which are usually black. If there is no one who wants to speak or add anything to the words we have heard, I will close off the Lightline. Let me go over your names and I think we will have to do what Machiventa expect us to do. And I will thank you for attending this Lightline and thank all our speakers today for being with us and holding us together without any disruptions. Thank you so much all celestial beings who took care of this Lightline today. Thank you so much, and... Good day. Bye bye.

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"