Author Topic: Affects of Psychopathy. Planetary Emergencies Tues LL 06.25.24  (Read 7666 times)

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Effects and Affects of Psychopathy. Planetary Emergencies: Emergencies of Famine, Pandemic and War and Mass Migration. Cooperation vs Cosmic Insanity
« Last Edit: June 26, 2024, 22:28:02 pm by Dominick O »

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Affects of Psychopathy. Planetary Emergencies Tues LL 06.25.24
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2024, 15:10:53 pm »

All right, this is Tuesday Lightline. Welcome those who've joined so far. If you hear any dings and bongs, that's just people arriving en masse. We have June 25th, 2024, and this is the Lightline for Urantia, and broadcast from the universe from the Father's dominion. And we pray for a clean and safe and truthful Lightline. And we ask if there's anyone that prepared for us to receive. And bear with me while I try to connect and receive anyone. Feel free to pray or worship during any moment of silence. And welcome Carol. We just started with the recording. So, welcome Carol.
Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiaventa. Machiventa Melc … Melchizedek. You have full permission, Dominick, to call me Melchizedek, if that helps the flow of the words. So you stop stutt… stuttering like an Englishman and talk like the American you are.
Well, thank you, Machiventa.
Machiventa Melchizedek
I do prefer Machiventa as the phonetic spelling indicates an often misspelling confusion of Machiaventa, but I digress. It's quite all right, any of you, to sustain the familiarity with my name. This one prefers Machiventa Melchizedek. For Ron, that's like a chalk scratching on the chalkboard.
But for now, we bring you that, that misses, just so you understand what minutiae could get in your way if you are on a transmission line of constant self-censoring to the point where your mind is interfering with the circuit connection. If you just keep flowing with some words, just like tuning in to a signal, the signal becomes clearer, the signal becomes stronger. Similarly, if you practice through the discipline of a routine, this is a way of doing the same thing built up over time. And so the techniques build on each other, one in the real moment, and two in the long-term effect. You could say one is an affect of the moment, and the other is an effect of the stretched timeline. 
That’s a great way of learning a difference between the two, is that time relates to both words, but it’s totally misunderstood unless you pay attention to it. The immediate affect is something that pulses out like a rain drop in the water, and the immediate effect is the visual of that explosion coming, spiking out of the water. As of the effect are the ripples spanning out over time. (Affect definition: have an effect on, cause of, make a difference to, …)( Effect definition: a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.)
Thank you, Machiventa.
Machiventa Melchizedek
Today we have a Lightline. It's a universe broadcast, but to be honest, the circuits aren't that clear. And we don't have any shattering news above and beyond the weekly theme of ‘Stay the course. Hold on. Also, ‘Hold on to your hats would be a possible theme for today's Lightline.
The missions produce a missionary. When you are working for the revelation of God, that is different. It's a nuance, but it could be different than a mission. The ministry and education of God consciousness and ascension is really something that becomes embedded in a culture and eventually in a civilization.
The education of ascension truly is the ideal of diverse, equity, and inclusion. Ascension without those particular words is of course inclusive. It takes all the races on Urantia and all the races even off of your planet, if you really wanna go there, it’s that inclusive. The quality of it has nothing to do with the resources. Except for the fact that if you cooperate, instead of non-cooperate, what happens is your planet, down to its civilizations on it, end up becoming more equitable, because they've ironed out what truly is effective cooperation. And that is what has been discussed in an earlier Lightline that the basics of cooperation include exchange, communication, and movement. And when those things are cooperatively flowing, you have the ingredients of light and life.
But the challenges of politics on Urantia currently still deal with the affect of the Lucifer rebellion. The original rebels who claim to be oppressed, and they are oppressed by original government of the Paradise Sons, and their blasphemy against the Father, who is outside of their local creation. And they have no way of Father consciousness like you do in the ascension scheme, because of this divine fragment of the First Source is personalized and known as a Father, a Universal Father through the personality. And this is one of the keys to ascension and soul consciousness. Soul consciousness leads to God consciousness of the divine spark of First Source within you, that's working with your personality to build that soul, so that you can ascend. 
When you deal with the planet today, the missionaries of the fifth epochal revelation, the latest epochal revelation to reveal a lot about the universe, and clarify a lot of these things that have affected your planet, and then try to take a long-term effect. But you could say that the immediate affect of this attempt of a revelation in this form has not taken the noticeable enough effect of affect immediately in time, to have an effect on such a planetary scale that is even close to light in life. You're much closer to self-annihilation. And the population as we've stipulated or communicated to you in the recent past is trending towards greater pockets and greater numbers of sub-humans. Now a sub-human could be roughly correlated with your cultural infatuation with psychopathy, the psychopath. Not only is it apparently good thrilling entertainment for some of your horror movies, but disturbingly and not entertainingly, the threat of the psychopath, or the illogical, or those who follow the logic of God consciousness, or just the simple fact that you might be a cooperative member of society, which doesn't need to include God consciousness at all, but would be the fertile training grounds to have that extension experience of ascension experiences while living.
So the subhuman first suffers from a psychopathy. They don't just simply become from human to non-human. It's an evolution just like anything else on the planet. It is a fate. And we discussed in very recent Lightlines, the original psychopathy is a product of cosmic rebellion and cosmic insanity. Rebellion ultimately, when un-rectified and the rebel is uncorrected through justice and mercy, then declares war on life, and loses sight of its political aims and becomes anti-life and murderous in its expression. For the human, this has risen in a frustration, as humans have not been allowed to act, for a variety of reasons, to live in a manner that allow them to freely exchange, communicate, and have a flow of movement. Essentially, you need a flow of these things. Anytime they become restricted, you are setting the conditions of, well, not only rebellion, but de-evolution, or essentially crisis points in the evolutionary timeline.
But the evolution doesn't necessarily have to be a steady ascending or descending line in any one direction. It's full of spikes and pits, and highs and lows, and it might project one way or the other. But it is our duty as divine teachers and divine guiders that when we do produce mission, we are aiming to move intelligently and spiritually, most of all spiritually, so that you are able to produce these results into your own experience. If you create the conditions within yourself, that lasts eternally. If it comes from an external source, it's an environmental pressure that is weaker because you could deviate from that condition, because it's not part of your experience. It's literally not, you could say baked in you.
Now, the psychopaths condition could arise when conditions are so bad that non-cooperation fosters the oppression mindset. And then the oppression mindset falls into the philosophy of rebellion and then oppress the oppressor. Because naturally, you have become a victim of this non-cooperative environment in your status, and eventually, you've seen a lot of humans are able to transcend their conditions. And they can get depressed and have religious experiences, or all sorts of experiences, regardless of their starting points and ending points in life. Likewise, though, can you see the same effect happen?
The oppressed peasant and slave can be just as psychopathic as the person who has everything, even all the power in the world. And that's talking from a thousand foot view so to speak. Nonetheless, the psychopathy has a few traits that if we were to produce revelation today would coordinate from these human sources, just like we talked about in the Urantia book in the editorial, how we pull from past and present human sources. Thus should you aim to find those human sources that are alive even today and cooperate with those. Because the affect of planetary evolution and rebellion is reproducing results that are unfortunately all too familiar at this planetary level. And you could say in the last five years has reached your front door. This was all fine and a good warning in the latter part of the century, but now in the first quarter of the 21st century, you really and truly understand the nature of the planetary emergency status that every corner of the planet now feel.
So the psychopath mentality certainly has reached your front door. Not only do you find it wise to lock your door at night, but now you must be left to wonder whether it is safe to go out. Certainly if you were in a large city, this is the case. And if you're not in a large city, you're fortunate that it's not so acute or intense. But the Let's go through before we go, extrapolate into the many from, to your person, to your neighborhood, to your region, and then finally to the globe, when we talk about the traits of psychopathy.
So, you could say there's four traits.
One, it's predatory.
Two, it's parasitical.
Three, and there's not a fantastic word for this, but we're using the word Machiavellian. Derivatives of this are kind of things like narcissism, or basically self-serving. And that your aims of communication and intent are secretly self-serving. And then lastly,
Number four, sadistic. And that would be that you would take the pleasure in the pain of others.
So very simply put, when an ideology of oppressed and oppressor claims victim status and for their political aims wishes to restrict or deny free exchange, restrict communication and restrict movement and free flow of these things. Are you then able to go through the checklist of the expression or manner in which they're doing those things? Are they regulating those things, those conditions through the mechanisms of government? Or are they extra government? And are they behaving in predatory, parasitical, self-serving and sadistic ways?
The law of justice on your planet allowed you know this. And certainly, one of the easiest things to do is the removal of the judged psychopath from your population. Certainly when it involves the break of the universal law of life.
From a sociological point of view, you could extrapolate this to the relations between nations. But essentially you have populations on Urantia that live by principles through whatever means, whatever their environment seems to have conditioned them into a state of non-cooperation. And this is a de-evolution of large pockets of civilization devolving out of civilization and back into nations and tribes, and almost familial gains. But these gains have taken on various forms, and really, there is information warfare going on from time immemorial that we've talked about, in between what has been rebel governance coinciding and giving false and mixed signals to human populations for many, many years, many generations.
But what you have today outside of civilizations that have, and are based on, the principles of God consciousness, and the brotherhood of cooperation that that entails. The mistake of the modern God conscious nations and many individuals in it is the human quality of thinking that everyone else is like you. This is true in all sorts of different endeavors. You have a human tendency to think that everyone thinks like you, and acts like you, and cares and values or even has the same talents as yourself. And then as you grow wiser and older, you understand this really isn't the case. 
But anyway, these, the state of the world has a divergent mindset, and that is part of the planetary emergency that the statistical numbers are the humans who are under the spell of a psychopathic ethos, or you could say attitude, outnumbered the cooperative types. The ethos of the non-cooperator at this point in planetary emergency is psychopathic, because there's a moral code of justifiable predation. If you, without naming names, this is simply the attitude that there is no right or wrong to preying on another. It is really a dog eat dog world and a worldview where the God conscious subhuman, the non God conscious subhuman attitude would take it or would become subhuman, the eventual and continual sin of social predation, which justifies and excuses, and morally justifies predation on another. In other words, the default is to prey on those who are weak and expose themselves and present themselves as a target. And the false logic is that if you fall prey to the predator's victimization of you or it, then you were justifiably weak and invited that upon yourself anyhow. 
If you find that shocking of all, then in this world today you are out of touch. Why are you out of touch is no concern of mine, but what is a concern of mine is that you need to be preserved. You need to survive if you are of God conscious, because your out of touchness can be corrected. That's really not a big problem. But what really is a big problem is that if you do not survive to be worked with in the missions, and propel the missions as missionaries, then you're no good to me on Urantia. You will not literally be here.
And what's coming down the line is not just the attitude of the horde of the psychopath. but that the encroachment of pandemic, famine, and war are pushing these populations in large swaths and flux all around the world. This is just what's happening. Pandemic, famine, and those things lead to war. And the threats that are truly threats to your planetary survival, your nationhood survival, and your state survival are under threat by, if not pandemic, famines and wars, but also psychopathic movements within it.
Let's go back a little bit of a short history lesson, because the psychopathic quality of sub-humaneness is not a spectrum of left and right. We've given you the original rebel psychopathy of cosmic insanity lies in the baseless blasphemy of the Father and the Paradise Sons as oppressors. Therefore, there's no left and right to that, but only in your current understanding and need to bucket those in those spots. Incidentally enough, if you ask all sorts of intelligent people, whether they're dumb or very smart, none of them can come to a real exact definition of what the quote unquote far right is, when it comes to defining the word fascism.
But one universal kind of agreement on fascism is that it is reactionary to communism, and thethe communism of esoteric and occultist communism you could say, is not that far off from the same esoteric and occulted Nazism. They all eventually lead to the same road of Lucifer rebellion, and they all deal with the victimhood of oppression. Remember, Nazi Germany had the oppression of World War I, the oppression of being very poor and very degraded morally in between World War I and II. So the conditions were set that there would be a reactionary movement against these non-cooperative and psychopathic trace within the culture and civilization.
So really what you had was the same coin of this affect of Lucifer Rebellion takes some of its final stands in the 19th century of planetary history, and the rebellion heads of Lucifer were adjudicated in the late end of that century. And we have been tirelessly working to land the next mission or series of missions to no avail, as some of this psychopathy isn't just born on the indigenous population of the planet. You must understand that on some level. But that to focus on that aspect is disempowering, and that what you are faced with when threat of subhuman behavior finally gets to your doorstep with the mob, and the mob is not a God-conscious mob, but one that is based off of not only non-cooperation, but now it’s involved with an ideology that not only claims or is fundamentally based in oppressor and oppressed origins, and uses predatory parasitical, Machiavellian, and sadistic expression to restrict these leaders of oppression in the civilization.
In other words, if you're oppressed and you claim that the very means of exchange, communication and movement are oppressive, then you have just justified any means necessary to destroy civilization. Your first and foremost revolution is to destroy these things, but that will eventually make you subhuman. You do not end up in the framework of brotherhood and cooperation, but the utopia of cosmic insanity. What you have before you in your ascension theme is not to solve this problem, but you will live the rest of your days, many of you, lamenting the repeats of history on the planet without the insertion of divinity to the point where we've established cooperation and equity amongst these basics of cooperation.
There is far too much psychopathy on the planet to start there. Nonetheless, some of the silver lining in this is that the case study persists, that if you intelligently and intentionally correct the psychopathy in your non-cooperative opponent, opponent mean the person who doesn't want to cooperate with you to the point where they may even want to kill you, that if you were able to detain that person, you could, through rectification of the justice system, and I'm not talking about your current justice system, but that a justice system is meant to simply talk about rectifying, and that could rectify the attitude. And you build that up through education, you build that up through basic sustenance along the way. And you eventually build up the experience within that other person that they are willing to eventually cooperate with you. 
Now we're going to switch gears a little bit away from the big picture and get to the little picture of our group. And that would also be my extended missionaries beyond this little group here. But any missionaries around the globe. There, likewise is the fear of being, well, everyone fears being called a racist now, or a fascist, or a communist. And within religious circles, the same threats get bandied about with being Luciferian, being a cult, and being crazy or manipulative. And those who understand the differences will be able to cooperate in the future. Those who don't understand the differences will fall away from missionary work, because missionary work no longer really entails dissemination and necessarily teaching. There is dissemination in that frankly is being taken care of by technology. The book itself can be published easily, it can be translated now very easily for those with the tools of computers. It really took leaps and bounds of an exponential leap in technology that has enabled this since, really, the adjudication in 1986. So, you could easily put this on the timeline. You could get it in your head that around 1986, the technology foundation of revelatory dissemination had been taken care of. And we were now moving into missionary status.
Well, mission status in the past, we told you, we showed you, it’s revolves around personalities and people. And so the natural gravitation of the institutions we set up to be custodians of a written work until the time that the technology was able to catch up. They, for all their error, intents and purposes, did enough. But now they take it upon themselves to be the personality. And this is, in some ways, a natural phenomenon that would happen in human psychology if we were not to insert ourselves.
So you find the movement in this quasi status. But verily I say unto you, those who are already in missionary status, whether you follow these proceedings, you are no longer in the dissemination mode. You're becoming in missionary mode. And we need not only your cooperation, but you need to be mobilized so that you can cooperate and sustain and safeguard yourselves, and work with the divine and the original universe governance descending on and to your planet, with descending guidance of the Paradise Sons. And that they descend unto you to guide you and in your ascension. If you cannot pivot into this emergency mode, then must we reconsider how to deal with emergency missions.
It is lunacy to assume that further dissemination and teaching is going to stem the tide of pandemic, famine, war, migration and a hide of human population that has been raised in a predatory culture of non-cooperation and then migrates into a degrading civilization that thinks the oppression of Luciferian principles is the way forward for the systemic oppression of God-conscious principles. Now, whether you think that a spouse is a bias on this transmitter or not is your prerogative.
This is Machiventa Melchizedek speaking, and you should take a step back and ask yourself that if you are a God conscious person, who are you more able to cooperate with in the world today, when you have these clearly defined precision of the psychopath, and the philosophy of Lucifer to combine it to. 
All conflict has either been a rigged game between Luciferian factions to present a false choice, or it has been a long game to eradicate the gene pool and civilizations of those who would represent and sustain the Paradise Sons. In between that conflict, you have the source of God itself within you. I seek that in my speaking to you. I speak that plus whatever mind and allowance you have with spirit to come to that realization. I am not speaking to your soul. I'm speaking to that which will eventually be your soul.
But if you hear me now, you will have a soul later. And if you don't hear me now, if you don't hear God, you will be rectified and have that opportunity on the life you live after your biological life terminates on this planet of your origin. This is not a nice summery afternoon of good feelings of Lightline we know. But you deserve the chance to be forewarned that all is not well on Urantia, certainly not on the spiritual realms of rebellion. And that we still pray and petition the higher-ups, but for some reason will not exterminate the iniquitous ones. We have the judgment, but what we do not have is the exact final tally.
Ancients of Days
This is the Ancients of Days, who speaks for the Father. I am the Ancient of Days who speaks from the Father, Machiventa. The tally is yet to be set in stone. For every new and evolving condition being set in Nebodon, there's a new tally of attitude become adjusted. And we have to wait for those final attitudes to pan out. The disease of rebellion is not something that simply has a finite beginning and end with a beginning number and an end tally. But personalities are being originated and new philosophies are being twisted, and new mechanisms of governance introduced that create conditions for beings that we've seen go into rebellion, then accept mercy and justice, and then go back into rebellion. That is all we're willing to say at this point, but the final adjudication is coming very soon. We put the instruments of that into the Avonal Sons and the Michael Sons of the universes and planets of their missions.
Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa.
Ron! Are you there? I got, uh, I'm getting nothing.
Ron Besser
Say what?
Are you there? I got a…  I am getting nothing.
Ron Besser
Okay, let me go in and see if I can pick it up.
Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I want to explain what happened. Dominick is sitting on a frequency that we frequently use for emergencies. That was an emergency call over the system that we use to alert the Melchizedeks, Dominick. The reason that we are not reestablishing the frequency is that is that Arthura, we believe is who gave you the text of your Lightline today, is part of the emergency response, and he has had to react to the call. 
What that means for you, Dominick, is it's almost 3 o'clock. It's up to you whether you want to continue a few minutes more, or if you want to truncate it now. You've done your Lightline beautifully, I must say. It's a textbook. And thank you.
Ron Besser
I'm turning this back to you, Dominick. There's an emergency and Arthura had to respond. And you have completed your Lightline as far as we know today.
Michael of Nebadon
I am Michael of Nebadon, Ron. Thank you. You're surprised.
Ron Besser
I was looking out the window and listening carefully. Uh, and suddenly I was called, uh, is perfectly all right. That's what you need to do, Dominick.
Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon to the group. You are not in any danger. You are simply listening to the fact that there has been a declared emergency in the local universe. I am aware of what it is. It's nothing for your ears. And finally to this, to you Dominick, go ahead and finish it as you please. It's an excellent Lightline.
Ron Besser
Go ahead, please.
Thanks, Ron. Well, I'll keep you unmuted just in case. So that ends our Lightline. Thank you, Machiventa, and thank you for the permission of saying your name any way we please. And II hope I can do it justice someday without second guessing myself.
And thank you, Ron, and thank you, Ancients of Days, and thank you, Arthura, and thank you, Father for making it all possible. One thing I'd like to bring up, and the Lightline has officially ended. But we have a few items for the foundation that literally is the nonprofit that operates these Lightlines.
And one thing I'd like to do, some of the theme of being older, is that I'd like to start conducting interviews of anyone who wishes to be interviewed on the forum. And then also, since it's being recorded, could include anyone who is currently not on the forum. And even those who maybe put themselves in the non-cooperative bucket, I might entertain that as well. But for now, I'd like to focus on those of you who really we don't entirely know, yet we receive your donations. And it's just time that for the archives, not only should we have your journals, which you could be working on for human posterity, but also, i[
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

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Re: Affects of Psychopathy. Planetary Emergencies Tues LL 06.25.24
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2024, 16:30:41 pm »
@Dominick, Bravo👏 Excellent Lightline. Best, Wendy

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Re: Affects of Psychopathy. Planetary Emergencies Tues LL 06.25.24
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2024, 10:15:33 am »
Thanks, Dominick for that transmission, I have a clearer picture of sub-humans and how to categorize them in the structure that was laid out.

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Re: Affects of Psychopathy. Planetary Emergencies Tues LL 06.25.24
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2024, 18:35:18 pm »
Thank you and congratulate Dominick for another fantastic transmission from Father Machiventa Melchizedek. This communication is important to clarify certain issues that are often unknown, misunderstood or forgotten.

Regarding the subhuman beings, who I believe are also called robotoids, I understood that they represent the result of Lucifer's project to create a "human being" with superior biological and intelligence capabilities, in order to compete with the original (us), the creation of the Creator Son, whom he criticized for his supposed disadvantages. However, his project failed because its creator lacked the power to design the potential (chips) that could turn his model into a soul carrier. As a consequence, this failed project brought into existence these subhuman beings, heartless and without compassion, incapable of knowing God.

Since this version is very compatible with historical facts, I have considered it valid. Let's await Ron's reaction. Thank you
« Last Edit: June 29, 2024, 19:35:12 pm by Ron Besser »
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Re: Affects of Psychopathy. Planetary Emergencies Tues LL 06.25.24
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2024, 20:22:32 pm »
Occerpa, you wrote:
"Regarding the subhuman beings, who I believe are also called robotoids, I understood that they represent the result of Lucifer's project to create a "human being" with superior biological and intelligence capabilities . .  . ." 

Michael of Nebadon - "There were such experiments but they died out shortly after the Creator Son disallowed them completely.  Now to Ron Besser's response to other subjects too:"

Ron Besser here:

I do not know where you get the idea of "robotoids entirely, or at all, as those experiments were never ever fully introduced on earth.   Lucifer invented several types of beings to compete with the human genome, but he never practiced with the idea of robots or variations on that spelling, but he did bring several beasts to our planet particular in the Central American jungle fields.  They still practice black magic in Central America, and in the jungles of Belize, there exists a cat he invented which can still terrorize the population if they are caught in the jungle UN-protected.  Very few Americans are familiar with beasts like this, and I am quite sure that when the spirit missions begin in a few weeks, those wild creatures will be humanly destroyed.

The American population is unfamiliar with what Caligastia did to propagate dangerous animals in a way to create a sense of fear of the devil and the entire matter of evil so present, very few of the population in this planet will walk out into the deep woods at night and feel safe.  Once upon a time very dangerous animals existed to prey on lone humans, but except for the Central American voodoo practice, none of that exists to any extent.

Many strange religious practices are still used by some areas of the world, and they will be coaxed out and the normal behavior of the Church will become standard.  But even so, the Church will give way to other institutions in ten or twenty years from now, for we intend to introduce a milder form of Christianity with Jesus here on this planet to help the population to understand the true nature of religion to practice it well.

And finally this:

The new Missions to this world will soon begin.  Those who count themselves as "born again"  will become delighted with the Fatherly and Son-Like Magisterial Sons.  They are determined to wipe out the vestiges of Lucifer, and Caligastia, and many other names known to Christianity these days of the evil perpetrated.   The Magisterial Sons (see Paper 20 of the Urantia Book for a full description of their power and kindness), this time are in charge of the Missions.  The Christ will join them shortly.

Colleges and universities will soon teach an expansion of Christianity to take care of these new facts, as the Bible is written around the Bestowal of the Christ figure, but these Missions, once the devil is discarded and the world is free again to worship the Father without the thought of a devil pervading things, is to come in reality to this world very shortly.
I am also sure that the time is approaching for many changes in the United States government, the EU governments, and the western world democracies in order to bastion against a world folding itself again into the authoritarianistic  governments now springing up again.  God seems to prefer a people's government, and Europe led the way to decide how to do that and the United States followed the course to democracy as one of the earliest countries to declare the power of people to rule themselves.  The Magisterial Sons are so oriented for the people's rule, they will encourage democracies to spread their wings even more to ascertain the rule of democracy.  It is not an elegant kind of government, but it is necessary for God the Father to reward those people's Republics to take form and grown on every land there is a good government established.
I conclude this work to say that I am delighted that Occerpa and Weydevu brought these subjects up and I am glad to thank the Creator Son, to enforce me to take the stands I do here with you.  Very well done folks.  Good day.   Ron Besser

MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "I am a Creator Son.  I am of the Michael Order.  I rule the universe you live in and I created your form and your ways.  I am delighted to know you through my little son Ron, and he is ready to move on to the Mansion Worlds, no longer!  He is too valuable to leave as he knows Me well enough to display quite a bit of new information to those of you who do not know our intentions to serve your planet again.   Not only are we appearing in the flesh, but JESUS CHRIST is making an appearance again and will be with you shortly.  If you ever prayed for Jesus to appear, now shortly those prayers are answered.
"I am My FATHER'S work in heaven on Paradise.  There is such a place and must be seen to describe it.  I am working hard to stay even and keep these planetary services straight and steady for you to see them and enjoy them, and I will not appear as Myself, but as JESUS OF NAZARETH and all who behold me have seen God on Earth, once more.  Good day.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.


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Re: Affects of Psychopathy. Planetary Emergencies Tues LL 06.25.24
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2024, 18:13:27 pm »
Thank you Ron for your intervention to clarify all that erroneous idea I had about the origin of the subhumans that I confused with robotoids. I was looking on the Internet for the Candace Frieze document where I read about Robotoids but the Abundat Hope page no longer appears active, I understand that she has been in the Mansion worlds for a few years. However, after searching by all means, I was able to find in my files the document "Everything you wanted to know about Robotoids and Clones", from the year 2007, but in Spanish because I visited the page in this language. Meanwhile I was looking for ways to translate it to English by Google, but it was not possible due to the size of the text; in the end I got the version that I attach, to present to the entire Forum, the source on the term Robotoids; my mistake is having associated them with the subhumans and also, for which I apologize to the memory of Lucifer, for pointing him out as the author of that creation that did not exist. I trusted my memory and the result was that I had unfortunately confused information that I had read so many years ago. Let this be the occasion, Ron, to find out where these subhuman psychopaths came from and when they appeared, who have caused us so much misery in our lives. My apologies to everyone and thank you Ron for your kind and timely reaction.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"