Author Topic: Van, Eve & Adam. The Spirit of God in you and on the planet 07.03.24  (Read 6163 times)

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A history of ascension ecology impacted by missions and epochal revelations

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Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: Van, Eve & Adam. The Spirit of God in you and on the planet 07.03.24
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2024, 09:00:52 am »
  • 070324 Audio Tape Wednesday Light Line USA; Host: Dominick
  • Subjects: -A history of ascension ecology impacted by missions and epochal revelations.-Divine Spark of God within you; _Fusion is one of your first major accomplishments; -There is no such thing as genderfied universe; -The promised return of Jesus has never been done before in the Grand Universe; -Who you are is what you think and do; -Adam & Eve are on the same ascension path as humans;-They have since been restored to their Material Son & Daughter status
  • Speakers: Van, Adam and Eve.
  • Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  • Link To Tape:
I can't hear anything. Are you talking?

Thank you. Yeah, yeah, I was talking. But guess what? I was on mute. So we're going to start over. And I thank you for alerting me, because I was going really well there. And I was talking in a closet. So let's just begin with everybody on the light line. We've got 15 in total. So welcome, Pliktarious, Stephen, Namato, both of our Rogers, Valerie, Robert, Renee, George, Elise, Gary, Salvador, the husband and wife team of Donna and Larry, and Ron. And I am your host, Dominick, coming at you from York, Pennsylvania. And we're recording live today on video.

And what I was explaining before I was helped that I was muted was that light lines are transmissions done in a spiritual circuitry restored by the universe government. You could call classify that or qualify that as the original universe government because they were previously quarantined and these types of circuits were off. And before those were reinstated, we had to deal with things like say personal revelation of automatic writing and any insights that might be personal revelation in our prayer and worship and anything that came through our sincere inquiry of the mind. I've been trained to transmit for many years in the community around the fifth Epochal revelation which was a revelation given in the mid-19th or excuse me, mid-20th century describing what God is and who this original universe government is and all the things that were commissioned to be revealed and clarified that are outside of our local universe that was quarantined. So, you could think of that as everything outside of the quarantine zone is described in that book as well. Call it cosmology, call it personalities of various scales of divinity and personalities, classifications of what's a spirit and what would be a fellow human being, which you might consider like an ET. But really, they're just fellow humans, which would qualify as a being of material origin on a planet with a mind. But that's also encircled with the spiritual circuits and not just some anamaton or robot. And in most cases, some sort of will, will be going. What we learned yesterday in the light line was not all humans are necessarily endowed with free will. And this planet, an experimental kind of innovation type planet was certainly provided with free will.

Now, there are some examples of free will being debated even today where some claim we don't have free will. And that's certainly the case in certain behaviors. Not every single behavior requires free will. However, when you get into the advanced philosophies and science of prediction of free will, of human behavior and decision making, and certainly the free will to seek higher, not just knowledge, but spiritual connection with the ultimate mysteries of the universe and spirit of the meaning of life and all those deep things that ultimately provide us a deep satisfaction of meaning and purpose. And so lightlines can aid in that, but it also deals with rather, you could say mundane or day-to-day practices of news, universe news, policy, procedure, could be boring for some, fascinating for others. But we do receive from the higher-ups and the past of religion has tried to clarify through written text and codified in religions, of who that is and who is employed underneath, say, the heads of deity to relay and both administer us to us, minister to us with things related to, say, planetary government, which would be in your science fiction with things like the gods, whereas angels would be something that minister to you, your soul. And so what unifies kind of those things together are things related to our ascension. And what is best understood and restated in modern times now, and certainly when the quarantine was lifted because the quarantine dealt with rebellion and the very nature of defining what this is and what we are and who we are and what it's all about. And what it's all about is our, not only self-mastery, but our soul progress and what we are building in a spiritual body to live after we die in our material body. And that's not just our soul, but our partner in building our soul, which is the divine spark of God, that divine core within us. And that's what we'll be talking about today in transmission. So thank you for joining. And I'm gonna just sit down now in my chair. Little Mr. Rogers here. For those on the call, you'll see the video later, I suppose.
Okay, so a quick prayer. And in the future, I'd like maybe someone else to give the prayer if they want. Contact me if you'd like to. I'm never gonna call on you. But it would be nice to hear from some of our loyal attendees. You're always welcome to participate, certainly through a prayer. You've heard it long enough. You know the, we'd love to hear your input. But we thank you, Father, for these light lines. We thank you, Michael, for your bestowal experience that enabled this. And we thank you Father, for bestowing yourself in the lowliest of your creations of mind and spiritual potential, your sons and daughters of God, these humans in the universe. Thank you.

So with a quick procedure like that, we then simply wait and we ask in the light line, which typically lasts an hour, is there an MC or someone who on the spirit side is taking the reins of organizing the content and the messaging and the transmitter simply tries to voice that in a fully conscious higher frequency of mind, so I'm fully aware of everything around me. And I'm listening to the higher frequencies of spirit and voicing that. Anyone with us today for July 3rd, welcome.

Well, welcome. This is Van. I am Van and I am known by many names in past history on this planet. I served a very long time in between the administrations of planetary bestowal of the Planetary Prince who is unseen and an administrator of the planet. I was part of the main councils of government who arrived with the Planetary Prince and we were seen. And we were those ancient councils of organization and education that brought the beginnings of modern civilization as they are revealed from the heavens. We were considered gods for the concept was not even that well developed on the planet during that stage. But nonetheless, there had evolved humans for approximately half a million years that your planet became eligible. And in normal universe proceedings, we see the Planetary Prince with its lead organizers you know by many names such as the Council of Ten. I am Van and I have other names as well in your history. but I prefer Van. My lieutenant was a native of the planet, modified to work on my staff. And his name is Amadon. Amadon. And he and I served on this planet between administrations for well over 250,000 years.

I am with you today roughly 35,000 years to 40,000 years later after I left my planetary assignment here in the completion of its service, handing off the baton of planetary administration to the Material Son and Daughter known as an Adam and Eve who also go by that name and you're hit by name of Adam and Eve and they established the garden. And their mission was a biological upliftment, but also this additional burden of what entailed those 250,000 years, we'll refer to a quarter million years of time, which were essentially a time of quarantine and a time of universe conflict that is, in many respects, being resolved even today. However, the universe quarantine mentioned earlier was able to be reinstituted, reestablished, because the infamous universe court case of Gabriel versus Lucifer had been legally adjudicated. This allowed for certain steps to be taken, one of which is the reestablishment of spiritual circuits which allowed for an interchange of personnel of all spiritual orders and kinds and areas of space and areas outside of time and space to broadcast to the universe and for you to receive and for personnel to establish travel protocol. But most importantly, is a working out of an embedded rebellion governance, which includes this conflict of two competing spiritual governments and their coinciding material applications resulting from spiritual governments. One of original universe government, which I hail from, and during a rebellion times, I was the primary representative of original, you could say loyal universe government, which is created and ruled by Paradise Sons. Our Lord is synonymous with a Paradise Son.

As Jesus, He bestowed Himself in His seventh bestowal by that time, but his only bestowal as a human. He descended each time and by the seventh time reached the status of the lowliest, running the ladder of spiritual beings in the order of sons of God which I belong to. I am of the same order of being, albeit more advanced in my ascension and my service. So, I'm trying to explain to you where you are in current events. And I say and mention Michael, who bestowed himself in the life as Jesus. He became the Christ because he completed his bestowal mission as Michael. He became the Christ in the unification of understanding who and what he was as not just a mere human being, but as the bestowed son of the very creator of this local universe, the Paradise Son Michael. And the local universe is Nebadon. And so the title Michael of Nebadon is synonymous when we say, the bestowal of Jesus, the son of man with a capital S is Michael. The son of man with a lowercase s is Jesus. When we talk about those times in the successful mission of revealing the Father, which is that Divine Spark mentioned earlier. The Divine Spark is the pre-personal aspect of yourself, but it is the unerring guiding voice of the highest source of spiritual essence that the universe provides and therefore is the Universal Father and source of us all. But the mystery and grandness of the universe and this whole ascension scheme which the rebels really rebelled against and spoiled to say the least is this magnificent asset that is within you. And the word pre-personal need not be confusing, because what that really means is the fusion process in your own experience, eventually gives the voice of this source your own voice. The Father ministers you as an honoring, guiding voice in your free will decisions. However, it does not dictate what you do. It merely provides you the highest source of spiritual, well, let's just call it truth, beauty and goodness and sugar and spice and everything nice. But understand it is often looked for in very serious and meaningful moments in your life.
And when you feel you have no strength or when you have no hope, the mirror a jargon sometimes of say truth, beauty and goodness will not serve you, but what will serve you is the inner tuning in to that resource within you. Resource is a good term because there is no limits to the source within you. You can reuse it time and time again to the point where fusion and this voice of yourself and this process of tuning in to the Father's will, become so part of you, you literally fuse and become one with it. And this is one of your first major accomplishments in your Ascension career. It has happened a few times on this planet, but very rare. And that would be the Chariot of Fire with Ezekiel and in more modern times, others. We will not mention for sake of today. However, what's outlined is that in this goal of collective ascension, as each individual over generation and generation, and you could say in planetary terms, as this becomes more common, you might have in your wildest dreams of science fiction a planet far away today which is under light and life and those experiences of fusion begin to replace the process of death itself. Such is the potential of a planet's evolution to the point that it's not assisted death, but it is a graduation ascension.

Now if you are lucky enough to live long enough, the body eventually wears out to the point where death in some regards, at least in body form, is looked forward to given the promise of a renewed morontial body. And morontial is the word for the quasi-physical spiritual form in a phase transition between material and fully spirit. It's a phase transition word, morontia. And if you are facing death at old age, you welcome this revitalization upon resurrection into your new Morontial body and you might have the wisdom to understand and feel the faith that death is not to be totally feared. But everyone does in their minds fear death for it is all that you know. And you need to have some sort of faith because you don't truly understand your resurrection until it happens. But we say unto you through our ministry, through revelation, and frankly through transmission now trying to plainly say without giving you the direct experience that it is real.

Now, in contrast, the Rebellion sophistry simply states that you are a soul inherently alive and rebirthing through this soul mechanism and that it is, that is who you really are. And so that's totally different than what I'm explaining to you, and that you're this embryo of an origin's personality on a planet with a destiny of ascension. Ascension is not reincarnation. Ascension has a core component of you and what you are, which we'll just summarize as your personality, the divine spark of God, which as you become more and more attuned with it, would actually be expressed in your own voice to you until you are speaking with that voice outwardly and your outward expression becomes God-like, and your soul because the soul is what gets built around your actual experience while living now.

So the consequence of living is your soul building. The risks of that entail being unqualified by soul strength and soul capability that you built a soul to withstand the rigors of resurrection and continuing on and free will at that point still respects your ability to decide whether you wish to do that. Now in addition to these things would be the environment that we've referred to as spiritual circuits. That could be the ecosystem or ecology of planetary or mind or environment circuits, literally establishing themselves to interact with their mind, which you could extend to aspects of mind to include even the cells of your body which contribute you are an organism with a mind and therefore at some level there's a unity to it all. That's the aspect of the holographic concept of both mind and time and space as having its origins to the creator of such a holographic universe that's encircuited with mind and spirit. Spirit is where you ultimately are real. Spirit is what can become eternalized and immortal.
Becoming a cosmic citizen means that you phase from material to spiritual. You can fuse with the source of pure spirit before that actually happens. All that does is guarantee your phase transition. You would be guaranteed the phase transition. And you can guarantee your eternity and immortality here now in your lifetimes. That is the individual contribution you can give to the highest source in the universe, which has indwelled itself, himself, within you. There are spiritual circuits and deities of levels in between that could represent the mother that can represent a female. These are very intertwined and there is no such thing as a truly genderfied universe other than what you find in nature. But you could see that there are qualities that would reflect and express themselves as gender. But the universe, when it deals with its non-binary genderification, which seems so important on this planet at this time, is that we might attribute a positive or a negative polarity, if you will. That's better to think about. When you want gender neutrality, you can think of polarities. The importance of this subject with spiritual circuits relates to everything I'm talking about with you today. And this is Van, Van, who is very experienced with your planet, not just during the time I lived here, but also during the off-planet service of continuing universe government and the policies around rectifying what's happened in universe rebellion and frankly continuing the assertion of universe, original universe government in the face of an entrenched rebellion government still here on this planet.

And so I say unto you, major events have created major ecological changes in the spiritual economy of the planet. And one promised event would be the promised return of Jesus, which is something a Bestowal Son has never done before, and all other such similar events with other Creator sons in other parts of the master universe, the grand universe. Another major event would be the planetary phase transitions, which would be events such as the occurrence of a Planetary Prince or the occurrence of Adam and Eve planet. These would be called epochal. When epochal revelation happens, usually that coincides with a major shift in spiritual ecology and economy. When you have the word majesty and magisterial, this foreshadows such an event. These types of bestowals happen by Paradise Sons as well and therefore hail from a high source of deity, not God himself, but a phased form of deity that would include the Father and Son and Spirit, recognized as the Paradise Trinity. And geographically, the time and space universes gravitate in space respiration around the home of not only the Father but the Paradise Deity, the Paradise Trinity. These Paradise Sons find their origin in such a deity and create the universes. But the Magisterial Sons are not the Creator Sons. However, they work with the Creator Sons to bestow themselves to planets such as ours and every planet with humans is designed to receive such sons at certain stages of their planetary development. Incidentally, such development coincides with the levels of biology, technology, and spiritual maturity, or spiritual status, material status, technological status. If one is out of balance with the other, you might have not epochal events, but you might have missions which would seek to provide or pull one of these levers up or down, left or right, whatever it gets so that the planet and population therefore becomes eligible for the next phase of the Epochal Revelation.

The early phases are designed to get you to one stage or another. And so when we say Adam and Eve, Material Sons and Daughters arrived 35,000 to 40,000 years ago. And at that point, I completed my mission. But the planet was deemed to be in the next stage, finally that they could receive them. Those were harrowing days of planetary quarantine where I prepared for that day and I was in effect the leader trying to maintain the light of original universe government on the planet to the point it could receive the Material Son and Daughter, and that created a new phase of planetary epic. The next epic was the bestowal of Jesus. And that created an environmental effect in the spirit ecology, which affected the planet greatly and affected the literal evolution of humans.
One of the most fascinating universal subjects of humans is this fascination with the demonic mind invasion. And I tell you, in the earlier days of mankind, humankind, the mind had less assets of spiritual economy to defend itself. Not only was the human different biologically and spiritually, but it did not have the universal assets of the divine spark of God inherently indwelling the human. During those times, the human being had to be, you could say, extraordinarily seeking or worthy or asking of such a bestowal of the Universal Father into the mind and personality of a human. No, at that point humans were in their ascension careers living, then dying, then becoming resurrected, and then becoming eligible. And even more so was the planet, even if the human being was not such a person who was fatherly oriented in the trinity would become and fulfill the ranks of what the universe needed at that time which was permanent universe residents on ascension tracks, that would just leave them in different locations and ascending to different statuses within the ascension scheme. But the bestowal of Jesus, you could say changed all that with the bestowal of specific circuits that resulted in the universal bestowal of the Father within each human being. And any normal-minded human now inherently receives this gift and has this resource within them. Seek and you will find.

Now, one of the turnoffs of religion is that it gets proselytized or prostituted in the profane dealings of politics, of humankind. And this is not the case when it comes to your personal ministry of ascension and building a soul. It has no bearing. But what's fascinating is this fascination with demonic possession and the fact that what we saw as a result of this was that the human became protected, whether they knew it or not. Previous possession became impossible unless the human willfully and knowingly invited them in. Such would be the traditions of say your Dracula vampire. If you allow the demon in, invite them in. Otherwise, they cannot step through the citadel of your mind, through the door, the door which is your mind. The window to you is your mind. If you invite them in, only then are they able to penetrate into you. Certainly, things can impinge around you, but the citadel is your inner life and your inner mind at this point. This will help you in your future days. It will help you in your prayer and worship. And this inherent or very significant need now for mental health and wellness, which now includes the spirit and the body. And you could, without having to subscribe to a religion, tap into this inner source and imagine you are a citadel protected by this blue shield of energy. You could visualize it as your aura or something of an energy field around you. And this will tap into your inner source and revitalize you through the ministry of the universe and tap you into the flower of life.

Well, thank you, Van. This is Dominick. I've been interrupted by my cat, who wishes to transmit, I guess. Anything further, Van?

No, but it is this; whatever you are left with today after this light line, understand that Who you are is what you think and what you do. But mostly that you simply are a child of God. And you would do well to incorporate that into your understandings, your traditions of religion and your philosophy of life, or even your well-being of the nutrition of your mind and body. And then once you have this experience within you, are you able to outwardly express that to your fellows, your fellow brothers and sisters? But that it's also possible to come about this through different modes. No path is the same. You're all different in your individual unique selves, but collectively, you are the brotherhood, sisterhood of the planet which includes the ministry of God, which includes the Spirit, your Lord, and the Universal Father Himself, which is the source of all such things and is mysteriously given into you.

But that if you Seek this within and find it difficult to find. Another technique could be the service to another human. Not just a cause, but a service to another living human being. Yes, you could give it to animals, you could give it to an environment, but this is not the highest spiritual mind possible. And you would be simply taking a different step in the same direction. But if you wanna skip those steps, you could do the very rewarding service to another person. And then will that also build the pathway to not only enlightenment, but understanding that you are a child of God and that this resource not only protects you from evil, but seeks to guide you into the highest and best outcomes in anything you allow it to advise you on and in. And it serves you well and turns your ideal self into that ideal reality.

Thank you. I am Van and I serve you off planet today and possibly in the future you will meet me. Good day to you all.

Thank you, Van. Is there anyone else? This is Dominick now. Is there anyone else? And thank you, Van.

Adam and Eve
Yes, this is Adam and Eve. We are together and we drew straws and Eve is speaking. She won and wishes to speak. This is Adam introducing her and she won. And the punishment is not that she speaks to you. The loser in this draw is I, Adam, who misses out on the opportunity to address you, but nonetheless, it's good to speak to you in the introduction of Eve. Eve, thank you, Adam. I am Eve, and I was that partner in crime with Adam on your planet. Now, that crime was considered a default. In other words, a crime is a transgression from the law or guidance of a mission. We had a mission.

So therefore, it was not entirely epochal in its immediate effect on a planet. But nonetheless, like Van was describing, the mission is to biologically uplift the species of the human in a genetic and biological upliftment that allows for even more spiritual functioning and higher spiritual functioning to appear. And one such example, such simple example, would be in a DNA advancement. Other things you might correlate are brain advancements, such as frontal lobes occurring that coincide roughly with our appearance. Anthropologically, sociologically, you might look at things such as art and humor, making major advances in an evolving species. And certainly, these things took off with art and culture, but also the machinations of humankind in industries and the march of civilization rapidly advanced and became globalized in the later appearances of advanced races that were evolutionarily superior and inevitably phased out.
Other species of human beings who nonetheless were greatly advanced for their time and like Van said were ascending. But since their literal biology did not exactly qualify them for an inherent automatic track to the father, such humans were fulfilling the universe need for something that you would qualify as permanent universe residents, local universe residents, who would not ascend on a pilgrimage so far out of their origin that they would literally spiritually ascend to realms outside of space and time, but were in fact wholly spiritual locations. I hail and I originate as does Adam from the same local origin of a local universe with our Lord and a Michael Son, Michael of Nebadon. We call our region of space and creation Nebadon. I'm on the same ascension track to paradise as you but I did not originate and I am not human.

I am a Material Son and Daughter. And we originate and reside on non-Earth planets, but this is wonderfully described as the universe administration, the worlds of universe administration, which administer to the worlds of time and space that are inhabited by humans, for example. And we all work, our purpose, our design is to aid in this grand adventure of spiritualizing time and space and becoming perfect ourselves in our divinity as well. And even though I am not originated as a human because of the default, the transgression of the law of our mission, which resulted in the crime of default. We were not convicted of rebellion, but we defaulted by succumbing to rebel methodologies which seemed to be good but nonetheless transgressed the law as the mission was defined and provided by the loyal and original universe government.

And regretfully, we did not adhere to that. And we fell from the garden. We defaulted in our mission. And Adam and I literally were convicted of a downgrade from our Material Son and Daughter status into a human being form. The blessing now is we have in our life experience now known what it is like to live as you, not just perform a mission amongst you and with you for the purpose of uplifting you, but we literally, albeit through sorrowful circumstances, have the experience of living as one of you.
We were adjusted. That is a word for this divine source that bestows itself upon a human. We were adjusted because not only were we what you could consider superhuman, because in our downgraded status, we still retain the legacy of our superhuman biology. Nonetheless, we were no longer sustained by the universe circuits that sustained us, that are summarized or known as the Tree of Life but we were adjusted not only because of our special human status. But we were adjusted because the Adjusters themselves wanted the experience. This was yet another rather unique opportunity for these mystery monitors, these divine monitors, to gain valuable experience within a unique human being.

We have since been restored to our material son and daughter status, and our adjusters are detached and have been personalized. They are not a part of our Ascension careers, Adam and Eve and they now educate and minister to less experienced Adjusters. And they take on their own missions to adjusters on planets like yours and with Adjusters that would be within yourselves. In this way, are we able to make up for and compensate what we failed to do in our missions but to wrap up my contribution, we were not in an epochal revelation. Our mission, like Van described, was to, over time, uplift the biology to a certain level that the planet could enjoy the next phase of a bestowal. By any normal means, this would have and almost always entails, except for one case in each local universe, there's one case where the bestowal is not a son of Paradise, but the Creator Son himself, bestows himself on a planet. And that would be when the Creator Son reaches the stage of the seventh bestowal in his bestowal career of completing the last necessary step of his bestowal missions himself of living the life of all his creation. And he had yet to live a life as a human. And did so as Jesus.

What I'm getting at is that was a very unique event and nonetheless did not by itself have the specific legal ramification. Ramifications, let alone the necessary legal proceeding itself. It was not a specifically legal or justice mission. It was a revelation and bestowal mission with the specific purpose of revealing what has been a central theme of today's light line, that divine spark of God, which Jesus constantly referred to as His Father in heaven, His Father. And even when Jesus knew he was also Michael, bestowing as Jesus, and knew he was both divine and mortal. He still referred to his father. And that was the specific case of his revelation and his bestowal. And so, we get to the point that a new ecology will be likely born on the planet when a Magisterial Son or magisterial Sons arrive in justice, epochal revelation and mission to the planet in this case to specifically administer the legal enforcement of the Ancients of Days decrees, citing legally with Gabriel against Lucifer. In doing so, many of the lead rebels have already lost their lives permanently. But what has not happened since then is the adherence to the rulings by those who still sustain rebellion or are so confused with universe events that they don't know what up or down is anymore and simply wish to rule locally as they wish to. And that would be classified as an insurrection.

The spirit ecology will change drastically as it did with the bestowal of Jesus. That is not up to me to define for you. I only have what I am taught and what I've seen from other planets going through to give you the hint that a profound change in your spiritual experience is and will be upon you. You are to seek and understand and know that you have this sanctuary and citadel regardless of what happens and what confusion could occur in such a planet undergoing the emergencies of multiple crises across many levels, dealing with spirit technology, biology, environment, and politics, just to name a few. And I assure you that you are in good hands when these missions communicate themselves to you in a manner that cannot be denied in your own experience.
Thank you. It was a pleasure speaking with you. Thank you for the introduction, Adam. Thank you all on this light line today. And we will talk again. Good day.

Thank you, Eve. And thank you, Adam. And I think we're at the end of the light line. So I'm going to go to my dashboard and disturb the cat on my lap, away from the camera, and to the dashboard. And we have 309(time) and thanks for listening.


Online occerpa

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Re: Van, Eve & Adam. The Spirit of God in you and on the planet 07.03.24
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2024, 22:20:21 pm »

Greetings, just to note that in Dominick's transmission, extraordinary as all of them, I found that Van jumped from the second revelatory epoch (Adam-Eve) to the fourth, the bestowal of Father Michael of Nebadon, overlooking the important third period, the appearance of Father Machiventa Melchizedek, who prepared, again, the spiritual ground for the arrival of Christ Jesus.  I think the clarification is valid and only so as not to leave that void among new visitors to the Forum who have not read the UB or who do not know the sequence.   Thank you 
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

Offline Dominick O

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Re: Van, Eve & Adam. The Spirit of God in you and on the planet 07.03.24
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2024, 10:02:52 am »
@occerpa and also @pjammer from another post:
Thank you for your comments. 

A lot of the essence and nuances of your comments are found in Paper 52, Planetary Mortal Epochs. Pages 589-600.
A comprehensive look might examine Papers 49 through 55.

Machiventa's emergency Mission is better understood as Pre-Bestowal Son. And is therefore not a planetary epoch by itself, and better understood in context of what was. Your well-meaning and reasonable intention would result in some confusion about planetary mortal epochs but is an excellent lesson in how extraordinary and scrambled they are.

You might say our planet is in various, simultaneous, and incomplete stages of:
  • Planetary Prince Man (rebellion affected)
  • Adamic Man (rebellion affected, and defaulted)
  • Bestowal Man (rebellion affected, and out of normal order before Magisterial, and uniquely Creator Son, not an Avonal)
  • Magisterial Man (in progress)

The order of the Papers and who is tasked to produce them is amazing the more I reference them to help answer you.

Later on in Paper 92, Later Evolution of Religion, Section 4. The Gift of Revelation:
your comments, occerpa, are fully supported as epochal significance (page 1007)

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Van, Eve & Adam. The Spirit of God in you and on the planet 07.03.24
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2024, 12:58:04 pm »
    Good thinking Occerpa.  Let me quote you  first:

Machiventa's emergency Mission is better understood as Pre-Bestowal Son. And is therefore not a planetary epoch by itself, and better understood in context of what was. Your well-meaning and reasonable intention would result in some confusion about planetary mortal epochs but is an excellent lesson in how extraordinary and scrambled they are.

You might say our planet is in various, simultaneous, and incomplete stages of:
  • Planetary Prince Man (rebellion affected)
  • Adamic Man (rebellion affected, and defaulted)
  • Bestowal Man (rebellion affected, and out of normal order before Magisterial, and uniquely Creator Son, not an Avonal)
  • Magisterial Man (in progress)

I somewhat disagree with the idea that Machiventa's appearance was an epochal gathering.  It was highly unusual, but an epoch to establishes a plan and a way forward.  What Machiventa did was to digress the religions of the Middle East, and predicated a change in religious status to force the prevailing Bedouins into a single state Deity.That said, Dominick's contention that it was an epochal event can be argued, but I agree with him to the extent it really acted as an epochal event in any case.

MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK - "You Ron will go down in universe history as the first man to question the suzerainty of my endowment to Abraham.  You do not disagree my appearance was epochal, but you place it between epochal events of a different nature.  In that I fully agree with you.  Dominick asserts that the degree of use that Machiventa was was more than offset in your view of the last of the Bestowals of Adam and Eve, is that they were the genuine heirs to Abraham, but far too distance in land miles to make a direct appeal to the Bedouins that Machiventa addressed to the tribes under Abraham at the time.

/// I must make it clear you are under heavy attack today, and that is preparation for your death not, but a change in status.  We close this now for safety reasons . . . .

« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 13:09:15 pm by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Van, Eve & Adam. The Spirit of God in you and on the planet 07.03.24
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2024, 14:09:10 pm »
Thank you very much, Dominick, for your attention to my comment and for expanding on the references on the subject of revelatory epochs. My thanks also to Ron for his valuable contribution on this subject of great significance. The truth is that it seemed very unusual to me that such a glorious personality as Van, "the imperturbable," to whom we Urantians owe so much gratitude for his dedication, effort, and sacrifice for so long, did not consider the extraordinary service for the clarification of spiritual truth, necessary to prepare the ground for the bestowal of the Creator Son, rendered by Father Machiventa, corresponding to the third revelatory epoch, for which reason the Urantia Book corresponds to the fifth epoch of revelation. Thank you, Dominick, and my appreciation for your arduous, outstanding, and dedicated work dedicated to this cause.
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Re: Van, Eve & Adam. The Spirit of God in you and on the planet 07.03.24
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2024, 14:29:59 pm »

My apologies Carole for naming you so regrettably instead of your beautiful songatsunrise expression. Problems with my poor attitude towards English.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: Van, Eve & Adam. The Spirit of God in you and on the planet 07.03.24
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2024, 14:38:45 pm »
Greetings to everyone today, Saturday. Taking advantage of the fact that there are no new publications, especially the announced expansion of Ron Besser's Big News, I remind you of this intervention by Father Machiventa Melchizedek in the last LL of Elise, where he highlights his extraordinary and immense work in the times of Abraham; this statement speaks for itself about what an arduous task it represents during 100 years (of adult life), so that the revealers of The Urantia Book consider their presence as one of the revelatory times on our planet. I consider that the Bible did not give the prominence that this immeasurable figure deserved, so that Humanity in the near future, must make this recognition.

"Yes, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. And I speak to you again as the Melchizedek who is so familiar with the history of your planet. And who lived among you when the situation on your world was so forsaken of God that I voluntarily came to this earth to save the name of God among the warlike people at that time, and their rough behavior and desire for power and domination.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek and we knew that the people of that time on this world had sunk to a spiritual low point, and the world was about to become an apostate planet and would have indulged in polytheism. It worshiped all kinds of things that man encounters in his environment, and connects with fictional stories. There were hardly any people left who worshiped one Godand the teachings of Adam and Eve had almost disappeared. All over the world people lived in paganism, worshiping all kind of objects or beings.

I, Machiventa, came to your planet as a grown man, and stayed on your planet for almost 100 years. And in that time, a covenant was made between the man Abraham and God. Abraham was a captain of an army, and he had a large army at his disposal. He was a rough man. He was a renowned man who tried to conquer territories of other tribes and bring them under his control. But through the many conversations Abraham and I had, he finally came to believe in me, and he began to accept my teachings. And as a result, he regarded his worldly power as temporary. And slowly he began to strive for cooperation between the people without violence or motives for victory.

My incarnation on your world has revitalized Urantia on a spiritual level. My teachings have spread throughout the world through the followers of Abraham, who were well-educated, and who passed on my teachings to many different places on your world. And from this came many of your modern religions, including the falsehoods added to them. But it saved the consciousness of the one God in this world. And now the time has come to separate the truth from the illusion, and learn what my teachings actually meant, because much of its essence has been lost. And many human ideas have been added.

The doctrine of one God and the truth of the Trinity are found in most of your main religions. But the presence of man, the presence of God in man, in each individual, and the ascension to God on Paradise have often been distorted and have led to impure ideas of faith. And at this time, with the new Missions coming up, led by the Magisterial Sonsthis most important element of spiritual value will be re-emphasized and made very clear to your population; drawing on the beliefs of the various religions of the Earth with the addition of the true concept of God, who is literally present in every human being to make survival possible with the cooperation of each individual who will know and acknowledge the presence of a fragment of God living in the human being, and the human searching for God within. That is what must happen today to bring about change in the hearts of men and women, and to establish a peaceful society with appreciation and respect for each other. And with due respect for the fact that God is present in every human being of good willand should be treated accordingly.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I have continued my work for the awareness and knowledge of the presence of God in the hearts of all people, just as I did several millennia ago when God almost disappeared from the earth. And even now, again, where so many do not want to know God this is very important, and I want to emphasize this in my words for you today. Be always grateful. Thank God, your Father, and have a very good day. I will step back."

"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"