Author Topic: Tues LL 07.09.24  (Read 4056 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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Tues LL 07.09.24
« on: July 09, 2024, 18:43:43 pm »
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An unusual lightline in some respects.

Machiventa with Ron transmitting at start and Arthura, too
Dominick continued and ended with Arthura continuing on from Monday's themes

Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: Tues LL 07.09.24
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2024, 07:56:50 am »
  • 070924 Audio Tape Tuesday Light Line USA; Host: Dominick. Other transmitter: Ron
  • Subjects: -Father has given transmitters the ability to decide when to hold lightlines; - Why dissatisfied Seraphim are upset; -Outer space region planets to receive beings of a new order; - Governance; -The Universe of time and space is political; -Politics contains some element of controlled violence; -A resignation from the Supreme Court of the US expected in two weeks.
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Monjoronson, Universal Father , Arthura, Michael of Nebadon.
  • Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  • Link To Tape:
All right, I'll say some opening words. We had a light line that was canceled today. We're unofficially meeting. We don't intend to send mixed messages. But what we're doing is holding the assembly of the humans, you could say, and not under any official light line capacity. Nonetheless, we have transmitters available here in the case of a transmission, notably different from Sunday is Ron's here. So, I'm handing this off to you, Ron, to see if you have anything in transmission. Go ahead.

Ron/ Machiventa Melchizedek
Well, thank you Dominick this is Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron is sitting here kind of on the edge of things he's had nothing but trouble and tuning in that's been fixed at least for this operation. The truth of the matter is Dominick and all those listening there's been a change in the plans. You're hearing it here first.
First of all, we are not going to hold a mission like we thought we were. That is planetary mission. Second of all, we are going to have the Magisterial Sons attend the light lines. They will have news for you as we go and Monjoronson has arrived and is about to speak. I'll take it Dominick if it's okay.

This is Monjoronson. You, Ron, have been knocked silly. And it means that you are not connected well, but you're connected enough to get a transmission. Today we didn't expect any light line, either did you. But then Dominick said he was going to hold it and you were just fine with it.

Oh yes.

Now this. We, meaning the celestial beings on Urantia, intend to hold a mission. Ron threw up a bunch of light into the air. And it's for this reason, Ron. You all have prepared for the missions. But Michael has been told by the Universal Father not to go ahead with a major mission until he signals that it's okay. Ron is very rocky right now. They keep wanting to hit him and take him out of physical life. That is not going to happen, Ron.

Well, that's nice to know, but I sure am rocky on it.

Yes. I am in Monjoronson, Ron. Without you, it's not as fun. All right, we... Thank you. We also would like you to stand down today and not post anything more. You have posted already at least one post to the discussion forum and that is causing a rumble among the other ones because you mention that you pull them in but they are not producing as well.

Well, they are I think mostly under Machiventa. You have to ask him because I don't know.

Thank you.

Universal Father
And this to you, Ron, when I'm speaking, shut up. And now this. I am not Monjoronson, I am Father. Thank you, Ron. He said, welcome, Father. The truth of the matter is you are welcome to speak with me. When you speak with the time universe, they get feedback. At times it's okay. This time it's not and you we got your okay.  Now this; I am quite sure that Ron would love to be part of the missions.

But there's a problem. The individuals who are breaking the law love to gather around Ron and cause a problem. Ron is strong enough to withstand it, and he has. However, this presents a bit of a problem to us on the upper end of things. And we're asking Ron to stand down on the next light line, which is Wednesday. And I assume Dominick, you're taking that, but talk about it later. And finally, this to you, Ron.

You are the one who sees to it that there are facilities, that they are paid for and that people can hear in a regular fashion. For that reason, we are very grateful. Sometime in the future, not now. We're going to have our own audio, and we will tell you how to tune into that.

And finally, this to you, Ron. It is 98 degrees in the shade where you are. It's 104 out in the sun. You have refused to go outside. But I would suggest that you look at that new barberry plant or that new raspberry plant that Dominick put in. It is cooking under that shield, that black plastic. Take the black plastic off, and you'll save it.

All right, I will. Thank you.

Universal Father
And now this, I am the Father. To all of you, listen. The Magisterial Foundation is already well known in the universe. Ron put it up to organize the discussion forum and anything else that was important to us to hear. It has been heard loud and clear, and we continue to use the various audio that comes from. But Michael of Nebadon wishes this to be known. Shortly, we're going to have our own audio, and we will affirm to you, Ron, what it is, and you put it into place.

Thank you.

Universal Father
You're not going to die Ron although it feels like it. Your night sessions are horrible.

I'm awakening every half hour or so, either I'm comfortable or I'm uncomfortable, and I don't get much sleep during the last two nights, and as a result, I'm not thinking clearly. The Spirit has helped tremendously to me by giving me some rest that they add to what I can get personally.

Universal Father
So, we are going to continue the schedules and the means that we have used. Oh, well, since you've been here. And for that reason, Ron, please know this. The Universal Father is now extending to you and Dominick and the other transmitters the ability to decide when and when not to hold the light line. You have a regular schedule, but the regular schedule is under attack. We will let you know when you can transmit. You're doing fine now.

And finally, this to you Dominick. When Ron turns this back to you, take it permanently because his voice is failing. That's Cabal. And now this, one last thing before I turn it back to you, Dominick. The trial that you all have today is to stay cool and out of the sun. The temperatures on Urantia are abnormal. We don't know the precise cause. But when we do figure it out, you may get a couple thunderstorms, and then it will stay a few degrees cooler. And now this for you, Ron. Turn this back to Dominick and stay quiet. Go ahead, Dominick.

Go ahead Dominick. Take it from me. Go ahead.

All right, thanks, Ron. And you're being left unmuted. You might mute yourself. I don't have a guest on right now.

That's fine. I'll be quiet.

Well, you still talk. See yourself. You might hear it. So let me just do it myself. I got it.


Yeah. There. Now you can mumble all you want, and no one's gonna hear your dirty laundry. Mental dirty laundry or trans, anyway, you get the idea. Okay. Sorry, I was listening mode and not transmission mode, so I will take the reins. Are you still here, Machiventa?

Yes. This is Machiventa.  Be at ease. All right, thank you.

If I say, this is Dominick, if I'm a little distracted, I am working on my audio and visual setup on these meetings, so eventually this will get better. We'll have everything ironed out. But that's what you're hearing picked up right now. Not entirely comfortable with the experiences a one-man band at the studio here. And so hopefully I'm coming in pretty clear. I'll speak up. My telephone is about a foot, foot and a half from my mail. And I think we're all set. Good afternoon. All right, I'm going to check the dial.

Dominick, you hear me? I Give it to me until you're ready, okay?

All right, take it away. I feel pretty off right now.

Yeah, well, I'll pass it back to you. But let me do this. This is Ron Besser. I have been informed by Michael and Nebadon to speak up and to take some of this transmission. Your problem, Dominick, is you aren't being connected. And the reason you're not being connected is not the cabal, but an inference with the equipment that is somehow or other not working entirely correctly. When you find it, take it over, take it back. This is Ron Besser. I am just listening on the discussion forum this morning. And among the many things on the discussion forum is a discussion about the problem we are having with the cabal.

Let me tell you what the cabal is first. It is dissatisfied Seraphim, angels. They are upset about the fact that planning is going on, on the universe area that Urantia is part of, but have not been asked to participate. That is something we rarely do, but we have asked them not to participate this time because the status of Urantia right now is pretty bad. The angels do not have or have not prepared for this kind of situation. The problem is that the cabal, which is not usually the seraphim, has taken on upon themselves to block not only the discussion at times, but Ron and the transmitters.

For that reason, we are going to prepare the following.
Number one. I am quite sure, Ron, it is on the up and up. Number two, it is an impossible situation for Dominick to really grab hold of the discussion right now because it's super high frequency. You can tell the difference, but you're capable of providing frequencies way above the normal transmitter. And finally, this to you, Dominick. Your material will begin to work in about five minutes. Ron's going to fill in until that time, and then he's going to pass it back to you with a…What's his name? Who's uncle? Uncle, not Uversa.


Arthura, yeah, there we go. With Arthura, sorry Arthura.

No, that's a father reference. He's uncle.

Okay, this is Arthura. I normally speak through Dominick on these light lines, but I'm going to speak through Ron for a few minutes until we can get the connection with Dominick better done. Number one. Ron is about to leave us not. Although it is a rocky life for him, he will survive. He turned 82 this past June and is feeling his age. But on top of it, the cabal is making life miserable for him. And he has a problem.

Number two, I, Arthura, am about to leave time space and travel to the outer space region because we want to look at one of the first planets to receive beings of a new order. They are not time beings. They are no time beings. And as such, are quite different than you. I want to warn you, Ron, that you look there all the time. Be careful when you do, because we are sending high-powered deity out there to round up the first planets to receive, well, life. It's not quite human life. In about a century. That's no time to us.
And finally, this to you, Ron. You are working hard to keep this together. You make sure that you hear me and that I am indeed, Arthura. I am. And now this to your inference. The news that you receive now is considerably beyond what you should write or publish. However, you have held back, and we appreciate that. And finally, this to you, Ron. You're not going to die off, but you may be transferred to a more morontial state. Right now, it is difficult for you to speak because you have trouble getting air. That's because you have been pushed back, so you do not convert to the morontial entirely. We will have more of this, but not on this light line.

And now, Dominick, are you ready to receive?

Yes, yes.

OK, well, I'm going to sign off here then and hand it to you. So go ahead, please. And come back to me if you run into something you need to.

Yeah, those beings sound pretty neat. I suppose they never have to worry about being late or on time.

No, no, because they don't have time.

All right, I'm gonna mute you. Mute yourself at your leisure, Ron.


And there he goes. Sorry to be so abrupt. It's never coordinated that well using this dashboard. Go ahead, Arthura. I await your words. Thank you for attending us.

This is Arthura speaking through Dominick. We've put a lot of words and concepts, not only through this transmitter, but through other transmitters. And now we continue. We have discussed, in a broad sense, governance.
As missions approach the planet, one of the reliefs that a light line receives is less preaching and philosophizing on subject material to the point where it feels repetitive or that you already know what's going to be said before you say it or hear it. For some of you attending for quite some time, you want news and sometimes we give you news, but sometimes we react to the news and sometimes we wish to keep it on the spiritual train of thought.

We invite your curiosity questions, but we reserve the right to not address them. However, curiosity questions aren't known as such until they are asked. Your participation with questions is greatly appreciated. It takes a lot of stress off of the transmission material. In moments like these, when you are in attendance on the telephone, you can press 5 star to raise your hand and you might be called upon.

In yesterday's transmission, we talked about the obligation of the citizen, how this bleeds into current events and the words of democracy being bandied about is that in a general sense and in the political science sense, and as above, so below, the branches of governance are now approximately mirrored in nation states on Urantia. Because though, or however, because of the fact that your planetary epoch developments in terms of the stages of original universe government have defaulted, there has been rebellion and there has been an out of order progression in these usual steps. Out of order meaning an unusual order. For example, a Bestowal Son occurred and therefore the still sun epic was inaugurated, you could call that a dispensation before the Magisterial Son or Sons arrived.

In your Urantia book, the Planetary epochs progress with a Magisterial Son or Magisterial incarnation, usually done through the Avonal Paradise Son occurs after the garden epoch of a Material Son and Daughter inaugurating the epoch after a Planetary Prince has established himself or itself on the planet prior to that. And then even prior to that is the epoch of purely primitive and evolutionary development which nonetheless is an intelligent design inaugurated by your Creator Son, your creator father, and Michael Son, who represents and for all intents and purposes through experience is the father of his creation. But the intelligent design aspect is through yet another son of God of that order, a local a local son called the Life Carriers, and they inaugurate an intelligent design but leave it alone for purely evolutionary development once the first human beings appear. That's an example of your mortal epochs.

What is so controversial these days is a lot of the content revealed or written in those very chapters to the point that the point that the mores and values of today are so seemingly different that the book itself has to be rewritten in words that apologize for the past authors' words. You're an apologist when you have to explain yourself against accusations. In other words, you're no longer even teaching the concepts. You are justifying and apologizing for what would be interpreted as inappropriate verbiage. The races, as described, are one example. And now pronouns are a big hurdle.

Now, where am I going with this? In democracies, they are peaceful. But the obligation of the citizen is that you use the instruments of the state in nonviolence. You could say that the need for such apology or apologetic, I'm searching for the word. Forgot to find it. Rationalization of the language are frankly unnecessary. It's not only the mores that have changed, but the comprehension and therefore the obligation of the citizen, like we said, to be educated necessarily to grasp. Instead, it's a reactionary to the current times in a conflation of a misunderstanding in proper context of history. For example, the revelation was given during and up until the times of global conflict, which you would see were the, not only were the crescendo of the rebels who were alive, the original rebels playing on the planetary ethic of extreme nationalism.

And those things such as race and nationalism are aspects to be played out and ironed out essentially during the Planetary Prince epoch and the Material Son and Daughter epoch in terms of planetary history. But it culminated in the horrible rebellion originated factions of oppressors and the oppressed in the extreme nation states of Nazis and communists as they're defined.

Capitalism is not an ideology and therefore is not to be something to be identified as any one particular nation. Capitalism exists because economies exist. And capitalism has taken on a form first embraced by democracies and therefore has been conflated in these last vestiges of anti-democratic states. If you look at argumentation the example would be straw man, setting up something of a straw man rather than addressing what the real root of the argument or the contention is, the point, but instead creating something different entirely and equating it with what you is arguing against you and instead arguing against that. There could be lots of examples but if you look at the news today, you can easily start to identify the straw man argument in almost any side of an argument. And what's happening is the obligation of the citizen to use their words, like an elementary school student, use your words, is being used improperly. And now what you're seeing kind of delving off the point and going back into current events now a little bit, is you're witnessing in your democracies the inability to use words. And so, you have, from our perspective, the toddlers in the street literally rioting when they don't get their way. Use your words, children, is what we would have to say to you and then the children use their words to tantrum against the straw man.

What you're quickly finding out is the universe of time and space is political, and you can't avoid that fact. Therefore, does governance exist in your training and ascension entail lots of these in your education and training on the way to spiritual perfection. And then once you are perfected, you are again sent out into the worlds of time and space, which are in this epic adventure of also evolving to a stasis of spiritual alignment, that the material and the spiritual are aligned. And you could say that the material has been finally fully spiritualized.

So, politics as you also see, contains some element of controlled violence. The penalty of death not only exists in the worlds of time and space, but eventually is the enforcement against that which is no longer viable in spirit, in ultimate reality. The entities and personalities of time and space, since they do not originate in places in places like Paradise which time and space gravitate around or originate in sectors outside of the Master Universe from which I, Arthura, hail from and originate in. Therefore, am I referred to as something of an uncle, and that I am extra fatherly, and that I do not originate from Paradise. But nonetheless, we do have a concept of governance.

Now, one thing, and again, I'm switching back to you and your perspectives, is that the ideal of all these planetary mortal epochs is an evolution individually and collectively to this ideal and practice of self-governance through both self-mastery and a relationship with spirit that you are endowed with and surrounded by and encircuited with. You attain this through approaches from, you could say, two directions. If you were involved in Gnosticism with this kind of ideal of approaching things from both directions, that approach would do well. The current Gnostic feels that they do not wish to enter the political fray. And eventually you must, if you have a personal philosophy from that direction.

What happens is you eventually get impinged on from either the rebel side or the original universe governance side to eventually choose. This is the evolution of this conflict, that you are steered and you cannot help, you cannot avoid this reality that you currently find yourself in. You cannot remain on the sidelines. And the good news of that, though, is that you will find yourself in one camp one week and another to the next. I say week, but it happens over the course of a lifetime of development.
Certainly, things like that happen in lifetime stages, like having children and becoming parents yourself or growing older or just having life experience in itself.

So, I've lost my train of thought. There's a very annoying dog I have next door with a high-pitched noise. And I'm trying not to let it bother me. Ron, can you take over for a second?

Can you hear me all right?

Yeah, go ahead.
This is Arthura Ron. You picked up the phone. I would rather you speak into the phone.

Can you hear me all right now? Dominick?

Yeah, you're just fine, Ron. Go ahead.

OK, because I'm not sure my control's here. In any case, let me pick up.

This is Arthura, Ron. We want to say the following to conclude the lesson. Dominick is quite sure he knows what should be said, that Ron is a different transmitter, Dominick, and you get a slightly different verbiage.
We want to say this. The entire matter of the state is determined by the people who are the breadwinners in that state. For that reason, we believe that the breadwinners, particularly in the United States, are excellent performers. However, there is a problem with the people of the United States. And that is there is no one there to perform the actual justice that must be done. Your Supreme Court has abnegated too much. The present Supreme Court is full of ruck-house and not of good lawyer. In about two weeks, there will be a resignation. We do not know who it is, but we expect a resignation from the Supreme Court in about two weeks.

And finally, this, the entire matter concerning what needs to be said here is best said through Dominick. But Ron, you have an interesting take on democracy. You say democracy is just fine, but it needs a strong leader. There is no such thing as a consensus in the United States. And as a result, you do see a poor performance, not only by the administration, but also the legislative body. For reasons of state, we are not going to comment on the legislative body, but we will say that the administration of Biden and Kamala Harris is excellent, but slowly deteriorating under the fact that Biden is slowing down measurably. We are of the opinion that unless he is careful that the Supreme Court will have to decide when to tell a president to use the vice president for day-to-day operations. We're sorry to tell you that, but that, we think, is coming.

And now Dominick, are you ready to take this back?


Well, go ahead, then, please.

I'm glad we have a mute function because I'll just be honest, I yelled at that dog to shut up.

Well, we didn't hear it.

It sounds like you're yelling at the cabal. It's been seemly. All right. Go ahead, Arthura. We have about eight minutes left and this is being recorded. It's an unusual lightline. Thanks for your patience, everybody.

All right, so it's this.
Regardless of where you're coming from in the nation of Earth, and regardless of where you're coming from with religious revelation and having to choose a side, everyone agrees that the family and the home exist. You can trace back to all of these planetary mortal epochs that I just talked about and understand there has always been a family. And for the most part, as we talked about, since the invention of fire, there has been a home. And therefore, is it the States responsibility to foster not only the citizen but that together the states and the citizens work to have cooperative homes. In other words, not the cooperative of the state housing, the many, but the state creating conditions for successful home building of its citizens.

This touches straight into current conditions being set all the time in your democracies, which we will roughly include as any state on the planet generously right now, in that you have your institutions of varying degrees of courts, executives, branches, and representative bodies dealing with laws. The politics though deals with not only the laws but resources. And so that's what becomes essentially controlled violence of the state, which is violence over resources and violence over political objectives.
Democracies intend to mitigate political violence and mitigate resource violence. But as you see through the incomplete and unsuccessful resolution of all your past planetary mortal epochs, that race is still a very big issue. Nationalism of the garden epics still has not resolved itself completely and that the ethics of a Magisterial mission of ethics of individuals and laws, ethics of governance, hasn't even occurred yet. And you have this post-Bestowal age of highly spiritualized conditions on your planet attempting to resolve frankly very primitive planetary struggles in a very advanced environment, not only advanced environment, but a capacity of the planet which is unable to allocate enough resources to satisfy all of its population. And therefore, are you starting to get systemic breakdowns here and there.

It's at this point that you have previous lessons where past governance of politics, of the original rebel, will not work in these conditions. You cannot peacefully cooperate in conditions where the straw man of your argument is based in the framework of an oppressor class and an oppressor victim class. Therefore, is it the responsibility of the citizen to use their words and concepts in a different way. It doesn't mean the logic is entirely wrong or should be punished, but that if you truly wish to resolve the problem, A, in a peaceful manner and B in a way that frankly benefits you and sustains your gains. The better way to think about it is you doom yourself. You have only a temporary victory. Look at all the revolutions prior and rebellions. The victors gain really nothing. They must sustain their victories through ever greater ways of state oppression, which becomes less and less democratic. Or worse yet, quickly they become victims themselves in counterrevolutions and warring factions within the very elements of their revolution itself. Being wrapped up in the victim of the class of oppressed and oppressors is completely undemocratic.

And the number one political law in the universe of time and space is the universal law of life. Thus, we have democracies evolving as the best and divine method of perfected governance that evolves over time to use peaceful means to resolve what is otherwise this inherent tension in the universe of conflict. Conflict does not go away ever in any form of governance. And the best method of creating the best citizens is through a family environment. Therefore, should the state work with its individual components of the citizens to foster the best ideals for a single-family home for everyone.
You have a lot of pressures on you and your civilizations. You can now start with not only the individual conduct of the citizen, but now begin to reassess your bipartisan nature of how you can work together to foster single family homes which create the best citizens. We're out of time for today.

And thank you, Arthura. We're cutting this off. So that concludes it. Ron, I'm gonna go back to you for a final word in case that was something else besides an abrupt.


Anything else?

Can you hear me?

Yeah, go ahead.


Recorded for an hour.

I forget because I got to turn things on here. It's this.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon. We have concluded the Tuesday light line very well. And thank you, Dominick. It was superior. Thank you, Arthura, for stepping in. It's kinda hard when you are not sure when there's a regular schedule at the moment.

This is Arthura, Ron but you are one of the most secure people we have ever met Ron and you see to it.

Well, we tried to but it doesn't always make it. Thank you Arthura. Go ahead if you have something.

Yes. This is Arthura. I want you all to know that Ron is having trouble establishing a permanent set on his own lifetime at the moment. He drifts, he hears the lesson perfectly well, and makes great use of it. However, I must say that when we're done, he has nothing left. And the reason is this, his mind is almost 100% morontialized. As a result, he hears the words belatedly. The meaning of all this is not available in the morontial. So, he hears what Dominick says, but he doesn't necessarily remember the lesson.

In any case, Ron, thank you for holding it open and ready. And we are pertaining to you now, Ron. Dominick, I would not bother coming over at all today. We've got to give him a break back in order for him to work necessarily in the material realm. He is having a fuzzy time of it and is having trouble organizing thought that is just spoken to him. He is disappointed that we say that, but enjoy your evening off, and we will instruct him accordingly. See him tomorrow if you can. This is Arthura now, and we say good day to all and back to you, Dominick, to close it off. Thank you.
Thank you, Ron, and thank you Arthura and Michael. What's our schedule for tomorrow, Wednesday lightline?

I don't know. You have been taking that because Lemuel is ill, but you've taken Tuesday. Let's put it this way. Until I can clarify thinking, I will announce it when I have the proper understanding of what we're going to do on Wednesday. I am looking at my board and Lemuel didn't make it. In any case, tomorrow is Wednesday. You have taken your light line. I can take it if you want me to Dominick, or do you want to take it?

Well, if you and I are both there, we'll probably end up doing something like we did today. I'm gonna stop the recording. Thanks everyone for listening.
