Author Topic: Lightline USA -21 July, 2024  (Read 3503 times)

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Lightline USA -21 July, 2024
« on: July 21, 2024, 16:37:43 pm »
Lightline USA -  July 21 - 2024

This is Lightline USA for Sunday July 21 - 2024, with THREE (3) consecutive tapes

Your host: RON BESSER

Tape 1 (5:44 minutes)

Tape 2  (27:03 minutes)

Tape 3  (36:05 minutes)

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Re: Lightline USA -21 July, 2024
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2024, 11:45:30 am »
Ron Besser  
All right, let's start the Light Line. My Dashboard is full of errors. I can't tell how many are here, I can see some of your names, but not all of them. Let's start with Michael of Nebadon.

Michael of Nebadon  
And Ron, your voice is clearly getting through. But your abstractions of who and what is, is a failure of the telephone company. Why everybody is using the telephone is beyond us. As a result, folks, we're getting an incomplete representation of who's here. Let's start this way. I am Michael of Nebadon. And Ron, you are not using your last Light Line but we're going to make them more rare. Instead of every Sunday, we're going to vary it depending on My need for a Light Line. That means watch the discussion forum for an announcement by Ron to tell you what I'm asking him to do on Sundays.

The Monday Light Lines are open to Elise, and the remainder of the week open to the individuals who carry them. But the Sunday Light Line is what I use to make sure that all of you understand what is brewing, what is new, and what is no longer working. Let me start with what is no longer working. I have established a number of you people to take the transmissions. I'm cutting them back for the simple reason they don't handle them well. For that reason, you Ron are one of the few who will continue with the Sunday Light Line providing you are well enough. Today, you are well enough suddenly, and you decided to handle it. But you have announced earlier that they were cut. Worse yet, the heavy use of the telephone makes it impossible for you to read every bit of information. There are 10 on your call. That's half of normal.

Ron Besser  
Well, thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And now this to you, Ron. I am Michael of Nebadon. You have been having nothing but problems concerned about an early death. Well, don't worry about it. It feels like it. But you and Dominick as long as you continue to meet will have that good effect on you and that you will live for a considerable time into the future, We hope. And now this is the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson. 

Greetings everybody.

Ron Besser
Welcome, Monjoronson The place is yours. Go ahead.

Thank you, Ron. I am now announcing my premature care not only for Ron, but the rest of you transmitters. The normal people who come on the transmission styles Ron can't see. He doesn't know if Elise is here or any other regular. He sees about seven and that's about right, about all. And now this to all of you:

Michael of Nebadon  
I am Michael of Nebadon. You know my voice. You know it through Ron in particular. I want you to understand that Ron nearly checked out early this morning. But we brought him back. He needs to do this Light Line at least. What do we have? Well, we have this: number one. I have no idea, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Just a moment, people let me check something on the recording. I think I have it running but I'm not sure.

(end of first tape and the start of the second tape)

Ron Besser  
This is the second recording, checking the first recording, please put them together when you put them up. Thank you.

Universal Father  
Now this: the trial that we have is that this is the 21st of July 2024 At 2:12 p.m.. We are running a little late but this is not the kabal, but the Father. Ron, you broke the transmission just enough for me to hear what I want to hear. You are continuing and will continue these Light Lines on Sunday. We are asking everyone, Elise Dominick, Rene, and anyone else Clency, to continue if you can. Those who cannot due to illness are not removed. You just listen. And now this from Michael.

voice of Clency  
I'm sorry Ron, I broke the transmission accidentally. And now this: this is Michael of Nebadon, not I am the voice of Clency. I am too ill today to attend, Ron. Don't worry.

Ron Besser  
Well, thank you.

voice of Clency  
I am also too ill to continue with Light Line so long as I am interfered with by the kabal.

Michael of Nebadon  
Clency, we hope that the Magisterial Sons will end that. Meanwhile, get well and to you, Lemuel, get well. There is much to do on Urantia and if you can't do it on Urantia do it from the mansion worlds. You will be welcome.

Ron Besser  
And now this is Ron Besser. I am being pressed in my mind even as I talk. That makes it difficult to easily speak the transmitters. But I'm going to stick it out as long as I can, to stay with it. My board is showing about half of you and is not calculating the number on the call. I don't know if it's heavy phone call use or that the kabal is at it. About seven of you, I cannot see even your names, but I welcome you. I welcome all of you.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon I thought that per chance that most of the kabal would be gone today but they have loaded on even deeper and I will make amends shortly. And finally to you Ron: you are having a bit of breathing problems due to a reduced mind that has been cut back just a little so you are not interfered with easily. There's one kabal on the call and she is not working it. And now this to all of you: We are probably going to truncate the full hour. We have an extraordinary problem in that the kabal is now double the size it was last week.

This week, We are quite sure there is nothing that we want to report much further than we have in the past. I am Michael, Michael of Nebadon. I supposedly am the boss. But today, Urantia has twice the number of illegal reporters on the call that we allow. There is no difference in the quality that you receive. But there is a huge difference in those who are listening. And I am not going to spill the beans to a group that deserves them but to a kabal that must be destroyed. Let me tell you.

Ron Besser  
Just a minute. I'm refreshing, trying to get some names. Well, it's a mess.

Michael of Nebadon  
In any case, let us look at the situation as we are reporting it, Ron. You have about 15 on your call. That is almost half. The reason is that the kabal announced that you were not going to transmit today. You have no idea where that came from?

Ron Besser  
No, I don't.

Michael of Nebadon  
But they have their means. Fully, ladies and gentlemen, We have to make sure that when a Sunday Light Line occurs that we peel off the kabal until they are dismissed. We thought we had it. But we don't. Fully, you need to understand that Ron is approaching his Maker. He wasn't sure he could get on the Light Line today. But we prevailed and gave him enough energy. The idea was to prevail and keep the transmitters going. But already we have three that are succumbing to death. For that reason, you may have an interruption in your schedules. But we intend to have transmitters and Dominick isn't even here today. He hasn't forgotten. He's fallen asleep on purpose.

And now this to you, Ron: you have prevailed and you invented the Light Line call which several groups now use. That is to your benefit. The now-used Magisterial Foundation is in place. It holds the patent to a new way of doing electricity and it works so well, once you have it you don't want any other. I don't know what to do about the inability for the average person to be unable to recognize the difference. But you shrug and you say okay, it'll stay up until the cows come home. I can't do much about it now. You will Ron. Not from heaven, but you are going to be repaired shortly.

Ron Besser  
I am most grateful. I do enjoy this.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you and we do too. Furthermore, your friend Dominick has had several problems. One is the consistency of his ability to remain here for objectionable reasons that we hold as well. Dominick, when you listen to this tape that is about to end. We can't tell you how. And now this to you, Ron, what do you see?

Ron Besser
I see torn-off Wings of maybe a katydid or a locust. I can't quite tell looking at the picture. But it's a pair of large clear insect wings without the insect.

Michael of Nebadon  
Very interesting, Ron. Those are not insect wings, they just look like it. They are not the wings that you have but the wings of the kabal who no longer are reporting to each other. What has happened? Well, I'll tell you what happened. I got fed up. As a result, starting this afternoon the kabal has no powers whatsoever. It can't interfere anymore, Ron. But they can be mischief makers. And that is curtailed around you. You actually got your legs scratched from their misbehavior.

Ron Besser  

Michael of Nebadon  
And fully this Ron: We are now reporting that Michael of Nebadon is fully in control and makes this report to everyone listening and this is our regulars. You can't tell, Ron, from your screen what is happening?

Ron Besser  
No parts of it are destroyed, meaning the device that tells me who's online.

Michael of Nebadon  
Ah, I see that. Yes. Now I am standing beside you. And you looked up and over.

Ron Besser  
Yes. You're a tall fellow.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. I am 13 feet tall in my natural habitat. All of you get much taller when you come onto the worlds. And finally this, Ron: your conversations with those worlds, the mansion worlds is over because it drains energy.

Ron Besser  
I'm sorry. I enjoyed it.

Michael of Nebadon  
We all did Ron. And now this: I am Michael of Nebadon, Ron. You are seeing dimly, your body is aching, and you get no reports from those you expect. That is a result of the kabal not, it's a result of a huge change in the reporting status. I will not speak to you about some of it. But all of it must report through you to Me, otherwise, there is no further discussion. I am making it clear to the western transmitters that they no longer have the circuits. I'm making clear to you, Ron, that your Sunday Light Line is the one where the news will appear. It will work better once we remove the kabal. And now this, Ron: Monjoronson speaks.

Ron Besser  
Welcome, Monjoronson. Please go ahead.

I am Monjoronson. I am the Magisterial Son of record. With me appearing in the flesh are Serara, Henson, Sen Sen, and one that you don't know, Ron. A Michael Son that is able to transfer to the Magisterial Sons and make sure that we have a good report.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. That means to those listening, you're going to have a hard time at times transmitting. This Sunday Light Line will continue. I don't expect Ron to die but today he feels like it. And furthermore, to Dominick: you are put to sleep not, you're bored with a situation until you can't take it anymore. If you wish, you can truncate. Furthermore, Steven Gitz you are required up here as soon as you can get the transport to come. We leave it at that for now. And for all others, you are welcome to join with Ron and whoever is at 2709 for further education about what is to occur.

Listen to this carefully. I am removing all missions to Urantia today. Let me repeat it. I am removing all missions to Urantia today the 21st of July 2024. The reason is this. Russia is planning a wider war. The United States will contend it. I am sure that within the next two weeks, you will have a general war. I will not participate in that foolishness. Second, the war of attrition that the EU will play is foolish. The United States has no intention of going to war with anyone. President Biden is adamant about it. But that is providing the United States is not attacked. The plans of North Korea are to send a missile. I do not know what they intend to load it with. If that happens, and I say if; you've got a general war. We dare not appear in that mess. Just take it as I've given it to you. And finally to you, Ron: you have been dizzy. You had a headache. You have had other problems. And for reasons of state that is not compatible.

Ron Besser
I'm checking. Hold on. I am not showing a change to my control. But it's disappeared, Michael, thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. Let it be known that is not kabal Ron, that is a truant individual who has learned that he is no longer welcome. Now this: I'm talking about war. But there is a chance for peace as well. Listen to this. The peace the United States wishes is for combatants to withdraw into their own territory, and never do it again. The United States cannot work through the United Nations easily. For that reason, we are going to suggest the formation of another organization the world will be invited to and it will become the policemen of the world immediately. The United States is looking at it and has concurred with the United Nations that it should listen. We are not going to promise you any visible evidence until they announce it. It's President Biden's child and he is hoping the rest of the world joins him. The United Nations will continue and the United States will continue to be a member. And finally this: I am tired of the kabal fooling around. Ron, you are having trouble with your Light Line.

Ron Besser  
I'm having trouble with the pictures. I am dropping individuals on my board, but I know that they can still hear me. So I'm quite satisfied. I have no idea how many but it looks to be about 20. I thank you all for withstanding this terrible difficulty we are having.

Michael of Nebadon  
  • The difficulty is not Michael of Nebadon.
  • The difficulty is not entirely the kabal.
  • The difficulty is partially a human who wants this taken down and We are removing them forever. You know who they are? Exactly, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Yeah. Okay.

Michael of Nebadon  
The dashboard that you're using is not working right?

Ron Besser  
No. I can't tell all who are here and I've got blank spaces on top of it. I've never seen it behave this way.

Michael of Nebadon  
Well, in any case, Ron it's working normally up here. Because of your problems. I want to truncate this call and at New York Standard Time at 2:45 New York time p.m. 14:45 call back in and we'll continue this Light Line. We have got a lot of kabal and truancy. We're going to cut it off. Come back in at 2:45 and we'll pick this up.

Ron Besser  
All right, Michael. Does anybody else have anything else to say?

This is Monjoronson. I have this, Ron. If you truncate now you can't get back in. That is not the kabal that's a new insurrection and we are not going to allow it to continue.

Ron Besser  
People, try to get back in at a quarter of. I will attempt to open this again. But right now I'm being warned all over the place to stop it and refresh and come back in. This is unprecedented. But please bear with us. If there is a problem to getting in, check off and on during the day to see if I can reestablish it even in the middle. It's better than none at all. Okay. Just a minute. Okay, folks, even my controls are not working it. I've got to just cut it off. Even the buttons are not working entirely. So thank you. Just remember, at a quarter of three which is 10 minutes from now I'm going to come back in. Meanwhile, get a drink or something. Thank you. Bye bye.

(end of the second tape and the start of tape three)

Ron Besser  
There, this is the second phase of the Light Line for Sunday, July 21, 2024, at the request of Michael of Nebadon. This tape is the second (third actually) and its as important as the first (two).

Michael of Nebadon  
I am Michael and I wish to make this announcement: Ron has a headache, he is barely able to get his eyes open, and he feels terrible. But he is making sure that you understand there is a change. I have been brewing, in my own Mind the problems that Urantia has without a mission. Today it is proved to me that either you get a mission or the planet is done as far as a progressive planet forever. Ron said to me in the small break: well, now that we have the break, I'm not so sure I wasn't so dumb to set this off an hour from now rather than 15 minutes or so. But the truth is Ron, you did it right.

Because in that small period of time, I the Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon have concluded the following:
  • There is no further need for a mission to Urantia. No more.
  • Because of that the Magisterial Sons have proposed that they do the missions entirely without being seen.
  • Ron objects to that and we listen to Ron carefully. He says without a coherent center that mobilizes what is to be done the people will ignore you. The Magisterial Sons responded: We agree. But what would you have us do? Ron said the following, nothing. Put the missions off until there is a crying need for your logic as spirit. I think that is beautiful. But we won't do that entirely, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Well, I bow to you. Thank you.

I am Monjoronson. If we cut the Magisterial Missions off now we leave on Urantia 50,000 individuals who know we are coming. That's your work, Ron. They don't understand it. They don't know what it is. But I assure you, we do and we need to respond. I am Monjoronson, the Magisterial Son of record for Urantia. I am now going to tell you Ron, the precise angle that you must report to and that is to understand there is no further indication a need for the Magisterial Son to appear. But you have of all things a divine patent to do things very differently and this time you're going to make the most of it. It will work and they will be amazed. You've come up with a way how to handle a preparticle that no one ever thought of and you have it patented. Good for you.

Ron Besser  
Just a minute.

Now, number two. The entire enterprise that you do every Sunday is so vital to us We want it to continue. Dominick is with us now. Good. He is number two. You call him your Lieutenant. Lieutenant, please follow these instructions. Ron is not able to carry out everything but he can carry out two-thirds of it at least. I want you Ron to form a new corporation and place it smack dab in the middle of the discussion forum. That means adding a category that is incorporated.

Ron Besser  
I understand. Thank you.

I want you to call it.

Ron Besser  
Just a minute. Just a minute please. Nothing but trouble. I finally got it.

They want you to call, or Monjoronson is speaking: I want you to call it the constabulary of the divine will. And for that reason, Ron, you are not to add just a category you are to append this information as an additional discussion forum online. I want it to be called; The Magisterial

Ron Besser  
I'm writing it down.

Mission of Debate. It is to have two categories. One; is the usefulness of the internet. And two; the usefulness of of the human voice. Number three as an afterthought; the trial to establish the internet not but to write a book. I want you to understand that your mind is an idiot. I'll get used to it. Now what good does that do you to know? Ron will probably ask you when he gets organized, how precisely to produce a book that is to be known generally to the population about what is coming.

Ron Besser  
May I speak, Monjoronson?


Ron Besser  
They will tell you that I've got to use language that screams at a person walking by the book that they can't help, but pick it up. And that's not nice language.

Oh, truly. Thank you. I fully agree with you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Well, we'll discuss it if you want and do so now, if you want to.

No, I don't want to. You have got to write this book quickly, Ron. Get Dominick to help you. He's online now. The truth of the matter is that the entire issue that we have got to contend with is that the people of the United States are not really human in thinking. They are a high-class animal that sees to their food and their transport for work. But never do they understand what the hereafter demands that they do in the present situation. I am going to make it easily available to you, Ron, what you should do as a human making a good life on a material planet. For that reason, Dominick, you've got to help. Ron is not unwell. He is so severely attacked, that there's not much life left. We are charging that off immediately. He will feel much better this evening.

And now this to all of you: We have used several of you very well. This group in particular, and that's all of you, have everything to gain by following what Ron must do. He has to listen to me primarily to write down what I have to say. And second, he and Dominick must produce a situation in which the home address 2709 Sunset Lane in York is used by a group of people weekly. York has no one here to address The Urantia Book. It is a blue industrial society. It does not understand abstract work. That is what you've got to put up. Those who will publish this Ron are alerted. I will inform you to whom you write.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

And fully this to you, Dominick: when you are awake or whatever it is you feel you need not pretend to love all that Ron does. He is a worker on the upper levels of thought. You don't work there yet. But he shares it entirely and listen to him when he is told to tell you something. Now, you are no longer showing everything you do?

Ron Besser  
No, I don't. That's because partially the software has been taken down not by them, but by the kabal.

You need to download from the office the work of this ability to communicate. You've got two-thirds of it, but a third of it is missing.

Ron Besser  
Oh yeah, I can see it.

The truth of the matter is Dominick should download it for you and then send it to your computer. That is because the kabal has seized parts and you are not aware of which.

Ron Besser  
Well, I have computer repair coming tomorrow because of problems.

Yes, thank you. I am fully advised that computer repair better do a good job or they are under the spot to explain why it takes four days to get here to go half a block.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, I know they're like that.

Yes. Furthermore, Ron, I can do computer repair instantly. Because it's a simple machine.

Ron Besser  
Oh yeah.

You find it mysterious to the point that you would open a window and dump it out on your ground two stories down.

Ron Besser  
Oh yeah. Yeah. Easily.

Now, the day is coming that a computer is simple. You won't have these machines. You will have a simple device that does what these do. And now this: we have asked you to return to this particular time and place because I do have something to say that is really brand new. You might even want to jot it down and not wait for the tape.
  • There is no longer a mission to Urantia.
  • The Bible says there is no caricature for truth, you either have the truth or you do not. What is the truth?
  • The truth is that I quit Urantia permanently, not. It has Jesus on it one time before in the first century AD. It will have Jesus on it in the 21st century AD and within days of what you're hearing now.
  • We are not going to pander to the humans or to the nations on Urantia. Donald Trump, I don't care how you look at him is a mess.
  • The triumph of the Father's will, will occur and it will be as stated. Let me make the statements and we start our numbers over.

  • No one shall adjudicate Urantia again until I am In the mix to agree to it:
  • I am sure that Ron is preparing for his going over. I will not allow it providing he affirms that he will continue to work for the good.
  • I want it to be known that he plays a scenario out for me. I watch and I see how good he's going to be. May you improve it. (Ron responds: Oh sir).
  • I think you are to all become part of a special mission to this planet.

Ron Besser  
One moment. One moment. One moment.

And that includes, I've looked at the list thoroughly, I know each of you, including you Geoffrey Knight, you are included. I will not state it further. And now this: the trial that Ron has been going through is that he must not state everything he knows. He merely goes through the actions that we allow. You do not get the report that he has with Dominick in the evenings.
What those reports are is a commiseration of what to do with Urantia in spite of a lot of bad seeds. We are going to redo Urantia in a way that you will approve. But secondarily, it is a problem that planetary princes don't know how to handle. We have Mantutia Melchizedek as the Planetary Prince. Mantutia also happens to be head of the revelatory commission in Nebadon. Ron did a book with him. Ron will do another book with him providing that Mantutia is agreeable. You are not being forced.

Mantutia Melchizedek  
I will do any work I can with Ron, Ron.

Ron Besser  
I thank you for your trust. Thank you.

Mantutia Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron.

Manituba Melchizedek  
This is Manituba, Ron, and what about me?

Ron Besser  
You're a hood ornament now. Where I go, You go first. I want you on board, Manituba. You have always been a comfort to me. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael. We are not used to eloquence Ron. But that's it. I am asking, I'm not telling anyone to have a conference with me. We are not going to discuss it in the public. Ron is ill because of the kabal. It must be removed and replaced. And with Dominick's help, it will be done. I'm now changing subjects because this one is too close to the bone. Steven Gitz, you're listening carefully. You owe Ron not but he owes you and he wants you to participate up here in Pennsylvania, not Louisiana. When you can, would you please move here. The chair is already yours. We will discuss this privately with you later.

To you Dominick: Ron considers you his lieutenant. That is a fine position. But you must rid yourself of the west. It can be easily done in a short while and I want to discuss it with you, Dominick. Please transmit. You don't have to share it. And finally this to you, Ron: you will improve greatly. You, I see a picture where your fingers are crossed, and you're falling over in respect.

Ron Besser  
I wondered what that one was.

Michael of Nebadon  
In any case, it's this: you will improve both eyesight and brain in moments. But you will also refrain from being the king of the hill in one respect. You are showing your prospect of free electricity, barely. The people who know about it prize but don't understand it. I'm going to ask you to do another project. And this time, an electric station that uses what they use today only prizes the use of electrons in a different way. It's easy to do. Use both to your advantage.

Ron Besser  
I'm honored. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you.

This is Rayson, Ron. The temperature that you've got in your room right now is in the 80s. I suggest you get yourself a little air conditioner.

Ron Besser  
Oh, is this, that's the things that cool things.

Yes. Yes. You're an ignorant boy.

Ron Besser  
Oh, ma'am. No, sir. Oh, I'm sorry.

Anyhow, this: I want you to listen carefully. I go by transcript. I never let what I say go to chance. But I'm going to say something that's not down. Will you stop that, it is hard to deal with by a divine being.

Ron Besser  

Divine to the point that you stand with the flow.

Ron Besser  

And we know you changed that considerably.

Ron Besser  
Oh, sir. Yes, yes, yes.

And now this to all of you: Ron and I joke easily and he jokes easily with the people on the mansion worlds. It's not even joking it's goodwill and I'm ready to work stuff. I am now making available the popes, which you enjoy tremendously.

Ron Besser  
Oh, yes.

And one in particular, Pope John the 23rd.

Ron Besser  
Oh, I know him well enough to speak to him. He's wonderful. He's always a surprise.

Yes, truly. He's like you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
I didn't know I had the Vatican.

You didn't idiot. Anyhow, this: the trial that the truth requires Ron is a huge institution like the Vatican. We are going to insist that you manage one. Magisterial Foundation is beautiful. But we're going to have it called the Triumph of Our Will. And for that reason, get busy. The illness that you feel will be dissipated over the next several days. Stay away from the kabal. You detest them, but they insist. They are removed. Its easily done.

And finally to you Dominick, his lieutenant: you are required to listen once in a while, what he asks. He has nothing now. But the divine will ask him to ask you. And finally this to all of you: thank you for putting up with this extra time. And this extra Light Line. I am more or less sure that Ron should continue these Light Lines. But we're going to ask Dominick to take Sunday generally and to allow Ron to take them when he has to. The other Light Line which you are taking Dominick, it's up to you whether you wish to fill that time in too. But let them know. And finally to all of you: the internet is working very poorly today. I do not know what it is. But Ron can't go through the usual break. The truth of the matter is

Ron Besser  
Well, I have parts of a list. It's a mess.

I am now going to end this Light Line. And thank all of you for attending for what seems to be a little bit mixed up. Even the attendees are a little bit mixed up on my screen. I thank you all for attending. And stay tuned and look for announcements. Because Michael is about ready to move, big time. Yeah, big time. Thank you for listening. And I will see you when I see you next time.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek people before you go. I am a Melchizedek who is particularly concerned about Ron. We've never had a spokesman like this before and we're not going to lose him. He and Dominick have put together a wonderful review. Dominick is an illustrative part of what needs to be presented. Watch the discussion forum for a special program. We will announce it when the time is right. I withdraw Ron.

Ron Besser  
We thank you, Melchizedek. Does anyone have anything else to say?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
No, Ron, that's it.

Ron Besser  
Then it's bye-bye for today, folks. Thank you very much for attending and we'll see you around. Bye-bye.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)