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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: August 12, 2024, 15:22:06 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International, August 12, 2024

This is Lightline Netherlands International for Monday, August 12,  2024

with Elise, your host

We thank all Celestial Speakers who were with us today.
Thanks you so much for your words and care. 

Link to the recording:

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2024, 13:54:50 pm »
  • 081224 Audio Tape Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica Other Transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Lesson about life’s source of joy, challenges, self expression, family function and dynamic; the Magisterial Missions started; will be around for a long time; Monjoronson’s long history with and knowledge of Urantia will help change the planet by teaching people sustainable management; Celestial observation of the human condition that completely forgot about God and their soul; Social cross examination of Urantia; Goals of the Magisterial Mission, unit consciousness for spiritual growth; outline of future solutions; Potential outcome of presidential election; importance of WTP; Word of Ron Besser to us during his transition        
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, and Universal Father.
  • Transcribed by: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:

Hello everyone. This is Elise, and this is Lightline, Netherlands international for Monday, August 12, 2024. I am your host and I welcome you all on a very warm summer day here. But we are expecting thunderstorms tonight, maybe you will hear some of it that at least will bring the temperature down, and give us a nice and much cooler night. Well, let's thank our Father for this Lightline again, and ask for clear circuits and connection to help us hear the words from spirit. We pray that all who are listening may enjoy words from spirit. We pray Father that healing may be given to all who suffer, that food and shelter may be available for those in need, and we keep praying for peace that seems to be so far away but so strongly desired on this planet. We pray for Michael of Nebadon and for the Magisterial Sons, and for the Melchizedeks, and for all celestial beings who keep providing us with their love and care. Let's now ask for someone, see if there's anyone available to help us through the Lightline.

Michael of Nebadon  

Hello to Lena, who is just joining us, and hello and welcome to all of you. This is Michael of Nebadon. I am here. I am your Creator Son. I am your Creator Father, and I am a life. And as such, I am to you what your earthly parents were to you when you were young, and you trusted your father and mother in everything. Because they were the ever-present and strong persons in your life, who know everything and would always protect you.

Most of you have had the opportunity to grow up in more or less stable families. And I, Michael as Jesus, was very fortunate to have such caring parents. They were loving and protective. They gave me what I needed, but still let me go and experience life outside of the house. But also always helped me to remember my daily chores as a responsible member of the family, along with my siblings, as many of you in your family might have experienced. And like all God's children, each child has its own talents and special ways of expressing and developing himself. And all these different characters are given the opportunity to grow and become the persons like you are now, having had, after having discovered the talents and skills you developed to use successfully in your later adult life.

It is therefore that you now know how to trust and decide for yourself that you can express yourself freely, and that you know how to deal with your trials and difficulties that life brings with it. Yes, it is certainly true that life must be discovered and resolved by each person individually. But never forget that life, which God has given to each of you, is wonderful and full of adventure, and should be appreciated and gratefully accepted. It teaches you the lesson to discover who you are, what you are capable of, and how to relate to each other, to your parents, children, brothers, sisters, friends, anyone. It is a taste of life for the life to follow, after you leave this world and move on to the mansion worlds. Where you will meet many other human life forms, all children of the same Father, all of whom have been given the freedom to explore life in so many different ways.

And as you discover who you are, your life goes on, and it may continue to fascinate you forever, because as you have discovered, the Father has made life interesting and challenging. There is nothing in life that repeats itself as you go out and discover all the things you come in contact with in your search for purpose in your life. And this is true for everyone, and it is a shame when your life is taken up with too much sorrow and no joy. Life should give fulfillment. So try to look for it and discover that there is a Creator who gives you all of this to enjoy and learn from. So that you can recognize and know your Father in heaven in all that you do and feel, when you feel the love that Father has given to you to share, so that brotherhood among all people may arise.

I am Michael of Nebadon, and as a Creator Son, I have been privileged to create life in many forms and expressions, and to experience life as a human, as Jesus on Urantia as my own creation, thanks to our Father. We have countless opportunities and possibilities to experience life in His creation of Time and Space, and even beyond, to live freely and to choose and shape our choices. Our free will enables God's children to approach him, and to thank him for life. I want to ask you to take some time to ponder my words about life. L, I, F, E, speak it with capital letters.

I am your Creator Father, and I love all my children as our Universal Father does, who lives in the heaven of heavens. But I am also Michael of Nebadon, and let me speak to you for just another moment. Times are difficult. Times are so unusual, not only for you, but also for spirit concerned with Urantia. We, that is me and my staff, have been on your planet, and we will return shortly to see what we can do to alter the situation that is so complex, it will need time to consider again what to do and how to proceed. Although we have no Michael Mission and no Jesus Mission, we fully support the Mission of the Magisterial Sons, who have begun their mission.

The Magisterial Missions may last for a number of years, during which the Magisterial Sons will assist in establishing new ways of living and working. Introducing a more economical way of living and working in your societies, and helping the population to come to Brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God. Of course, there are the normal procedures to look at, but we know that Monjoronson will be working with groups of people and students who have met him over the years, and they have been introduced to many things that Monjoronson has taught them about advanced planetary management and all other issues that came to the fore. And he has been teaching to all of you and many, many others. But this will require an openness and willingness of the people, and there must be a certain level of understanding and desire as how to begin under the guidance of the Magisterial Sons, who may eventually be leading you into their means and methods that will be effective in providing new opportunities for Urantia and to see to it that your world will not be torn into two parts, as now seems to be happening between the poor and the wealthy. I am Michael of Nebadon. And here is Monjoronson to speak for himself, and I Michael, shall retreat.

Thank you, Michael, thank you, and welcome Monjoronson. Please go ahead.


Well, thank you, Elise, this is Manjoronson. And good day to all those gathered here. I am Monjoronson. I am the Magisterial Son of record who has long been in service of your planet. I have studied your planet and many other planets in this local universe for many years, and I have made myself well acquainted with Michael and his universe, where I was asked to participate in the missions that would be carried out over time. I am well versed in the history of many inhabited planets, and I am very familiar with the history of Urantia and its people. Serara and I, we have been working for this planet for a very long time. And we have always worked with your wonderful Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon, the master Creator Son and ruler of his local universe of Nebadon in which you all live. Michael has invited us into his universe to assist him in the procedures concerning missions, and many other things related to evolutionary planets for humans.

And over the years, we have been in contact with different groups of people on your planet who have shown interest in bringing new and more sustainable ideas to the world, and we have tried to make it clear that just surviving on a planet is not enough. That human beings need to become aware of a more sustainable culture, a sustainable civilization, and most of all, the need for change on Urantia, where so many things have deteriorated. And where God has been completely forgotten by putting too much emphasis on material things and goods without considering the future for your next generations. The people on Urantia must become more conscious of what is needed and what should be achieved together to get this planet prepared for better and more sustainable management that will get you into the days of light and life. Where the Trinity Teacher Son then begins to start the lessons, his lessons, and educate people in an advanced spiritual way, in which all generations will be able to contact their Adjusters.

I, Monjoronson, have met with many groups around the world on how to change and mature your human institutions. How to introduce new ideas and move forward. Simple survival is not enough to sustain or strengthen the development of a culture. There must be a strong, sustainable foundation, and from there, you may expect growth. But sustainability is necessary for the growth of ideas that are good and useful for every member of the population that will lead to unification in achieving good social and economic conditions, and ultimately lead to a good spiritual relationship with God and between all people. We, the Magisterial Sons, will take every opportunity to keep spreading our teachings to a wider audience, which will be explained at a much later time, when our missions come into effect and times are right to go public.

I am Monjoronson. At this time, I can only ask you to stay the course and keep your faith. Remember what you have been told and what you have learned through these means of communication with spirit. It is not easy, and Urantia is not an easy planet, but we are here to assist in the many very necessary and important changes that must be made to bring this planet some peace and move forward from there in faith. And together with all who have stayed the course, with all of you who are with Michael And in our mutual respect and love for father. Peace is fundamental to a sustainable world. I am Monjoronson. This is all I have to say. I thank you, and good day to all.


Thank you very much,,Monjoronson. I see there are more members joining us on the discussion forum, and I welcome you all who came in after we had started. And trying to see if there is anything else that is coming to us.


Yes, this is Arthura. Good day to all. I am here to give you my message. We, in spirit, have had conference after conference, and we still do not know what will happen to Urantia, the planet that once had everything in preparation for the start of its missions. The Magisterial Sons have taken it upon themselves to do a mission, and they are here to start with their own program. Monjoronson has introduced himself over the years to many. And to whom he introduced his new methods to alter the old systems on your world where most of your administrations fail to serve you, and the whole population for what it needs. And we observe Urantia, where people have become weary of negotiating and get nothing done. Where people fight each other for money, goods, and territory, and where peace cannot be found among the population, or even a quiet and normal life.

People keep rushing from here to there. They are concerned about everything except their own soul that should prepare them for a higher and more satisfactory life after they leave this planet for their next existence. We look at Urantia and we see a planet where people are in stress from work, where they have an abnormal craving for meaningless entertainment, where false news is brought every day, and where everyone moves on without having any knowledge of a spiritual future to come. There is no progress. And the inhabitants are bound to get stuck in their own games and world of unrealities. And where the world is caught in a nest of false information. Your governments do not know how to handle things better, so that an entire population could be aroused into a new form of social and technical structures, and make better use of their time, and set better examples for their youngsters. Who are now poisoned by what they grow up with and are almost doomed to continue if changes are not being made.

Urantia. It is also the planet where the Second Coming of Jesus has been thwarted time after time by rebellion and war, and where people have no idea of the world of spirit wanting to help you. But how could God be received on a world where he is not known or even denied, and where his name is profaned. So many people have entrenched themselves in their habits and ungodly ways of life that it has now become extremely difficult to achieve the purpose of creation and preservation. But spirit is ready to help as soon as a small Light shines on the planet that shows that at least a part of the population is becoming more aware and receptive to guidance that will lead to their improvement and existence on Urantia. Where man should try to bring himself to search for his inner self and open up to find God who has been forgotten and is always waiting for connection to guide his children. For now, the planet will only have the Mission of the Magisterial Sons, and we will see to what extent the planet will develop and how it will take its place among the worlds in the universe.

I am Arthura. I do not concern myself with the future of Urantia. I'm here at the invitation of Michael of Nebadon. I am interested in the development of the people who can be activated and motivated to evoke responsibility and duty, in all who are willing to contribute to a different future, in which the people are central around God, and where they strive to protect themselves. And to rid the planet of negativism and materialism, which has kept it so long from its spiritual growth. This is Arthura. Let us now look at some of the other things we have been talking about.

We have discussed cooperation and how to achieve unity, and we know that will not be achieved until at least there is a basis of cooperation to work towards the same goal and to strive for the best results to serve the majority. You may differ in opinion, of course, but where and when consensus is reached in the execution of the tasks and the Will is present to get the best out of everyone involved for the benefit of all, and to support optimal cooperation. And that requires trust and the will to work together wherever you are, and whatever you do, whether it is governing your country, running an office, teaching school, or practicing your faith, people need to become more aware, more attentive and open to actually seeing each other and practice patience to listen to each other, which will promote respect and tolerance between them. You do not all have to think the same. That would make you puppets without using your own God given ability to reason and be creative.

But you must, after consultation, come to joint agreements and show what you can do to achieve the governed goal, and to decide how to divide the tasks among certain groups of people that are committed to the new ideas. Whether it is development of a project, an invention, or implementation of social changes, or application of medical facilities. Consultation and interest in what each has to offer is important for the outcome of the work that must be solved together. For even the loner, the person who likes to work in solitude needs someone to look after the results of his work, because nothing works for a society if you keep things to yourself. Cooperation leads to mutual understanding and gives each of the participants the opportunity to express his or her opinion and expertise on the subject, which will lead to a broader view of how the issue can be solved. Or how new ways can be found to move forward, to act for the common good.

You know that the basis in society is always the family, and it works so well because its members know each other well enough to speak freely. And ideally give each other the opportunity to express themselves in an environment of mutual love and care, which makes it easy for everyone to be open and thus developed while stimulated and respected. And this is what should also be achieved in schools, where young people of about the same ages are together and have approximately the same level of understanding. Where they should feel comfortable to express themselves fully, with the support of their classmates and under the guidance of their teachers. Who must try to stimulate the students to their utmost of their capacities.

And so, it must work throughout your society in offices and in every workplace. Where people have to work and have a mission to do what they can, to achieve the highest purpose and most satisfaction in their daily work. Stimulated by their colleagues, who all must try to show the best of what they have to offer. And by mutual agreement strive for the best results that are worthy and ensure that the work proceeds in a satisfying and good atmosphere for all, and then this will lead to the highest form of cooperation. And from there into unity, and in execution of what is good and useful for the whole of society. But also for the single person to grow by. Not after cooperation has become normal and an accepted approach of doing things, will unity ever have a chance to be stand with that as a proof or what has been established and become a normal way of living and sharing in all fields of life and the work that comes with it. This is Arthura at your service, and I thank you all.


Well, thank you, Arthura,. Thank you for speaking to us.  

Machiventa Melchizedek

This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Good day. Good day to you all my friends. Here we are. Yes. Now we have a mission by the Magisterial Sons, to see how they can work on your planet without disrupting a population that is already disrupted by war and a variety of other problems. The Paradise Sons of God adversely, firstly, determine to do their work in silence, and to not disturb the people further with announcements. Because the world could become even more disordered in the future, shaken by the United States presidential election and by decisions made by your leaders that will have an effect on the whole world. Which we do not discuss here, and for which we will have to wait for the outcome.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and we do not like to talk about politics. But your world is drowning in bad political decisions by your leaders. And there is no one available to take over from those who are now in power in most Western countries. In the United States, Mr. Donald Trump has his sights set on the next presidency, and he is determined to steer the country toward selfish and ruthless power. This will not be appreciated by the rest of the world and could make him one of the most difficult precedents to work with, because he is unwilling to accept opposing discussions or advice. It could happen that you see your loss being cast aside and turned into an extreme right-wing ideology that forgets the majority of Americans and changes their rights as far as the law allows and justifies. And this would affect the rest of the world, where a strong influence is already being felt, and where countries are experiencing decline in their societies because people are not recognized as being all children of the same Father. We have no influence. It's left to the people, but safety and concern for the health of the population could be then reserved for the rich, who will benefit from modern technological progress.

It is therefore so very important that the WTP project is implemented, and that every citizen may enjoy the privilege of using electricity available to everyone. Once enough power stations are built in the United States and around the world, which will be free of charge and supply electricity to the entire world population. We, in spirit, think that this will happen after Ron Besser, or someone capable could assert influence in the United States government and be invited to explain this new form of electricity supply, and its operation to a new United States administration.

Progress may be slow at times, but step by step, the benefit that Ron's invention brings to the world will be known and put into use with all the right that the production of free electricity entails. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and much more on that will be said after this important invention becomes more widely known, which will eventually provide the world with an almost free electricity supply that will power all its electrical appliances and will give freedom to those who are unable to pay for a luxury that is meant for all.  I am Monjorons.., I am Machiventa, and I step back to let you finish your Lightline , Elise. And you said Monjoronson, because Monjoronson is here, and wants to speak once more.


Well, thank you, Machiventa and welcome Monjoronson. Please go ahead.


This is Monjoronson and Elise, it was a very severe Lightline for most of you, but thank you for doing this. And I would like you to see if Ron Besser is online, and connect me with him, if that is possible, for just a few words. Thank you.


Thank you. Monjoronson, and I will unmute Ron if he is there. Let me look at the dashboard first. ... Okay, okay, Ron is there. I am unmuting you, Ron. Do you hear me?

Ron Besser  

I do and yes, I am unmuted now. Thank you very much.

Machiventa Melchizedek  

This is Machiventa Melchizedek, and I won't take long, Elise. The truth of the matter is that Ron has been hit very hard, not with the chaos of the rebels, but by the body itself, which is deciding to change over to the morontial.

Ron Besser  

I have very little time left because of that. I do not know what the Father intends or Michael will implement. I just don't know what they want to do. But the truth of the matter is that I am barely functioning. I listened to the Lightline today, just glad that I could sit back and listen rather than participate. But I find that the Father wishes to say the following.

Universal Father  

Those of you who are participating in this Lightline are blessed and are willing to spend the extra time, the effort, and in some cases, a little bit of money to listen to these Lightlines. Ron worried and wondered today as he scrambled onto the Lightline, if they are able to continue for any length of time. As far as the spirit is concerned, they will last forever. But you all are on a timer. You've got a lifetime that only lasts so long on Urantia. And for that reason, you do not have forever, either to provide a Lightline or listen to a Lightline. Ron is the one that invented the possibility to put this online and make it available. Those in the United States in particular, don't recognize where the impetus comes from, and Ron really could care less. But the truth of the matter is, when Ron dies, probably the United States Lightline itself will be affected. Now, Dominick has learned under Ron's tutelage how to do all this and how to run it. We're asking Dominick to make sure that the schedule is maintained and that the Lightlines, at least as we have arranged them so far, are available to the people.

One of the most important things to learn from all of this is that God does speak. He can use the human, and the human is quite capable of providing the sounds that you're hearing now. Elise and the others who hold Lightlines are vital to the insinuation that all things must be cohered into the voice of God eventually. That's true of every one of you, when you go to the mansion worlds. That's true of those who can now speak as Ron, Dominick, and the others, Elise and so forth, can speak so easily the voice of God. Let me tell you something. The voice of God as you're hearing it is a an appreciation of the Father, of the Son and of the Spirit. And those transmitters who can put that together can transmit. The truth of the matter is, as much as Ron wanted all of this to be heard, it is still heard almost nothing. Ron is delighted that Lena from Italy should listen. He cares very much that she is happy and will listen.

Ron Besser  

There are other parts of the world, the Philippines, in particular, Australia, England, that we can mention. That I have already joined. The rest of the world ought to listen, but they're too busy.

Machiventa Melchizedek  

For reasons of state, I, Machiventa Melchizedek, say unto you, Ron's voice will be mute in a little while. He is 82 and cannot maintain much more. For that reason, let us at least pray that there are other transmitters available when he leaves the transmission actions and must go to the mansion worlds.

Ron Besser  

And finally, this to all of you. I am Ron Besser. I have produced enough of these Lightlines scheduled alone on this service to provide Lightlines into the future. I would rather that they never end. But Michael of Nebadon has told me that when Urantia is finally into the beginning stages of light and life, light and life will provide the transitions and the transmissions, and actions like this will cease. And now this to you, Elise, and to the rest. I am very tired, but not tired enough to sit out a Lightline I thoroughly enjoy listening to, and the work that the celestials go through to let you know how they feel and what they instruct. I am very happy, Machiventa, that you see to a lot of this for me, because I am becoming very difficult as I begin to fade from my normal lifetime of energy and vitality to a very slow energy that is hard to use. In any case, I thank you, Elise, for coming to me. And now I turn this back to you, Elise, thank you. Go ahead.


Thank you, Ron, for giving us these words in your condition. Of course, we wish you well, and we thank you for attending this Lightline. I hope they are not your final words, but on the other end, I hope that you will get what you deserve and what you long for, and that you will be in the Father's blessings. We all pray for you and thank you. Thank you again Ron, and I think I'm going to close this Lightline by thanking all of you who join us today, and I will thank all the celestial friends who came to us and spoke to us, they took the time to be here. And well, I'm so grateful, and I know that you all are. So, thank you all. And well, I hope we'll see each other, maybe this week. I don't know who's doing the Lightline or otherwise, I hope next Monday to be back again. Thank you very much. And bye-bye.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2024, 14:40:21 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"