Author Topic: Tues LL 10.01.24 ARTHURA Pillars of Governance Columns 1-8  (Read 559 times)

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Re: Tues LL 10.01.24 ARTHURA Pillars of Governance Columns 1-8
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2024, 13:36:52 pm »

  • 100124 Audio Tape Lightline USA; host: Dominick Ohrbeck
  • Subjects: committees once established become oligarchies, the executive, legislative, and judicial are the three inspired parts of a government and represent the first three pillars/columns, columns 4 - 8 are described, eschatology of current as above so below times we are living, Dominick discusses our divisions; Q & A
  • Speakers: Arthura 
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape:

All right, welcome to Tuesday Lightline here in a exciting October 2024. It's already exciting because we have announced a change of the regular Lightline schedules and a possible disruption to our normal rhythm of these Lightlines as soon as next week, and we continue the rest of this week's Lightlines ending with Lemuel on Wednesday and anyone else throughout the week, such as Clency, who typically takes Friday when he transmits for Lightline.

So let's just say well before we start with our prayer, I just want to say that as a rather new transmitter in the public sphere, I welcome the break and change. I think, given the vital volatility, volatility of what's going on in the world, that it's very difficult as a transmitter, and in my perspective, to not fall into subconscious or what I consider issues of the day, and try to defer to whatever is coming through on the spiritual end. So personally, I thank the deities and Michael and Salvington and all universe authority who provides the privilege and capacity and ability to transmit at all and certainly deliver them in an organized manner, like a program like this, on behalf of Michael and with the capacity of our Father within. Put the mic a little closer.

So let's start with a quick prayer to our Father and our Lord Jesus and Michael. Thank you and amen, for those who like to end with that. Before we get into anything super serious and on point, I'm reminded of some fleeting, experiential moments that we all wish to share, but we definitely have in a unity of experience, but not a uniformity of the event in our lives, when we become more than just spiritually conscious, but God conscious, and then furthermore, Deity conscious, and deity becomes the relationship of all types of facets of God and a vast universe of meaning and purpose to our lives and belonging to a love that until that point, is hypothetical and philosophical and such a born again experience is a very joyous occasion and very personal, and I think spiritual capacities to relive that at any moment and recall that.

So we just remind each other why we're here and ultimately these Lightlines have a dual purpose, depending on how you enter the orbit of this material in that you are, or we all are, on a different timeline of this type of experience. And then when we extrapolate that to the planet, we learn that the planet as an institution does not function with this type of universal experience, both officially and unofficially, and that there are serious contentions around the motivations of each other, depending on that experiential moment in time, people are on, and then collectively, we're on.

I welcome Salvador, we're a few minutes in. So with that caveat, the key word today started off with the word committee, that's C, O, M, M as in Mary, I, T, T, as in Tom, E, E, committee. Committee. And this seems to be associated in modern times, and dating back as far as you wish to go to the concept of oligarchy. Now we can easily, 

And this is Arthura stepping in. I wish to hijack the transmitter's line so he can freely speak. Today, we will talk about politics, not but freely extrapolate the lesson to your lives therein. A committee is almost a sure synonymity, or equivalent to an oligarchy in Urantia history. Anytime you have a committee, you have, by definition, delegated some authority, which is natural for things to get done. However, when committees solidify their power and institutionalize themselves, they inevitably become an oligarchy.

Every government institution in the world has some form of national committee that represents a faction and power. Now in communist states, you have an all-encompassing committee, and in democracies, you have various committees of political parties, and all are under a unison of coalesced budding world institutions that claim to unite these nation-states and their economies, which for all intents and purposes are functional oligarchies. And in America, you just need to look at the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee. As each committee declares the other tyranny over the other, we remind you that democracy is democratic and that most democracies are not purely democracy, but republic, and the republic in a democracy has those three inspired functions of a legislature, an executive, and a supreme court.

But that the democratic aspect is that the officials that ought to be most in charge of those bodies of republican governance when I say republican, it's republic, not the faction, but that these officials are elected. A quick recap is that the legislature proposes and drafts the law, and they also have the power of the purse. The executive has a check on that process and veto power, and also has emergency military power over the borders and nation-state makeup of the geography controlled by this republic, or in some cases, a whole state governed by a committee. The courts determine the rulings of those laws when they are contested, and they also rule on the appeal of any rulings in the lower courts.

Those three bodies are symbolically represented by columns on a building which would give you the icon for government. The triangle over the three pillars was a platform underneath those pillars, and the columns represent governance. Now the fourth column here in the United States is considered a couple of things. One would be the first amendment in the Constitution, and the other would be the unofficial duty of the press, the fourth, considered the fourth column, and we submit to you that the fourth column is something that takes precedence over the issue of abortion.

This is Dominick, does, let me check if that was what you wanted to say, Arthura?

Yes, we will, we will qualify that by supplementing that the reason for that statement is that abortion is not a column in governance. It is not to relegate one issue over the other and remove the agency of any particular voter with particular values, but to say something provocative that clearly juxtaposes when it comes to policy of governance that the fourth column are those things where the check and balance of government is the freedom of speech, officially and unofficially. Unofficially, equating to the grassroots citizen level, and the other end of the spectrum of an institutional level, but that that spectrum is needed to be safeguarded by the laws which would get worked out in the courts.

So when you look at elections coming up, you can see how the more or less executive branch, even on a global level of those global institutions, you should think about how they are approaching the fourth column of governance, and whether that is being done by committee or by democratic means. The fifth column now becomes a little different. The fifth column is considered all of what has been summed up in modern times recently as the deep state. And here you have, you could say Hollywood glorifying the fifth column, but mixing it up to the point that they are literally telling you in the last five to 10 years that good is bad and bad is good, and we don't know who is on the right side of anything anymore, as the classic cold war dichotomy melted away and a new world order is either filling a vacuum or going according to plan, depending on your perspective.

When we continue and go into the sixth and seventh columns, the sixth column would correspond to a science fiction work that this demographic of Lightlines might be familiar with, meaning 50 and over, and that would be the Day After Tomorrow which is a science fiction or fictional novel of this cold war conflict extrapolated into almost a game of function, type of nomenclature of modern times, where super scientific, electromagnetic bioweapons are used against a race of communists, east and west, almost. But that would be an example of a delving where we're evolving to when we reach the eighth column of today's lesson. But the sixth column starts to delve into those metaphorical lands, and the seventh column in modern culture begins to delve into the binary distribution of good and evil, Lucifer versus Gabriel, but around the battlefield meme of workers or soldiers or citizens. The point is a mass appeal to unite and either save the planet, conquer the planet, unify the planet, etc, etc, but it is a rally call to unity which is one of the pillars of the rebellion manifesto, which rebels against original universe governance and wishes to set up its own committee over and rule over this planet.

Now I want you to switch and turn on your visual mind. We're simply going to describe this seventh column as a type of wave. Now think of the wave when you visualize an earthquake machine measuring they are measuring waves, and the needle goes all over the map. Now, in perfect time and space harmony, which would be equated to coherence the wave represents a sine wave, an oscillation, the harmonious up and down waves of equal proportion, an equilibrium of inhale and exhale, and so on and so forth. Now the rebel and its postmodern type of logic creates a different type of wave, but tells you you're looking at a sine wave. But it is not a sine wave.

It is called a sawtooth wave. And a sawtooth wave starts from the bottom and crescendos to the top and then falls off a cliff back to the bottom and it is not a curved wave. In this sense does the sawtooth wave represent a tool of breaking things up, disruption. It could serve a positive purpose. In medicine, for example, it would break up stagnant structures and release a freer flow of energy, and healing of things that were stuck. It might be a way to attack a virus. But in social science terms of governance columns and the realms of the supernatural and super material, the sawtooth wave is the expression given to rebellion governance, and they destroy you, if you don't call it a sine wave, it is the rebels sine wave.

But the objective truth of original universe governance convicts it of being a sawtooth wave, and it is not a sine wave. This brings us to the eighth pillar, and we're going to end it at the eighth pillar because if we went on to a ninth, 10th, and 11th pillar and so on, we would be accused of following esoteric, magical systems and this is not so. For we can effectively end the speech on the eighth column, which is another advanced word. We used epistemology in the last Lightline and today's advanced e word is eschatology, E, S, (C) H, A, T, O, L, O, G, Y. Now this is not such an advanced word when explained, but it deals with the human cultures viewpoints, both believed, but culturally educated, also to indoctrinate a world view of what the future missions that we propose to be broadcasting about from above to you, in terms of these volatile times you live in right now, even heading into next week, very much trigger, if not represent, to some, the eschatological prophecy of their cultures.

Think I am wrong? Look at the Olympic opening ceremonies of the white horse. You need not blame evangelical Christians. You need not blame a Shia Muslim. You need not blame a Hindu, and you need not blame the end times of the Jews. We will be all of those things and none of those things but the eschatological need to define the events in their eyes will be evident in the early moments of the bond of anything visible. Until then, you are left to your own competition. But essentially the eighth column of governance is influenced by a culture within a nation-state, if not the globalist world committees who have a particular eschatology, but should be influenced by what you should detect as sons of God, whether or not that committee will allow you to flourish or seek to destroy you.

Those are powerful words, but understand our contention is that your well or ill-meaning motivations of global committees and national committees and local surrogates of such committees are unified by the culture of the fifth, sixth and seventh and eighth pillars of a shadow governance casting a pall over not just one planet, but many planets and neighboring planets, creating an intergalactic culture  We as original universe governance, have been gaslighted by our own policies, by rebellion governance in that our policy is to quarantine rebellion. So indeed you have been suppressed, not oppressed.

You, ironically, must decide for yourselves when we say to you, this was a necessary policy of Paradise Sons and Trinity function, not just Michael of Nebadon's decision. But that you could chase your tail in following the contentions of rebellion governance, which seems to correctly point out the oppression of Paradise rule by isolating your planet and allowing evil to flourish. But the rebel does not win by blaming all that they have caused on the policies of the Paradise Sons. The Paradise Sons are the ones who reestablish original universe governance and give you the blueprint for a democratic republic of a planet, and the only committees left are the advisory roles of divine governance.

Are there any questions? Thank you, Arthura. Are there any questions? We're at 2:34 (p.m.) and we welcome Jose and George H, welcome. It's 2:34 (p.m.) you can press five star to raise your hand. Donna and Larry, welcome. You just missed the opening, and we've just covered, we've just opened it up to Q and A if need be. Hi, Valerie, go ahead. You're unmuted.

Thank you. I'm not very versed with politics, so I would like clarification on this term democratic republic, because now that we have those two parties always against one another, and then it is this terminology of incorporating both. So I'm not quite understanding that.

Okay, so the end, the end result of a global governance. Go ahead. Just a second, I'm going to unmute you after I get Arthura, okay Valerie?

Yes. Thank you. Thank you.

Please, Arthura, or anyone else, go ahead.

Where to start, Valerie is the concept of a planetary government. Now, a planetary government is something that has been contested bitterly by two sides of spiritual governance ever since the rebellion occurred on this particular planet, but also within the system of inhabited planets, governed by the system sovereign whose name and original rebel was Lucifer. The manifesto declared what we talked about in the seventh column that effective governance could occur, but only effectively occur if there was this unity of beings within the jurisdiction of the system to unite and join in rebellion, which obviously is given other terms, such as more legalistic and softer terms like secession or independence. In some sense, we acknowledge that committees have their place and function, but as a rebel oligarchy that has evolved on the planet, the oligarchies, either evolutionarily, are influenced by rebel spiritual culture, some of it is knowing, and some of it is just going through the rituals which the human may or may not ultimately believe in, but that sees the rituals as a method or preliminary aspect of going through the motions to attain the level of status and power they seek.

Whereas the missions and establishment of universe government will shift this type of oligarchy, committee approach to planetary rule that is guided by a sawtooth wave of rebel energy of cyclical climax and destruction and rebirth. For an energetic method of control by cyclical destruction, which is their cycle of inherent rebellion against an objective reality of the universe existing the way it does, and their Phoenix, like renewal of rebellion that's necessary to stem the tide of Paradise Deity Itself, which they do not recognize. They only see the patterns of the universe and declare that they know it's real. To have a comparison the religious experience talked about at the beginning of this Lightline is explained by the neuroscientists through the observation of what chemicals and brain sections are used being used in expressing themselves during this experience, and to claim that your religious insight, which somehow becomes etched in your permanent record of not only your soul, but also neurologically in your brain's electrochemical areas, but all the neuroscientist sees is how your brain behaved and acted possibly during that process. They infer that religious experience is nothing other than a hyperactive pineal gland and so on.

Similarly, the rebel does not recognize the Father. Does not recognize Paradise Trinity as anything other than what they objectively know, which is the Paradise rule of such Sons originating from that area outside of time and space, and that those Paradise Sons have literally created and are their Creator Father. But ultimately, some of these entities are created, as we have said, with the capability of rebellion, which comes with the supernatural ability of free will. And we only say supernatural so that you understand the difference between an entity worthy of eternity and immortality in the universe, compared to a transient entity without a will, but of a mind, nevertheless, that dies and lives through its creative mechanisms as a species. And so to come back to it, the committee word is both at the beginning of this talk, spoken about in how the rebel government of oligarchy has reformed rebellion governance and its rebellion against original universe governance and ultimately does not rule by a Democratic Republican type of governance, but masquerades as such through the fifth, sixth and seventh and eighth columns of a committee.

Thank you, Arthura, all right, you're unmuted. Valerie, I hope that helped.

Thank you very much. Yes, this is a fascinating Lightline. I believe I have to read it and meditate some more. I will have more questions, but right now, I don't, because just have a deep impact. You know, I prayed about it to understand that the aid or these dark entities are partaking in the government because there are just, I noticed that there are so many layers, like this morning in the news, I have read about FEMA calling out to those who need assistance after the hurricane. So there's so many good initiatives coming from the government, but yet we have, we do see so many dark sides of secret agendas also. So I believe that I have received the answer, but needs some digestion, and I thank you very much, Arthura, and thank you, Dominick.

Thank you, Valerie. All right, the lines are open. We thank Valerie for her question, and thank you Arthura for that answer. Now we don't get more unless we get questions. I can talk all day, every day about my own experience, but why should you be subjected to that? As I said in the beginning. I know many of you have questions, and I don't know what answers I'll get, which helps all of us, but we are since we have the absence of questions at this time. Always. I'm laughing because I got one as soon as that happened. Go ahead, Valerie.

I just want to tell you, Dominick, that the scripture says that by the testimony of the saints they have overcome, that means people who must overcome certain things. So your experiences are very welcome. And I remember from the early times when I have heard experiences of believers they were they were very important to me in building my faith. So I just want to encourage you to share your experiences.

All right. Well, thank you. You know, all right. So thank you, Valerie, and we welcome Lemuel back to the call. The, well let's just go with a bit of current events to put the eschatological into context. I believe the, excuse me, that's my, that's me hitting the sign, we have about 40,000 I believe, troops in the Middle East right now, the US, and Biden calling for a ceasefire. Oh, weydevu. I know you're not on the call, but I know you've asked in the past some of these questions. I'm just riffing at this point.

I don't know if I have a tie into all this, but these are some events going on. You have the collapse of the real estate market in China. And I think they've done what every central bank has always done in such a collapse, except China goes to extremes when they do it. So I believe they're printing money like nobody's business and if you look at a line chart compared to the rest of the nations doing such things, it doesn't represent a natural progressive line, but an exponential off the chart line. For those who hold stocks, that's a good sign, there will be commodities and bubbles, and stocks will go up, and the oligarchy will tell us that the economy is great, and the rest of us in the lower classes who weren't part of the investment class, which in the world is not nearly as many people as we assume they are. The rest of us are going to experience even more inflation, and as we have these global conflicts, you can sure bet that the supply chain will also be disrupted.

The reason I mentioned you weydevu, and even though you're not on the call, you asked about, I think, some geopolitical questions before, and as we come up on this next week of the anniversary of October 7, I believe I've talked in other Lightlines, some of those geopolitical events leading up to such a thing. You had, not only the Abraham accords almost coming into effect with Saudi Arabia officially recognizing Israel, but you had, since the course of 2013 the fifth column influencing the fourth, third, second, and first columns of the Ukrainian government and those factions of the DNC and global supporting things of that, I suppose, are the factions responsible for those type of events.

Now we're on the precipice of World War Three, and if you care less about that than you do about abortion rights, then good on you but that's not the way I personally feel about it. Many others don't. I believe every American household seems to be split right down the middle on this. 2709 in some respects, is no exception. In that sense, Ron is a red coat. He loves his crown and he loves the executive functions of the government that's in their policies that are in power and I've spent my time since I've been here complaining and railing against the fourth column that he digests every day, and that, when I tell him a policy of this and that, he says; well, yeah, that's bad.

But like a lot of, like everybody else in the demographic of 50 and over, you watch legacy media, and everyone 50 and under is no longer watching television. They are getting all their media through other means, and the fourth column no longer exists the way it does in that the election policies and issues around even the very definition of things, certainly is dealing with the First Amendment. And this goes back four years, even with the pandemic, we're dealing with immigration, and as the Haitians declare that they're willing to take the food processing jobs from us, lazy, cigarette-smoking, football-watching Americans, and that's good on them, because that's the way America has been working since food processing. But the oligarchy of food processing declares that that's the way we should eat, and the oligarchy of whether you should be able to grow your own garden says you can't do any of that because the world is too hot and climate change and so on and so forth.

And if you even talk about it, you're spreading disinformation, do you see folks where this is going and what this occurs, and what this happens is you will have an American Renaissance of the citizen railing against an overauthority of the executive. Because it's the executive who when it doesn't get what it wants, is revising all the other pillars of governance. Now that is not a transmission. That is my last say-so before we head into this drastic month and we pray that we get anything. We welcome anything from Spirit and we're unified in our spiritual experience that gives us the ability to cooperate, I think, without it, without that, we just say we can cooperate, but that's purely animalistic behavior of self-interest.

True, altruistic cooperation comes from our super material endowments of God. But how we use that needs original universe governance. You need that aspect as well, to have just the Fifth Epochal Revelation, or a Bible, or anything else of a book of a canon of religious education to help a culture perpetuate its Code of Conduct and ethics and beliefs from one generation to the other is just that, and eventually it degrades, over time, into these human factions which would inherently gravitate towards the committees set up long time ago by the rebels. The Fifth Epochal Revelation is no exception, as its leadership apparatus continually seeks the approval of global oligarchical institutions like the UN and so does any other religion. Look at what Vatican, Vatican Two did, or look at how that gets rejected by other eschatological religions like Islam, which does not compromise at all and instead seeks to establish a religious caliphate wherever they habitate.

Ironically, you have, and this is just my opinion based on observation as far as current events go, you can easily have an October surprise, because politically, when Netanyahu was in the States, Kamala didn't, didn't sit by him when he gave, when he addressed Congress. I don't know how much she met with him, but that was symbolic, whereas Netanyahu went to Trump's Mar-a-Lago and was smiling. Now the recent trip with Zelensky equally, had a press conference with Kamala reading a speech and reading a policy, whereas Zelensky stood by Trump and fielded questions together. One message was perpetual, was the winning of a war under the principles of the conflict, which is marked by, I could remember this conflict well because that's a few months before I moved out here. It's easy to remember that way. It's my historical marker that I moved out here in October, you could say, and in February of the next year that war started. And here we are now, four (2 & 1/2) years later and we have allowed, as a country, the export of our military assistance to be offensive into the state of Russia.

Now this is all a long-winded thing by saying, what did you expect if Russia is competing against us in a proxy war, that they wouldn't work with Iran to split up an alliance aligned against it? And there's no better way you would think logically than to split NATO up by creating a conflict in Israel. Now, how does that split NATO up? It certainly would put Turkey in a bind, which I'm sure it has politically. But Turkey doesn't ever consider itself in a bind. They go in the self-interest of Turkey, but as far as NATO goes, they're not for Israel, which is ironic in the conflict of things. So there are no binaries in this conflict.

It's like a global Mexican standoff, which is a cultural term for everyone pointing pistols at each other, I believe. And that would be such a maneuver when you would trigger an event like that. So when these are simply the things we're faced with heading into this October, and if this is my last Lightline, I need to have my last word. So thanks Valerie, that's just the way I can begin to see it. If there's any more questions, feel free. We're at the end of our hour, and Lemuel, I'm going to come to you just to verify that you will indeed do your Lightline tomorrow. Lemuel, you're unmuted. How's your Lightline looking?

Well, at the moment, it's looking fine and I feel I have reasons for saying this, I am certain that it's going to be my last Lightline as well, and I have a lot to say tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to it. So yes, tomorrow night, at eight o'clock, tomorrow afternoon, at two o’clock, where you are as usual. Yes, thank you. Thank you, Dominick.

Thank you, Lemuel. God bless and God bless you all, and we pray that we can keep it together in our households, in our nations, in our communities, and certainly in our nations. Have a good day.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)