Author Topic: Advisory 30 The Migisterial Foundation ( October 25, 2020)  (Read 38 times)

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Online Jose Vargas

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25 OCTOBER 2020
Advisory  30
The Magisterial Foundation
Advisory 30 TO Readers and Organizations
of the 5th Epochal Revelation

This Advisory is to notify all that the universe is preparing to publish a new epochal revelation and to advise you of our part in it.   You are invited to provide your work with us as an explanation below:

Due to profound damage to the Age of the Supreme and the supreme recision for the most part, rebellion has erupted over  the disagreement in policy as to who controls the free will choice of ascension.  The Deity Absolute and god the supreme have, by their antagonistic policies,  forced the replacement of the  5 th epochal revelation due to errors of fact so pervasive in the 5 th epochal revelation that it must be replaced quickly to ensure the value of epochal revelation on Urantia entirely.

Dr. William S. Sadler used a Contact Commission and a professional  Forum to review and edit the text and  then to assemble the Papers for publication.  The Magisterial Foundation has been addressed by the Salvington Revelatory Commission, the Ancients of Days, the Salvington Government, and the Trinity Government of Uversa with Nebadon,  to begin work in similar fashion as the Sadler’s did in the 20 th century.

The Magisterial Foundation is publically announcing its wish to share what is still a secret process to produce the 1 st Epochal Revelation.  The scope of the project can be envisioned by telling you that the Papers themselves total  3,135 pages  (three thousand one hundred thirty-five).  Additional pages are dedicated to an index which is 45 (forty-five) pages long.  There are five parts to the book and at the end of each part is its own index.

The 1 st Epochal Revelation has  no Foreward.  It has 25 (twenty-five) pages as a  Preface which outlines the reasons for producing another epochal revelation.  All told, the entire book production has bound within its covers,  a total of 3,216 pages (three thousand two hundred sixteen) and is to be distributed as a hard bound edition only.  There is to be a Spanish translation by the Revelatory Commission and is issued as a separate 1 st Epochal Revelation, and that will be completed later in the year 2021.

The Magisterial Foundation is allowed to do as it chooses as to the means of this production, meaning we may or may not share the process with other appropriate volunteers who are familiar with edition preparation and its assigns for the purpose of producing the past 5 th epochal revelation for securing the1st Epochal Revelation.  The Magisterial Foundation has been given until December 08, 2020 to decide just what process it wishes to use and then how much can be shared and with whom.  To date no decisions have been made and no selections have been secured.

The readership of the 5 th epochal revelation, together with the various corporations and agencies of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, are hereby placed on notice the Magisterial Foundation will proceed without  your counsel or input if you continue to be silent.  We will, however greet and accept your counsel and input well providing you are willing to discuss your views in a meeting of some urgency very soon with us.

The Magisterial Foundation, and its assigns including the Michael Foundation International, Advent Publishing, and twelve other corporations not reviewed  here, are hereby directed to make themselves present  to sign literal contractual agreements by the end of this year, and likely before December 10 th , 2020.   One of those documents should particularly interest the Urantia Foundation, and that is a revised and fully exploratory Declaration of Trust with the Magisterial Foundation. 

We wish to offer all of you an exploratory plenipotentiary meeting with us.  In particular we ask for advisory representatives to meet with us in York, Pennsylvania before December 10 th , 2020.   We invite the  present agencies of the 5 th epochal revelation to send more than one representative from  the Urantia Foundation, from its subsidiary the UAI, from the Urantia Book Fellowship, and from  any and all other operative groups or corporations associated with/or for the interests of the Urantia Foundation and the 5 th Epochal Revelation.  Be all advised that our agreements with the Salvington Government, and with the proposed Urantia Planetary Government, is to recover, to proof, to edit, and to produce and then to disseminate the 1 st Epochal Revelation.  I need not remind all of you that our agreements with the spiritual governments may read differently if you prefer to remain silent to participate as counsel.  We also state that the actions to  produce the  1 st Epochal Revelation, will be  under the auspices of a new Declaration of Trust. 

I ask to place upon this agenda the consideration of all pertinent groups to explore and fund an Advisory Counsel we may append to the Magisterial Foundation Board of Directors.

Your continued silence will be detrimental to your interests.  The Director of the Magisterial Foundation,  Ronald Besser, together with its own Counsel, is governed by two divine principles: (1) We obey the directives of the Paradise Magisterial Sons assigned to Urantia, and who therefore control the Magisterial Foundation today;  (2) We are obligated to provide and maintain the highest standards of motivation to secure the work of the 1 st Epochal Revelation in the secured  Second Return of Jesus, who has full decision power equally with the Magisterial Sons of record over the proceedings of the  Magisterial Foundation.  The human Director has the full inclination to achieve synchrony with the Second Return and will obtain full measure of authority to pursue those policies declared valid by the Bestowal Son with the Avonal Order of Sonship, whose Council we have already secured as we have slowly, over the years, reached this point to announce the production of the  1 st Epochal Revelation.

As I, Ronald Besser, am the human Director of the Magisterial Foundation, I feel obligated to include the interests of the corporate representatives of the 5 th epochal revelation.  I am in contact with Dr. William S. Sadler and have received his counsel of advice to proceed.  In accordance with Drs. Lena and William S. Sadler, I also offer my choice to share to the extent I may share it with you and its production.

However, this is not a negotiation to obtain favors from any of you, but to offer a seat at the table to propose how we may proceed as advice to Jesus of Nazareth, to the  the Magisterial Sons and to the Creator Son of Nebadon, as well as to myself, the nature of how we move into production wisely.   We have secured the incarnation of Mantutia Melchizedek, writer of our present Urantia Book to convey the same narrative voice throughout the text, as our Chief Counsel, and with whom we have secured the rights to proceed as He is also Chief of the Revelatory Committee that produced the 5 th Epochal Revelation and now the 1st Epochal  Revelation, on Urantia.

I hereby propose that the Urantia Foundation, the Urantia Book Fellowship, the Urantia Association International, along with the educational arms of the advice of counsel to the Urantia University and its assigns, and with and to, similar others to send your representatives for a meeting before December 08th, 2020, in York, Pennsylvania, concerning our means to produce the1st Epochal Revelation and your views as to your relationship and/or counsel only to the secured means of production.  The new 1 st Epochal Revelation text book is equivalent to the 5 th epochal revelation entirely.  It is in all of your interests to insist on a meeting with us as quickly as possible.

My obligation is to begin preliminary work on the1st Epochal Revelation as to its production for Papers to be received by December15th, 2020.  As with Dr. William S. Sadler in December 1928, we proceed under a secrecy agreement.  Meanwhile, I must decide how open the Magisterial Foundation is to be with personnel unknown to me without your counsel in place, and to what degree I must allow the presence of incarnations near me to advise just how much exposure they will allow while we assemble the revelation for the public production of this text book.  We are under pressure as follows:

I am advised that the First Epochal W orld Dispensation of Urantia Sleeping Survivors is to be consummated by December 23rd, 2020.  The Bright and Morning Star of Salvington, Gabriel, secures the right to advise me otherwise that if there is a contested election in the United States, then, since the Magisterial Foundation is located in the United States, other plans of the spiritual execution of these plans must play out contingent on the secured peace of the passing of power to the next President of the United States and how that will affect us.  Do not assume I will plan otherwise, but I must execute revisions according to the decrees and/or wishes of my superiors.

I must also advise all of you that because we are now going to have visible representatives on the sovereign lands of the United States, that we are forced to negotiate a land treaty with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Congress of the United States, to provide a Protectorate Zone in and around the Magisterial Foundation, to prevent overwhelming York, Pennsylvania with office seekers and worshipful considerations.  I remind you that in 1861, Washington DC was inundated with thousands of immigrants to settle in the District that so overwhelmed the Lincoln administration, they had to declare martial law to regain civil order.  Having incarnated representatives is worthwhile but adds to the pressure of what we have to achieve in addition to what we must police.  Be advised I am involved in all of this.


There is an addendum I am attaching to this Advisory herein, and that is to provide you the reason why we are calling the Advent of Jesus to be associated with the 1 st Epochal Revelation, and why Gabriel announces that the sleeping survivors go to their reward under the aegis of the 1 st Epochal World Dispensation.

Thank you,

Chief Counsel to the Magisterial Foundation and its subsidiaries,
/Mantutia Melchizedek

Chief Counsel to the Board of Counsel,
The Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon

Chief Spiritual Advisor to the human Director,
The Trinity Teacher Son, Margul, Trinity Teacher Son 41-313652137

The Human Director of the Magisterial Foundation,
/Ronald Besser

The Board of Counsel,
Not fully filled as of this writing

Chief Counsels to the Board of Counsel
Mantutia Melchizedek/Machiventa Melchizedek

Counsel to the Bestowal Son,
Bestowal Commission of Six Archangels and Two Melchizedeks

Bestowal Son Advice to the Magisterial Foundation
Jesus of Nazareth

advisory 30
Sequence Changes To  Dispensations and Epochal Revelation
An Explanation

The reasons we now have a 1 st Epochal Revelation instead of a 6 th Epochal Revelation, is due to a modern rebellion as serious as the Lucifer rebellion was over 235,000 years ago on Urantia.  The Lucifer Manifesto was read aloud on Jerusem by Lucifer himself, and that actually occurred on December 22, three hundred thousand years ago.  The Urantia Book slices through the controversy of when to date the Lucifer rebellion, by being advised by the Deity Absolute, that Lucifer declared the Planetary System of Satania independence one hundred thousand years after the appearance of Caligastia, as Planetary Prince, on Urantia.  The Manifesto was not fully instituted for 30,000 Urantia years and outright seizure of individual planets then proceeded and rebellion then became open and ugly. 

When Caligastia appeared to take on the privileges of the Office of the Planetary Prince, mankind as an established God-knowing entity, and was already 500,000 years old as a human species.  That condition assigns Caligastia the role of overseeing not one race of so-called aborigines of Urantia, but the evolutionary addition of  six new styles of human races still operating intact on Urantia today in modified form.  Lucifer proposed independence to Caligastia in the second hundred thousand of years of his reign on Urantia, and Caligastia did not approve of the Manifesto at all at first.

As a result Salvington now dates the Lucifer Manifesto using the present Gregorian calendar as occurring on September 19, of the year 215,326 BCE.  That includes the two thousand year passage of time since the birth of Christ in 07BCE as correctly dated.  There then proceeded to be additional revelations of epochal significance up to the beginning of the 1 st century AD, when the 4 th epochal revelation and the 4 th epochal dispensation were established.

However, in June of 2019 using the Gregorian calendar continuously here, a serious second Lucifer rebellion occurred again after adjudication of the first Lucifer rebellion was fully developed and signed off as finished on March 16, 1986.  The rebels were executed and Lucifer and Caligastia and many others died.  But unknown to the Ancients of Days, a secured replacement for Lucifer was trained and ready to execute another rebellion slated for, we think, the year 2045.  The year 2045 was the projected schedule for the Advent of Jesus, up and until June of 2019.  It was in June of 2019 (June 19, 20, 21, and 22), that the supreme being attacked the Local Universe of Nebadon, and its capital, a complex of four planets today known collectively as Salvington.  Salvington sustained heavy damage and lost all the equipment to sustain the Advent of Jesus to Urantia.  As a result the Universe Father decreed that god the supreme created serious errors and the supreme was remanded to Havona permanently.   On September 26, 2019, god the supreme took action against the Father, and destroyed itself and the home planet upon which the supreme was sequestered in Havona, that bign the third circuit and the planet now a relic, blackened and blown out so that only portions of its outer mantle can be viewed today.

These actions, and similar actions followed, and the entire seraphic corps on Urantia took issue with the decree of the Ancients of Days, to stand down and face court martial if they prepared to seize further the governments of the Local Universes of Alvoring, Avalon, Henselon, Sensalon, and Densalon, and a partial seizure on Panoptia and one other.  On Urantia, the planetary government was ransacked and its buildings and the morontia offices destroyed.  Michael of Nebadon, and his entire staff, rather than create a shooting war, went into exile from Salvington to Uversa at least four times in the next year to avoid the fire of the seraphic liaison forces bent on destroying any further attempt to reestablish normal governments without the supreme officiating.  Urantia was fully cleared of the seraphic incursion several times, but it became impossible to resurrect Urantia spiritual government even today, as Urantia is presently under the receivership of six Archangels and four Melchizedeks.  No further motion is attending on reestablishing the Urantia Planetary government until the Advent of Jesus is fact.

The loss of the supreme (and incidentally we are advised we are not to capitalize the word supreme or adjectives which modify the word supreme in this context) brought total chaos to universe concepts including the monistic Infinity now secured once more by the Universal Father being advised by the Deity Absolute, to totally revise the Master Universe  Age mechanisms once known as  the Age of Supremacy, and the Age of Ultimacy, and the Age of Absolute as declinations based on the supreme or the ultimate.  Consequently the Local Universes now take the time-meaning of the removal of god the supreme and god the ultimate as a necessary step to evolve sane governments not based on personal priorities of either the supreme or the ultimate.  The Father-Supreme is ascendant and promises revocation of all supreme actions that were detrimental to the Bestowal of Jesus on Urantia, and all detrimental actions of the present cay supreme concerning the advice of the supreme concerning the practical distribution of the 5 th epochal revelation on Urantia.

A natural effect of declaring the supreme and ultimate as no longer existing or affecting the lives of time creations, the Father advised that the entire time-space areas must revert to a revision of the Ages and that  all official functions of evolutionary devices then secured through supremacy are remanded to be as non existent.  The Father has invoked all powers of the Father-Ultimate to refrain further development of the Absonite until further notice so that the Outerspace Levels, OSL3, and OSL4, are free of the contamination of the aborted time-space developments of god the supreme.

As a consequence, all dispensations and epochal revelations, regardless of what series they had achieved with each time-space creation, had to revert to zero again. 

Here is, we admit,  the hard part for humans to realize:

The Father invoked the transcendental sense of timelessness over the entire Master Universe through outer space level four.   OSL1, OSL2, OSL3, OSl4, are to remain unsecured now and will not be addressed as areas of the Absonite or other Transcendental creations or developments, but must obey the transcendental laws of Paradise otherwise secured without the presence of god the supreme or god the ultimate.

Furthermore, using Urantia as an example: we note that the Father Himself is not only infinite, but he is the personification of supremacy and ultimacy as Creator and Supreme Creator, and likewise as the Controller of the Master Universe.  And that He now declares that Ultimacy is still favored but that other alternative to-be-created  Deities will be assigned to review those developments for the future transcendental universes.  The once supreme-ultimate classification no longer exists.  The classification of Ultimate-Absolute for OSL4 still exists, but without the presence of God the Ultimate. 

Further: Urantia no longer has a 4 th epochal revelation as Jesus of Nazareth.  Nor do we have a 1 st epochal revelation of Caligastia or the third epochal revelation fo Machiventa Melchizedek, and so on.  The human mind is not designed to understand how the Father or any other Deity can change historical dating and purge it from the material records and even the Paradise records.  But the no-time history of Ultimacy can be revised to change or be willed to be  non-existing on Paradise and in Havona so long as Infinity concurs it has been so adjudicated by the will of the Father.  Such an adjustment that removed all dispensations and revelations of the supreme was decreed by the will of the Universal Father on June 12, 2020 using the Urantia Gregorian calendar current today.

The official event records of spiritual significance were reset, historically, to no longer exist.  Michael of Nebadon was instructed that all historical records in the Akasic Records were to be nullified and re-established,  if necessary,  after June of 2020.  Jesus of Nazareth did indeed live in the first century AD, but the event he established then, no longer is dated as the first century AD, but the 21 st Century AD as Jesus returns to Urantia as the first Bestowal Son under the 1 st dispensation and with the 1 st epochal revelation.  Human memory is not wrong.  He did live before.  But the records on Paradise do not exist for that event in the 1 st century AD.  Also, the 5 th epochal revelation makes a note that the Bestowal of Jesus was somewhat out of normal order as divine events go.  Now, and because of this slight of hand of ultimacy, Urantia regains the normal order of divine Bestowal Sons.   Kindly note in your thinking we have a Magisterial Mission already at work!  This Magisterial event now today precedes the Holy Advent of Christ.

We could provide the reader much more on this subject, but it is confusing enough and we stop doing it  to realize the material counter has been re-set to zero over the incursions of the codes found in the Infinity cabinets of code that run the Master Universe.  Infinity is never wrong and it does not adjust error because it is never in error of any kind.  But Infinity is fully advising that no Jesus Bestowal took place before the 21 st Century on Urantia.  That is,  in the final analysis,  a Deity fiat and we live with it uneasily while our memories suffer the inexplicable.

Thank you.
Per: Director of the Magisterial Foundation
- The Director Reporting in Liaison with Christ Michael to help write this explanation for you;
- The Director in Liaison with the Trinity Teacher Son, Margul as counsel;
- The Director with the support from the Director of the Local Universe, Michael of Nebadon and with Gabriel, the  Bright and Morning Star of Salvington.
José L. Vargas Núñez