Author Topic: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22  (Read 18033 times)

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Rebellion Doctrine Refuted
v2 l40
Oct 06, 2022, York, PA, United States
Teacher Transmitter(s): GABRIEL of SALVINGTON
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (18m)

Lessons From Rebellion and Addressing the Points of the Rebel Manifesto
This is Gabriel of Salvington. I address such legal matters and executive functions when it comes to the governance mandates being carried out and addressed in the Universe of Nebadon.
Welcome, Gabriel, we honor your presence and thank you.
Proceed. We have before this began, a prelude in dialogue covering some of these points. And you wisely asked for the most appropriate voice, and that is I, the Chief Representative of Michael of Nebadon when it comes to presenting the court case to the higher courts of the universe. In this sense, I was the chief spokesman for Michael and for Salvington. And for that matter, Paradise, when it came to addressing and rebuking the rebels and their rebellion. Michael has given us a lesson, previously (v2 l39), on sedition, insurrection, and rebellion, and some of those thresholds. And to remind, for this lesson, a rebellion sets up its own governance and government apparatus, in complete distinction as its own, in difference-to the existing governance and its system. Thus, it was not a war in heaven at the beginning, it was an exertion of the right to set up their own government. And the manifesto laid claim to why. And that is what we will address today and take some of those lessons in the rebuke that I gave constantly.
In this manner, I was not the chief prosecutor of the court case, but the lead antagonist sustaining Michael of Nebadon, Salvington and Paradise rule. Lucifer, the chief rebel, led the rebellion and communicated the manifesto, justifying his own governance in his own mind. And he petitioned those within this jurisdiction of Lucifer and encouraged those beyond it to join. And I, as Gabriel of Salvington, countered that, and wished and asked those to remain loyal.
We may jump out of order of the sequence of what was communicated in the manifesto, but we will cover it nonetheless. First and foremost, to your tangible, human experience as a local creation in a Local Universe, amongst vast numbers of universes, Lucifer, contended and rebelled from a Paradise Son, who is the Creator of Nebadon, A Michael Son of Paradise, Michael of Nebadon. Thus, one thing is made clear. The Lucifer manifesto made no contention that Michael of Nebadon was the creator of not only the universe of Nebadon, but that Michael was the Creator, and hence, Fatherly relation to Lucifer himself. At some level, it made it highly familial and personal for Michael to be caught in all phases of the struggle, and thus removed himself from immediate addressing. Michael had to take into account the wisdom and counsel of Paradise, as well as this familial desire to extend mercy and temper immediate justice. Both familially and strategically, to ensure that the rebellion was willingly adjudicated to be a lasting resolution, of course, in favor of Salvington, Uversa, and Paradise. We mention those three jurisdictions because that represents the jurisprudence of Gabriel versus Lucifer.
A lesson learned from this part of the discussion is how, when you fall back on the planetary habits of rebellion, there is an acknowledgement at the highest levels, acknowledging Michael of Nebadon as your Creator. Thus, don't conflate the blasphemy of the Father with any blasphemy of the Son. The Paradise Sons always refer to the ultimate role of the Paradise Father. It was the contention of the rebellion, and thus the blasphemy. The contention was, the Father was fictitious, that there was no tangible proof of such an existence. And therefore, was a fraud conducted by the Paradise Regime of Paradise Sons to control such Local Universes. The Jesus Bestowal, Michael's seventh of descending Bestowal Missions of Michael of Nebadon, was to reveal the Father even further. To explain, reveal, and demonstrate what it was like to be in factual, real communication with the Father. And this is possible by its lowest Order of Sons of God. The human endowed with a small piece of this Father within their minds and personalities, and wills.
And this brings us to another contention of the Lucifer manifesto. And that is the cliched call, that if you would all just band together, you could win the day against the evil, overbearing, repressive regime of the Ancients of Days and Paradise Rule. And I submit to you both governances wish to unite you. How Lucifer has done this is a folly. There is no such unification, and you know it. You see it around you in the disaster of this world. And yet, such disasters are still blamed on Michael of Nebadon, and the Father because of the habit of rebellion. And so, we lead this lesson with the virtual fact that even rebellion itself acknowledges your Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon. And when He returns amongst you, this fact should not be so shocking. And that furthermore, the unification of the planet is demonstrated and shown the way through Michael and through Jesus. As a reference, not to the blasphemy of the Father, but the Father within. And to appeal to planetary unification in this manner. You choose. Search and discover for something within and realize the Brotherhood of Man. Or continue to resist in rebellion to your own demise. And your immortality will no longer exist, other than to be in the analogy of frozen in amber. To be a lesson in time for ascenders thereafter.
Furthermore, your manifesto of Lucifer also contended that the entire ascension scheme of humans, and lower orders of beings ascending to Paradise and returning, was no proof of the Father either. And yet we report to you, that all ascenders who achieved status and liaison with the Father within, remained loyal. That once you attain this, the lesson is, it is quite real and something to remain certain and loyal in. It is a part of you, it becomes you, hence, the word fusion. We remind you the Father is the Bestower of personality. The Fragment within you does not contain such personality, you the human supply it.
This supplies is a very short address of a fraction of the points and lessons to be learned when this episode of rebellion comes to its inglorious end. And that something to look forward to, truly, is the return of Christ. And is the redemption of those who receive Mercy and Justice. And a new way forward back into the fold of the universe and its governance and family. This is Gabriel of Salvington. And I bid you all a good day.

Thank you, Gabriel. We are honored by your presence, and we thank you very much.

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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2022, 18:48:59 pm »
Thank you Gabriel and Dominick for these very clear and instructive lessons on rebellion. 

All Love, Support, and Loyalty to Michael and the Father as we witness the demise of this rebellion, and our Spirit Family reunited once again!

Online occerpa

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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2022, 02:26:32 am »
Ron, Archangel Ryan's statement when he says that I always distrust important events, I must interpret it as a judgment that is made mainly against my speculative mind, which indeed often wanders, on those philosophical questions that concern everyone, at some point. of our lives, but not that I let transcend here in the forum in such an obvious way. But thanks to Archangel Ryan for pointing it out here on the forum.
Now, for example, reading the last lesson published by Dominick,(Extraordinary lesson, thank you very much Dominick and thank you very much Gabriel of Salvington) I would like to conjecture about a fact that reinforces my conceptualization of the nature of the human being as a "puppet" (wireless man), taking into account that Lucifer rebels against his own Creator, refusing to accept the design of a Universal Father. In the analysis of the Rebellion, the first thing that is questioned as the most remarkable fact is how it could have been possible for a perfect created being to manifest itself against the plans of his Creator Father. I make the analogy with a robot so technologically advanced that it manages to become independent and act against its human creator, which transcends reality and becomes fiction; but what is really fiction in this Creation or divine game? It was revealed to us here in the forum that if Lucifer had been gifted by an Adjuster he would never have rebelled, as he referenced in this lesson from Gabriel of Salvington or Michael's highest representative of Nebadon throughout the Universe, from Salvington to Uversa and Paradise. , that those who merge with their Adjuster never betray the Universal Father, as one might logically think. From here we can deduce that all the work of the Soul-bearing man, that is, indwelled by a Thought Adjuster, is concentrated in reaching that communion and final fusion with the divine indweller. Individually this represents "The Second Coming" (the second quantum coming) for the one who achieves it; For this, it is necessary to count on our unfortunate planet, with a "programmer" who comes to explain, reveal and teach how to download this new program that reveals the Truth of the Universal Father that frees us forever from the slavery of the flesh and the evil. All speculative, my apologies and excuse the writing errors that very possible exist in these translations. Thanks
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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2022, 10:00:56 am »
Occerpa I sense you can sink into to dark speculation of man being too subject to control and therefore is made into a puppet too often or entirely.  I am not sure of your view of it though.  When or if your take a moment to reflect, so is the rose subject to reality control, and I wonder what the alternative would be to the reality that all life grows in a prescribed manner under that is given to grow life in reality.  Underneath your concern over puppets is I guess your dislike of being manipulated toward old age without any say against removal by death-- another unpleasant reality.

I smile thinking how unhappy I am over approaching age and the inevitable death that must follow the end of living on Urantia.  I think, if I read you correctly, you think there is some sort of dishonesty about destiny because you have too little say about using it on a conveyor belt to the end itself too. 

You write:
"what is really fiction in this Creation or divine game? It was revealed to us here in the forum that if Lucifer had been gifted by an Adjuster he would never have rebelled, as he referenced in this lesson from Gabriel of Salvington or Michael's highest representative of Nebadon throughout the Universe, from Salvington to Uversa and Paradise. , that those who merge with their Adjuster never betray the Universal Father, as one might logically think. From here we can deduce that all the work of the Soul-bearing man, that is, indwelled by a Thought Adjuster, is concentrated in reaching that communion and final fusion with the divine indweller."

Ron here - Occerpa the statement is good, but the logic is askew and let me explain something I see:  Adjusters are not critically involved with a soul when the soul is first required to append the coordinated life with God at all, even as a beginning idea.  The Adjuster requires the man or woman to start the process however long it takes to do that in time.   Lucifer never considered life important beyond exercising power over it as a Lanonadek Son of considerable worth and power.  Lucifer choose self expression over God expression and that is eventually fatal to plans to unionize man with God permanently as a new order of being called a Finaliter.

I do not dispute Gabriel here except that Lucifer would HAVE to be human and not Lanonadek for that to have taken place where Adjuster that mind would lead to a different decision of not to rebel.  God can and does force decisions at critical junctures of the life span both in man and in the divine I am sure; however, please understand that a mind indwelt by an Adjuster never seems to understand such is true at all and proceeds to take on life as a lone sentinel to end it all by the forces of evolutionary decrees.  Gabriel has a great point to make then if Lucifer were entirely human, but Lucifer was also determined that no force would ever over take his talent as a great thinker and for that reason he forever denied that God is superior to his thinking, and an Adjuster could never make any strategic difference to such an individual determining thought was superior to God-knowing wisdom.

You ask what is fiction in this Creation or divine game?  Time is the fiction Occerpa.  That is not double talk.  Time permits aging and it permit discussion and it permits random thinking of views that lie outside of reality.  Lucifer knew only time too, and while he was superior in thought to almost any idea of analytical planning by lesser thinkers, he could not be convinced there were superior forces to Michael or to his own order of Sonship ever.  At least that is the analysis of the psychology department attached to the Ancients of Days who fully adjudicated the Lucifer rebellion in 1986, and then to suddenly find there are crucible inheritors of the Lucifer ideas and ideals who were still trying to keep certain elements of Sonship out of divine coordnation with Paradise.

Time is fiction and you know it but forget to name it because it is so encompassing without ever announcing it is always in control to make tiny little steps toward Adjuster advising you to coordinate the center of one's life with the controlling God reality that permeates time but runs a close second to being almost fully invisible.  I am not going to even try to untangle what that does to minds that use the inherent human capacity to doubt everything without making any effort to prove there is a conspiracy against life in God's dishonesty to operation with man.  Man is no fool, but he lets it happen anyhow by being completely unable to fathom spiritual factors in a material mind so lame it carries very little benefit to man's first life starting on  a rock and no way to secure a goal for himself except to do something.  Rarely is that sufficient for eternal life, but the Adjuster adheres to the idea the next life is educational enough to survive as a perfected material start of life in a spiritual ending. 

You have your good points Occerpa and I am not entirely sure you are correct in some of the suppositions you make.  However, I doubt Gabriel ever intended to start a run on your life bank of solid gains in your own spiritual accomplishments which I see are many and well stated.  I leave you to your contemplation, and maybe you have to say something that will cheer me up a little too as I find the bending of ones back from vertical standing life to the bending back of old age no cure to enjoy old age very much at all.  Cheers to you!  And thank you for the post. 

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron you and Occerpa feel almost identically over some of these issues.  The difference between you is that you feel you are mistaken, and he feels he is right.  Be assured there is not middle ground.  You Ron are not mistaken in most things, but feel the degree of cruelty of old age under pressure to live again daunting and Occerpa never considers it at all.  For that reason you two are like peas in a pod; he feels much you do, but you are optimistic and he is not.  That is a huge difference between brothers, and Occerpa will never fully comprehend the China Pond experience you had while you cannot view anything without remembering China Pond and the experience of a total return to God you enjoyed in spite of the pain of learning to live with a talkative Thought Adjuster at age 46.  You Ron have taught Dominick to do that at age 48m and he is hardly able to comprehend what you did at 46, but the two of you have one thing in common:  you both achieved Adjuster contact before age 50 and that is a hugely important step toward perfection destiny few ever achieve even in the present FINALITER corp on Urantia, which, by the way, are all former Urantians! 

"Occerpa you have achieved these things already in your fine mind too and Ron admires your ability to speak to spiritual reality with goodness and beauty all the time.  However, you are so pessimistic you cannot see the forest for the trees and let things lie so you do not have to force another issue you just plain do not like!  That is to pray before every meal and eat only judicious offerings from the garden.  Ron never likes to pray that way either and hates being told not to like M and M's to the point he gets sick eating them sometimes.   The religious life is in the doing, and both of you :do."  But Occerpa you cry yourself to sleep, and Ron just goes to sleep without ever worrying about God's role as a controller or some sort of monster reality Occerpa thinks operates some times.  There is not such thing Occerpa, except as Ron has well pointed out that life ends and many things cannot be done in time you can learn to do later on in the continuing life sponsored by God for the ascenders.

"I conclude this Occerpa as you are one of the few that can get Ron's juices working because you are substantial in your comments and decision to take on so-called polemic statements that really are not meant to deeply affect the real meaning of God in one's life as an ascender.  finally Ron, keep your good cheer operating in spite of endless difficulties for and in a life that wishes you to be removed at once, but you refuse to let it end with a whimper and stay the course in spite of all that has gone wrong.  IT is corrected soon enough and RAYSON has a dictation for you not here though.  Good day to you Occerpa and as Ron says, CHEERS, and that should be a good sign he keeps you well for your own sake and concerns he addresses to but somewhat differently than you can or do, because Occerpa you do not have China Pond to remind you of an extraordinary God event to talk about with others.  At least not yet is that true.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON. "  K


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2022, 02:13:00 am »
Thanks Ron and thanks Father Michael for the special attention my last post deserved; I have felt pleasantly compensated for your comments, which I consider deserve a well-rounded response, but which I will have to postpone at the moment because first, I must reread the comments and try to better understand the statements and judgments that are made to me. For now I would like to know about that experience called China Pond that Ron experienced and what meaning M and M have.
I only allow myself to say that the entire foundation of what I present as "my truths" I owe to the teachings of my beloved teacher Sathya Sai Baba. Thanks
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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2022, 02:37:34 am »
Greetings Ron, today we are already on that great day, everything seems to point in that direction. Hallelujah!!
Ron, I am going to try to clarify, as far as my discernment reaches me, the controversial topic of man as a puppet or an autonomous bioelectric machine (biorobots), which I support, more than anything based on the faith and trust that I profess in SAI BABA, who in a story that he narrates himself, he refers to this fact in asides such as the following: 
1. (start) "Look at the silly performance of this.puppet
2. "It is God the Creator who makes these dolls, and millions, millions of dolls, but this puppet of ours doesn't know when he's playing with dolls".
 3. "Ah! have you seen this strange little fool, with his belly full of books, spinning and squirming at the encounter with a cultured doll?" 
4 ""This doll of illusion like the sacred bull, has the rope of ignorance through the hole of his nose." 
5. "The puppet, cries, sleeps and wakes up, when his threads are moved by the invisible hand; it is God who is behind, but the fool swears: It is me, me, me" 
6. "The puppet swaggers carelessly in zigzag balance" 
7. (final) "Man watch the divine game of Sathya Sai, and know yourself ". A few years ago, I made a video, reciting this story in the style of a poem, which I am going to allow myself for those who understand Spanish, which I think are the majority, to share here, with the patience and patience of all the members and visitors.
In this way, Ron, this mere fact that SAI BABA places so much emphasis on the fact that at the level where we, the inhabitants of this planet, are, we are nothing more than puppets manipulated by the rioters after the Rebellion, through a mind substitute to be able to control us until we are able, with the guidance of our Adjuster, to free ourselves, and to be able to remain then, once tuned in with that divine monitor, converted into another puppet but in the hands of God. I know that this is not as elementary as I have been able to explain it, but it helps me to search for that fusion with my Thought Adjuster. That wireless man, whom I keep as a symbolic figure of my theory based on these points of reference, is the man trapped in the Matrix and not the liberated man like you.

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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2022, 06:01:00 am »
Occerpa, thank you for your post. You are a wonderful storyteller, oh my! I wanted to hear you live because I write poems too time to time and really enjoyed listening, dear brother, although do not speak Spanish. You've done a marvelous performance. Appreciate the link very much. 

Your story tells a lot about what is ahead after Jesus appears. Your devotion to Sai Baba is an undivided devotion to a teacher about Father God that never stops to amaze me either. Now humanity should turn the page to receive Jesus' teachings once again some meaningful ways with great power. He will teach all of us a new way on uncharted territories. I am looking forward to this day very much, and His reign with Christ Michael on Urania. Hosanna to the Highest. 

God bless, 

PS to Ron: 
Would you please post yesterday's Lightline to listen to it again. I am very sorry for I connected late and thank you for the Lightline. 
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2022, 09:02:29 am »
Occerpa, I reread the entire conversation now, in response to Dominick's post and found that your questions to Ron had not yet been answered as he is always busy beside facing his trials daily. I can answer those for you briefly due to hearing him referring to his experience in English often. Simply put, he had the same shocking experience at China Pound than Apostle Paul had at the road to Damascus, written in the bible in 1st Corinthians. Please look it up online. They both were so overwhelmed by the presence of God that it changed their lives forever in relation to Father God and serving Him on this earth. Until that day Apostle Paul was persecuting Christians, but once he experienced the power of God and heard Jesus speak to him, he devoted his life to the cause so much that he became one of the greatest Christian ever lived. Ron told us the story that his Thought Adjuster began to speak unstoppably for days, and he questioned his own sanity for a while, so as those who knew him, as his behavior changed too. I will let him tell you the details when you meet, because that is his to tell, and only he knows them all. What I know is that he took a few days of vacation at China Pound alone and this happened to him, a visitation from God some remarkably life changing way. As a result, we can enjoy his leadership qualities and outstanding personality today.

The M and M is the little chocolate covered candy made in bright colors and the package shows M&M. I am sure you can buy it where you live too. Ron loves them and may consumes too much as Father Michael told on him.

Adding to the posts addressing you, I see that your mind and vocabulary is exceptional as well and having been compared to Ron as equal some ways is a great honor to receive from Michael of Nebadon. It appears from the comments that neither one of you enjoy being in the world at your old age and that is understandable. In my view the difference between being optimistic and pessimistic is in our ability to connect with the Divine to the extent that we experience life as eternal even now by becoming one with God's Spirit day-to-day in a tangible way. That is not hard at all once we understand, as you do, that all that is happening to us and in this world is for Him, by Him and through Him, and Him through us. To show whom Apostle Paul had really become I quote his words 'for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, 'For we are also His offspring.' and "I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."' That is true for Ron for sure who despite the constant pain he experiences will remain focused and selfless. None of us could master that without a China pound experience, yet Father will use whomsoever willing. Our willingness will not change His eternal disposition whatsoever, but for now on Urantia, we can be His hands and feet and mouthpiece, the light of the world and salt of the earth that He calls us to be, which in return keeps us flowing in the spirit having that eternal assurance to rise above the mondain and evil of the world, and the pain and suffering it creates. What difficult is to stay steady with it as Ron do, for the many hindrances and life events working against us always, thus it remains a choice by free will offering. For this reason, Apostle Paul told us that "the double minded man is unstable on all is ways", being of the spirit, of the flesh, up and down, back and forth, accomplishing little to nothing. Believe me I know. Not that I would not have the willingness but to overcome all evil is another story entirely. Yet nothing really gives joy beside flowing in the Spirit of God, for we only have trouble in this world, separation, wars, sickness, diseases, death, and rebellion, resulting in indifference, ignorance, and evil. Spirit thought me an important lesson however that is key to this flow. What he gives us - spiritual gifts, qualities, transmissions, material blessings - is to be passed on to others to ensure a FLOW as an outpouring of living water. When this living water gets stall it brings suffering because all those energies are withheld within, and we experience isolation and negativity by remaining unfulfilled. 

The teachings of Sai Baba hardly give you a way to outpour because he lived in the past and generally people do not want to hear others teaching life principles to them - rather purchase packages from motivational speakers and influencers who made up their own story about their spiritual quests (even if unrecognized the Source and taken His Glory). People wish to advance listening how to apply new living ways towards their future, but we are talking about living water here that flows out from under the throne of God, the River of Life. That is God's presence in all situations that you know all well. Only that is what we can share either by words or acts of loving-kindness towards others. Look for opportunities to share a moment of it that may change lives in unthinkable ways, in the grocery stores, on the streets, in all situations there is an open door. The way I see that this is working is that people who I met may remember our encounter from years ago and tell me the impact it made in their lives while I could not recall anything about them, nor their name or more often I cannot even remember that we ever met. Yet for them it was life changing because it was God who touched them through me, I had nothing more to do with it than been willing to open my mouth. My Thought Adjuster once said "as long as you open your mouth, I can take it from there". Scripture worded it this way: 'open your mouth and I will fill it'. The other way is to do good, pick up a tab, help with something a little or much, have a listening ear, and say on the end when they want to thank you, just give glory to God. These are my experiences and I hope and pray that you would process this information a useful way that will bring more joy into your life as well.  

Blessings and love,
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2022, 09:18:15 am »
Thank you very much SonsofGod, I really appreciate your nice comment, especially because I was afraid that there would be negative reactions due to the duration of the video. If you like, I can publish the version of the text in English, because my only intention was to reach those who speak or can understand Spanish, like Lemuel and Ron. I'm sorry that the recording doesn't have the quality, especially in sound, because I never thought I would make it go further than family and friends. As for my devotion to SAI BABA I can tell you, how to say; that my life is before and after SAI BABA, as is the case of millions in the world.
I would like to know some of your poetry that I can imagine, outstanding as your writings. Thanks again dear soul sister.
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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2022, 09:57:36 am »
Once again, thank you very much SonsofGod for your amazing words of praise for me. I couldn't read your last post before my previous answer. You really fill me with great joy and I thank you for all the attention you have given to my questions to Ron, who, as you have said, I know very well that he has to multiply his time to be able to attend to so many commitments with God and men. I was unaware of the history of Ron del China Pont's experience, very interesting and from what I see similar to that of Pablo de Tarso. They are chosen beings and therefore, as you mention, comparing Father Michael to Ron overwhelms me because I consider Ron, as I have said so many times, an outstanding human being, and I have happily called him Michael's star project.. I will read more carefully your writing that I do not lose a single one. Thank you very much SonsofGod and receive my love and blessings, may God continue to enlighten you.
P.S. Actually the M&Ms, I have eaten them although not as much as you say Ron has eaten them
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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2022, 10:46:23 am »
Occerpa and SonsofGod,
Let me clear something first:  China Pond was as acute of incapacitation of the Road to Damascus was and is for Saint Paul (Paul of Tarsus).  However, Saint Paul executed the devil by learning to devote to God that which was of God to God, and then fell to delivering eulogies of care for the Christian life of Jesus Christ.  I, on the other hand, was sure that the meaning of the China Pond conversion was accurately portrayed as the termination of the work of a Thought Adjuster who wished to appear as the very proof of high revelation, that God was here, God prevailed, and that God would shepherd any and all who came before him as He must live through us.  That needs to be understood through Sai Baba teachings as '"life everlasting with effort of life forever not construed without some form of intelligent effort to prevail against all odds against life in the spirit world of perfection."  I am not quoting directly Occerpa but paraphrasing what I know of his philosophical discussions at all.

China Pond was a dividing point in my life, as without it, I could never write any essay on how God works or how God prays with us.  Sai Baba does not say much about that point, but God has prayed with me frequently and blessedly for the comfort of my own soul so torn by endless conversions of evil against the sane life for anyone on Urantia, and to me and with me in an endless variety of redo, redone, and redo again.  I am sick and tired of to redo, but this place called America is no better than Guatemala or Spanish Harlem in New York City, and its internecine gang wars and endless hostage taking and racial hatreds.   China Pond was incapacitating to my physically for most of a year, and then it relented and I came across much to discuss but no one to discuss anything about it with or for or to.  My only regret is that I did not there and then give up my employment, go home, and rest a year without ever getting another story from the Urantia Foundation and its sudden dislike of the Brotherhood enough to destroy it.

For reasons of my own I stuck it out and still have fits in my own mind over why do all this work only to die in my own bed with legs that refuse to function, eyes that do not focus, and a heart so strong it never gets upset with me and my battles to stay alive in some peace.   Occerpa you insist on the doll/puppet analogy, and you repeat the endless discussion of environmentalists and psychologists the meaning of life.  The contention is wrong on both extremes in that God preconditions life as it must live in His reality.  But He does not insist on conformance which Sai Baba seems to be silent about.  I have no argument with God whatsoever, as even the Creator Son is preconditioned by the Ultimacy of God while the Creator Son works in a time reality conditioned by the timeless variety of care by the Universal Father.

Sai Baba to me makes a good argument always, but he does not clarify that life is conditioned without conversion attempted to force man to do his will unless you have no personal power and then one is directed entirely by not being like a doll but by using the animal kingdom's guide called INSTINCT.  I think Sai Baba feels there too much instinct being enforced in man's life and in that I would agree with him.

Last night I wen to be wonder what the next day the 10th of October would really spring as new us.  The 10th of October is this day I write this at 10:30 AM where I live.  It is cool but not cold; it is lovely out but empty, and I am sure there is great spirit activity, but I am greeted this morning with the goddamn cabal and I refuse to live with them whatever ever day it might mean at this time.  For that reason I have nothing to say to anyone except we meet the day in each of our places, and we meet the conditions we are born with in those places; however, this day is still special, and I say this to Occerpa, SonsOfGod and to all of you:

Stay the course!  This is far from over.  And for reasons of my own, I am purifying nothing but waiting it out as best I can too, and that is to let the powers to be understand I stand to serve, and while evil makes my legs smashed in their own blood, I absolutely refuse to discuss anything the cabal, Lucifer, or any variation of evil that can be, for their good.  China Pond speaks through daily:  IT WAS REAL; WTP IS REAL;  the hydrogen car is real, yet the motion to make them inventions into reality is fully thwarted by a goddamn cabal that has nothing to do with human life whatsoever, but that is where they go to sacrifice the goat!  No one will ever tell me Occerpa you are correct about the doll, nor will I ever accept that suspicion that life is ordered by a puppet master, but there are preconditions, but those preconditions should never be interpreted as a master puppeteer ordering the play as in Punch and Judy would have you believe too.  That is not directed to you Occerpa, but at the idiots in the churches and the government insisting they know better by something they think is the divine right to order man himself as intercessors for the Father's will or any divine will prevalent in our lives at any given point to work with. 

The10th of October, as you say Occerpa, feels right in spite of no voice yet, but I expect even that is con travailing most of the entire matter of the last 80 years of history with a major revelation no one reads, and even most here have never read it through either.   I will never understand that of any of you but again that is hardly a puppet that does not read the idea of a puppeteer in His own hand to command us.  The Urantia Book hardly commands, but it does state our reality correctly.

Finally, I take it Occerpa you are convinced of the slavish doll idea and concept.  I do not ever see it that way, and I am not sure Sai Baba really believes that yet, as his life is not yours anymore, nor is his life entirely mine either, as we disagree on only one point, and that is I have proof in my own life that the cooperative nature of God IS CONDITIONED by the material world of personality, and that God meets it beautifully even with great difficulty, but he does make amends to see it our way sometimes in spite of hard and fast rules not to do it that way ever.  I have an open faced Adjuster speaking 24/7 and I have technical inventions they suggest will benefit Urantia always in a material patent developing quite well when they finally get over it being from a dummy.  I love that.  I really do!

The last day of time is today.  That is what they tell us and I have no reason to disbelieve what they want to tell us.  However, for your die hard individualists, it is a hard row to hoe again this day, as it must be fulfilled as personally decreed by JESUS and the spark of Infinity God through the Creator Son of Nebadon.  I am not sorry about anything and may GOD;S WILL BE DONE!

Ron for all I claim to speak with on high.   Thank you all.
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2022, 12:53:28 pm »
Dominick or Ron at the top of this post on the 6th paragraph it states:

Furthermore, your manifesto of Lucifer also contended that the entire ascension scheme of humans, and lower orders of beings ascending to Paradise and returning, was no proof of the Father either.

My question is about the lower orders of beings ascending to Paradise. I was of the understanding that we as humans were the lowest form of ascending beings right next to the Universe Aids. What you say? Thank you.


I would like to add 'Joy To The World', And let Heaven and Nature Sing.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2022, 12:59:04 pm by weydevu »

Online Ron Besser

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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2022, 15:42:12 pm »
Weydevu, the proof or not proof of the existence of the Father is only proven by the activities of Paradise and Lucifer had no access to Paradise.  We do.  Don't you think that is a surprising issue if you think about it?  I note that the Urantia Book ascertains no ascender on the mansion worlds ever joined the Lucifer rebellion.  The lowest order of all remained faithful while the divine orders cast aspersions on our simple faith.  Don't you think that is a surprising issue?

And Weydevu, what is the definition of proof' what constitutes proof?  Lucifer never insisted you had to see to believe for proof, but he never saw FATHER, and never utilized faith as you utilize faith that JESUS did appear and was good.  You have no direct visual evidence of such and the scriptures are two thousand years old without one iota more of another scripture coming forth.  Cults depend on the infallibility of its leader Weydevu, and the Lucifer rebellion above all is a cult among spiritual personalities.   Why would anyone of you depend on the say-so of a cult leader like Lucifer for truth when you deny their operations here on Urantia as insane?

Church leaders here on Urantia have problems keeping their flocks together quite often because they chose not to be charismatic evangelicals.   Those who do become empire builders as Lucifer did so by  seizing parts of a Planetary System including 36 planets that fell under his regime.  His crystal palace he thought was his was on the capital called Jerusem. Merely to state something is what Lucifer chose to do as Hitler chose to state that the German leadership was guiltless of homicidal mania.  Mein Kampf written by Hitler was a personal philosophy as the Lucifer Manifest was the same.  How is that dependable as revelational truth?   Both regimes are thugs with alternative histories of shame and cruelty, and how would a spiritual militia leader like Lucifer propose a revision to the spiritual teachings of Jesus other than to refuse Jesus success as a Bestowal Son?  It seems Lucifer depended on the higher celestial minds to be swayed while we lowest level of God-knowing creations could not find truth in the mania Lucifer proposes yet today.  Many little sons were murdered for disobeying Hitler-like Lucifer.

There are souls on earth today who will always find reasons to disbelieve anything they did not personally invent.  Trump is a good example of what Lucifer depended on for the lie has no disregard for people who wish to believe otherwise.  It is not explainable easily to understand why the higher minds found Lucifer usable and I think if we could see the work of the Ancients of Days, they are still trying to find cause for Lucifer's popularity as our electorate funds the popularity over election result lies.

But the truth of the matter is that man is Indwelt by the Father and has a personal experience with his presence and at times his spirit.  Lucifer had no such existence and never asked about it for that matter.  Here is Gabriel to speak to it:

GABRIEL - "You Ron are among our worst supporters for FATHER experience because you have it so directly and so well you take it, not for granted, but easy to do.  FATHER never makes this easy to experience Him directly, but you managed it at China Pond and that will never be well known but your biographer, and there will be one some day, cannot play anything well without knowing the China Pond experience, so replete that to this day you are sure you nearly died with it.  Saint Paul had the same experience and did nearly die from it but you live in a different era.  The truth is that nothing works like a real spiritual experience that changes one's life so much it can be pointed to date and time as you did for July 10, 1988 at four minutes to midnight of the 11th. 

"I also see the refutation of Lucifer again, and this time Lucifer is gone but his minions object to any such discussion and that is too bad as it happens to have been a cause celebre up here too.  No one can deliver a man to God like that except the FATHER, and Ron you riveted our attention for weeks as you were seized so securely you spent three days awake trying to comprehend what happened toy you.  For that reason you had to hurry back and forth between the Pennsylvania home of brother and your home in New York, and never did they ever comprehend anything wrong except a headache you so-called had.  They are truly are incoherent  and wish nothing well for almost anyone for the most part.  That experience resonates well up here and you accept it well, but Lucifer could not grasp that happening and you had it happen not once but twice when the Adjuster refused to allow you to remain unaffected by it the first time and redid it weeks later much to your difficulties at work with it.

"Be assured I as GABRIEL still see you glazed at times over the reason it was so difficult but you let it lie as essentially a control issue and that is how we review it too.  However, today the 10th of October you find deeply confining as the worst of the worst is happening in your body and you have no outlet except to see outside to a beautiful sunny day and no way to enjoy any of it.  Further more all who work there for you have abandoned it not but hate the house they live in and are forecasting a way to get shelter without paying the price of an evangelical who will not relent ever in the presence.  She has lost her cool Ron and you are playing dumb and thank goodness for that.   You laugh at your luck sometimes but it is over soon and you can resume normal living as the entire matter of the 10th of October is still pending and you are ready with open arms if they can be used.  'We appreciate that.' Says Jesus:"

JESUS - "Now I know you brother.  You have taken the heat for God for over 30 years having fought a divine intrusion so severe you did no think you would live on that day again.  That is true now and that is no longer true that you will die here.  However the 10th of October 2022, is not finished Ron and you are in a coma almost over unrelenting pain and Luciferian interference which yu make sure they know their vile ways are your wish for their way to leave but all vile means possible and that shall be accomplished well by me!  For reasons of State this entire matter is shushed up on Salvington for now, but China Pond is not forgotten and Michael of Nebadon instigated it not, but Paradise did, and Paradise is glad they did it, as you have made them proud over so many issues still pending they must be seen through before you come home. 

"For reasons I dare not go into Ron, you are lost to the final statements of the MELCHIZEDEKS this morning when you were rudely awakened to stand in pouting contribution to Lucifer they were going to maim or kill you on the spot.  You dared them to do it and they could not raise a hand and you laughed at them for their idolatry.  No one can do that except a man who was converted on the spot as what happened at China Pond, and no one will know except God just what happened those long six and twelve month collisions of a highly prestigious job. a failing monarch at Velzy, a lethal chum in the new corporation, and so on down the line of such trials.  You wonder why others do not follow us so well, well it is because you had a thorough vetting of hatred and misuse of power everywhere in those days and you stayed the course even refusing legal recrimination to stay in a job you felt fine but the company bankrupt already.    

"We are GABRIEL. Proceed with your legal work Ron as it concludes well and suddenly.  Do not ask for anything more at the moment except to change the will.  Let the heir named remain and let it proceed as you decree.  That is the best solution to a hairy problem for MICHAEL OF NEBADON to carry out well with the MAGISTERIAL MISSION still proposed and no longer hindered after today the 10th of October, 2022.   Be assured we stand behind these words well.

"Lastly, Lucifer never saw Ron, but he predicted him and left instructions to his heir that should Urantia ever produce another Harry the Ape like Ron, they are to remove him immediately, and Urantia did, and no promise to anyone, but this should finally play out well and sincerely, as Ron does not play lethal politics but insists on honesty and direct service without the chicanery of local issues with people.  That is essentially what JESUS asked for from his apostles, and that is what he got. In conclusion Weydevu, Ron provides you the human scenario of what it is to be like on the lowest rung of creation to know the FATHER exists, and he never looks back as he has more proof than anyone could ever have as he has inventions and powers that come with faithful service and he loves the job too.  Be caring Weydevu you stand this well in the days to come too.  Best wishes to all."

[Thank you GABRIEL, JESUS, MICHAEL and the thoughts of our Melchizedeks on high, for this bracing report to me in particular.  I also know that most here appreciate the lectures on Lucifer and I stand four square with all who are so kind to work with me in these matters.  Ron]


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2022, 17:07:43 pm »
Thank you Ron for your commentary on your China Pond experience. - Before I say anything I would like to ask, could you please post yesterday's Light line tape? Thanks a million. - Back to the topic, what I take away from your story is that Divine encounters come with the price of major spiritual elevation that estrange us from people who did not have such experience. The high revelation of that lovely word combination '"God was here, God prevailed" means greater separation for the purpose of serving God, and greater surrender (the Job experience). While we would not want it any other way, it is not a go lucky be happy life. The closer you are to God the harder it gets, especially for you Ron, and I admire your tenacity to deal with the matters of the flesh as you do, truly.    

I am reading your words again and what comes to mind is that in Apostle Paul's time people listened better, because they were hungry for newness of life, but they had no Internet. Remember when villagers depended on their neighbors to hear a new story? They came together as one. Nowadays the whole world is at our fingertip not only, but also everyone can start a website or sell something, so everyone is busy to pursue their own dreams and goals and have no interest in yours or ours. Then some prevail to lead messes of people by promising money like rabbit runs after the carrot. Thank God that He could gather a handful of us here without a spiritual carrot. If you had the opportunity to stay at peace for a year, I do not think you would get a largely different outcome. Are not our steps predestined? But you are right, I believe, our choices remain in power. You make your choices daily even in the face of cruel evil, only that the China Pond experience made you a hero to able to overcome death and hell as Jesus did. Be ready to claim your sabbatical year when finished the work here, like Queen Elizabeth did. She went to sleep even knowing that Jesus is getting ready to return to Urantia. 

Do you know how we will learn about Jesus' appearance today? It is horrific to wake up with the cabal instead of Jesus on the day of expectancy to give birth in the spirit. When he suddenly appears, the cabal will be caput. Then you will know he is here. 

Now I have a few words for Occerpa, posting it in the same post.  

Thank you Occerpa for your kind words and offering, I would love to read the English text version, please. I believe Ron does not speak Spanish, but he might just hide it from us. Please speak to it Ron. 

I will share my poems, but not being so brave to share them on the forum. If you would like me to send some to your personal messenger, please give me a few days to explore my collection that I had put into safety on external devices along with all other valued data possessions when set up my new computer this summer. (Tell the truth, Father once said that there is such as data hoarder, and I believe He referred to me. I love to learn and would not want to lose a bit, thus saved TB of information in decades, yet there is a limit to keep it organized for easy access. Plus, there is a limit to what I can remember to own and look for.) However, I know where the poems are, for I was going to publish them but still on hold. If I may touch on the subject here about the coming earth changes, I cannot easily comprehend what all this means as far as our vanishing culture concerned, if we survive. Will all the knowledge that is dear to us today be gone forever? Or ask it this way also, will it all vanish when we pass over? 

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

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Re: Rebellion Doctrine Refuted. GABRIEL of SALVINGTON. v2 l40. 10.06.22
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2022, 22:49:09 pm »
China Pond, SonsofGod, invented the idea to me that God is present all around and in everything.  You see I wrote the Urantia Foundation what happened.  You know what I got?  'So what do you want us to do about it?'  That is your leader speaking and so damn dumb a six year old could do better than that about the China Pond experience.  If your soul had such an experience Valerie, you would be knitting pictures of Father as He shows Himself in light in a China Pond experience.  No one has those experiences without proving the dear old Father is waiting every moment to show Himself if the landing pad human can stand his approach via such a religious experience.  Most of you would not remain sane;  I almost did not until I had time to recover and that took months plus a hospital stay for psychosis.  You see my secretary called the police secretly, (I told her what happened and she thought it was hallucination), and when the insurance money ran out, Westchester Hospital discharged me.  The lack of money cured me in their mind.   Of course I did not have a psychosis, but that is what honesty brings you to a science that knows everything a mere unschooled human cold not possibly know that I had Adjuster conversion-itis.

While in a locked hospital room with others who did have a psychosis and worse, I played the piano and spit out my medicine regularly as it harmed my nervous system.  One intern kept humming to me show tunes and I was supposed to guess the title.  The Red Cross nurse asked me when I was leaving?  She thought I faked it.  (Why?)  I told her she was crazy too.  We did not get along.  My dear brother three hundred miles away had no reason to visit me as he gave the hospital the right to lock me down for weeks and to this day believes I was a sickie.  I had a really tall black man take breaks with me in the kitchen, and he wanted to play cards, and I said "sure," and he showed me a deck of cards and wanted me to ask permission to play cards with him.  He said his title was "colonel,"  and to use that title in my request.  I said "sure," and asked the Colonel to play gin rummy with me.  He said he did not have time.   Valerie, I kid you not!   You do not want to know more.  He was I would guess nearly 6' 8" and never ate anything I ever saw except an orange once.  He liked my piano playing so much he sat down and copied it!  Mostly.  What an extraordinary ear he had!!!

That was part of the China Pond experience.  More you would be surprised yet because for about six minutes to an hour I could see into the ultraviolet color frequencies in life.  You would not believe all the pretty colors out there in the trees and sky and woods and fish and house furnishings, and how I did all that in so fast a fashion the powers to be took it back.  You see when you can see such beauty you get sidetracked and do not pay attention to what you are supposed to do with your life habits like going back to work or brushing your teeth.  I had months of questions and side events too numerous to mention until it all settled down about six months or a year later.  I also heard everything. 

Now one must realize this is not to send for ever and it has to be a surprise, as no one could understand Father wants a word with you, okay?  Sure, you might say, but Father is a power house and no such other thing compares.  I told the Urantia Foundation about it and the President thought it was a nuisance to know about as I said above.  But what no one realizes with this kind of experience is that th Thought Adjuster transfers from the silence of a super-spiritual part of the brain into the frontal lobes.  That is your forehead.  It is behind your forehead where all the intellectual stuff lies in files the rest of the brain hunds for when planning and thinking.  All that spiritual power rode in on the power shift the Adjuster provided for Himself, and it froze me for days and that caused me to be unable to write or write my name.  Can you imagine what I went through having a Board Meeting at work as head of their financial department and all I could write was a 5?  I reported we as an office were all doing okay.  And nobody asked how or even what that meant.

While China Pond may be an extraordinary event, I never directly benefited from it in the flesh.  I could not transmit for ten years because it was not allowed while the teaching mission geared up with over 200 groups and at least 15 transmitters and I could not get a word in edgewise except to hear all of it before they ever thought of transmitting. To this day I have no extra sensory experience like so many of you do, but I can hear deep space voices and I can see pictures placed rapidly into my mind and even see them as motion pictures to how me how something works - not all the time but if I really want it, it is given.  I met George Barnard several times as he traveled astral time and woke me out of a dead sleep like 2 or 4 in the morning and we would chat.  I can do remote sensing rea easy if a refectory angel is around me.  But mostly the real benefit is being able to think well and the gift of just a tad of mota to help me out.  

The true gift in the flesh is motivational.  This way one knows the sentence Father speaks all the time and you know the will at once.  I cannot describe that to you easily either, but it makes choosing actions where they matter so much easier.  You need to stand on the highest ridge on this world to know and hear spirit work even you may not know how.  It produces reasonable certitude and that is something to behold.  I sincerely wish all of you could find the patch to these ways to hear you say, "oh, so that is how we feel when the path is so clear . . . . !!!"

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania