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Pleiadeans Communications and Other Human Civilizations / Re: ANUNNAKI
« Last post by Ron Besser on May 27, 2024, 17:01:02 pm »
The Anunnaki pantheon, as Dominick mentions in his reply, were actually bread street annukai from the planet nearby, never mentioned by Michael.  The reason it was not mentioned at all is because the then present Planetary Prince, Caligastia, did not care to mention them at all.

I am told they called themselves the Annukai (really a variant spelling from what your use).  Caligastia used the present spelling using the double “n” in front, and never recognized any of them as worthwhile.  Caligastia finally got rid of them because they never recognized his rule or office.

Now, I am told, this entire franchise, is out of favor due to the fact the  Anunnaki pantheon has no franchise listed or left, and that the Universal Father has no sense of their history, as they appeared and disappeared so fast they did not establish a lasting reference.

The Anunnaki pantheon is a five tiered vertically document long lost to civilization, but it was written out by the Hemites, as long lost civilization, not of the Middle East but of Northern Europe and was referenced to the real document(s) in the 10th century AD.   My transmission observation seems to think they book or scroll outlining its reasons for being published was destroyed in a fire in the Askasic Kingdom of Darma, t (or Diomeen or Dorameen, as the spelling is unsure from the source.)

For my own purposes I leave this alone for the moment to ascribe why this strange history is repeated so often and paricularly in the askashic (or Askashasa as I hear them prounounced it sometimes, and I am not sure of any spelling here either).  The reason is that Caligastia held them as contemptible.  The Askara as Caligastia called them were a fine group of yellow to darkish tan face color but had no slanted eyes, and worked well with any group that took an interest in them.  This would have been about 700AD to about 1300AD, first in China, then later in the Itanlian, Florentine area of civilization.

For that reason; i.e. the confused history of their appearance and probably their meaning, the Florintines called a halt to their advance over the eastern trade routes and blocked their appearance until they actually died out in about 1574-5.  There is not Vatican records I am told, and there is no actual history that is spoken other than what I spoke to above.  They are now a remnant of religious history and that may even end because there is no actual record of these motions by a yellow sect of humanity from about the 10th century to the 15th century.  That’s it from my sources.  And I thank them very much for it is a dying history even on the Mansion worlds.  K

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “I do have a recollection of some of those people, and they were a kind group, but far too small to make things last unless they got eastern European support.  There for awhile it appeared they would get it, but the confusion they created with the BIBLE and the GOSPELS caused havoc in the first two books of their liturgy.  That liturgy is gone today destoyed by the Russian barbarians in the 7th Century AD.  It lives slightly in the Easter Orthodox Church today, but is a lost cause for centuries now.  

“Ron is having a terrible time today getting the right side of revelation.  He gets it and then it swells so quickly he cannot get it down fast enough.  For that reason I must adjust this brain for his brain is patented on the current century USA, and it does not lime limited views of anything.  Consequently we are faced with a truncated history if he dopps into it too fast.  The Askaic Record is t heir Bible, and for that reason the oldest generation of t he Chinese heirarchy utterly destroyed it in 1547AD and left is scattered in the sun and rain for total dissolution.  The Askaic Record as it was reportedly told to the west, now no longer exists.  But it will be revived to some extent when I arrive in the Kingdom of Man on Urantia shortly.  

I am Matthew of the Apostles, now speaking;

 “I see Ron you are having some confusion at the moment over the changing messaging taking place.  You are safe, as you have full control of the ability to transmit, but we are removing some from doing so since they are not able to fully transmit the message for full information.

“For that reason Ron, you are now placed in the Akashic Records no longer, and have no reference at all, except you are reported out as a transmitter from the last half of the 20th century to the first quarter of the 2020's.  You have not done enough to be famous or are you famous enough within your own transmissions, but you are among the very few who recognize the Creator Son, the FATHE, and the ETERNAL SON, and the INFINITE SPIRIT.

“Then for that reason you are not limited in Urantia’s historical reference, because you are insisting on being part of the future Magisterial Missions to come within days of this writing.

I suggest you do not another post now.  K: MATTHEW OF THE APOSTLES. k

Pleiadeans Communications and Other Human Civilizations / Re: ANUNNAKI
« Last post by Dominick O on May 27, 2024, 15:46:52 pm »
There's a correlation between the Anunnaki pantheon of higher beings and the FERs history of a Planetary Prince, the Council of Ten (Mek, Nod, Van, Fad and so on), and later the split of that council forced to take sides in a Local Universe Rebellion; then the later in the Anunnaki pantheon there are late arrivals and that would correspond to the arrival of Adam & Eve to the planet and the hand-off in missions between Van-Ammadon to Adam&Eve. 
@occerpa. Yes, I concur. Irreplaceable :)

@weydevu. The address remains the same and the donation still goes into the same bank account for the Magisterial Foundation; and those donations are reported to the IRS in a 999-PF filing each year. But to answer in the event of a Mansion World graduation for Ron, the mailing address for the foundation remains the same but you would substitute my name for Ron's.
Pleiadeans Communications and Other Human Civilizations / ANUNNAKI
« Last post by weydevu on May 27, 2024, 14:53:12 pm »
There is a lot of information about the Anunnaki going around on the internet.  What can the Pleiadeans tell us about them?  Were they really here in some ancient time?  If so, how did they influence early man in his development?  Did they really mine gold for their planet?  Was it before or after Adam and Eve?  If it was after, were they able to blend with the later Adamites? Thank you


AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Lightline USA - 26 May, 2024
« Last post by occerpa on May 27, 2024, 13:21:16 pm »
I recently expressed my views on why Ron's potential loss of all of Urantia would be a terrible deal for his backers. And today, in the face of new and incisive announcements in that sense, I continue to believe that these are given more so, to prove our dedication and commitment to the cause and I do not feel the slightest fluctuation in this regard. Dominick has been playing an important role in this unique and original organization for quite some time now, but if asked himself, he would say: Ron is irreplaceable.
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Lightline USA - 26 May, 2024
« Last post by Raz on May 27, 2024, 11:38:07 am »
  • 052624 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Ron Besser;
  • Subjects: today may be Ron’s last Sunday Light Line, Ron will be known on mansion worlds as Praetius, Dominick will inherit and carry on Ron’s work, Ron will hopefully see his 82nd birthday before he dies, June 10th will begin the new Mission, and Monjoronson and Serara plan to sit with President Biden in the Oval Office;
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Michael of Nebadon, Universal Father, Pope Benedict the Eight, Cabal, Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Assigned Sentinel;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape:  

Ron Besser  
Hello, everybody. This is a Light Line for Sunday, May 26. The day before Memorial Day, and we have a wonderful turnout of 19 so far, well, 20. And I thank you very much.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This Light Line is probably I hate to say it the last for maybe quite a while. That is Machiventa Melchizedek, speaking; this isn't Ron speaking it. The reason that it may be the last Light Line for quite a while is that Michael is returning to Salvington and making no arrangements for a Light Line to continue. If that happens, then you Dominick will see to it that on Sunday at this time, at 2 pm.

Ron Besser  
And I'm gone.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
That you at least hold a review of what is happening that you know about. If the Light Lines stop from Salvington. Again, please hold court here on Sunday at 2 pm, to review the past week, Dominick with the audience that we have today. We have 22, which is marvelous for Memorial Day weekend, and I thank you very much for your interest and care.

Ron Besser  
I'm Ron Besser. And I'm probably going to the Great Beyond shortly. They have removed certain things from my mind. I miss them, but that is the way the preparation goes. Now this: here is Machiventa Melchizedek. Welcome, Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. Ron Besser is little known. He is a horrible example of what we wanted on Urantia to maintain a presence of the Creator Son. Why do I say he's a horrible example? Well, number one, today he is barely seeing anything. The body has begun to shut down. And the last remembrances are now available to him. For the last two and a half years, you've had a Sunday Light Line that you could depend on. Now, the Sunday Light Line will have to be taken by either Dominick or somebody else to finish the series.

Today Ron does not quite finish the series because I want this week, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in particular to have their Light Lines. Ron will be listening. And for the future, Ron has left several important parallels that are very helpful to remember. First of all, remember the Sunday Light Line. Somebody will always take the Sunday Light Line. And furthermore, those who do a Light Line after him Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and whatever else may be, please keep it going. This group needs it. And they are not nearly as old as Ron except Lemuel. Lemuel is fine and will return to the scene we think in a week.

Michael of Nebadon  
And now this: This is Michael of Nebadon. To you Ron, you have started all this. I kid you not, everybody quit but you. For reasons of state, we want it to be known that when Ron closes his eyes permanently on Urantia it will be a new year for us. We're not used to being on Urantia without him. You are not used to being on Urantia without hearing from him. But the time has come for him to leave the standard way of doing a conference and a way to do a conference up here. Now you won't hear him but several groups on Urantia will hear him as I'm going to insist that he do a Light Line for the

Ron Besser  
For the mat for the Light Line world. Just a minute folks we're getting interference. Machiventa, can you help?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, Ron, thank you. The transmission from Salvington has been cut. The transmission from Me is in danger of being cut. What do you expect?

Ron Besser  
Well, unless the Father is reinventing the Master Universe, I would say it's one of His enemies.

Universal Father  
Thank you, Ron, and that is true. I am the Universal Father, everyone. Ron is trying to do his last Light Line for you. He is exhausted. He's very tired and he has received a lot of dangerous injuries the last two nights because that cabal has been busy. We are going to say this to all of you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I am Machiventa Melchizedek. and this: there is no longer a Light Line on Sunday until Dominick remembers that the home he receives after Ron's death is to be a shrine for all that want it to be remembered on a Light Line or in the work of the Missions. Dominick, you receive the mantle. Ron can't live much longer. In any case, we need to understand that the entire region around York, Pennsylvania is now sequestered to receive Light Lines.

You're gonna find people you don't know suddenly being able to transmit Father. Ron should be there to receive them, but alas that's not possible. Today, Ron started by being up about 8:30. He got up, stumbled around, and did what he usually does on the computer, and then went over made the bed and the usual morning ablutions. I should say ablutions. For reasons of state,  We never said to Ron, this is your last time to address the group. But it probably is. 

Now this: Light Lines were the idea of the old teaching mission and they began sometime around 1991 - 1992. Ron remembers it well and has even some tapes from the period. The folks that are now redoing some of that are awful. They have no idea of the dedication or the reason that it's available. The reason a Light Line is available supposedly is that it gives you an insight into what God is doing and what God is saying. For that reason, we have people taking up transmission again in the West and in Israel, and in other places around the world. I am not particularly unhappy about that. I am Machiventa Melchizedek remember, and I do run a tight shop.

For reasons of state, I am going to permit the Sunday Light Line to continue so long as, and Dominick listen, if you don't do it doesn't get done. Furthermore, you inherit the property and a Light Line Sunday and the Magisterial Foundation and all six corporations to make the planet run on a Mission from the deities from Salvington. You are required to continue the Sunday Light Line Dominick and to see to it that the properties remain together. That is the planetary mission as well as the Salvington Mission in perpetual. While you are in charge of what is left Dominick, remember listen on your day to receive transmissions for what is to be done. They are not transmitted, those instructions on the open dias to the public. You are receiving what Ron received and we hope that you are happy with it.

Meanwhile this: we have no particular reason to say much more on the Light Line today. But remember this, Urantia is a living planet. You are the living folks on it and we insist that anything done to prepare Urantia for these Missions be done through the old Ron Light Line at least for a while. When Dominick passes, it may pass to one of you but if it doesn't, then this escapade of a direct voice to the students of the Fifth Epochal Revelation will end. I am Machiventa Melchizedek.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, Michael.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Now this: Ron's eyes are blurry he can hardly read and he can hardly keep awake. That's how hard they have hit him. But for reasons of state, we are not permitting this to run into oblivion, or the difficulty of hearing. Remember this all of you, if Dominick doesn't pick it up on Sunday, then one of you please pick it up. When Ron passes, talk about it. There is a board of directors and all any of you need do is to address the board of directors and you know who they are and ask to discuss what next to do.

And finally this: I am Machiventa Melchizedek. I do not intend to let this run too long. Ron is fine as far as being up but is scattered mentally because there are a lot of things being done when the death sentence is declared. He doesn't like it. He fights against it. But there is very little vitality left to this man. And finally, on a couple minor things.
  • Ron is aware that there are three centers of new transmissions mostly in the West. They will continue under Machiventa.
  • Ron is also aware of Mr. Caulk and his interest in the electric plant, that will continue. 
  • Ron is aware that his sister Carla disappeared up here when she died. She is to be revived in memory of Ron. (4). And finally this mother Besser, you have still the estranged view that Ron is a nutcase and doesn't know what he's doing. Well, he of most, of anyone on Urantia who knows what they're doing, he does. He knows the situation and wants it to be normalized. You, Jane will continue as you are. Edward is set free. That is his father. And now this is the last of the Light Lines from Ron.

Ron Besser  
This is Ron. I want you to inspect if you have the time to what we have done. We started a little over two and a half years ago and have kept every Sunday except holidays for the Light Line. There are no tapes left from the early days because the information is old and it is alarming to anybody that comes up to listen to them now.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Ron has disposed of them. And finally this to you, Ron: there is an abject poverty in your speech at times because you have no secondary consideration for the Creative Spirit anymore. She injected you with poison and it's killing you. For reasons of state, you have left it alone and ignore it. But we are not. The trial that follows you to the mansion worlds Ron is to sit in judgment of those who did this and decree their fate. I hear you say; oh, my. The truth of the matter is you may give it to your Adjuster.

Ron Besser  
I do so now. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Why, Ron?

Ron Besser  
I don't think it's fit for a human to sit in judgment of life at this time. It belongs to the highest authorities. And I gladly give it to them, if they will see to it.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I am that judge Ron. I want this group to understand that the entire region of York and the eastern seaboard is now seized by the cabal. That's thanks to Ron. But he refuses to deal with them. And he will not deal with them ever again because today Urantia is declared free of the cabal. We can do it. It's harsh. But we must do it. And finally this to everyone from Ron.

Ron Besser  
I have enjoyed these last, what is 10 years tremendously. I've always dreamed of being able to hear the deities. It actually happened. That is because they are using a transmission state of affairs that the human brain can hear. The chakra which is the very center of the back of your head. The crown precisely contains three to five cells that can receive a voice transmission. Every child born has it. I want you to understand that the future will continue with hearing through the crown chakra.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
You have to be about 45 or 50 to hear it and then we will discriminate who hears it and who does not. And finally this to all of you the day before Memorial Day: remember that Ron loved every one of you and cares that you continue. It's not easy. You don't even have the Sunday Light Lines quite as they were without Ron. But he will be part. We are going to work him with the Trinity and with the Supreme Court. Ron says:

Ron Besser  
You don't know what you've asked.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
The truth of the matter is there is no one better receiving this information than Ron. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. I am an entity that belongs to the Trinity on Urantia. All Melchizedeks sign to the Trinity. Remember that. And for reasons of state I want Michael of Nebadon to tell you what is about to transpire on Urantia, the place you live. I step back.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, Machiventa Melchizedek and Michael of Nebadon if you're available, please go ahead.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. I am and I'm here, Ron. The truth of the matter is that you are assigned not only to the work with the Trinity on the mansion worlds, you're almost done with the mansion worlds. On Mansion World Five, there is a Urantia group. The Urantia group uses the textbook to study. Ron says, your time on Earth plus your time on the mansion worlds should have you more than understand the Urantia Book. You should understand even the ink it was printed from. But they don't Ron. I don't understand it. But you do understand almost everything about it. It's easy for you. For that reason, we're asking some of the members of the trinity of particularly the Supreme Court on Urantia to greet you when you come over. They will see too, that you're taken care of and that Benedict the Eighth will be included if he wishes.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And furthermore, John the 23rd.

Ron Besser  
I'm more than delighted. I didn't expect that. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Will greet you. You will be asked to join the Trinity Supreme Court when you are able to Ron. It will take a couple months of getting used to it. Yes, and you can't be too fast at first.

Ron Besser  
All right. 

Michael of Nebadon  
And now this: here is Pope Benedict the Eighth to speak.

Ron Besser  
We are honored Benedict, please go ahead. Thank you.

Pope Benedict the Eight
I met Ron at my death about a year ago. He was in the circuits where the newly deceased walk to be enseraphimed to the mansion worlds. He's enjoyed just standing there and watching people pass by. He doesn't interfere. He just greets them. Now when I went over some time ago to me. I said well, maybe I get to walk along a path to be enseraphimed to the mansion worlds. Sure enough, that's what happened. Halfway there I met Ron. He was merely standing by the paving stones that are on that path.

I was headed towards the light and knew the story. He says to me the trial that you are about to face is easy Benedict. Take it easy. You are loved. They care for you. And take it up. It will be easy for you. I Benedict used to being the Pope said: here now. Who is addressing the Pope? And I heard a voice say; it is I, Ron. Well, I didn't know any Ron and I still don't know any Ron because he has been renamed. His name as best as I can figure it out is Praetius. Don't ask me to spell it. Michael of Nebadon spells it P R A E T I U S it's pronounced Praetius. And Ron will have a dual name. He will be Praetius and Ron to his friends. And now this: we're only about halfway through.

Ron Besser  
He's trying to make me mad so I don't stutter.

Pope Benedict the Eight
And you can't do it, Ron. The truth of the matter is you will have today to remember. You will not go over right away. We hope Dominick arrives in the usual fashion and you have your usual Sunday together. But that's where the usual ends. Here is Michael of Nebadon.

Ron Besser  
Well, welcome again, Michael. Please go ahead. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
You are solidly done, Ron. Your mind is working like clockwork. You are refusing to smudge yourself with tears, although it's hard to, not do that. The truth of the matter everyone is that I am not taking Ron over directly. The Father has decreed that he will see his 82nd birthday. That's June 9th. And for reasons of state, we're going to insist that he hold a Light Line on June 9th. He bows. That is always appreciated.

Universal Father  
Now this: I am the Father. Michael of Nebadon is My Son. And there are 20 other sons listening to the last Light Line that Ron shall hold normally. I have decreed that he is not to do any more Sunday Light Lines but to do Thursday Light Lines. Leave Sunday alone for now. Starting this week, with the exception of today no more Sunday Light Lines until we realign the schedule. And that will be after Ron dies. But he won't die until his 82nd birthday. And no, that's not a birthday present. We'll let you know. That is June 9th.

On June 10th We will celebrate the opening of a new Mission to Urantia. Hallelujah. 12345 - that's how we'll count it down. Michael of Nebadon has decreed that Ron will see the opening of the new Mission. That will open for all of you too hear We hope on June 9, that's his birthday. But June 10th is the Mission day. Wait till you see the sky. We hope he's around to see it. He's a skywatcher. And this to you Ron: you will see it.

Ron Besser  
Well, hallelujah. I like starry skies and colorful ones as well. Thank you.

Universal Father  
And now this to all of you: it is approximately 2:37 or so and I am going to relay to you something you should all know about these Light Lines. Ron decided to do a Light Line way back on June something six years ago. He managed to get it done three years ago. The remorse We have is that Ron didn't do it before. Mainly because his voice strikes an emotional bell in all of you. It's a light voice and he's often taken for a girl on the phone. Which he reminds them sarcastically, I'm a boy. But he had of the three strands of the voice, two of them cut when he was 16 in a vicious virus that nearly destroyed him. Ever since then, he has one vocal cord and he does well with that. And finally this to all of you who are looking forward to the missions. I don't know what we're going to do with Ron regarding the missions. He looks at it and says;

Ron Besser  
I have no idea what it is to take residence on a mansion world. It's all on Urantia. The property I have now is gorgeous. Three acres of grass endlessly needing cutting, a barn, a shop, and a two-car garage. I love it. Everything I ever wanted in a home is here. It was built in 1842 and it creaks in the wind but it is built, believe me. It was the first house on Sunset Lane and was the only house until the British left. That's how old the house is. And now this: I, Ron Besser question before I go on, what the tingle in my throat is?

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael. That is cabal Ron and you are correct. They will not say a word on pain of death.

Ron Besser  
Thank you Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon. I have a few words for all of you about the future. You have been through years of explanation about what is to happen and then to have it all crumble around your ears. But Ron's been busy. He put six corporations into effect that will form the departments of the human participation in the mission. There is already a department for a library and documents that are essential to remember what has happened. That library will be built in Virginia next to another famous library. Wait till you hear. Thoroughly done is the Rayson Corporation and the York, Pennsylvania commission to take on the building of the electric plant. It will be built. Dominick will see to it.

And finally this to you Ron: no one ever did what you did. It will remain in place that six corporations that know how to run a mission. The Magisterial Mission will continue to produce Light Lines on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and whatever other days are left. If you want to join, just remember Sunday at 2 pm and the number you dial. And finally this to you, Ron: you have cared that Dominick receive the reserve of what you have built. He will and he will do well. He is already dedicated and you will see to him. I am Michael of Nebadon. And I am closing down just briefly. It's about a quarter of three on the East Coast.

Ron Besser  
One moment. Give me a little silence. Just a moment.

Michael of Nebadon  
Okay. I've given Ron enough breath for him to last through his birthday.

Of 2714.

Michael of Nebadon
No, Ron, that's cabal.

Ron Besser

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes, Ron. They're pressing it.

Ron Besser  
Is that who did that?

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. In any case, you're an idiot. And you love humor. I am going to say to all of you that in the next, oh, two weeks, at least there will be plenty of Light Lines, plenty of speeches from Michael of Nebadon, and you who are transmitters be ready to take it on and come to this station and broadcast it. I want it broadcast. You know how to do it. Furthermore, Ron will be admired, not. He is not easily seen. But it's in memory of all the broadcasts you have done, collectively and together. We have about 15 minutes, maybe a tad less. And I want Machiventa now to come in, if he will, to tell you what the future is, the future for Urantia. I am Michael of Nebadon and I wish you a good day for now.

Ron Besser  
Good day, Michael. And deeply thank you

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa. I have about 15 minutes or a little less to tell you about the future. I hope this tape is running well. And it is, I see. The people who are on Urantia now and I'm referring particularly to the heads of government are going to learn something very spectacular. Ron will be alive to see what Biden does when he has two Vorondadek Sons, not; but two Magisterial Sons sitting in the Oval Office from two to 7 pm. That is a promise by Monjoronson and Serara the Magisterial Sons for Urantia. And there is another one called Sen Sen Which intended to stay invisible. But I'm asking him to appear with the other Magisterial Sons, at least to take a bow.

He has worked very hard with Ron, these transmissions, and to see to it that a man by the name of Caulk knows what he's talking about. Mr. Caulk belongs to the UAI of the Urantia Foundation. He is desultory of Ron's invention until he saw how he did it. Now, we believe that Mr. Caulk is a serious believer in the colocation of a preparticle to another preparticle and the energy it gives to provide electricity. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and Ron tends to forget because he feels Michael. Well, you better listen.

Ron Besser  
Oh, sir. Ears tight against the wall. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Now this: Ron Besser is one of the few humorous that can really be funny just writing. He has seen to it more than once that you get a chuckle reading serious emails. That will continue, I believe with Dominick, because Dominick has a similar mind and brain. And thank goodness he is taking it. For reasons of state, we hope Dominick sees Ron this afternoon. It won't be long, a little after June 9th, that Ron must go. Dominick will be prepared, I assure you.

And finally this: Ron has seen to it that his home and property, three acres with a barn at 2709 Sunset Lane, York will be a forever part of the Magisterial Mission. And that it first goes to Dominick to run the house and make it a meeting place for the board of directors. There are six on the board. They all know each other well. And I am declaring that after June 10th that a board meeting be apprised either with phones or direct participation at 2709 so Dominick can dedicate the Home, himself as the leader for the Magisterial Foundation, and all that it provided me and Michael. Ron is the first to figure out that if you put a bunch of charitable corporations together, you have a real powerhouse to operate. That power house now owns free electricity patent and the ability to run several Light Lines a week if it wants to. We're going to ask Dominick to be sure that he's open to instruction on how to run the days that are left to the Magisterial Mission. I am now going to turn this over to the Father.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, and welcome, Father.

Universal Father  
Thank you, Ron. In my tradition, I am now blessing you for the last round-up. This will be probably your last Light Line on Sunday, although you will post. I want you to understand that Urantia and has never had a good electrical system. You found the basic reason to do an electric plant and the wires. But you never thought how to transmit electricity. I am now telling all of you that the trial to transmit electricity is one of the wonders of the Master Universe. No one can do it unless they are a part and present the patent for it without expectation of great wealth.

Ron is ready to give it to anyone that will build it and I insist the Magisterial Foundation under Dominick will build it. I am not a loony Father. He wanted to build it himself and enjoy it, but he will have to see it from the mansion worlds. The last day for Ron is probably June 10. We hope he can hold on. In any case, prepare for it. Because you know a date that someone you cared for, is going to go over. I want you to also understand that the woman who just died from the Supreme Court.

Ron Besser
Her name isn't Ginger, but it starts with gee.

Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg  
Thank you, Ron. I want to speak to all of you. My name is not important at the moment. And it is the cabal that keeps knocking it out of his mind. But I am in charge when Machiventa is not here. For I lived the last quarter of my life in the Supreme Court of the United States. Ron is blocked from the name but it begins with G and I just went over. And now this: Pope Benedict the Eighth, and myself, and several others, including Marian Rowley will greet him when he arrives on the mansion worlds. He doesn't want to go he feels he's got decades.

Well, he probably does if he pushes it. But the Father has seen to it that he's got plenty of reserve left to serve not only the Supreme Court of Urantia but also to serve the Urantia group on Mansion World Four soon to move to Five and that Ron has the run of the Supreme Court when we can teach him what it is to sit there as a member. He considers it a very high honor and thanks me, Machiventa, and those on the Supreme Court for considering him. He knows nothing and hopes to become wise enough to serve you.

Assigned Sentinel  
Now this: I am the Assigned Sentinel, Ron. I have forgiven you three times now. And for the fourth time, I leave Urantia permanently. Urantia is no longer a place for the seraphic concerns that we must concern ourselves with on a planet the size of Jupiter that sits behind

Ron Besser  
One moment, I'm getting blocked.

Assigned Sentinel  
The Master Spirits. Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Well, thank You.

Assigned Sentinel  
Now this: I am the Assigned Sentinel. Look it up in your Urantia Book. Most of you don't know what these names are. Shame on you. Read that book. It's still good. I am the Assigned Sentinel. You Ron were very angry with me this morning and I with you. But I have now been apprised, your role. You have not chosen to be in the way of any official but merely to represent the human need to see and to participate. That you are doing very well. But I, the Assigned Sentinel, do not agree with allowing a human to participate at the lowest levels of a mission. It goes against my seraphic training. For that reason, I will vacate Urantia. I will never return to Urantia until there is a Mother Spirit. I decree this and I say to you, Michael. I feel shamed. Good day.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon. Does that affect you, Ron?

Ron Besser  
Only that I'm sorry a high official of planetary care is corrupt. Back to you, Michael. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. That's for a court, but we are sympathetic Ron. And now this for you, Ron: it is now two minutes or three minutes after three. And we must close this Light Line as a historic Light Line. We're going to announce something extraordinary. Be prepared. Ron will be with you until we think June 10. A day after his birthday. His 82nd. Ron would like very much for Dominick to prepare the Light Line for Sunday before June 9. I am not sure.

Ron Besser  
Just a minute. June 9 is Sunday. And so we are correct about the Light Line.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. In any case, the request is from Michael to you Dominick to take the June 9th Light Line.

Ron Besser  
Just a minute. Which is Sunday.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. He will be present we think. But the trial for him is that he is already half morontial being. That is his trouble and walking. His legs are almost severely tapped. He can barely move them. But he gets up with the help of a cane and moves. Dominick supper is up to you. And finally this Ron: you don't have enough soda. Get a pack of Pepsi and whatever else before you come over. And this to you, Ron, you've got a surprise coming. Mr. Caulk is not on the call today because he couldn't be. ... listening Ron, anyhow, the truth of the matter is, if you give permission to Caulk, he can get it moving. But Mr. Caulk has to resign from the UAI. The two are not compatible. It's up to Mr. Caulk. And finally, this Ron, you will see the plant built from the morontial lands.

Ron Besser  
Oh, I hope so. It's ah, it's my hospital.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes, now this: the truth of the matter is you could stay another two to three years. But it is not good for you. Because you are going to have one heck of a fight. Not with a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but with New Jersey and New York because they are going to build the plant halfway up the valley that you are going to build in. For that reason, the Susquehanna Valley will become a model for the rest of the world to learn to take free electricity at about $20 a year. That's how easy it can do it. And now this is Michael of Nebadon. Our time has elapsed. And I'm going to say goodbye for now. Ron is going to follow the Light Lines that follow and things will be normal for a couple weeks. Enjoy them because the United States is probably going to go to war by late summer if China does not stop harassing Formosa (Taiwan). I leave it now. And goodbye, for now, Ron.

Ron Besser  
And thank you, Michael, the caregiver of caregivers. Thank you all for listening and goodbye.

AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Lightline USA - 26 May, 2024
« Last post by weydevu on May 27, 2024, 10:31:19 am »
I know personally we should all be excited about Ron's ascension to the Mansion Worlds.  But I must say that was the most disturbing LL since the demise of the supreme and the Creative Spirit abandoning CHRIST MICHAEL and Nebadon.
I personally believe Ron will remain here due to some unexpected event but what do I know.  We've had so many announcements in the past that have yet to be fulfill it's gotten to the point of a wait and see situation.

When it comes to donations, I always use Ron's name on the envelope.  If by chance Ron is no longer here, should I use Dominick's name or the MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION name.  

And one more thing, I'm sure in the spirit world they ask can anything good come out of Urantia?  Well Ron, you will be that glorified person who will be first of many to say yes something can.  GOD BLESS.

Hello everyone, our speakers today were The Universal Father, the Ancient of the Days, Michael of Nebadon, and Rene's Thought Adjuster, we updated the audience with the information received in Lightline USA.

To listen please click on the link:

Next Lightline is on Sunday evening, June 2nd at 5:30 pm hora local de Phoenix AZ.

Thank you all for listening.

René Durán 
Lightline USA, 26 May - 2024

This is a historical Lightline USA for Sunday May 26, 2024

                 with your host Ron Besser

Below is the link to the recording: 
Yes thank you, now comes the part of learning how to use it.  Thank you very much.

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