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Magisterial Foundation New Posts and Projects / Roswell - What Happened and What Was That UFO Anyhow?
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 05:36:23 AM »
December 16, 2019


This Is a True Story from Space Archives for Release Immediately
Ron Besser, Transmitter and Editor for the
Magisterial Foundation in York, PA. USA

The fifth epochal revelation does seldom report significant modern history events at all. That text does not have the space and it does not have permission to talk about relevant events which tie together episodes of real tragedy we should be aware of.

One such tragedy occurred over the United States right after World War II in New Mexico. Seven space ships flew in formation over Urantia air space in early July. 1947. They were on an emergency mission to the universe of Alvoring, where an inhabited planet was exhibiting a central core problem, so hot, it could blow up unless it could be vented or annealed with gravity waves. Such was the technology this group of ships carried to its rendezvous with disaster.

The lead ship was under a commander well known to the Alvoring authorities, and today on this July 7th, he was to lead six other ships into the Alvoring space sector known on our star maps as Sector 164537/. This references the star map at the United Nations today.

Two ships immediately behind ship one, were expeditionary force individuals. Looking at the command ship head on, ship number six was to the left back on the command ship, and ship four was to the right side.

The Command ship was designated number one that day, and they belonged to an elite corps, translated and called as the Aerial Coordinaire, that was called upon when a deep space emergency erupts and no time to have diplomatic niceties it was the Aerial Coordinaire, that was prepared to answer the call. The Aerial Coordinaire was one of six such fleets in the universe area that day. It was among the best and had on board those rare experts who could determine what the earth core malfunction was and then take care of it if possible.

Backing them up were thousands of workers available, for danger to any sector of a universe was proclaimed as it was here, the rule is that all personnel assigned to the region where the emergency was, must take up predesignated battle stations at once and drop what else they were doing to meet the emergency with as much manpower as possible. EMS style space ships as these were come under the jurisdiction of the Space Command Sectors scattered through out space to provide flight instructions and prevail with out local universe governments that these emergency squads were safe and attending to emergency situations.

Our own Local Universe of Nebadon sent out commercial trading ships to help remove material objects while preparing shafts to remove earth materials that prevented the malfunctioning earth core from venting properly. Nebadon also sent more that fifteen hundred (1,500) personnel in troop transport-style ships to Alvoring via another route.

We advise the reader that deep space travelers rode these ships as a contemporary arrangement of forms available to do this work. In this seven ship group, the mix was as follows: Ships One through Six had commanders and other ranks all invisible to the human eye. These seven ships were not cloaked, but they were so fast, nobody felt any danger in capture or damaged otherwise. Only Ship Four had visible occupants as was recovered at the crash site in Roswell.

Ufologists need to be educated why this mix is prevalent, especially today with so much planetary danger is attendant upon your planet and rescue necessary if possible. Urantia is also so deeply imbued with rock fire and magma it too could explode because of its over heated central core. The planet this group was heading for had an identical way of forming as your earth did, and it cracked along the same identical lines that blew it up finally, as is Urantia developing today in Iceland and southern Argentina at the Straits.

Meanwhile. Seven ships flying over Urantia airspace near New Mexico, USA, were ordered as follows that day:

The Command ship was the spear tip of these seven objects. It contained the Commander of the expedition to the Alvoring problem, and with him were two co-commanders, and the ship held about sixty-five troops who were especially trained to excavate quarries which were used to infiltrate the center of the sphere to vent its core. On Board of Ship One, the Command Ship, was one gravel exile plates which were made of a titanium like alloy, but can be electrified to scuff loose material out of vents blown deep in especially prepared quarries to do this work.

In addition to the plate was a replica of an unconstructed sister ship that could be assembled if the Command Ship ran into heavy resistance entering the property of a local universe that was not advised of the work this group of ships were to be taking care of. Alvoring has constructed safe barriers around its borders and the borders are marked with an audio-fluorescent flare radio signal of such a frequency it triggers all transponders on board all galactic ships to receive warnings of trespass of this nature.

The Command Ship also carried a thousand pounds of nitrates to use as explosives, as earth excavation is tremendously rich, by its vulnerabilities, in harsh mineral reactions when drilling or excavating very hot rock in order to breech the earth core in question. Finally Ship Five had nothing on it that would carry the idea of sight seeing but that is what happened to cause Ship Number Five (5), to suddenly veer off into a stone skipping motion in a watery atmosphere around Urantia, and to wind up on the desert floor near Roswell, New Mexico.

The spear shaped formation of these seven ships proceeded at sub-warp six, and that is roughly six times the speed of sound, and that is a speed used when nearing planets with atmospheres in this part of creation. Warp speed in programs like Star Trek are based on light speed, but in squad ship emergencies in time and space, commanders are taught to realize they can get into deep trouble if they hit a planetary atmosphere faster than six time the speed of sound which is regulated, in our terms, as about 689 miles per hour. Otherwise these ships cruise at nearly five times the speed of light to avoid crashing into solid objects.

The Command ship leading this group was an average-sized intergalactic “cruiser,” about eighteen yards wide in front and it flowed in a tapering style to a narrow tail section about fifty feet wide. Its length is classified but it is in excess of fifteen hundred feet, and its shape never reported about on Urantia, as it is still a classified project for design purposes. There are Special over drives which abound in these ships because space is so vast, the faster the better. Once a ship reaches Warp One– over one thousand parsecs every sixteen minutes of Urantia time. At that rate we overcome material objects in our way and now ca pass through them.. Slower ships must regulate themselves carefully to avoid space sand and junk rocks that abound in solar systems which our own earth belongs to.

The Command ship was the spear head of this group of seven ships, and behind number one were two more tankers ships 6 and 4 ranging about six miles behimd the command ship. In another ten miles or so behind six and four, were the little cruisers three and five, and ship seven was a small supply and equipment ship without passengers, and that was tucked in slightly back and beneath three and five.

I am not permitted to narrate the personnel manifesto on the ships behind the Command ship, but I am allowed to speak to Ship Four, immediately behind the Command ship next to Ship Six separated by about six minutes of travel at Warp One.

If we as observers facing the tip of the spear in front of Ship One, Four would be to our right, and six to our left. Space Ship Six held rocket scientists who specialized in galactic ship repair. Ship Six held sixteen of them; five stewardesses, nine radio and radar operators, and sixteen specialists who knew how to handle explosive central core issues. All in all Ship Six was the heaviest and the fastest of what now could be called a Cruiser. It was the fleet pride at the time and was triangular in shape and designed at the studios on a sub satellite around Uversa, our galactic planetary headquarters.

Ship Four (4), is beside Ship Six. It held only four passengers; two androids, living but without will prerogatives, and two Midwayer-style masters. The ship was “steered” by automatic commands from Ship One.


In New Mexico, The Roswell Daily Record, July 8, 1947, reported the "capture" of a "flying saucer" the wreckage found there about July 6th– no one seems to recall the precise date of discovery, as it could be July 7th or July 5th– not sure. What was found by the rancher checking on fencing he recalls not, were the filamentous remains of two androids and the dying midwayers who accompanied the androids. The ship had no commander on board for the simple reason it was piloted by the commander in ship one, the Command ship of this squad.

But what was not found yet to this day, is the command module in Ship Four that jumped out of the back of what looked like a small turret, and in that turret is about six thousand food items mostly carbohydrates for the troop contingency in Ship Six. No one wil lever make sense of it if found, but is also loaded with a type of spare meal we might call “K” rations, and it is full of powdered milk curds from an animal raised for such food stuffs on these kinds of expeditions.

The androids had no willed life and never knew what hit them. Ship Four was never meant to travel deep space, but it was thought okay for this expedition as it was in the care of six other ships if travel problems erupted with what was a very unpowered vehicle for its size and type. Space Ship Five and its commander were unhappy having to wait so long to enter the space of Alvoring, since Alvoring had declared a red emergency, yet they were as a group held up over six hours waiting entry rights past the first warning station. The commander Ship Five ordered the Controller to redirect a few degrees off course, but his speed was superior due to the vector he chose to deviate from course. He shot forward and almost at once clipped Ship Four at the back, and crashed and that ship was never found on Urantia, but it did crash and it did take fifty-two (52) lives with it. Ship Four lost two midwayers and their bodies were recovered at that infamous Air Force Base nearby. President Truman was advised two humans were found nearby, but they were midwayers and while born of woman they remain invisible unless told to materialize. Midwayers can materialize of hide by willing themselves invisible and these two had been materialized for this project.

The reader should also know that the planet in trouble with an over heated core, did blow up before they got there. It took six million five hundred thousand lives in the first blast, and then in one hour later of Urantia time, the planet was blown to bits taking over four billion lives, human lives, with it. It was the Creator Son of Alvoring Bestowal sphere, and to this day, looks upon that emergency squad as inept and stupid beyond words to pull such a stunt while in a deep emergency rescue.

Our speculation is that the Creator Son of Alvoring was especially concerned over this planet too, as it circulated throug the outer reachers of the Urantia solar system and then caused serious perturbations in the Pluto area of existence. Plute to this day is under the influence of another such inhabited planet that still belongs now entirely to Alvoring ,but it comes close to the Kuiper Belt and disturbs Pluto just enough to be noticed by astronomers on Urantia.

We close with this story now to achieve what we must say about this rendition of what happened at Roswell in July of 1947, and that is we had to be so careful not to reveal characteristic space travel in deep space, Urantia and NASA are too close to making a critical blunder to send men and equipment to Mars, for Mars holds t he record for ships ruined by traveling there. It produces a noxious gas held far too long in underground caverns, and that gas is a cyanide base potassium chloride, and is lethal at forty miles up in its atmosphere if one rotates through it. It is best left to later years before man attempts Mars. We suggest if you must travel that far with antique equipment, choose a moon of Jupiter, perhaps Eros, for its volcanic actions hide a race of inhabitants who never see light, but are of human intelligence, and that is our final say to tell you this story as it really happened and the moons of Jupiter are the place to do important exploring.

Thank you.

General Discussion / RECOVERY/ROLL CALL/CONSTRUCTION( November 1, 2017)
« on: November 01, 2024, 06:44:35 am »
General Discussion / Re: Recovery/ Roll Call/ Construction
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 05:57:13 PM »( November 1, 2017)
You had serious injuries, Larry, and thank goodness we know of no complications to repair you and to be feeling better beacuse of it even though it will take months to undo what damages you had to the kidneys and your internal tissues.  That said let me address somethings generally for all who wonder about the efficacy of the Magisterial Mission and the November 3 Roll Call.

First realize spirit operates through three reality areas which the Urantia Book teaches well.  But the text does not teach how spirit uses them for divine missions as that would be way off subject for the Urantia text to do as it was designed to reveal God, and not his programs to work missions on Urantia.
Top down these reality areas are:
1  Spirit - both existential and experiential
2  Morontial and Super Morontial
3  Finite - time and space matter living and non Deifies both
The Magisterial Mission on October 19, started the Magisterial Mission on the second level noted above: The morontial.  There they introduced the new Mansion World designs to its residents and began the proper examination of the Lucifer Rebellion in the old design of the Mansion World ascension careers of what we would call deceased humans but really are the souls of the human flesh toward a spirit form and designation, but not yet spirit and not human flesh any more.  This is an in-between state which already exist as our souls but our morontial souls do not detach until we die and then they move toward the angelic terminus for transport to the mansion worlds to be enshrouded with morontial coloration closely resembling how we appeared in the flesh in our human lives.  You must study this in the Urantia Book because much understanding how we become perfected must include this step and the divine missions appear in the morontial first before they appear to us.  On October 19, 2017, they appeared in t he morontial and the expected Magisterial Mission began.

Furthermore, October 19th was used to insure that Urantia is truly ready to face the opinion that Michael holds:  Those who help it on Urantia must be gratly improved to be acceptable to the Magisterial Son to be insured of his attention and then his directions for work to perform.  Monjoronson in particular notes that even I have too much temper to be fully trusted by the Paradise Sons and I have been placed on probation until they see how I handle anger over unfair issues that I have to endure anyway in spite of them being so unfair.  I do not take kindly to ruffians taking lives in the world for their political gain and get furious over this being allowed to continue.  But what they do not seem to understand is that I mitigate the anger by understanding that justice is a slow affair at times and I do bide my time.

The November 3 Roll Call is epochal Larry.  We had two of them in the recent past.  Those were also epochal because Urantia in the first one was cleared of rebellion seekers.  The second one was to clear humans of the old Spirit of Truth and relay  the new Spirit of Truth which is to reunite t he human with the idea of truth and justice as preeminent in the world of spirit and that it must pervade Urantia as the Magisterial Mission shall operate with it in mind all the time.  The Roll Call of November 3, is to to clear the table of all lose pieces left over throm these two recent past Roll Calls - one on 28 July 2017 and one on January 15, 2017.  Both the July and the January epochal Roll Calls were brought to all of your attention by my posting their event at that time. but like everything else, memories fade too fast to correlate events like this for your own good to remember.

Now let me review the purpose of the coming Roll Call on 3 November which is the end of this week as I write.

Roll Calls announced, as this one is, repair the rip in thecosial fabric caused by spirit when the Justice System operated by  the Paradise Trinity and its related sub-infinite Trinities, the First Experiential Trintiy of the Supreme and its environs; and the Absonite Trinity or Second Experiential Trinity as it is preferably called, all three levels make up the Trinity of Trinities spoken to in the Urantia Book in Papers 104 and 105.  Spirit must make sure that the upper levels of reality are fully cleared before it works on the lower levels of reality which constitute time and space most usually.   And finally, we are trading good sense for a change so t his message is read well by all of you.

Several people have written us privately that there is no motion in the Missions and they are losing faith or heart or both and yet they fail to understand all of this has been reported faithfully in the recent past and no one remembers anything about it.  Even Larry Gossett is so vague he confuses the trial this 3 November Roll Call with previous disclosures about other Roll Calls that have nothing to do in purpose or reason with the Gabriel call to Justice on 3 November this coming end of week now in progress.  Roll Calls are very rare on Urantia.  The last Roll Call of epochal significance before these three mentioned here was at the birth and death of Jesus well over 2,000 years ago now.  None were called until 1986 when the Court case against Lucifer and Caligastia and millions of others who were ensnared in the Rebellion were called to justice and over five million beings lost their lives over this very serious matter before the Judges on Uversa, the Ancients of Days.

In this case for the Roll Call on November 3rd coming, the Roll Call is unusual in that it follows two other significant roll Calls meant to purge Urantia of fractional rebellion both by the celestial entities unnamed to you, and to clear the PREPARATION for removing the human element that will be taken care of this time and to discard them as sinful and iniquitous beings to be forever discarded from life by the Ancients of Days. 

Gabriel has the power inherent in him as the Bright and Morning Star of Salvington and the Chief Host of Justice of Nebadon, to invite the Ancients of Days to attend to their duty to determine the worthiness of human souls to go over to the Justice of Mansonia as declared in the Manifesto of the Eternal Son made available to Justice on Urantia on the fifth of July, 2014, and subsequently added to this October to Michael of Nebadon.  I myself was in that Manifesto due to my recalcitrant approach to the pain I endure for years over a transition that makes no real sense to my human mind.  That Eternal Son Manifesto declares me on probation until I assure them I will not kick anybody over this and to address what to do with sinful beings who do great harm to Urantia still, and who must be removed for the Magisterial Mission to proceed.

Finally:  When the 3 November Roll Call is complete about 730am New York Time, there will be an interlude of about seven hours while the trials and effects are counted on Urantia and in spirit.  On 4 November there will commence the ideals of the Magisterial Mission on Urantia and will be noted by either myself or others unknown to me being informed what to do now.

Visitations with the Melchizedek Supervisor and others attached to that duty may or may not visit me immediately as so much must be attended to by myself and my supervisory personnel that I will receive them incarnated but the time is open to rescheduling due to the emergency this will invoke, most likely, on Urantia at this time.  I play it by ear and my eyesight will await their decisions just how and when this is to be done.

"I am Ron's supervisor and he just reported to you as he is supposed to with full authority at his disposal to inform you all by announcements in this tone and writing of the facts to you.  It will be necessary for those who seriously wish to enjoin in the Magisterial Mission to start paying full attention as I doubt there is a lot of time to go over and over and over old information you have already received from us and from Ron.  We will leave all changes to be placed after Michael arrives on Urantia to see to the changes that are in effect and God help those who attempt to confuse the issue by bleating they had no time to act when we have constantly informed all that the time to act is now and ready to go the moment it is authroized to act on behalf of these Missions.

"The world is nearly at war again.  Be assured the nuclear exchange Trump is thinking about will not occur.  I also wish it to be known that certain qualities of behavior will be enforced on the discussion forum soon enough because it will be opened to discussions by personnel in spirit and in the world of diplomatic concerns so they may be advised what is what insofar as actions by the Magisterial Mission will be found.  That includes t he Chinese ambassador who does watch this forum for information which is dutifully taken back t o China by his own envoy and that there are dreadful reactions in official circles concerning reporting this, but you Mr. Ambassador, have done right!  They will listen carefully soon.

"With regard to North Korea:

"I am Salonia.  I am the Uversa Ambassador to Urantia.  You know these designations well enough to instruct your superiors in China, and you are concerned they give little credence to these reports.  They give more credence than you are aware of and they feel they are well informed of your work and registry of the importance of these announcements.  Few other countries take this seriously, and yet in China you have a tradition of being able to hear the spirit and its wisdom regarding the course of your nation in the world.  Be assured that will continue for even the dreadful United States and its ways will come to heed the spirit when it is important to world peace and tranquility.  Be also assured we have much to say regarding China and its militeristic charms over t he South China Sea shortly.  We say nothing further on this matter now.

"I am Salonia, and I am the Ambassador of the Ancients of Days who rule from t he Superunverse Headquarter World we all call UVERSA, a planet the site of Jupiter and Saturn combined in your solar system.  A Superuniverse is one million times larger than the Local Universe of Nebadon, and Nebadon is all you see at night in the starry firmament you observe, and Nebadon is over six point five  (6.5) Light Years wide and thirty-seven (37) Light Years deep or high, and it is only one-seventh of t he total time creation of space and sequenced living.

"As Salonia, I greet the Chinese Ambassador to the United States and to Great Britain who admire this reporting when it is allowed to occur.  Ron Besser is our preeminent Transmitter and will be used in official releases to all governments on Urantia when  the time comes to state more of what we propose to the world for a reassignment of fractional criticisms by the American government over trade and plagiarizing incidents on intellectual property. Furthermore, the Magisterial Sons, Serara and Monjoronson, will see to the Ambassador being honored for this work which was not easy to understand at first but you gathered correctly that it was necessary to hear as we geared up to bring the Magisterial Mission to this planet, Urantia.

"By this time on November 2nd, 2017, Ron Besser will be receiving a very important diplomatic statement which will outline the entire measures to be taken in the first twenty-five days as to what and how nations on Urantia will be addressed concerning their role in the porposed world government and how a Council will establish diplomatic relations with China andt he other major powers to begin the work of assigning personnel to your own councils within your governments as to who will transmit this date to you and the Councils of your choice inside your own ruling mechanisms.  North Korea will be reduced to a very small voice and eventually discarded to maintain the people of North Korean in a decent life and reduce the fear of a dictatorship ruling over them to the extent they are malnourished and near death over many issues not known  to the western democracies.

"I am Salonia, and these messages will become more prevalent for awhile.  Kind reagrds for your kind attention and concers. Good day."

"Salonia is our ambassador to Uversa and not the other way around.  You heard correctly but She is not entirely used to speaking humans and their brain foibles.  It does not harm for the Chinese Ambassador, to know this at all.

"I would like to comment on Transmitting facilities to be made available to China.  We intend to have Transmitters capable of speaking Mandarin, but for now we only have Ron Besser who is the best Transmitter possible as he has practiced until he is blue in the face as we colloquially speak to repetitious habits over and over being done.  He is responsible for seeing to it that these messages can at least be placed on a public forum for governments and other concerns to read them and determine if they are valuable to themselves or who they represent.  W continue with this:

"Ambassadors aside the trial to become advisory to any government requires our personnel to have achieved high spiritual status as human beings and this Transmitters has done that in complete recognition by the Highest Spirit that he is eminently qualified to do this work.  His temper is modulated and he knows his reasonableness all the time, but pain and suffering have occurred for years and he vents his anger over this and nothing else.  We will propose that official personalities of the various world governments allow themselves to be fully informed and questions allowed in the presence of this individual.  He makes no policy input and has no political views for or against any country so long as they mean no harm.  His life is dedicated to the Magisterial Mission and he proposes nothing be done to otherwise assign him to any political party or organization.  His work is for God and the improvement of Urantia by bringing peace to its place and to obtain a higher degree of spiritaul development for all concerned.  He is a teacher and avails information to all who would ask.  This is Michael of Nebadon and we will have much more to say in twenty-four hours or more to all of you.  Good day."

Ron - Larry and other reading this response.  The Roll Call scheduled for this Friday is best remembered to be the clarifying agent that allows spirit to decide what they face on Urantia now as the Melchizedeks are already incarnated and proceeding to their stations already.  Mantutia is always near by to me an will provide updates as we get closer and closer to what will manifest to our eyes soon enough.  Thank you all for your patience while we made reports to the Ambassador.  I wish you all blessings to you and yours.  Ron

General Discussion / MIDWAYERS (OCTOBER 31, 2017)
« on: October 31, 2024, 06:43:45 am »
Transcribed from Lemuel’s transmission (October 31, 2017)

Bzutu : I am Chief Bzutu, yes, Midwayer, I come to this one this morning simply to mention that the Midwayers are increasing in numbers here on Urantia, simply and specifically, to aid the work of all of you involved or will be involved in the Magisterial Mission. As you may be already aware, each and everyone of you has a team of guidance that are always with you and that includes a Midwayer, a secondary Midwayer.

Now, I am saying that there are many more Midwayers who will be woking alongside the Melchizedeks and between them and what they are able to do with you, mortals on the ground, will be a tremendous help and advantage at the days ahead of the Magisterial Mission goes public.

I want you to really understand, there is a tremendous amount of work to be done. We are prepared for it and you have been trained in preparation for it as well over a period of years. Realize fully that you will never be alone, no matter where you are and no matter under what circumstances you find yourself.

However difficult, you will be accompanied by Celestials. All you need to be ever mindful of is to remain calm, remember who you are and turn inward to Us and your Beloved Thought Adjusters. I am Chief Bzutu and I welcome the opportunity to come to this one this morning, quite unexpected for him as I can see, but nevertheless a pleasure for me.

Take to heart what I have just told you. The number of Midwayers now, assigned to work alongside the Melchizedeks are very many indeed. You will never be alone. This is Chief Bzutu, signing off for to-day, thank you for listening and I bid you all a very good day. Domtia

Lemuel : I am asking, is there anyone else here with a message ?

Ocilliaya : I am Ocilliaya, good morning Lemuel. I come also this morning, but just a brief message, as a kind of follow-up from what you just receive from Chief Bzutu and I just want to say, apart from Melchizedeks and Midwayers, you are of course accompanied by a tremendous number of Celestials who are overseeing as it works in the areas of most difficulty.

When the time comes for the difficulties for you to face, and there may be moments when you will lose the sight of who you are and where you are. I want to assure you, in those moments the Celestials will be taking over, maybe for just a few seconds and then you will come back to your consciousness, so to speak, and find that the problem that you face has disappeared.

Don’t be alarmed by these words. I simply want you to understand, there may be moments when you will lose, not consciousness exactly, but you will forget where you are and what you are doing momentarily, because you will be faced possibly with dangerous situations. That will be overcome and then you will come back with your normal understanding of where you are and what you were doing almost immediately.

This is Ocilliaya, I thank you for listening. Please remain calm, keep practicing, keep centered and remember above all, you are greatly loved and appreciated. This is Ocilliaya, I bid you all a good day. Domtia.

Lemuel : Thank you Ocilliaya and I also bid you a good day. Domtia

General Discussion / Second Return ( October 29,2015)
« on: October 29, 2024, 06:42:14 am »
October 29,2015
Michael of Nebadon - "I am here this morning as the ex officio officer of the Second Return.  We are making great gains in helping people hear the sound of the bells ringing on high on behalf of the Jesus missions.  Our wish is to provide a help of sorts to all of you by keeping you prepared for these Missions as best we can.  Today I authoirze Ron to say that the speech that Jesus is to make will be heard withing 24 to 36 hours from now and God Bless all of you for standing still while we worked this thing out with Paradise, Edentia, Salvington, and Urantia.  By Monday of next week it is a past event and the airplanes can fly again.  I am Michael and I wish you a good day!"

General Discussion / Joy in Transmitting (October 27, 2017)
« on: October 27, 2024, 08:42:51 am »
AUDIO TAPE Transmissions Here / Re: Audio Transmission/ Joy in Transmitting
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 10:04:08 AM »(October 27,2017)
This is Abraham of Old:

"Take us for granted not, folks.  This Adjuster has it correct andright on.  The more you transmit, the better you can do in the future for our work on Urantia.

"I am Abraham, and I leave soon for Uversa, as I have been released to do work up there and not worry about a Teaching Mission or a Magisterial Mission that leaves me dumbfounded at every corner.  This is not like the old Teaching Mission, where we could weave in and out and prefer our work over trying to discern what happens to us next.  Ron is in the same boat I am and cannot make sense of the moves, or no moves, that happen or do not happen.  He believes at times he is doomed and must attempt to figure out what to do with the mess he holds as his own doing and that is truthful.  But Michael makes it clear that the house that we built together over these many years is not over and that we must take it on faith that we accomplished something with a grave Teaching Mission of old and a new Magisterial Mission waiting to show today.

"Ron says he will miss me and I agree as I am the past and the present and yet I see it as a way to break with the old traditions I had to work with for many years and then see it go down the tubes because of vital disagreements between Ron and Gerdea, and it did not stop there either.  Our work for God is to finish what we have sewn and wait out what has transpired since then,

"We also see the House that Jack built (civilization on Urantia), is fully deployed once more and hits the skids in a few days or weeks depending on your view of actions to come.  I hat saying this, but our time together has ended Ron, and you are truly sorry to see me go, well worry not, as you are among the few who understood my vital role and waited for it to improve for all sorts of reasons and it could not and would not without our happiness for all humans who will be relieved of the damage of the Lucifer Rebellion soon.  Good, and now this:

"Our work in the Teaching Mission Ron was awfully difficult from the beginning and we worked hard to end the problem between you and Gerdean, but she refused to listen and still is hard of hearing for all work associated with you in her fairly secure world of Mansion World Three.  Her life if over with as far as further contact with all of you on Urantia, and she will work to take things as they are on that place of habitation now.  But she understands nothing regarding your silliness and works hard to relieve herself of any idea of working with you at all.  That said, the Father has decreed that she learn her lessons better and forces no issue between you now.  As you say to yourself, it makes no real difference if that is the case and it is not entirely the case because she sees you as a bon vivant and herself as a brat that should have done better and did not. 

"Now we come to the idea of that Thought Adjuster and the 'joy of transmitting,'  and you have it Ron and that is why you are so good.  Most people never question authenticity and you do all the time and make sure no one is trying to pull something over you or your members on this forum.  You do well, but sometimes miss the problem we all have as to the timeliness of information and not so much an error but difficult to assume to be true today.  You say to God frequently, this is not hard for me, but you make it hard by forcing me into hoops of changes I rather not make and then wind up taking the heat for it without result.  That is not yours mostly but you find the entire matter of web sites as awful to deal with unless there are updates and there have been none for six months now.  Why?

"Your life is sacrosanct for Michael, yet he fools you into taking actions that are useless and expensive and you still have nothing to show for all of this work really.  You got shot at by the old attorney firm and stood there and took it until you discovered there was no change for months and you let them know it was not their to do to you.  You found that woman a disgusting variety of heartless versions for her own needs and the boss unlikely ever to address you again.  And so it goes and we take it hard that this has happened so often to yours truly we stand a good chance to talk a lot when we meet face to face someday as I will not let this one go if I die trying to keep you together with the rest of us who did the ole Teaching Mission and you worked so hard to preserve it.  Now this:

"Why go to all this without a point to the forum?

"The answer lies in you Ron, as you took it all well and worked like a slave and did all you could to bring the Magisterial Mission to Urantia without giving a hoot over expense and effort.  It worked well until the Father Himself said no, and the entire matter fell to Michael to rearrange around you.  Then suddenly the Eternal Son spoke and rescinded nothing to be left of your effort to keep it all going.  Then the Infinite Spirit spoke and the entire matter went for adjudication to the Ancients of Days, and they found you so wanting spiritually they could invoke a special tribunal to work on the problem for you or for them.  Finally Michael spoke, and he said to stop trying Ron until I can get this all worked out again but he could not because the Father invoked high powers over Nebadon, and he quit trying for many months and you agreed it was one terrible period of concern that it was to be all thrown away.  Not necessarily so said Michael, but the Father invoked 'executive privilege' and was prepared to invoke a war powers injunction against you.  However, as luck would have it, Michael showed us a copy of the paper you wrote to try to understand how Michael's hands were so desperately tied behind his back over the incident of the Lucifer Rebellion, and they relented when you told them you feel you failed them in doing that and let it lie.  You also do not conform to Urantia rules of behavior entirely and leave all of us aghast at your broken events everywhere whenever you tried to find solace for the temple you live in and for the Teaching Mission and now the Magisterial Mission.

"I am Abraham of Old no longer as I have been summoned to the Court of the Ancients of Days on Uversa to put aside my woes in the Local Universe, and to take my courses with others to go to Paradise and fuse what is left to fuse and be done with the work of time.  You are happy for me?  If course you are for me.  Your work continues unabated then but sadly we leave this part of our lives for good and wait for you to arrive no longer as Father has decreed I must go on and then take what I can from this experience on Urantia.  I am desirous not to burden you further, and that is that.  Now this:"

"Ron, you feel blue so much over things that are transient and you cannot find their end near you but distant and unassigned to history rather having to live it so much again and again.  Your heart is pure and so are your motivations, and yet we must consequently infuse you with heat and light and energy for you to get your head off your pillow these days.  You attempted to complete what we said we would complete a few days ago, yet it refuses to let you alone, and then counts you out as you are not capable of rising to your work as you should these days.  I say this sadly as that is the case as you are no longer eventful for us to consider and for this reason: you are too good for what has to be done on Urantia today.  Let us pray you are no longer resentful of the pain that must continue for weeks if not months more and that is that.

"Now the truth: That which I just stated above is what you and Abraham see together and he is worried not over you now as a new directive has come down exonerating Abraham from failures in the old Teaching Mission, and so on.  He is truly ready to go and that is that and you feel good for him?  Of course you do, and as you say it is a mixture of sadness and happiness that he should be so released to take on the Deity Adventure for himself.  In any case the idea of Abraham of Old being sent away into a great big universe without us is sad for us too, as he considers himself, more or less, a permanent fixture with Me.  I am now training him to learn that the old days of probity and farther done than most, he has earned his trip to Urantia as a father of us and then back to Edentia to learn good governance and then to Salvington to learn his fate once more before the tribunals of the Lucifer Rebellion, and to learn his fate as a good man to compromise with, and out the door the Father has decreed for his own good.

"As a Creator Son, I have run into remarkable people and Abraham is one of those.  So are you too Ron, and it must be noted that you cared about Abraham mostly because he was forthright and rigorous to those he taught and you enjoyed the man too and said so many times.  He could be counted on to cheer you and keep you going.  But the time is allowed to be truthful for all of you and that is to end this fatuous way of speaking to a major change for the Magisterial Mission:  It is going on without me for now as I cannot move with it and the responsibilities I have for Salvington and Urantia at the same time.  Therefore:

"As of today, the entire Jesus mission is not scrubbed but placed off into the distance of a few months more.

"I must relay this to Ron as it relieves him of the Jesus spelling he does so often to keep himself informed and to replace the idea of Monjoronson in charge of Ron at the top, and to admit it was a pipe dream we all shared briefly for all of us.  Now that we have settled the issue of Ron and Monjoronson, let us settle one more thing for all of you:

"The right of passage given to Ron is kept alive and well.  He is to be all we promised him to be.  BUT:  He no longer is in charge of people but of himself as we must relent and let the human arrangements stay in abeyance for another month or whatever it takes, and to assign Larry Gossett and Sue Whiley and Wendy Winter to their own purposes until the year2017 is over.  To do this we must ask Ron to stand down with all he has done and just wait out everything he has been promised until we are finished making out entry into the world of Urantia with all guns blazing.  This will not allow Ron to do much but wait out the winter again and hope for the best with legs and stilts and all of that, but he will be relieved of money worries and so on, and that is so we can catch our breath for all he has done corporately for us to take hold and work.  He has correctly assumed he is now out of the picture for all of you and direction and that is the case EXCEPT, he has no real reason to quit as he has his work in Washington and in other places around the globe as Serara will use him on his rips abroad to see the world and to take lessons he needs to hear well spoken.  Let us pray then that Ron will be released from pain soon and that his heart is restored with good will to all as this has been a harsh lesson for all of us not to take for granted that the Father is ruling without just cause on Urantia.

"Further more, the adjudication of Ron and Andy is approaching full measure.  Andy Vines is to be moved to Australia shortly and he must finish his work at 2709 Sunset Lane today or tomorrow as he will be asked to remove his property and move on to Oregon as soon as possible as Ron has received the orders to clear the house and get started on renovations.  The house either needs paint or siding and so on and Ron is quite aware of what else has to be done and it cannot be done with Andy still in the house.  Further it is impossible to thank Ron for what he did to supposedly keep that man in place while his spiritual adjustments began to take place.  They are still in place and Ron is quite aware of the unusual nature that surrounds Andy but says nothing.   We place Andy well but he is to move on without further recriminations and the means to do so will soon be available  to Andy as he is to receive an offer of employment shortly but must wait it out on the west coasts before accepting the challenge elsewhere.  We now finalize the report here this way:

"Ron is near death sometimes as he is truly made ill by all this transitional changes he must accept graciously which has not be the case in the last two weeks as he is made worse and worse and is concerned he cannot move on with health or good spirit because he is made so ill.   He now hears that Abraham is moving on to the higher sphere and must make amends with the big guys up there, and then take his place with other Finaliters upon Urantia and plan for the age of Absonity which is prepared already by God the Supreme and Ron will have a tape one of these days  just what that entails when the Magisterial Mission is proudly declared on Urantia finally and so shortly I cannot give you a time much less a date so close.  Nonetheless, we must wait out the hour declared by Gabriel for the last, EVER, of the Roll Call of Destiny, not only for sleeping survivors on Urantia, but for all mankind as he will be judged and sent on his way either to glory or end the mess of life situations found on Urantia today.  I am Michael and I wish you all a good day."

"I work with Michael 24/7-- you all know what that means.  It means you have me in that situation unending until there may be another Universe Age that tells us differently.   The House that Jack built is not going away and it will collapse as promised shortly, but the collapse means disasters everywhere and we need to apprise all of you that the House that Ron built is now closing its doors for repairs and will be back shortly much better and healthier than he has every been.  You are watching a man in Ron Besser who gave all and found it wanting only to learn he is not tribulation but worth his weight in gold.  Our work is super spirited with Ron because he is actually fused with everything but the one fusion that takes him to Michael in first stage spirit status.  The same goes for Larry Gossett and Lemuel in Spain.  In any case these three gentlemen know nothing about their futures and it is nip and tuck with Lemuel who has no real heart for savage discussions he feels he will get soon, or for Larry Gossett, who is so damn tired of his life in Florida, he could spit!  Your lives are so entwined now you will likely be in the same Finaliter unit that returns to Urantia. 

"Ron poses the question, how many Finaliters may that be Mother Spirit?  Urantia will host ten Finaliter Companies when it is fully pledged to the Universal Father, and that is contingent upon Urantia being alive after the Magisterial Mission is completed we feel in about 800 to 1,000 years from now.  Ron looks at that time span and wonders how he will ever complete it, but he will be so busy that he will we feel assured.

"Now, this:  We are determined that Ron relive his past not and become well advised how to match himself with others and to let bygones be bygones with people like he met recently on Urantia in the Teaching Mission.  The trials he suffered at their hands was unfair and totally abridged before it started, but he reasoned correctly that he could not be harmed even if trying was so difficult for him.  People like Rob Davis, Allene Vick, Daniel Raphael, and many others saw the trial of some sort of mockery of justice in their view and they utterly fail to recognize what is truly happening to them and to the Missions they agreed were verdant and ready for prime time not as Ron saw it.

"In looking at the situation, Ron has won the Team awards and wishes to be let alone for the duration to repair the home and to get things done and finalized for us which will come to him shortly, we promise Ron.  He also knows that his brother is ailing and perhaps finally brother will see the stars instead of the twigs on trees above him.  Ron is determined to share what has happened when he has some actual visual proof of his assignments, but that is not easily coming for months and so we leave it alone there too.  Truthfully the money situation is aggravated by existing conditions he cannot change for the moment but that ends shortly in weeks if not days.  Today is the final day for most of the pain Ron, but I must be careful because it keeps returning with a vengeance most times in spite of our efforts to end it.

"Clarifying history is so difficult, but let it be known that those individuals named herein are entirely unaware of most of anything transpiring and Rob Davis is surely going to miss his cushy new job but he is learning quickly he is not fully aware of what he should be in spite of a new attempt to transmit which works and doesn't work according to the conditions he finds himself in.  The new job lasts until it cannot anymore, and then becomes moribund as the rest of the community will fade into history too and be restarted in York under different leadership and manners not understood presently in Rob's place of employment.  Furthermore, Allene Vick will likely receive her call to go home and be with those she misses so much already.  Those Ron has worked with who find him ascerbic and unready to compromise with Mission  tasks we assign him are already wondering what is going on that Ron can give such explicit lessons on money and corporation we will use when we can.  Be assured he knows what he is doing if only he could feel better and that is coming quickly.  Be assured we are done now Ron."

OCILLIAYA - Master Spirit Four,  The Father-Son Voice on High -

"I come at a propitious time for all of you.  Michael has finally come to the point with all of you here:  There is no Magisterial Mission for all of you for months, except there is a Magisterial Mission on Urantia that all can see and hear and that is not through any of you this time.  The last epochal Roll Call by Gabriel is scheduled for November 3, 2017.

"November 03, 2017, is a Friday, and at noon time Salvington Time which is about five hours ahead of New York Time on Urantia (Ron notes this is Urantia's GMZ time in relationship to New York), the Roll Call will begin and lasts no more than two hours at best.  It means that people like yourselves in York will see it all done by 7 AM and be glad as no one wishes to stand in the way of the Father as He will see to it that all vestiges of the Lucifer Rebellion are wiped out for good, and that may mean the deaths of millions of humans at that point.  You have so much death on Urantia, it may not be noticed.

"November 03, 2017, is also a red letter day for Ron, as he must be up and about it for he will meet Mantutia and all who travel with him and that is quite a contingency of who is who on Urantia in spirit.  You are lucky Ron that the house you have can accommodate at least ten easily and t hat is what will arrive not including Jesus this time as originally planned.  They are all Melchizedeks and that is yours to enjoy as they have a well wishing ceremony for you as they are fully aware of your career so far.  That visit will be on Saturday, November 4th if all goes well for everyone.

"Our work on Urantia has already commenced.  It has taken six years that Ron knows about as his transition started then and so one, and we leave one last word for all of you:  Michael of Nebadon returns to Salvington to direct the Magisterial Mission from there and not on Urantia a foretold many times here due to restrictions on the appearance of Jesus at this time.  We will avoid great announcements about Jesus thought and he will arrive as he wishes to: unannounced and fully clothed in a suit and not white robes as all of you see in your views at time.  I am completely done now Ron, and I thak you for holding on so long so early in your day.  I am the Creative Spirit and I wish you all a good day."

"I say farewell to Abraham with Ron in sadness as Abraham let us know when things turned ugly on Urantia as Ron tried to make some inroads to perpetuate the mission as is as he saw it as vital to the average man for all sorts of reasons.  He misses t he commradiere and folksy nature of that mission on Urantia, but it will return again in different ways this time for all of you.  Allie you are the worst of your kind at times as you cannot keep your mouth shut and you will not learn what you need to, but you are adorable as you are and we all appreciate you as is.  For the rest of us who must move on too as I do back to Salvington, I remind all of you that the Last Supper commemorated the end to the life of Jesus, and Abraham leaving us also is a Last Supper too, as he must go as he is bid to go, and as Ron says, what duds he will come back to us in!  Does this matter to all of you? Yes.  We are losing one of the greatest proponents ever to grace Urantia for Urantia and that is a sad day for us too.  Good day."

"I seldom rusticate on these matters but Abraham is stupendously done in the flesh and in the morontial career.  He has not taken on first stage spirit status due to the location of Salvington being further than he can reach by himself.  Nonetheless, in a few hours he will have that power, as he will be transported, not asleep, by his Adjuster t o Salvington and be received by Michael thereon.  Now this for all of you who listen to this farewell to ABRAHAM.  He leaves in splendor this time but barely made it to the mansion worlds at his death due to the pattern angel taking a course that took him instead to Edentia where he was allowed a moment of Grace, and he came out of it with such fervor for Urantia we asked him to stay on and prepare for the end of the Lucifer Rebellion and so on.  We mistake it not Ron as you use capitals for that a you should as it is a unit phrase that desereves stating its condition as such to explain it.  As such, the Lucifer Rebellion, has caused such strife and mishaps that even I am affected by its horros and dismayed by its results and so on.  Let it be known it is being cleaned up permanently on November 3rd as instructed by Gabriel of Salvington, and let this be done as well.  I salute Abraham as he goes to his reward with me!  I am Father and I wish you all a good day."

"I seldom tear up in spirit as you would say, but I am so glad I stopped by as you began your day Ron.  You are t he wonder of t he moment and will flash past most you work with in order to be sure you are getting done what you need to and Monjoronson and Serara will keep after you if you dive beneath the covers too long.  Be assured you are not losing a corner stone by me leaving but you have your understanding of my importance and so on.  You take it for good reason to hear Patije say hello briefly as she agrees with you whole heartedly as you work your way through all that has happened in a short twenty or so year span.  Be assured we wait for no man anymore and that is true.  LinEl says good by too and he is one of your great favorites too as he speaks eloquently over his mission of speech on Urantia but it will be revived as soon as he has the go ahead to teach the foreign language of Salvington.  I am Abraham and you are the best of the best mother Besser, and that is yours to recall when I see you again because you are so much like the Eternal Son, it t'aint funny McGee.  Now learn this:  Your life is embolden not by those you know but by those you do not know yet as the One Without Name and Number is the famous poet Alderan and that is a correction not to be spoken too, but one known throughout the entire universe as so superior in pronouncement in poetry that he will never be equaled.  Your personal dislike for poetry is based on Shakespeare Ron as he is an obsfucator brilliantly done and he was genuinely the only one as Raleigh was never his match for his prose.  I conclude with this:

"I leave with  this thought, and that is that all of you on this forum know not what you have entered and many of you leave for t he same reason. Be assured you will rue the day you leave without understanding, and I include Ron in that too as he is so busy keeping it together he forgets that the individual transmissions are excellent and succeed in giving back what was lost in the old Teaching Mission.  You ran afoul of a corporate busybody in Gerdean and she had them by the short hairs as you call it, and she would not relent because she was determined to hold it her way and leave not other there.  As long as you existed she was out to get you and did sometimes to the failings of others who never really bothered to look at it from the side of the big picture which you always did.  She is learning to do better and to relent that you outdid her finally for things she never thought of at all, but she is not truly prepared to take you on for centuries as she must learn that her ideals are yours and she does not see it yet.  Her friend also knows the story much better now but relents not until she and others make amends on the earth Paradise called Urantia.  I am not supposed to guess but that was an attempted hack and it failed because you are no fool and leave it open for them to continue and so on.  In any case \, good day and good bye to all my friends everywhere."

25 OCTOBER 2020
Advisory  30
The Magisterial Foundation
Advisory 30 TO Readers and Organizations
of the 5th Epochal Revelation

This Advisory is to notify all that the universe is preparing to publish a new epochal revelation and to advise you of our part in it.   You are invited to provide your work with us as an explanation below:

Due to profound damage to the Age of the Supreme and the supreme recision for the most part, rebellion has erupted over  the disagreement in policy as to who controls the free will choice of ascension.  The Deity Absolute and god the supreme have, by their antagonistic policies,  forced the replacement of the  5 th epochal revelation due to errors of fact so pervasive in the 5 th epochal revelation that it must be replaced quickly to ensure the value of epochal revelation on Urantia entirely.

Dr. William S. Sadler used a Contact Commission and a professional  Forum to review and edit the text and  then to assemble the Papers for publication.  The Magisterial Foundation has been addressed by the Salvington Revelatory Commission, the Ancients of Days, the Salvington Government, and the Trinity Government of Uversa with Nebadon,  to begin work in similar fashion as the Sadler’s did in the 20 th century.

The Magisterial Foundation is publically announcing its wish to share what is still a secret process to produce the 1 st Epochal Revelation.  The scope of the project can be envisioned by telling you that the Papers themselves total  3,135 pages  (three thousand one hundred thirty-five).  Additional pages are dedicated to an index which is 45 (forty-five) pages long.  There are five parts to the book and at the end of each part is its own index.

The 1 st Epochal Revelation has  no Foreward.  It has 25 (twenty-five) pages as a  Preface which outlines the reasons for producing another epochal revelation.  All told, the entire book production has bound within its covers,  a total of 3,216 pages (three thousand two hundred sixteen) and is to be distributed as a hard bound edition only.  There is to be a Spanish translation by the Revelatory Commission and is issued as a separate 1 st Epochal Revelation, and that will be completed later in the year 2021.

The Magisterial Foundation is allowed to do as it chooses as to the means of this production, meaning we may or may not share the process with other appropriate volunteers who are familiar with edition preparation and its assigns for the purpose of producing the past 5 th epochal revelation for securing the1st Epochal Revelation.  The Magisterial Foundation has been given until December 08, 2020 to decide just what process it wishes to use and then how much can be shared and with whom.  To date no decisions have been made and no selections have been secured.

The readership of the 5 th epochal revelation, together with the various corporations and agencies of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, are hereby placed on notice the Magisterial Foundation will proceed without  your counsel or input if you continue to be silent.  We will, however greet and accept your counsel and input well providing you are willing to discuss your views in a meeting of some urgency very soon with us.

The Magisterial Foundation, and its assigns including the Michael Foundation International, Advent Publishing, and twelve other corporations not reviewed  here, are hereby directed to make themselves present  to sign literal contractual agreements by the end of this year, and likely before December 10 th , 2020.   One of those documents should particularly interest the Urantia Foundation, and that is a revised and fully exploratory Declaration of Trust with the Magisterial Foundation. 

We wish to offer all of you an exploratory plenipotentiary meeting with us.  In particular we ask for advisory representatives to meet with us in York, Pennsylvania before December 10 th , 2020.   We invite the  present agencies of the 5 th epochal revelation to send more than one representative from  the Urantia Foundation, from its subsidiary the UAI, from the Urantia Book Fellowship, and from  any and all other operative groups or corporations associated with/or for the interests of the Urantia Foundation and the 5 th Epochal Revelation.  Be all advised that our agreements with the Salvington Government, and with the proposed Urantia Planetary Government, is to recover, to proof, to edit, and to produce and then to disseminate the 1 st Epochal Revelation.  I need not remind all of you that our agreements with the spiritual governments may read differently if you prefer to remain silent to participate as counsel.  We also state that the actions to  produce the  1 st Epochal Revelation, will be  under the auspices of a new Declaration of Trust. 

I ask to place upon this agenda the consideration of all pertinent groups to explore and fund an Advisory Counsel we may append to the Magisterial Foundation Board of Directors.

Your continued silence will be detrimental to your interests.  The Director of the Magisterial Foundation,  Ronald Besser, together with its own Counsel, is governed by two divine principles: (1) We obey the directives of the Paradise Magisterial Sons assigned to Urantia, and who therefore control the Magisterial Foundation today;  (2) We are obligated to provide and maintain the highest standards of motivation to secure the work of the 1 st Epochal Revelation in the secured  Second Return of Jesus, who has full decision power equally with the Magisterial Sons of record over the proceedings of the  Magisterial Foundation.  The human Director has the full inclination to achieve synchrony with the Second Return and will obtain full measure of authority to pursue those policies declared valid by the Bestowal Son with the Avonal Order of Sonship, whose Council we have already secured as we have slowly, over the years, reached this point to announce the production of the  1 st Epochal Revelation.

As I, Ronald Besser, am the human Director of the Magisterial Foundation, I feel obligated to include the interests of the corporate representatives of the 5 th epochal revelation.  I am in contact with Dr. William S. Sadler and have received his counsel of advice to proceed.  In accordance with Drs. Lena and William S. Sadler, I also offer my choice to share to the extent I may share it with you and its production.

However, this is not a negotiation to obtain favors from any of you, but to offer a seat at the table to propose how we may proceed as advice to Jesus of Nazareth, to the  the Magisterial Sons and to the Creator Son of Nebadon, as well as to myself, the nature of how we move into production wisely.   We have secured the incarnation of Mantutia Melchizedek, writer of our present Urantia Book to convey the same narrative voice throughout the text, as our Chief Counsel, and with whom we have secured the rights to proceed as He is also Chief of the Revelatory Committee that produced the 5 th Epochal Revelation and now the 1st Epochal  Revelation, on Urantia.

I hereby propose that the Urantia Foundation, the Urantia Book Fellowship, the Urantia Association International, along with the educational arms of the advice of counsel to the Urantia University and its assigns, and with and to, similar others to send your representatives for a meeting before December 08th, 2020, in York, Pennsylvania, concerning our means to produce the1st Epochal Revelation and your views as to your relationship and/or counsel only to the secured means of production.  The new 1 st Epochal Revelation text book is equivalent to the 5 th epochal revelation entirely.  It is in all of your interests to insist on a meeting with us as quickly as possible.

My obligation is to begin preliminary work on the1st Epochal Revelation as to its production for Papers to be received by December15th, 2020.  As with Dr. William S. Sadler in December 1928, we proceed under a secrecy agreement.  Meanwhile, I must decide how open the Magisterial Foundation is to be with personnel unknown to me without your counsel in place, and to what degree I must allow the presence of incarnations near me to advise just how much exposure they will allow while we assemble the revelation for the public production of this text book.  We are under pressure as follows:

I am advised that the First Epochal W orld Dispensation of Urantia Sleeping Survivors is to be consummated by December 23rd, 2020.  The Bright and Morning Star of Salvington, Gabriel, secures the right to advise me otherwise that if there is a contested election in the United States, then, since the Magisterial Foundation is located in the United States, other plans of the spiritual execution of these plans must play out contingent on the secured peace of the passing of power to the next President of the United States and how that will affect us.  Do not assume I will plan otherwise, but I must execute revisions according to the decrees and/or wishes of my superiors.

I must also advise all of you that because we are now going to have visible representatives on the sovereign lands of the United States, that we are forced to negotiate a land treaty with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Congress of the United States, to provide a Protectorate Zone in and around the Magisterial Foundation, to prevent overwhelming York, Pennsylvania with office seekers and worshipful considerations.  I remind you that in 1861, Washington DC was inundated with thousands of immigrants to settle in the District that so overwhelmed the Lincoln administration, they had to declare martial law to regain civil order.  Having incarnated representatives is worthwhile but adds to the pressure of what we have to achieve in addition to what we must police.  Be advised I am involved in all of this.


There is an addendum I am attaching to this Advisory herein, and that is to provide you the reason why we are calling the Advent of Jesus to be associated with the 1 st Epochal Revelation, and why Gabriel announces that the sleeping survivors go to their reward under the aegis of the 1 st Epochal World Dispensation.

Thank you,

Chief Counsel to the Magisterial Foundation and its subsidiaries,
/Mantutia Melchizedek

Chief Counsel to the Board of Counsel,
The Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon

Chief Spiritual Advisor to the human Director,
The Trinity Teacher Son, Margul, Trinity Teacher Son 41-313652137

The Human Director of the Magisterial Foundation,
/Ronald Besser

The Board of Counsel,
Not fully filled as of this writing

Chief Counsels to the Board of Counsel
Mantutia Melchizedek/Machiventa Melchizedek

Counsel to the Bestowal Son,
Bestowal Commission of Six Archangels and Two Melchizedeks

Bestowal Son Advice to the Magisterial Foundation
Jesus of Nazareth

advisory 30
Sequence Changes To  Dispensations and Epochal Revelation
An Explanation

The reasons we now have a 1 st Epochal Revelation instead of a 6 th Epochal Revelation, is due to a modern rebellion as serious as the Lucifer rebellion was over 235,000 years ago on Urantia.  The Lucifer Manifesto was read aloud on Jerusem by Lucifer himself, and that actually occurred on December 22, three hundred thousand years ago.  The Urantia Book slices through the controversy of when to date the Lucifer rebellion, by being advised by the Deity Absolute, that Lucifer declared the Planetary System of Satania independence one hundred thousand years after the appearance of Caligastia, as Planetary Prince, on Urantia.  The Manifesto was not fully instituted for 30,000 Urantia years and outright seizure of individual planets then proceeded and rebellion then became open and ugly. 

When Caligastia appeared to take on the privileges of the Office of the Planetary Prince, mankind as an established God-knowing entity, and was already 500,000 years old as a human species.  That condition assigns Caligastia the role of overseeing not one race of so-called aborigines of Urantia, but the evolutionary addition of  six new styles of human races still operating intact on Urantia today in modified form.  Lucifer proposed independence to Caligastia in the second hundred thousand of years of his reign on Urantia, and Caligastia did not approve of the Manifesto at all at first.

As a result Salvington now dates the Lucifer Manifesto using the present Gregorian calendar as occurring on September 19, of the year 215,326 BCE.  That includes the two thousand year passage of time since the birth of Christ in 07BCE as correctly dated.  There then proceeded to be additional revelations of epochal significance up to the beginning of the 1 st century AD, when the 4 th epochal revelation and the 4 th epochal dispensation were established.

However, in June of 2019 using the Gregorian calendar continuously here, a serious second Lucifer rebellion occurred again after adjudication of the first Lucifer rebellion was fully developed and signed off as finished on March 16, 1986.  The rebels were executed and Lucifer and Caligastia and many others died.  But unknown to the Ancients of Days, a secured replacement for Lucifer was trained and ready to execute another rebellion slated for, we think, the year 2045.  The year 2045 was the projected schedule for the Advent of Jesus, up and until June of 2019.  It was in June of 2019 (June 19, 20, 21, and 22), that the supreme being attacked the Local Universe of Nebadon, and its capital, a complex of four planets today known collectively as Salvington.  Salvington sustained heavy damage and lost all the equipment to sustain the Advent of Jesus to Urantia.  As a result the Universe Father decreed that god the supreme created serious errors and the supreme was remanded to Havona permanently.   On September 26, 2019, god the supreme took action against the Father, and destroyed itself and the home planet upon which the supreme was sequestered in Havona, that bign the third circuit and the planet now a relic, blackened and blown out so that only portions of its outer mantle can be viewed today.

These actions, and similar actions followed, and the entire seraphic corps on Urantia took issue with the decree of the Ancients of Days, to stand down and face court martial if they prepared to seize further the governments of the Local Universes of Alvoring, Avalon, Henselon, Sensalon, and Densalon, and a partial seizure on Panoptia and one other.  On Urantia, the planetary government was ransacked and its buildings and the morontia offices destroyed.  Michael of Nebadon, and his entire staff, rather than create a shooting war, went into exile from Salvington to Uversa at least four times in the next year to avoid the fire of the seraphic liaison forces bent on destroying any further attempt to reestablish normal governments without the supreme officiating.  Urantia was fully cleared of the seraphic incursion several times, but it became impossible to resurrect Urantia spiritual government even today, as Urantia is presently under the receivership of six Archangels and four Melchizedeks.  No further motion is attending on reestablishing the Urantia Planetary government until the Advent of Jesus is fact.

The loss of the supreme (and incidentally we are advised we are not to capitalize the word supreme or adjectives which modify the word supreme in this context) brought total chaos to universe concepts including the monistic Infinity now secured once more by the Universal Father being advised by the Deity Absolute, to totally revise the Master Universe  Age mechanisms once known as  the Age of Supremacy, and the Age of Ultimacy, and the Age of Absolute as declinations based on the supreme or the ultimate.  Consequently the Local Universes now take the time-meaning of the removal of god the supreme and god the ultimate as a necessary step to evolve sane governments not based on personal priorities of either the supreme or the ultimate.  The Father-Supreme is ascendant and promises revocation of all supreme actions that were detrimental to the Bestowal of Jesus on Urantia, and all detrimental actions of the present cay supreme concerning the advice of the supreme concerning the practical distribution of the 5 th epochal revelation on Urantia.

A natural effect of declaring the supreme and ultimate as no longer existing or affecting the lives of time creations, the Father advised that the entire time-space areas must revert to a revision of the Ages and that  all official functions of evolutionary devices then secured through supremacy are remanded to be as non existent.  The Father has invoked all powers of the Father-Ultimate to refrain further development of the Absonite until further notice so that the Outerspace Levels, OSL3, and OSL4, are free of the contamination of the aborted time-space developments of god the supreme.

As a consequence, all dispensations and epochal revelations, regardless of what series they had achieved with each time-space creation, had to revert to zero again. 

Here is, we admit,  the hard part for humans to realize:

The Father invoked the transcendental sense of timelessness over the entire Master Universe through outer space level four.   OSL1, OSL2, OSL3, OSl4, are to remain unsecured now and will not be addressed as areas of the Absonite or other Transcendental creations or developments, but must obey the transcendental laws of Paradise otherwise secured without the presence of god the supreme or god the ultimate.

Furthermore, using Urantia as an example: we note that the Father Himself is not only infinite, but he is the personification of supremacy and ultimacy as Creator and Supreme Creator, and likewise as the Controller of the Master Universe.  And that He now declares that Ultimacy is still favored but that other alternative to-be-created  Deities will be assigned to review those developments for the future transcendental universes.  The once supreme-ultimate classification no longer exists.  The classification of Ultimate-Absolute for OSL4 still exists, but without the presence of God the Ultimate. 

Further: Urantia no longer has a 4 th epochal revelation as Jesus of Nazareth.  Nor do we have a 1 st epochal revelation of Caligastia or the third epochal revelation fo Machiventa Melchizedek, and so on.  The human mind is not designed to understand how the Father or any other Deity can change historical dating and purge it from the material records and even the Paradise records.  But the no-time history of Ultimacy can be revised to change or be willed to be  non-existing on Paradise and in Havona so long as Infinity concurs it has been so adjudicated by the will of the Father.  Such an adjustment that removed all dispensations and revelations of the supreme was decreed by the will of the Universal Father on June 12, 2020 using the Urantia Gregorian calendar current today.

The official event records of spiritual significance were reset, historically, to no longer exist.  Michael of Nebadon was instructed that all historical records in the Akasic Records were to be nullified and re-established,  if necessary,  after June of 2020.  Jesus of Nazareth did indeed live in the first century AD, but the event he established then, no longer is dated as the first century AD, but the 21 st Century AD as Jesus returns to Urantia as the first Bestowal Son under the 1 st dispensation and with the 1 st epochal revelation.  Human memory is not wrong.  He did live before.  But the records on Paradise do not exist for that event in the 1 st century AD.  Also, the 5 th epochal revelation makes a note that the Bestowal of Jesus was somewhat out of normal order as divine events go.  Now, and because of this slight of hand of ultimacy, Urantia regains the normal order of divine Bestowal Sons.   Kindly note in your thinking we have a Magisterial Mission already at work!  This Magisterial event now today precedes the Holy Advent of Christ.

We could provide the reader much more on this subject, but it is confusing enough and we stop doing it  to realize the material counter has been re-set to zero over the incursions of the codes found in the Infinity cabinets of code that run the Master Universe.  Infinity is never wrong and it does not adjust error because it is never in error of any kind.  But Infinity is fully advising that no Jesus Bestowal took place before the 21 st Century on Urantia.  That is,  in the final analysis,  a Deity fiat and we live with it uneasily while our memories suffer the inexplicable.

Thank you.
Per: Director of the Magisterial Foundation
- The Director Reporting in Liaison with Christ Michael to help write this explanation for you;
- The Director in Liaison with the Trinity Teacher Son, Margul as counsel;
- The Director with the support from the Director of the Local Universe, Michael of Nebadon and with Gabriel, the  Bright and Morning Star of Salvington.

General Discussion / REFLECTIVITY ( October 24, 2017)
« on: October 24, 2024, 06:41:01 am »
AUDIO TAPE Transmissions Here / Re: Audio Transmission/ REFLECTIVITY
« Last post by Clency on Today at 03:33:51 AM »
Transcribed from Lemuel’s transmission

Majeston : Good morning, I am Majeston, Chief of Reflectivity, I reside in Paradise and I oversee with the help of all Reflectivity Angels throughout the Universes this technic of communication put in Paradise and in the seven Superuniverses. I come this morning to this one who has been praying for the ability to receive with the reflectivity circuits and I want to mention to all members here on the forum, it has already been decided,  it is already known, those of you who will be able in the future to receive reflectivity circuitry in your brains.

As you have read, it is a way of communication that does away with the need of intermediary. What you receive, what you are able to read with reflectivity is a direct reflection of our message from Paradise and those of you who will be able to receive these circuits and use them in service for the Magisterial Mission. Your abilities will be greatly needed and naturally greatly appreciated. I understand and all my Reflectivity Spirits, we all understand the great responsibility this will put on your shoulders.

You will be speaking for Father and Deity, and this is why the monitoring and the using of those of you here on the forum who will be able and capable of receiving these information via reflectivity is already known. What we do not want is for those of you who are unable, for various reasons, to receive these Reflectivity Energies, in no-way does it mean that you cannot be used and will be used in other ways of serving the Magisterial Mission.

You are all different, you all have different abilities, different talents and I can tell you, it is normal for a human to need to have their main talent recognized and developed as soon as possible during their life-time. Unfortunately, for most of you, this is not the case, but those of you here on the forum, your talent, your main talent that you have received from Father, will be developed, you will be trained and coached in the talent that is needed expressly by you as individuals for the Magisterial Mission.

We know your desire, your sincere wishes from your heart, is to serve Father and to be about His Business and there are many ways of doing this. This period of Correcting Time, as it is called, is a period of training and re-training for the future. I am Majeston and I really have the opportunity to come and talk to you, humans, here on Urantia, but I come this morning, knowing that the Magisterial Mission will very soon be made public and the whole world will be shaken.

You, members here on the forum, are a very select few and as you know for the first time Celestials will work alongside you, humans, and the reflectivity circuits and energies that are now available, will have great import for the Mission. I have nothing more to say to you at this time. I only wish to thank you and to encourage you all to keep keeping-on, keep practicing your transmitting and receiving. Just remember, reflectivity is a method of communication that surpasses other means of communication. It means that those who are able to do this in the future will need to be trained and you shall be trained and I thank you, to all of you, who desire this ability so much.

I am Majeston, Chief of Reflectivity, I bid you all a good day. Domtia

Lemuel : I must say that I was doubtful that I was receiving the name of Majeston, but the name stayed with me and so I recorded as you just heard and for those who can listen, thanks you very much and I say also good day to you all.

FINANCIAL: Money and Its Use By The MAGISTERIAL BANK / Re: Audio: 2nd Tape MONEY and More 102317
« Last post by 7inOcean on October 23, 2017, 10:15:33 PM »

Thank you Ron, Father Michael, Mother Spirit and the Paradise Trinity for these powerful audio messages spoken through Ron Besser(well spoken Ron!).

The way I see it, money is a bread-and-butter issue and it goes to the heart of our lives as things revolve in this very value-exchange world. I would aver to think these audio tapes 1 & 2 on Money are so important they really need to be made publicly as a general broadcast as they contain in them the necessary information for Urantians to hear it and respond in a manner as intelligible as possible to deal with those crises that is to affect so many on this planet and our lives will abruptly change in due course due to the impending material natural disaster we can all relate well with and must face the best way we can.

Yesterday, I heard the first audio tape on Money and what is clear to me is the crux of the matter in our lives is handled in the most crucial way in order to maintain as much stability as possible; given what we know will ensue when disaster upon disaster pile upon us from everywhere.

No government anywhere need do anymore than maintain some semblance of civil order and keep energy, utilities and water supply and basic necessities at the ready in times of great distress if they can help it.  I don’t think anyone will realise how the gold backing of the currency will be such a value when markets and incomes (as is explained in the second audio tape) collapse when they do.  This is a Godsend in the wisest sense it is being used for. It will bring stability in the shortest order possible and thank you Father Michael and Serara/Monjoronson for this foresight and wisdom.

While this message from the first audio on Money was on my mind and in relation to reading the Paper “Jus Regulae Urantia”, Monjoronson came to me shortly before midnight last night,  to speak the following and I share this here below. I get the sense of the foreboding doom that is soon to hit us and the requirement to place our intentions well with the Father of All. I leave it there and may my prayers be with you all as to the unfolding of things to come. Good day and thankyou.

Teacher: Monjoronson
Subjects: Destiny, Intention and the Unfolding of the Magisterial Missions
T/R: Sue Whiley aka 7inOcean
Location: Geelong VIC Australia
Date/Time: 23/10/2017 11.48pm(ADST)


“This is a huge undertaking. We wish to begin this in earnest as much as you all do and we await the Father’s permission to press ahead full steam without abating.

“There is more in this than you know as things must be aligned in more ways than one.

“The Ascension Career for mortals of this sphere is first and foremost our main objective to place well before you all. It is your birthright to know there is a destiny our Father has placed before you all. I and Serara, your Magisterial Sons, wish that to be the case as we go forward in your world of Urantia and for the thirty-six other apostate planets that followed the Lucifer Rebellion path.

“I wish it to be known we work closely with the Power Directors; Susatia came to you earlier, it was no mistake. It is to make that impression you know some things are not far from your radar to receive, particularly, more so when things get chaotic and you may require an emergency response from the universe broadcasting circuitry now put in place for natural disaster emergency response and also for the input necessary for you when you may be called upon to lead the masses of people who require guidance in times of tribulation.

“We are the Shepherds of the sheep, you are the waylayers, the helpers, the workers as much as the associates with the Shepherds.

“Now I ask that you remain calm, steady in your progress of patience and persistent guardians of hopeful enterprise in God’s unfolding before you.  The necessary ingredient is the intention to be well placed in holding true to the tenets of good governance and setting the path towards the renaissance of righteous living in the light of truth and goodness.

“Some tough times will ensue for the initial stages (of the Missions) and then some more until things are truly under our control and made evident as to our intention for being the Shepherds among you.

“We are here with you, we have much to relay to you all in short order, the revelations that will make you rise as it ought to do in your minds. Understanding your place in the Universe is soon to be the norm and you will no longer doubt the isolation any longer as that is now rescinded. Rebellion, however, must be dealt with and with a swift hand with those who are bent on doing harm at every turn.

“We can no longer tolerate this as it damages so much of the heart of man. We can no longer have heartless versions continue indefinitely.

“I, as Monjoronson, come to prepare with you the way forward in dealing with unravelling so much that needs to be made known and understood among you as a people of this world. Truly, there are so few of you that are capable of handling the heart of God in you. And this is required of you sooner than later.

“The Father requires it of you of your intention.

“I leave it there as you all know what this means for you before you see the Regents proper soon enough. I am Monjoronson. Thank you and good evening.”


FINANCIAL: Money and Its Use By The MAGISTERIAL BANK / Audio: 2nd Tape MONEY and More 102317
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 04:27:35 PM »
This completes our current out put on the subject of money every one, at least in the context of the Magisterial Mission,

The tape is made through a fallible human being (me) and sigh once in a while and my throat gets dry and Father even notes it as we go along.  However this tape contains the Universal Father speaking from Paradise about Urantia and at the end the Holy Spirit arrives to speak to those listening.  The tape refers to the social and the physical condition of the land and water on Urantia as well and wraps it into the scenario all will dread when incomes are cut off by circumstances and homes and places placed under water permanently.

The interest in these tapes is slight but that only reflects the poor inclination of people who have no idea what they are to face money wise of land wise in their terrestrial lives.  Here then is a second tape on money for your information.  thank you.  Ron Besser

"I concur with Ron on most things and it irritates all of us that no one in great numbers understands the lethal life they are about to face as earth itself changes polarities and then land masses to compensate itself over all these changes.  I see not retribution for the life and death of women and children and men of good will will happen quickly and be over quickly when all this begins to subside on Urantia.  I wish all a reminder that these two tapes are the best ever produced for a listening audience on Urantia even though they are presently and currently poorly received by most who come here for other reasons.  Good day."

LINK to money tape 2 102317

FINANCIAL: Money and Its Use By The MAGISTERIAL BANK / Re: Audio: MONEY 102217 - Michael and Magisterial Sons Transmission
« Last post by newstarsaphire on October 22, 2017, 11:32:22 PM »
MONEY 102217 - Michael and Magisterial Sons Transmission
Transcript of above audio by Ron Besser 22/10/17:

This is Ron Besser, audio tape recorded 22 October a little before 8pm in York Pennsylvania.  Today’s subject is money; I’m going to ask Christ Michael to emcee the program for us.  You’re on Michael, thank you.


“This is Michael of Nebadon, not Christ Michael, but both of us are here.  I am Christ Michael when I speak for Jesus.  I am Michael of Nebadon when I have policy to discuss with you.  Today’s tape is about money. 

“The United States Treasury holds in its vaults about $65 Billion in gold to mint.  In Fort Knox, Kentucky it holds about $16 Trillion in gold under the current valuation.  We intend to bring gold to Urantia to the United States and to Starbridge Group for distribution.  Starbridge Group  will move the gold from its reception to a Federal Reserve bank, most likely New York,  to do that we are going to ask Ron to assay the gold, ride with the truck to New York if that’s where we put it, and then assay it once more as it is unloaded into the Federal Reserve vault. 

“We are going to value gold and set a firm price, it will not fluctuate on a market any longer, the value of the gold being  $1,235.00  a troy ounce.  This will establish a currency around the world that is so stable there is no longer any chance of runs that is speculators forcing the value up or down, and that the accounting will be done by a 'Board' in the United  States that is attached to the Federal Reserve composed of four Melchizedeks  who will transfer the information from Ron’s assay to the Federal Reserve Board itself.    We will retain the United States Federal Reserve and all central banks around the world, however we will insist that they deal only in the dollar, all other currencies including the Yen, the British Pound Sterling and the European Union currency; there will no longer be a conversion; it will all be worth $1.04.  That amount is established to provide the income to move the gold around and to provide the Federal Reserve a full accounting at all times for the length of the Magisterial Mission. 

“The Magisterial Mission will be composed of Serara, a Magisterial Son, Monjoronson, a Magisterial Son, both from Paradise, and a third Magisterial Son we call Rayson.  Rayson is the Scientific Officer and proposes that all energy systems converge into one type of electrical system, the reason for that is that we wish to convert the world electrical grid into one serving unit that the Magisterial Mission runs.  Individual electric companies will be required to make sure that individual localities are served well and that the equipment is functioning properly and that individual households are served. 

“Furthermore, I as Michael of Nebadon insist that the United States revert to value metal,  you will have a gold dollar, you will have a silver quarter, you will have a silver dime, we will eliminate the cent and the nickel and the 50 cent piece.  Those who sell retail must convert their prices so that they are in increments that can be handled by this kind of change.  Cents and nickels will be necessary for odd taxes by the States and other governments.  In Pennsylvania there is a 6% sales tax, constantly prices are a dollar amount plus .03.  We will avoid that by insisting that anything above a nickel be rounded off to 10 cents and anything less than a nickel down to an even cost.  States will have to understand how to handle that for tax purposes. 

“Furthermore, Income Tax, today your President Trump insists on tax reform but he isn’t reforming the tax system he is reforming what he pays.  We do not resent this, we just will change it.   There will be a three-tier tax system that we will ask Congress to institute, we will talk about that in another tape. 

“Furthermore, the United States owes the world about $32 Trillion.  The Federal Reserve pays off in Federal Reserve notes or, if someone insists, in gold for $4 and some odd cents, less than $5 an ounce, this is the law.  Congress has never changed the law and doesn’t understand the law and is woefully out of date.

“Furthermore, the tax system in the United States is so unfair that we believe it needs resolved in the Supreme Court and that we will challenge the administration and Congress to make sure they know what they want to argue before that Court.  We will insist that the change that we bring to the United States government, through its Federal Reserve  and through other  institutions, will make sense to the rest of the world and we will ask Congress to invite representatives from Great Britain, from Canada, from the  European Union and other countries we deem essentially the experts in governance.  They will abide with the President of the United States in a 10 Member Board that decides what issues are to be addressed at that time and what we want as a Magisterial Mission to benefit the world with the benefits of the United States and its vast military.

“Furthermore, we wish also to include the following information, all of you who join the Magisterial Mission by invitation will be paid a salary.  Ron is on actual staff, the three associates he has will be paid monthly a salary that is worth their trouble.  We also are including Starbridge Group as part of our administration in spite  of the fact that that is the only Corporation Ron will own for he will sell to us the six other corporations for a dollar.  We will institute what we want done in them and he will pay the salaries and see to their well being.  The Magisterial Foundation will have money supplied to it through Starbridge Group.  Starbridge Group will initiate the first payment of about $35 Million ; Starbridge Group will retain $10 Million and thereby fund the other six corporations including the Magisterial Foundation.

“We now come to idea of money as a transient commodity, it isn’t and we intend to pull back what Wall Street keeps doing for its own benefit.  The markets for gold will be closed; the markets for platinum will be closed.  We will initiate platinum reserves for China if they wish it and for the European Union if they wish it,  otherwise all other countries, bona fide countries, will be backed in gold which we will supply.  The $1,235.00 a troy ounce is sufficient to make sure that the gold that backs all currencies on Urantia has a fair hearing; yes gold has a tendency to go beyond that, gold also has a tendency to fall much further down.   We therefore ask Serara for his opinion.”


“I am Serara and I hold this transmitter marvelous, he is catching all that we want to say.  Let us look at the Federal Reserve from the Magisterial Missions perspective.  It is too little, too late, too small, it carries enormous responsibilities and it cannot find the manpower to launch investigations where they should be launched.  Once we are in control and working with the Federal Reserve which we will keep, they will come to us with their ideas of how to monetize the debt and to monetize other concerns that a Federal Reserve has for the country they are in and in the case of the United States Federal Reserve the world it will oversee.  We now are going to ask the listener to provide his own reason why that dog should not be throttled. 

“Furthermore, we are going to remove all potential accidents from the aircraft industry by insisting they contain nothing more than passengers and that the idea of carrying various kinds of commodities and other luggage besides personal luggage, no longer be allowed.  This will end, unless someone personally is a bomber, the blowing up of aircraft by laptops and other devices being designed today mostly in the Middle East. 

“I further am going to stipulate that Saudi Arabia be found on its own currency for the time being because of the Aramco deal we will allow that to go through as they plan it.  We also will allow that Iran will become a normal nation and remove the Ayatollah.   Those are 15th century ideas attempting to build a relationship with a world that long left the 15th century.   We further relate that the Donald Trump Presidency is to be waylaid into 3 man Regency.  The elected President Trump and two Magisterial Sons, and they will have to agree on policy before it goes as a request to Congress or approve what Congress attempts to do.

“ I am asking this transmitter to end this tape at this point and we will come back to the idea of money in a later tape.  I thank you.  I am Serara.”


General Discussion / Jesus Second Return Notice (October 16, 2015)
« on: October 23, 2024, 08:45:24 am »
Jesus Second Return Notice
  3 - TRANSMISSION UPDATE Warnings Re: Communication Blackouts

HTML Email Message through the BCC List
October 16, 2015
22:25 EDT USA
York, Pennsylvania USA

There is no PDF attachment and no reference to a link to otherwise download this post.

(Editor’s Note.  The following is an important update for the Second Return of Jesus.  I am advise to note for you that this is the third warning issued on various issues not covered in this announcement.  Go to this link ( on a discussion forum to read the other two messages if you wish.  Guests are allowed to read and use the site but not post without being members.  I also advise all readers of this information the following:

Yesterday around 23:59 of 15 October, 2015, the Salvington government announced that the replacement of the old bestowal Son event of August of 7BC was being reintroduced as the Second Return of Jesus.  The soul of Jesus has been elsewhere during this period and Jesus allowed its use as himself to return to Urantia to conclude his promised to return.

His Second Return as I call it is scheduled before the end of this month (October, 2015), and certain problems exist on this planet that makes it very difficult for a mere return in the middle of no where a the time Jesus was originally born.  Our planet is now severely over populated and has transmitters almost every ten miles to pass news out to the various media.  The coming and immediate return of Jesus to take his mission up once again and to remain on Urantia for about ten more years to establish the Magisterial Mission to cleanse the planet and adjudicate the Lucifer Rebellion for good, is rife with the possibility of civil unrest, riots, and even war by those who seek to take advantage of the confusion this coming television announcement by Jesus of his return and his intentions.

In order to circumvent the worst of these problems to happen, the night or day of this event on Urantia, a communication stand down is hereby ordered by the Salvington government by all working transmitters on Urantia, and all traffic on the highway and air will also stop with engines shut off.  The immediate effects of the proposed stand down are discussed below along with an introduction by Michael of Nebadon.  In that introduction are his credentials and explanation of the seventh bestowal to be redone again for transcendental reasons.

This message is transmitted by Manotia, a superangel hailing from Uversa and is of an Order not revealed to Urantians ever unless they are placed on a planet for work by the Ancients of Days from whom they take origin.  I am just a transmitter, please remember that, and I cannot help questions regarding schedules or policies I know no details about except what is released through me at this time.  Thank you, Ron Besser)

TRANSMISSION UPDATE Warnings Re: Communication Blackouts

To all concerned: There is a scheduled shut down of all commercial transmissions preceding a speech by Jesus which tells of his intentions and the timing of the Magisterial Mission established to correct this planet.  Jesus is Co-director of the Magisterial Mission with Serara, the Magisterial Son.

The proposed speech will take about 20 to 25 minutes and will go off the air immediately after Jesus is finished speaking.  A ten minute camera presentation will follow showing written instructions to drug users and abusers and how to comply with the edict concerning Marijuana and opiates.

1) No direct blow is being made to transmission equipment or the transmitter hardware.  What is being done is that we are sending out electromagnetic signals that block normal television and telephone transmissions including twitter handsets and i-phone sets and their unit relatives.  In addition to these devices, we will not tolerate 911 calls or other transmission from frightened individuals seeking advice or to have their hands held.  Further, no device used by the police or fire service will be allowed to transmit more than three (3) miles.  Devices that have a range of more than five (5) miles will be shut down.  Airports from ground to air and air to air and air to ground will be allowed to operate, but all planes will be ground several hours before the announcement is placed on the air either on 22 October of 23 October, and that date is dependent on the Father’s okay to proceed for either of those dates.  Normal air traffic may resume one hour after the announcement is completed.

2) A special note on aircraft follows:

All commercial traffic will be asked to land at the nearest airport they can reach that can handle the type of aircraft being used.  The restrictions and messages will start going out at 7PM, New York Time (EDT) the evening of the broadcast from New York.  The broadcast has no schedule yet, but it will not proceed until all commercial activity is brought down and is docked securely into their bays and landing ports.

Military aircraft will be able to fly.  No restrictions on them is proposed.

Fighters in the Middle East and cargo planes landing and taking off for the Middle East combatants are going to be asked to land and shut down.

Rebel fighters and other military equipment of Russia, the United States, and Great Britain, as well as other Middle East combatants, have one hour to a cease fire which is to occur upon our announcement of the exact timing of the speech.  If no cease fire is observed after our ten minute warning, the offending forces will be eliminated.

3)  Highways and Ground traffic proscriptions:

No one under the age of 16 will be allowed on the highways, and no travel will be permitted except for emergency vehicles such as fire or hospital or police issues needing immediate attention.

Those in the middle of a trip and on the highway, will be brought to rest with engines shut down.  Truck lines are advised to carry extra water and food and to secure their manifest well.  Thieves will take every opportunity to be at work where they think they can get away with it.  Running engines create static in our transmitters and will he shut down by an electromagnetic pulse from our transmitters in New York and elsewhere.

4) Danger is to those who attempt to use the night or day, depending where you are at the time on the globe,  who think they can loot or attempt crime in any form including rape and incest.  No one will find drugs palatable or will drugs be tolerated in the future except those drugs used for medicinal purposes.  Marijuana use is forbidden; it is dangerous and it shall not be tolerated by the divine Mission.  Enforcement is easy against drugs and marijuana and will cost you your health if you persist in practices we outlaw on this planet.

A word about Marijuana usage: Science has incorrectly diagnosed the weed Marijuana. This inability for science to understand the dangerous implications of its use must be redressed by a proscription in the appearance of Jesus, who is also the co-director of the Magisterial Mission.  The Magisterial Mission is to be announced a few days after Jesus makes his announcement of his return first.  Marijuana restricts the outflow of natural calcium and directly affects the pituitary gland’s ability to move calcium to the bones and out through the urinary tract.  In about two years of daily Marijuana use of 100 mg per day, the brain is incapable of ruling what to do with calcium, and it stores deposits of calcium in the neck of the human body.  Calcium in the neck of the human body eventually closes and blocks the coronary nerve and can cause serious stroke and death, and above all it reduces intellectual abilities to reason and find solutions to ordinary problems.  The Magisterial Mission has a staff surgeon on board and the doctor has made a study on Marijuana so he can diagnose those who are in grave danger of losing their lives for using it for some time.  Immediately following the Jesus broadcast there will be a preliminary plan shown on the television screen for those who use drugs (opiates in particular), and Marijuana, and what to do to prevent withdrawal or other side effects of a medical concern.   Medicinal opiates and other drugs will not be disallowed until it is determined which patients do not need these chemicals in their bodies.

5) We have made other announcements and the following links will bring you to the discussion forum we use to post those announcements to those who part of our Magisterial Mission staff positions.


Guests are allowed to read and peruse the board fully.  Posting requires a membership.

* * * *

We are announcing shortly what is tantamount to a national emergency for every nation on the globe.  We wish to make it clear this is not for right now, but only for the 20 or 25 minutes it takes to broadcast the Second Return of Jesus around the 22nd or 23rd of October, 2015.  This speech on all public broadcast media will introduce Jesus, why he has returned, and what his intentions are for the reclamation of this planet the universe calls Urantia.

I am the Creator Son of this universe you live in.  It is a local universe and occupies about ten square light years around.  Its administrative capital is Salvington, a central globe near 100,000 miles in diameter and has circulating around it, four hundred ninety-five planets serving as universities and  colleges for myriads of spiritual being doing the work of government for my consideration.  If one would look to the constellation Aries in the central sector of the Sagittarius globular cluster, you will see shining a very bright star.  That is Salvington.

In my years of existence, and that is on the order of more that one trillion earth years, of which I spent nearly ten billion years to build the living universe around you. I have placed in orbit around suns and dark islands of space, over 3.5 million inhabited planets like yours.  I created them all and placed on them plants and animals and humans as evolution developed them.  Your scientists have seriously under estimated how old this local space area of life is.

In my years as Creator Son, I have had to earn my rulership of this space by indwelling and bestowing myself on seven types of creatures I and the Creative Spirit created over the eons of time.  My final bestowal was as Jesus a almost 2,022 years ago in Jerusalem on your planet.  I was born in August of your present calendar in what is really seven B.C., and it is my birth that you celebrate as Christmas in December of each year.

In about two weeks time from October 16, 2015, I will attend upon your planet as the incarnation of Jesus once more.  His request to the Father was to see to it that he physically  appear as he was exactly the day he was executed on the cross at Golgotha, and that such a murder/assassination was permitted only by the mercy of God.  No such mercy will extended this time to anyone with murderous intentions against Jesus this time.

Secondly, there are few who remember my face or my demeanor, but I was of the Palestinian race,   and I appeared sun burned and swarthy without bath or refreshment when I was placed on the cross to hang to death.  After my death, I was committed to the Father for an extended period of time, and my soul has been educated on high for my future work when I am done on Urantia.  It is to the Central Universe that I return upon the conclusion of my work on Urantia this time.

My return to Urantia is start over to teach and learn the humans who now inhabit this human evolutionary planet My bestowal over 2,000 years ago ended in material disaster for me and with spiritual questions for those on high who were ready to annihilate Urantia for the murder of a divine Son.  Now it is time that I must regain my life once more to satisfactorily  conclude the work to be done by my Father through me, and to assist the Magisterial Son to deliver Urantia to Justice for this and other heinous crime by the Lucifer Rebellion and other matters of State so complicated no one could figure them out easily.  The Magisterial Son who will assign guilt and bring to justice those who failed me, is the Magisterial Son of Paradise of the Avonal Order of Sonship of direct origin in the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, and is a brother in waiting when I died all those years ago to eventually help me finish my work on Urantia.

The coming announcement of my return incarnated as Jesus is likely to be a shock to all including the Catholic Church and subsequent Christianity.  To help reduce that shock somewhat, I am authorizing that this message be sent out as plain text on the BCC List this evening and post it to the discussion raised to discuss me in my return at   

Serara is the Magisterial Son from Paradise who I depend on to clear the garbage from this planet Urantia, and to make new schools and government institutions available as soon as possible.  All able adults will be required to hold a proof of attending the educational sessions to be made through arrangements of local colleges and universities when the time comes to learn the basics of cosmology and why I return now.

We will also be available 24/7 through a television channel to be on the air about a day afterward the Jesus announcement and that will be through cable and normal reception of those who take their communication news from off the air networks still operating on Urantia.

In closing, my superangel Manotia (it translates into the English language meaning “peace” and is pronounced MAH KNOW SHA’ accent on the last syllable), this superangel is capable of instant communication by any human with a normal mind on this planet and many of you will hear him (not her, as this angel hails from the center of all things where are personalities are spoken to as Him).  I am the Creator Son and I wish you well until I greet you all through Jesus, the Son f God, and the son of man, and to whom I am indebted as a Creator Son to use his soul to bring this death of a man on the cross long ago to life before you.  Time is not to end, but a new calendar is to be introduced with its explanation coming later.


General Discussion / MELCHIZEDEKS 11 ( October 22. 2017)
« on: October 22, 2024, 08:50:53 am »
« Last post by Clency on Today at 03:22:12 AM »(October 22, 2017)
Transcribed from Lemuel’s transmission

Machiventa : This is Machiventa Melchizedek, good morning. I come again to explain a few things more about Our Order of Melchizedeks. As you all know, We are a created order, created by Michael of Nebadon and the Sovereign Spirit, Mother Spirit Nebadonia. We have been likened to bees, drawn bees, who work incessantly for Our Queen, Our Queen being Nebadonia, of course.

We are everywhere, scouting around the universe, seeing what needs to be done, what needs to be attended to, what needs to be reported on High and then to wait for authority to go and do what is necessary. We are not limited by what we can or what we cannot do only to the extent that Our Orders from Michael and from Mother Nebadonia tell us in this case, in special case, that we are not allowed to do certain things, but this is a very rare occasion.

Throughout history, there have been many instances, reported or not, well documented or not, there have been many cases where Members of My Order have intervened in situations to save the lives of human beings. While We do not seek to be heroes or look upon us as heroes, nevertheless I can assure you that Members of My Order of Melchizedeks have been responsible of saving millions upon millions of mortal lives. We do our work with pleasure and also with serenity and sincerity, because this is why we are created.

Our modus operandi is such that we know what we have to do. We have the innate capability of knowing how to do what we need to do in all fields, in all human endeavours, there is nothing that we cannot lay our hands to. My Order of Melchizedeks have assisted Magisterial Sons in many other planets throughout Nebadon where there has been a rebellion. As you know, rebellions can take place on a young planet where the Creator Son has not yet bestowed Himself.

In any case, my Order of Melchizedeks has been instrumental in bringing peace and been able to cure the illnesses and the scourges of the leftovers of any rebellion. Here now, on this beautiful planet Urantia, soon to have a new name, our work is likewise in the sense that it has become necessary to clean-up many, many instances where the leftovers of Calisgastia has been so terrible, so unspeakable, that in fact it cannot be reported

Let me assure, all of you here, this work has been done and it has been completed. What remains to be done is of little consequences compared to what has been cleaned in the past. I want to assure, all of you, members here on the forum, my Order of Melchizedeks are Workers throughout the Universes that look to see what needs to be done and We get it done, We know what We are doing. Now We are looking forward to the opportunity of working alongside humans here on Urantia.

This is unprecedented and it will be still for Us as it will be for you, humans, but for our part, We are very excited and look forward to it very much. The Magisterial Mission has started and there are many of Us now in the field, doing our work, gently and sincerely in the way We know how to do it and We are having results, invisible at the moment, I know, but nevertheless these results are positive. I am glad to have this opportunity to come to this one again, to explain a few things more about Our Order.

There is nothing else I need to say at the moment. I thank you all for listening and I bid you all a very good Sunday. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, saying good-bye for now. Domtia

General Discussion / JESUS RETURNS (October 22, 2015)
« on: October 22, 2024, 08:47:07 am »
Jesus Returns / This Morning We Approach The Eve of the Second Return
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 12:39:51 AM »(October 22, 2015)

Today (the 22nd), This Morning We Approach The Eve of the Second Return

I am aware of the tension and expectations many have concerning that this evening New York time is one of anticipation and concern.  I want to speak directly to the situation as I am responsible for setting the condition of time up through announcement through me at this epochal moment, and I want to say a few things while we sit on the cusp of great things.

First, I am in a miserable physical state due to last minute changes to my heart rate and my limbs which are being flushed with a serum that contains sodium iodide which is a curative used by the powers-to-be on our galactic capital sphere, Uversa.  This flushing of my legs and arms and chest places pressure on my nerve endings and that stuff burns my insides all day and night for awhile.

Above all, I have sought to tell all of you to watch what happens to me and hear my review of what is being done to me physically as the canary in the mine.   I react strongly to physical changes that the Ancients of Days have selected me for their own experiments with life changes on Urantia, in preparation for the Second Coming and the Divine Missions such as the Magisterial Mission to come.

It should be noted that this strenuous activity to reflect my body on to Uversa for their study in the past few days has greatly intensified.  They are getting ready to launch me as a final body change and that means this announcement is going to take place or they would not do what they are doing to me now. 

I do not expect new comers to this forum to ever understand that those of us who are being asked to serve for hundreds of years with the Magisterial Mission staff, that we have real problems and changes to contend with when the Deities accept our request to serve with them.  Let it be known that I am advised that my body is ready for activation, finally!, in twenty-four to forty-eight hours from tonight from the date of 21 October, 2015 - yesterday now.  This suggests to me that my life extension forces are to be activated when the incarnation of Jesus arrives the night of the announcement on our public media.  That I am being flushed with sodium iodide is a strong indicator that the announcement is a GO and that I will be feeling much better in twenty-four to forty eight hours from tonight (the 21st), God willing!

Michael of Nebadon - To all: I announce that Ron is indeed experiencing a dreadful evening or two while we flush his system with sodium iodide, a noxious substance we have to use when getting the new human cells ready to take over from our temporary cell structures put into place so a human can live and eat and breathe well until we are give permission to put them on the new life support system from Salvington with the help of Uversa, the galactic capital to my local universe of Nebadon.  The Ancients of Days notify us when they are ready to place Ron (as he is the only one who will be on the new life system when Jesus incarnates) on a regimen of sodium iodide.  Ron has not been able to drive or do any head work (other than transmit) for 48 hours and he has another 12 hours to experience the flush of sodium iodide.  This sodium iodide is the chemicals Na(4)I(5), and it is not the normal NaI which so many claim is the working arrangement for sodium iodide. Na(4)I(5) is a liquid and then heated and dried into a salt, and when ready to be injected by Uversa into humans, we place it in a syringe as a salt and select the big toe on the right foot to be injected. That is the normal place for these injections. Ron has jumped out of his chair many times when we do this injection either in bed or even walking around the property.

We go to this trouble of explaining this solution because many of you will receive injections of sodium iodide as the formula stated above.  Na(4)I(5) [the brackets around those letters are subscripts and are the valence numbers showing how many bonds exist between the mutual atoms in this ion of sodium iodide.

When you receive your injection, you will experience a strong sting to the toe.  On Ron we inject below the cuticle on the back side of that big toe and it hurts, as he has been heard to say, “like hell!”  The sting exists at most for 8 seconds. [Ron here: I have had so many I have lost count and when they do it while I sleep I am awakened almost immediately and I curse the day it has to be done, because it is often quite a jolt to the nervous system and it seems to come out of nowhere and hurts, but in seconds later, I can only feel the echo of the sting and eventually it goes away and I can go back to sleep or continue walking or typing.]

Michael continues . . .

I am deeply concerned for some of you out there, as you seem to think this idea of changing life styles and formulas is easily done.  It is not easily done and it requires a couple of years to see to it that you can live without help for hundreds of years without disease or other debilitation.  Ron has had several backstabs as well and that is to redo the heart and his liver and kidneys and even esophagus and his lungs in places.  His brain stem has been removed and replaced and his heart rate tinkered with endlessly to determine his metabolism and his energy requirements.  This is an example of how thorough we must go to approve a new life form to work with the Missions you already know about.  I am Michael and I will come back in later.

Ron here:

Before Michael resumes as he wishes to, I asked to squeeze a few comments into this post about the proposed announcements.

If there is any proof that these announcements are about to happen, it is the release of the Ancients of Days to Michael that I was going to start the flushing out of my blood and nervous system in preparation of receiving the okay to have my new life in a body that works beautifully for a change.

Now to some other things:

Some of you will undergo this expansion of life changes to last hundreds of years.

That said, some of you will be expanded for the duration of the Magisterial Mission (about 500 to 1,000 years), and some of you will be expanded to 100 to 300 years.  Your Thought Adjusters determine how long the expansion will last.  Those of 100 to 300 years must serve a minimum of 100 years as I must do even though I am approved for 500 to 850 years, and I do not know the reason for such a strange upset number like 850 years. 

Michael of Nebadon now speaks to you:

Ron correctly seeks verification of what he has said and I give him this, he has it exact, except his upset date as he calls it is not 850 years it is a great deal less.  He might serve 500 years but his work is so valuable on Urantia, we have asked permission of the Ancients of Days for him to serve the next 500 years beyond the first 500 years to be in the morontial form.

The coming appearance of Jesus is one of the reasons we need Ron in the flesh on Urantia now, as Jesus has requested that he continue funding the Magisterial Mission from the Starbridge Group to which many of you have donated a considerable amount of money to.  We report it is being used well and you have supported it to help us through your donations many extensions of work badly needed by the Serara group to get things underway.  Ron has installed the safe and a 30 foot aluminum flag pole at our request to fly the insignia of the Magisterial Mission shortly and then to fly the only TRINITY flag allowed on Urantia (besides headquarters buildings).  These things are expensive and Starbridge Group (still called Starbridge Communications on the donation button) has been authorized to spend your donations toward these important signal clues to the public.

Jesus is up and well and ready to make his speech shortly.  He wishes to address everyone on this eve of momentous changes to Urantia.

I am Jesus, and I hold you all high and I know of your heartfelt feelings to greet me on television and other media in 20 to 48 hours from now.  I am beholden to Ron for his silly use of my code name so my benefactors can give me security, and I am not happy he calls me “Judy” to detract from naming me in public notice.  Secondly, I carry no harm to anyone, but please stop announcing to strangers what is going to happen.  Only Ron seems to get away with that and he does it so well he gets an huge audience from many of us to see the technique.

I am going to appear shortly at our transmitting station in Poughkeepsie, New York.  Ron knows the town and has often gone there to shop.  Ron returned to York in 1993 and often references the Thomasville Airport about 3 to 4 miles from 2709 Sunset Lane as the obvious and existing aerodrome for our fleet of jets, and we remind him it is too small to use as is; however, we agree it is so convenient we may purchase it, lease it back to the current owners but expand its runway another thousand feet to take our larger transports.  A done deal is our headquarter building in York, as we can hide construction until we have land use rights to hold our seminars there for humans and other activities.  We have to secure about 500 acres of land where we have built the foundation and first three floors of the new building for our headquarters, and the building will be eleven stories tall, tall enough to see from miles around and it will be lit day and night with laser-type lights that are beautifully clear and will make the skin of the building sparkle with light.  Before I depart to make my announcements we will also state that we are going to relocate several highways around York Airport to keep the airport safe from visitors who want to watch our planes land and take off.

Our jets look like Leer jets but are longer and higher and can carry over 500 passengers and can fly New York to London in 30 minutes.  Our engines are secret and will not be shared with Boeing or other concerns, but we will allow our airframes to be copied with the proviso that profits coming in from their use be shared with the Magisterial Mission and any other designation we provide for their use.  This plane we use is not double tiered like a 747, but it is as long as a 747 and as spacious.

I am, on advise of the Magisterial Son, to provide the membership on this forum a few specifications about these jets we use.  They make no noise when the engines rev up or in flight.  They use bodies made of solid powder carbonite and cannot burn or be broken down.  Their wingspan is about eighty feet from one side to the other side, wing tip to wing tip.  Our interiors are as big a Ron’s living room about 23 feet wide and the length of the plane is about 240 feet long.  Its skin is robust enough to fly through fire and wind in excess of the greatest hurricane possible on Urantia and may have to fly through such until Urantia has better weather in about fifteen to thirty years.

Our tail height from the ground to the top of the planes top rudder and stabilizer is nearly one hundred feet (the 747 tail is about 65 feet tall).  It needs a runway, when loaded, of about 5,500 feet and that is much shorter than your Boeing 747 (they use about 10,000 feet) with the same load capacity.  As Ron says under his breath, we must have some powerful engines on that thing, and we do.  Cruising speed at 35,000 feet is mach 2, twice the speed of sound. We do not create sound wave compressions or the thunder claps heard when a plane manufactured on Urantia breaks the sound barrier.  We use these planes for international flights or coast to coast flights in the United States.  We use a smaller version of this jet for trips of less than 1,000 miles and most of you would recognize the Boeing 737 which is about the size we use for lesser distances.


Our announcement is going as scheduled.  Be aware we use all of our time to explain who we are and why we are here.  Serara will have his own broadcast shortly after mine in the same time slot and you all will be enjoying the fact that many of you will be mentioned intoto as the human staff without names, except York, PA will be announced as the divine mission headquarters and the fact that our chief of protocol was born there and lives there all his life.  The fact that Ron will soon fly the Magisterial Mission flag on the front installed 30 foot new pole lit and all should clue in a lot of people what is going on there.

In about two weeks, another announcement will be made after ours is completed this week.  An additional Magisterial Son, unknown to you will appear beside Serara, and that is none other than our friend Monmatia.  Ron is aghast and finds the announcement that Monmatia is a Magisterial Son unbelievable (almost), and asks for clarification.

MONMATIA, Magisterial Son Number 4153241565.
I used Ron to ploy my way into his discussions with all of you in order to train myself to take him.  I have never seen a mortal so silly and so serious at the same time.  Our world of Urantia is one sick puppy - that is Ron’s characterization, and I believe he is right.  All one needs to do is travel to Asia and see the sickening use of dope and chemicals that are killing people quickly and efficiently so fast there is an actual population reduction in China and even in Indonesia.  We leave for Asia, Ron, I, Mantutia Melchizedek, and about 100 others soon after the announcement.

Michael: We also leave for Poughkeepsie by noon on 22 October to be sure and be ready for what is coming.  We greet all of you later and after the announcement with some more important information at that time.  I am Michael and I wish you a good day!


General Discussion / Re: Massive Black Area Covers The Sun
« Last post by Ron Besser on October 20, 2015, 11:13:44 PM »
Greetings all, this is Monmatia.  I have asked Ron to let me speak about what Michel has posted regarding the area of the sun said to have blackness covering it.

It is true that the sun is behaving badly this year.  It appears to explode and then draw back into its solitude as a monarch of light.  The ability to regulate the sun is ours to do, but we seldom get into daily regulation because stars are self starters and they do well on their own.  However, your sun is to be light for Urantia as an architectural sphere-- and that will never be understood by the general public.  So we have to be circumspect about what we do say as to what is happening to your star, the center of attention of your solar system we call Monmatia.

In about ten years from now the sun will go into convulsions and they are acceptable to life on Urantia.  Some trees may disappear as to species such as the elm and perhaps some of the oak varieties.  But the majority of species will survive the burst that will be historical.  Why should this happen and we do nothing about it?

Michael has suggested that your sun must be tamed by other means other than fooling around with its nuclear mechanism of fusion and sometimes fission.  But we cannot harm the sun by other means, so we have placed a blast mat over it which allows the transmission of solar light and radiation, but slows the fission part down by at least half.  When the mat is placed over the vulnerable areas which the video depicts, the sun appears to be darkened or blackened because we are dissolving certain ray emanations that affect visible light sometimes.  In our effort to keep the sun cooler as well, there is a transponder placed on some of you to measure the light radiation you are receiving, and that includes Ron and most of those who are active on this forum.

We choose you to receive these transponders because we know your name and where you are and that makes locating you by our devices so much easier.  It is a tiny diode about the size of a pin prick and it is located on the scalp and is invisible to the naked eye.  When we are finished with measurements of the sun radiation on Urantia we will remove them from your scalp.  Ron has about twenty such diodes for all kinds of radiation measurements and we tell you this, he has been blasted with ionic sprays from outside sources to test his ability to hear and see celestial beings and he has never seen one except by rare glimpses under his eyelids when it rarely happens.  Your eyes Ron are destined to turn from that muddy brown color to green at your own request.  Why green?  Ron happens to think green eyes match dark brunettes much better than blue eyes and so requested the eye color change when Michael started genetic work inside the life extension.  I tell you this because Ron had a dream recently where he saw his completed form and wondered (almost) who he was looking at. [Ron: a full head of hair with a haircut I have never seen before - sure did not look like me but I am glad it was :)   ]

The sun with the dark areas will affect everyone on Urantia except Ron and those who have had life extensions who we think may total about one hundred when it is all said and done.  The rhysomes-- those long filaments that protrude from the skin between the first and second layer of skin in humans, will be missing in those who have life extensions and thus tanning is not going to affect the melanoma that usually rushes to the aid of the skin to keep it from burning.

Monmatia, keeps itself clear of disasters like your sun exploding or crashing gravity into its close by planets, but Monmatia will one day have one horrific explosion when we take your sun and place it into a deep freeze so Michael can light your planet with spiritual light from above as an architectural sphere of great beauty.  Our work on Monmatia is to calm your sun and make it visible to many constellations outside of Satania, and when this happens those who have life extensions will see into the third dimension as some of you call it and then will be visible most angels and midwayers and even a few spirit-form Sons of God not revealed before.

We address one more problem with Monmatia and you who read this must temper your reaction carefully.  Monmatia contains not one inhabited planet but THREE inhabited planets besides Urantia.  Urantia is the fourth inhabited planet in your solar system, but you have no idea how far out your solar system goes.  Beyond the orbit of Pluto lies a planet larger than Jupiter that is inhabited.  It contains Midwayers and angels just as you do here.  Beyond this giant planet are two more inhabited planets as far away from your sun as it is possible to get and still be trapped by the sun's gravity.   These two additional inhabited planets are variously controlled by the Midsoniter regime here on Urantia (Ron has two Midsoniters helping him write this with him), and one planet of a non-breather's type that has to be repatriated to the local universe of Wolvering.  Wolvering may not speak to Nebadon through a human-- at least not yet-- but that Creator Son is quite aware of Ron's interest in that local universe for various reasons of Ron alone.

Three inhabited planets in one solar system is unusual but it is unheard of for one solar system to have four inhabited planets.  Ron wishes us to remind you he did go into this in great detail about the non breathers and their problems, but he was not knowing of the two other planets until now as you are all now so advised.

In our review of this post, it may be considered false, but we assure all of you it is the truth, and it is long time in coming to tell you these things.  The new Urantia Book discusses Monmatia from a new perspective including the revelation that Monmatia hosts four inhabited planets all of which are human as the Midsoniter worlds are just beyond Monmatia in Wolvering and that is what Ron sees in his dreams quite often.  In reviewing what must be done to the sun that powers Monmatia, please keep in mind that all planets in a local system such as Satania belong to the Constellation of Norlatiadek, but in the case of Monmatia the non breathers world belongs to the Constellation of Record in Wolvering.

I am Monmatia and Ron says my telling of this was quite a ride to transmit!  Good evening to all!

General Discussion / Halloween As We See It ( October 20, 2017)
« on: October 20, 2024, 08:51:11 am »
TRANSCRIPT of audio transmission:   "Halloween As We See It"

This is Ron Besser 20 October 2017 at 12:45 here in York, Pennsylvania

I’m doing an audio tape primarily to see if I can still do them.  I asked who would help me out with this and we have Ocilliaya, on Paradise, who is willing to step in and provide a message, and it is most timely; let us call it “Halloween As We See It”.


“This is Ocilliaya and I enjoy this kind of transmission immensely.  You have a little holiday coming up at the end of October on your planet, particularly in the United States and Europe called Halloween.   Halloween is about ghouls and transfigurations of ghosts and many other monsters we keep at bay except on “All Hallows Eve”.  “All Hallows Eve” is a church designation that leads to redemption on November 1st, few people realize this, but I know Ron teased several attorneys with this at public meetings while they waited for the meetings to start.  In any case, let me talk about it in ways that you seldom hear it.

“Halloween on Urantia is unique to Urantia, I know of no other planet in the entire strata called time-space that talks about transfiguration through their religious institutions.  What this has to do with you today is absolutely nothing except the kids go out, collect candy and that’s about it.  In many ways Halloween is never really used any more in its true sense.   In the 19th century in particular there were those who enjoyed “All Hallows Eve” to soap windows, turn over outhouses and start little fires in places that were hard to put out.  This was their sense of humor and it is lost to many of you today as absolutely useless.

“Let me look at Halloween from the spirit perspective.  It is a terrible distortion of what we teach for the ascension career.  Essentially what has happened on All Hallows Eve is that those who have gone on come back to haunt the place.  That is no longer true because you know the girdle of energy that we call the grid is no longer in place to be manipulated in that way anymore, but at one time it was.  For instance in the 19th century Ichabod Crane could have done what you saw pictured in the Disney film.  There were apparitions there were strange appearances of light, thumps, callings, knocks, and raising of tables and cold and warm air blown into the room.  But we have decided that, that is no longer necessary or essential on Urantia and have withdrawn those tricks. 

“In the days of the Fox sisters, in the late 1830’s early 1840’s, they were the first to understand that knocks could be heard and understood as kind of a Morse Code.  The Fox sisters lived in a little place in New York and they often went to the cellar of their parent’s home and learned that if they listened closely there would be knocks on the walls of the cellar they could eventually make sense of.  This was the first expression of “spiritualism” on Urantia.  Spiritualism eventually produced All Hallows Eve in the form you see it now.  For instance, we have the problem of hearing well in transmissions but in the 19th century and early 20th century we didn’t bother with transmissions so much as we bothered with physical effects, lights, bumps and occasionally warm air and the lifting of objects.  Today we don’t do that anymore because you can transmit.  Transmissions befuddle the idea of Halloween and we enjoy the aspect that Ron has often done these tricks himself but cannot understand how he got the effect.

“Let me explain, Ron has been passed and authorized to use a teaching tool called “the floating pen”.   Young students doubt and scoff at the idea of spirit, but wait ‘til Ron unleashes the teaching tool “the floating pen”  that goes from student to student, even places itself in their hands, how do you explain it? you don’t.  It will be withdrawn when Ron is tired of it but for now he looks forward to using it.  One last word “the floating pen”  and a couple of other tricks are available to him only you will not be authorized to use them yourselves, for now we are going to leave the subject of Halloween and give Michael the microphone.”


“Hello everyone, this Michael of Nebadon, Ron has some gravel in his throat he cannot help and that is normal.   The truth of the matter is that I am Michael of Nebadon, the Creator Son and not Ocilliaya or anyone else.  I indeed have authorized Ron to use “the floating pen”  he knows it was used in the past by one that we know on high as Stainton Moses, he admires Stainton Moses very much and wants to at least use some of his tools as a Rector of the Church of England.  He used it to teach people to respect spirit as Ron wishes to do, there is no antecedent, no explanation and the sensation that it causes will call attention to the teachings.  Ron has promised to use it carefully and wonders how he can get into the actual practice of it.  Well he can’t until I say so. 

“With regard to Halloween, I love the subject because Ron loves the subject.  He often took part in Halloween wearing ghost and other costumes as did his friends.  And they collected the sugar as they were wont to do.  In those days they carried soap to do the windows if no one answered the door.  Today few remember that little trick.  I close with this, I want Jesus to speak but we are so close to returning to Urantia he is not prepared to speak vocally, he can transmit but not to a microphone.  I wish you all good day and well.  This is Michael for Ocilliaya, good day.”


“This is Mother Spirit, I say hello to all of you because Ron is determined to make an audio tape and that is unusual in that his voice is not prepared to take this on for weeks.  In any case, he will be hearing of the changes made up here to make transmitting accessible to all of you who wish to do audio or written transmissions.   We look forward to the idea that you can do this.  And we welcome Ron and the rest of them to the Magisterial Mission, it is ready it is operative on the surface of the planet beginning the 19th of October, yesterday, and today we take it a step further and allow you to understand that the political administration, in many parts of the world, will be curtailed and cut back.  We will not have a nuclear war, we refuse to have any such thing come out of the mind of Trump or Kim Jong-un or any other such official of any other country.  Be of good cheer we are listening and we give you all that we can.  I wish you a good day.” 


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