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General Discussion / Re: A BIG THANK YOU
« Last post by weydevu on Today at 10:06:15 »
No Clency, the thought never crossed my mind. Yes, I get bored or depress with this good news bad news situation we find ourselves in but that goes with the territory. 
What I meant or was trying to say is during this quite time we are in, due to the dark problems of seraphim and other unfriendly foe. To give thanks to those who step up to the plate to provide us continuous news and information in the absence of Ron and Dominic that's all.

FINANCIAL: Money and Its Use By The MAGISTERIAL BANK / Audio: 2nd Tape MONEY and More 102317
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 04:27:35 PM »
This completes our current out put on the subject of money every one, at least in the context of the Magisterial Mission,

The tape is made through a fallible human being (me) and sigh once in a while and my throat gets dry and Father even notes it as we go along.  However this tape contains the Universal Father speaking from Paradise about Urantia and at the end the Holy Spirit arrives to speak to those listening.  The tape refers to the social and the physical condition of the land and water on Urantia as well and wraps it into the scenario all will dread when incomes are cut off by circumstances and homes and places placed under water permanently.

The interest in these tapes is slight but that only reflects the poor inclination of people who have no idea what they are to face money wise of land wise in their terrestrial lives.  Here then is a second tape on money for your information.  thank you.  Ron Besser

"I concur with Ron on most things and it irritates all of us that no one in great numbers understands the lethal life they are about to face as earth itself changes polarities and then land masses to compensate itself over all these changes.  I see not retribution for the life and death of women and children and men of good will will happen quickly and be over quickly when all this begins to subside on Urantia.  I wish all a reminder that these two tapes are the best ever produced for a listening audience on Urantia even though they are presently and currently poorly received by most who come here for other reasons.  Good day."

LINK to money tape 2 102317
FINANCIAL: Money and Its Use By The MAGISTERIAL BANK / Re: Audio: MONEY 102217 - Michael and Magisterial Sons Transmission
« Last post by newstarsaphire on October 22, 2017, 11:32:22 PM »
MONEY 102217 - Michael and Magisterial Sons Transmission
Transcript of above audio by Ron Besser 22/10/17:

This is Ron Besser, audio tape recorded 22 October a little before 8pm in York Pennsylvania.  Today’s subject is money; I’m going to ask Christ Michael to emcee the program for us.  You’re on Michael, thank you.


“This is Michael of Nebadon, not Christ Michael, but both of us are here.  I am Christ Michael when I speak for Jesus.  I am Michael of Nebadon when I have policy to discuss with you.  Today’s tape is about money. 

“The United States Treasury holds in its vaults about $65 Billion in gold to mint.  In Fort Knox, Kentucky it holds about $16 Trillion in gold under the current valuation.  We intend to bring gold to Urantia to the United States and to Starbridge Group for distribution.  Starbridge Group  will move the gold from its reception to a Federal Reserve bank, most likely New York,  to do that we are going to ask Ron to assay the gold, ride with the truck to New York if that’s where we put it, and then assay it once more as it is unloaded into the Federal Reserve vault. 

“We are going to value gold and set a firm price, it will not fluctuate on a market any longer, the value of the gold being  $1,235.00  a troy ounce.  This will establish a currency around the world that is so stable there is no longer any chance of runs that is speculators forcing the value up or down, and that the accounting will be done by a 'Board' in the United  States that is attached to the Federal Reserve composed of four Melchizedeks  who will transfer the information from Ron’s assay to the Federal Reserve Board itself.    We will retain the United States Federal Reserve and all central banks around the world, however we will insist that they deal only in the dollar, all other currencies including the Yen, the British Pound Sterling and the European Union currency; there will no longer be a conversion; it will all be worth $1.04.  That amount is established to provide the income to move the gold around and to provide the Federal Reserve a full accounting at all times for the length of the Magisterial Mission. 

“The Magisterial Mission will be composed of Serara, a Magisterial Son, Monjoronson, a Magisterial Son, both from Paradise, and a third Magisterial Son we call Rayson.  Rayson is the Scientific Officer and proposes that all energy systems converge into one type of electrical system, the reason for that is that we wish to convert the world electrical grid into one serving unit that the Magisterial Mission runs.  Individual electric companies will be required to make sure that individual localities are served well and that the equipment is functioning properly and that individual households are served. 

“Furthermore, I as Michael of Nebadon insist that the United States revert to value metal,  you will have a gold dollar, you will have a silver quarter, you will have a silver dime, we will eliminate the cent and the nickel and the 50 cent piece.  Those who sell retail must convert their prices so that they are in increments that can be handled by this kind of change.  Cents and nickels will be necessary for odd taxes by the States and other governments.  In Pennsylvania there is a 6% sales tax, constantly prices are a dollar amount plus .03.  We will avoid that by insisting that anything above a nickel be rounded off to 10 cents and anything less than a nickel down to an even cost.  States will have to understand how to handle that for tax purposes. 

“Furthermore, Income Tax, today your President Trump insists on tax reform but he isn’t reforming the tax system he is reforming what he pays.  We do not resent this, we just will change it.   There will be a three-tier tax system that we will ask Congress to institute, we will talk about that in another tape. 

“Furthermore, the United States owes the world about $32 Trillion.  The Federal Reserve pays off in Federal Reserve notes or, if someone insists, in gold for $4 and some odd cents, less than $5 an ounce, this is the law.  Congress has never changed the law and doesn’t understand the law and is woefully out of date.

“Furthermore, the tax system in the United States is so unfair that we believe it needs resolved in the Supreme Court and that we will challenge the administration and Congress to make sure they know what they want to argue before that Court.  We will insist that the change that we bring to the United States government, through its Federal Reserve  and through other  institutions, will make sense to the rest of the world and we will ask Congress to invite representatives from Great Britain, from Canada, from the  European Union and other countries we deem essentially the experts in governance.  They will abide with the President of the United States in a 10 Member Board that decides what issues are to be addressed at that time and what we want as a Magisterial Mission to benefit the world with the benefits of the United States and its vast military.

“Furthermore, we wish also to include the following information, all of you who join the Magisterial Mission by invitation will be paid a salary.  Ron is on actual staff, the three associates he has will be paid monthly a salary that is worth their trouble.  We also are including Starbridge Group as part of our administration in spite  of the fact that that is the only Corporation Ron will own for he will sell to us the six other corporations for a dollar.  We will institute what we want done in them and he will pay the salaries and see to their well being.  The Magisterial Foundation will have money supplied to it through Starbridge Group.  Starbridge Group will initiate the first payment of about $35 Million ; Starbridge Group will retain $10 Million and thereby fund the other six corporations including the Magisterial Foundation.

“We now come to idea of money as a transient commodity, it isn’t and we intend to pull back what Wall Street keeps doing for its own benefit.  The markets for gold will be closed; the markets for platinum will be closed.  We will initiate platinum reserves for China if they wish it and for the European Union if they wish it,  otherwise all other countries, bona fide countries, will be backed in gold which we will supply.  The $1,235.00 a troy ounce is sufficient to make sure that the gold that backs all currencies on Urantia has a fair hearing; yes gold has a tendency to go beyond that, gold also has a tendency to fall much further down.   We therefore ask Serara for his opinion.”


“I am Serara and I hold this transmitter marvelous, he is catching all that we want to say.  Let us look at the Federal Reserve from the Magisterial Missions perspective.  It is too little, too late, too small, it carries enormous responsibilities and it cannot find the manpower to launch investigations where they should be launched.  Once we are in control and working with the Federal Reserve which we will keep, they will come to us with their ideas of how to monetize the debt and to monetize other concerns that a Federal Reserve has for the country they are in and in the case of the United States Federal Reserve the world it will oversee.  We now are going to ask the listener to provide his own reason why that dog should not be throttled. 

“Furthermore, we are going to remove all potential accidents from the aircraft industry by insisting they contain nothing more than passengers and that the idea of carrying various kinds of commodities and other luggage besides personal luggage, no longer be allowed.  This will end, unless someone personally is a bomber, the blowing up of aircraft by laptops and other devices being designed today mostly in the Middle East. 

“I further am going to stipulate that Saudi Arabia be found on its own currency for the time being because of the Aramco deal we will allow that to go through as they plan it.  We also will allow that Iran will become a normal nation and remove the Ayatollah.   Those are 15th century ideas attempting to build a relationship with a world that long left the 15th century.   We further relate that the Donald Trump Presidency is to be waylaid into 3 man Regency.  The elected President Trump and two Magisterial Sons, and they will have to agree on policy before it goes as a request to Congress or approve what Congress attempts to do.

“ I am asking this transmitter to end this tape at this point and we will come back to the idea of money in a later tape.  I thank you.  I am Serara.”

Jesus Second Return Notice
  3 - TRANSMISSION UPDATE Warnings Re: Communication Blackouts

HTML Email Message through the BCC List
October 16, 2015
22:25 EDT USA
York, Pennsylvania USA

There is no PDF attachment and no reference to a link to otherwise download this post.

(Editor’s Note.  The following is an important update for the Second Return of Jesus.  I am advise to note for you that this is the third warning issued on various issues not covered in this announcement.  Go to this link ( on a discussion forum to read the other two messages if you wish.  Guests are allowed to read and use the site but not post without being members.  I also advise all readers of this information the following:

Yesterday around 23:59 of 15 October, 2015, the Salvington government announced that the replacement of the old bestowal Son event of August of 7BC was being reintroduced as the Second Return of Jesus.  The soul of Jesus has been elsewhere during this period and Jesus allowed its use as himself to return to Urantia to conclude his promised to return.

His Second Return as I call it is scheduled before the end of this month (October, 2015), and certain problems exist on this planet that makes it very difficult for a mere return in the middle of no where a the time Jesus was originally born.  Our planet is now severely over populated and has transmitters almost every ten miles to pass news out to the various media.  The coming and immediate return of Jesus to take his mission up once again and to remain on Urantia for about ten more years to establish the Magisterial Mission to cleanse the planet and adjudicate the Lucifer Rebellion for good, is rife with the possibility of civil unrest, riots, and even war by those who seek to take advantage of the confusion this coming television announcement by Jesus of his return and his intentions.

In order to circumvent the worst of these problems to happen, the night or day of this event on Urantia, a communication stand down is hereby ordered by the Salvington government by all working transmitters on Urantia, and all traffic on the highway and air will also stop with engines shut off.  The immediate effects of the proposed stand down are discussed below along with an introduction by Michael of Nebadon.  In that introduction are his credentials and explanation of the seventh bestowal to be redone again for transcendental reasons.

This message is transmitted by Manotia, a superangel hailing from Uversa and is of an Order not revealed to Urantians ever unless they are placed on a planet for work by the Ancients of Days from whom they take origin.  I am just a transmitter, please remember that, and I cannot help questions regarding schedules or policies I know no details about except what is released through me at this time.  Thank you, Ron Besser)

TRANSMISSION UPDATE Warnings Re: Communication Blackouts

To all concerned: There is a scheduled shut down of all commercial transmissions preceding a speech by Jesus which tells of his intentions and the timing of the Magisterial Mission established to correct this planet.  Jesus is Co-director of the Magisterial Mission with Serara, the Magisterial Son.

The proposed speech will take about 20 to 25 minutes and will go off the air immediately after Jesus is finished speaking.  A ten minute camera presentation will follow showing written instructions to drug users and abusers and how to comply with the edict concerning Marijuana and opiates.

1) No direct blow is being made to transmission equipment or the transmitter hardware.  What is being done is that we are sending out electromagnetic signals that block normal television and telephone transmissions including twitter handsets and i-phone sets and their unit relatives.  In addition to these devices, we will not tolerate 911 calls or other transmission from frightened individuals seeking advice or to have their hands held.  Further, no device used by the police or fire service will be allowed to transmit more than three (3) miles.  Devices that have a range of more than five (5) miles will be shut down.  Airports from ground to air and air to air and air to ground will be allowed to operate, but all planes will be ground several hours before the announcement is placed on the air either on 22 October of 23 October, and that date is dependent on the Father’s okay to proceed for either of those dates.  Normal air traffic may resume one hour after the announcement is completed.

2) A special note on aircraft follows:

All commercial traffic will be asked to land at the nearest airport they can reach that can handle the type of aircraft being used.  The restrictions and messages will start going out at 7PM, New York Time (EDT) the evening of the broadcast from New York.  The broadcast has no schedule yet, but it will not proceed until all commercial activity is brought down and is docked securely into their bays and landing ports.

Military aircraft will be able to fly.  No restrictions on them is proposed.

Fighters in the Middle East and cargo planes landing and taking off for the Middle East combatants are going to be asked to land and shut down.

Rebel fighters and other military equipment of Russia, the United States, and Great Britain, as well as other Middle East combatants, have one hour to a cease fire which is to occur upon our announcement of the exact timing of the speech.  If no cease fire is observed after our ten minute warning, the offending forces will be eliminated.

3)  Highways and Ground traffic proscriptions:

No one under the age of 16 will be allowed on the highways, and no travel will be permitted except for emergency vehicles such as fire or hospital or police issues needing immediate attention.

Those in the middle of a trip and on the highway, will be brought to rest with engines shut down.  Truck lines are advised to carry extra water and food and to secure their manifest well.  Thieves will take every opportunity to be at work where they think they can get away with it.  Running engines create static in our transmitters and will he shut down by an electromagnetic pulse from our transmitters in New York and elsewhere.

4) Danger is to those who attempt to use the night or day, depending where you are at the time on the globe,  who think they can loot or attempt crime in any form including rape and incest.  No one will find drugs palatable or will drugs be tolerated in the future except those drugs used for medicinal purposes.  Marijuana use is forbidden; it is dangerous and it shall not be tolerated by the divine Mission.  Enforcement is easy against drugs and marijuana and will cost you your health if you persist in practices we outlaw on this planet.

A word about Marijuana usage: Science has incorrectly diagnosed the weed Marijuana. This inability for science to understand the dangerous implications of its use must be redressed by a proscription in the appearance of Jesus, who is also the co-director of the Magisterial Mission.  The Magisterial Mission is to be announced a few days after Jesus makes his announcement of his return first.  Marijuana restricts the outflow of natural calcium and directly affects the pituitary gland’s ability to move calcium to the bones and out through the urinary tract.  In about two years of daily Marijuana use of 100 mg per day, the brain is incapable of ruling what to do with calcium, and it stores deposits of calcium in the neck of the human body.  Calcium in the neck of the human body eventually closes and blocks the coronary nerve and can cause serious stroke and death, and above all it reduces intellectual abilities to reason and find solutions to ordinary problems.  The Magisterial Mission has a staff surgeon on board and the doctor has made a study on Marijuana so he can diagnose those who are in grave danger of losing their lives for using it for some time.  Immediately following the Jesus broadcast there will be a preliminary plan shown on the television screen for those who use drugs (opiates in particular), and Marijuana, and what to do to prevent withdrawal or other side effects of a medical concern.   Medicinal opiates and other drugs will not be disallowed until it is determined which patients do not need these chemicals in their bodies.

5) We have made other announcements and the following links will bring you to the discussion forum we use to post those announcements to those who part of our Magisterial Mission staff positions.


Guests are allowed to read and peruse the board fully.  Posting requires a membership.

* * * *

We are announcing shortly what is tantamount to a national emergency for every nation on the globe.  We wish to make it clear this is not for right now, but only for the 20 or 25 minutes it takes to broadcast the Second Return of Jesus around the 22nd or 23rd of October, 2015.  This speech on all public broadcast media will introduce Jesus, why he has returned, and what his intentions are for the reclamation of this planet the universe calls Urantia.

I am the Creator Son of this universe you live in.  It is a local universe and occupies about ten square light years around.  Its administrative capital is Salvington, a central globe near 100,000 miles in diameter and has circulating around it, four hundred ninety-five planets serving as universities and  colleges for myriads of spiritual being doing the work of government for my consideration.  If one would look to the constellation Aries in the central sector of the Sagittarius globular cluster, you will see shining a very bright star.  That is Salvington.

In my years of existence, and that is on the order of more that one trillion earth years, of which I spent nearly ten billion years to build the living universe around you. I have placed in orbit around suns and dark islands of space, over 3.5 million inhabited planets like yours.  I created them all and placed on them plants and animals and humans as evolution developed them.  Your scientists have seriously under estimated how old this local space area of life is.

In my years as Creator Son, I have had to earn my rulership of this space by indwelling and bestowing myself on seven types of creatures I and the Creative Spirit created over the eons of time.  My final bestowal was as Jesus a almost 2,022 years ago in Jerusalem on your planet.  I was born in August of your present calendar in what is really seven B.C., and it is my birth that you celebrate as Christmas in December of each year.

In about two weeks time from October 16, 2015, I will attend upon your planet as the incarnation of Jesus once more.  His request to the Father was to see to it that he physically  appear as he was exactly the day he was executed on the cross at Golgotha, and that such a murder/assassination was permitted only by the mercy of God.  No such mercy will extended this time to anyone with murderous intentions against Jesus this time.

Secondly, there are few who remember my face or my demeanor, but I was of the Palestinian race,   and I appeared sun burned and swarthy without bath or refreshment when I was placed on the cross to hang to death.  After my death, I was committed to the Father for an extended period of time, and my soul has been educated on high for my future work when I am done on Urantia.  It is to the Central Universe that I return upon the conclusion of my work on Urantia this time.

My return to Urantia is start over to teach and learn the humans who now inhabit this human evolutionary planet My bestowal over 2,000 years ago ended in material disaster for me and with spiritual questions for those on high who were ready to annihilate Urantia for the murder of a divine Son.  Now it is time that I must regain my life once more to satisfactorily  conclude the work to be done by my Father through me, and to assist the Magisterial Son to deliver Urantia to Justice for this and other heinous crime by the Lucifer Rebellion and other matters of State so complicated no one could figure them out easily.  The Magisterial Son who will assign guilt and bring to justice those who failed me, is the Magisterial Son of Paradise of the Avonal Order of Sonship of direct origin in the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, and is a brother in waiting when I died all those years ago to eventually help me finish my work on Urantia.

The coming announcement of my return incarnated as Jesus is likely to be a shock to all including the Catholic Church and subsequent Christianity.  To help reduce that shock somewhat, I am authorizing that this message be sent out as plain text on the BCC List this evening and post it to the discussion raised to discuss me in my return at   

Serara is the Magisterial Son from Paradise who I depend on to clear the garbage from this planet Urantia, and to make new schools and government institutions available as soon as possible.  All able adults will be required to hold a proof of attending the educational sessions to be made through arrangements of local colleges and universities when the time comes to learn the basics of cosmology and why I return now.

We will also be available 24/7 through a television channel to be on the air about a day afterward the Jesus announcement and that will be through cable and normal reception of those who take their communication news from off the air networks still operating on Urantia.

In closing, my superangel Manotia (it translates into the English language meaning “peace” and is pronounced MAH KNOW SHA’ accent on the last syllable), this superangel is capable of instant communication by any human with a normal mind on this planet and many of you will hear him (not her, as this angel hails from the center of all things where are personalities are spoken to as Him).  I am the Creator Son and I wish you well until I greet you all through Jesus, the Son f God, and the son of man, and to whom I am indebted as a Creator Son to use his soul to bring this death of a man on the cross long ago to life before you.  Time is not to end, but a new calendar is to be introduced with its explanation coming later.

General Discussion / Re: A BIG THANK YOU
« Last post by Clency on Today at 03:00:10 »
Weydevu, my dear bro, please forgive me if I misinterpret your above message, it gives me the feeling that you are weary of the situation that seems to have no ending and that you are making your leave. I hope it is not an “adieu”, but an “au revoir” as we say it in France.
General Discussion / A BIG THANK YOU
« Last post by weydevu on Yesterday at 14:04:37 »
I would like to give my most humble thanks to Jose, Lemuel, Elise, Raz and to  those I may have miss, it wasn't my intentions. Thank you all.
To Jose for keeping us filled with the bread of life, posts that are still value till this day.
To Lemeul who is back in stride taking those daily walks to bring us a message from his Belove Indwelling.
To Elise who continues to bring us the Voice of GOD and Universal Insight.
To Raz for transcribing for people like me who lose focus on an audio.
And too all of you who have contributed thru the word or prayer, thank you and GOD bless each and every one of you.


Hello everyone. This is Lightline Netherlands International for October 21, 2024. I'm Elise, your host, and I welcome everyone who has tuned in to the Lightline to see if we can have some contact with our spiritual leaders and teachers whom we invite to be with us today. Let us pray and ask the Father for His blessings, specifically for Ron Besser, our dear friend, and for all who suffer and need God by their side, may they receive strength to face life's trials and trust their care in the hands of the Father whose will may be done. We are asking for a clear reception of Your word Father and to help us in our efforts to bring those words to them who long to receive them. Thank you, God, our Father. Well, let's see if there is anyone who would like to speak to us and could tell us something. I invite Spirit to come and address us today on this Lightline.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Elise.

Welcome, Machiventa, welcome. You're so very welcome.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Well, thank you. I want to speak to all today in these unusual times as you experience on your world. I cannot say much, but as you know, there have been many warnings issued in recent months and years, but people seem unwilling to distinguish between what is important for them and for the planet. The United States is busy with the upcoming elections and hoping for strong and wise leadership, but you all know that the elections are not going as usual, and many mistakes or even wrong decisions will be made, and that will cause a lot of problems.

But yes, you have a planetary government that has been functioning well and will continue to do so until the Magisterial Sons, decide to consult with Mantutia, your Planetary Prince, and with Michael of Nebadon, your rightful sovereign of the universe of Nebadon, the One who has complete control over His status as the highest authority. I am Machiventa Melchizedek not as a planetary manager, but as an associate of Michael of Nebadon and a liaison to various high officials who all come together as experienced planetary counselors and advisors to prepare Urantia for future work under the leadership of the Magisterial Sons who need to adjust their strategy.

We ask for your patience and to stay the course during these difficult times for the future of Urantia, and more than you know, which is at stake in all that is now unfolding as new leaders come to the fore and the governments of your world adopt a new progressive and disastrous course which will return the world to earlier times before democratic rulers began to take over the governance of many of your countries. So stay alert to what appears to be a time of freedom and progress, but is in fact becoming a time of oppression for all. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, and that is all I can tell you today.

We are asking you to continue to pray and hope for men and women who can bring a wise and good implementation of what is considered well for society but is losing its roots in a society where man has lost all confidence in his leaders and lack of means to come forward with strong leadership, which is so desperately needed on this planet today. When we can, We will keep you informed. When we have the opportunity, we will bring you short messages. Stay together, you people on this forum and We watch over you. Thank you for receiving Me. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I am leaving.

Thank you, Machiventa Melchizedek, thank you for this message. Is there anyone else who would like to speak to us?

Elise’s Thought Adjuster  
Yes, Elise, this is your Adjuster, and I speak for all and to all who are attending this session, and for all who will be able to hear these words, spoken or recorded in any form. Greetings to all.

Our greetings to you, Adjuster, please go ahead.

Elise’s Thought Adjuster  
Well, thank you, Elise. I am your Adjuster, but I'm representing all Adjusters that are with you here on this Lightline. You are all children of God. Each individual is a manifestation of God who created you. All Adjusters are God. We are in you and with you to guide you on a long path of learning and experiences you gain through the many forms of material, morontial, and spiritual life that lead you to the purpose of your creation, and that is your return to your Creator. Everything that comes from God returns to God. Not one thing that God has accomplished, whether created or otherwise animated, everything that comes from God will always return to its origin, which is God.

God preserves what He has created and He allows great freedom through a steady evolution for all that lives and all the implementation of energy in its many forms. God, created powerful beings to help govern His universe. Entities that know and do exactly what needs to be done with all the different forms of energy in action while God maintains control over the existence and design of His universe. He is the one who is above all. But whenever and wherever possible, the Creator has given leadership and control to others. He has placed trust in many of His wonderfully created individuals to perform great and momentous deeds, but never will any of His children, high or low, be able to create or change.

His creation belongs to Him, the God who brought into being the universes and beyond and gave them form and purpose, you and every one, along with the many intellectually gifted beings, can be part of God's kingdom, which is called the kingdom of heaven, and which is the kingdom of God, which he lovingly shares and administers in trust with all his benevolent children. God's immeasurable love ensures that each of His children strives to love Him and spread love to experience what life can be like in all facets. You have all come to know your Adjusters and discovered Him as the one closest to you. You have reached out and grown closer to God who resides in you since you were a little child, and now you can make full use of Him in any circumstance.

The contact between God and His children is something extremely wonderful. It is not found in everyone today, but that will change as man becomes more conscious through spiritual education, and as human consciousness increases through the realization that one can live in full contact with God, and when God consciousness becomes normal among the people of Urantia. All humans who receive an Adjuster are greatly helped by His divine indwelling and the Father's presence and all benefit greatly from what is given to them. For the Adjuster is always working with you, whether you notice it or not, and many people have reached the point where the Adjuster works powerfully through them and has brought men to an advanced spiritual state without being aware of the divine fragment within them. But blessed are those who have learned and trained themselves to be openly connected to their Adjusters, for they are able to communicate with the Adjuster and experience a great sense of spiritual joy in communicating with Spirit.

And this is what every human has received from the Creator, and with these qualities man will come to know his Creator and reach Him in his search for God who calls all His children back to Himself to share in His glory and to give them a place and to function in His kingdom, and when you use the qualities you have been given, you can do almost anything for you will be equipped for everything in your life, to get the experiences you need and to reach your Father on Paradise, which is the goal and aspiration of every human being on every planet, with creatures endowed with reason and free will to find a way and to know the truth, the beauty, and the goodness of God.

I'm still the Adjuster, and I want to say this: God has given you everything you need, in mind and free will, and with those gifts and the presence of the Adjuster, you will learn to the fullest of your potential and build the experience throughout your life to act wisely and come to a point where you become an experienced spirit being. We the Adjusters, always work closely with you to assist you with your questions or concerns. We feel your emotions because we are constantly connected to you. It cannot be otherwise. We have known you for a long time. We have lived with you since you were very young, and have entered your spirit, guiding you in your choices and determinations. But we are not the ones who determine your choices. Your choices are yours. Your decisions always prevail. It is up to you how you do the Father's will, just as Jesus did when he was on Urantia and living a human life.

We are permanently with you and guide you as We notice your valuable choices that will guide you further on your ascension career. We are not your teachers or your ministers. We are from the Father, and we help you to get back to the Father. In all your efforts to reach the Father, We never give up lending you Our attention in Our sacred mission to lead you to God and encounter Him in His full glory and majesty. And you can trust and count on your Adjusters. We are real, and We come from God, and we are God, and We work through God. Ask God,. remember that. Read your Urantia Book and study Who we are and what We do for all people living a life on an inhabited planet with God within them, the same and only God who gave you life for the special purpose of finding Him and meeting Him as your Father, Creator on Paradise.

We Adjusters guide you with divine power. We nourish you with divine wisdom to develop you into a child of the Father. Do never lose faith or give up in your search for what is real and divine. Your life is in the hands of God, your Creator, and Ruler of a vast universe that exists and that will expand according to His plans. Be with your Adjuster and talk to your Adjuster as we are talking to you now, enjoy every hour of your day, and give love to others. The more you give, the more you receive. What you send out comes back to you in abundance. These are the words that Jesus taught his disciples and sent them out to do.

Every day, when you wake up, take time to greet the Divinity within you and recognize the joy that comes from being able to listen and to even speak to your Adjuster For We are very much a part of you and will always be with you to teach you the best and most divine ways to live your life, to grow your soul in a joint effort to reach God your Father through the most appropriate ways to live your life in accordance with His will, by caring for yourself as well as for your brothers and sisters who try to pursue the same goal in their lives by strengthening divine contact with their Adjusters. So approach Us as such.

How do you think about yourselves? How do you perform best? These questions have not been asked before, and you do not have to answer them, but it is good to think about them because it's important to know yourselves before knowing others whom you might judge differently after learning about yourself, because self-knowledge is important for improving your attitude, increasing your consciousness, and awareness for your spiritual growth, and the discovering that you can always do better than you do. How do you go about getting to know yourselves? By sitting in silence with your Thought Adjuster. We are your guide and know you in everything you think and do. We know your thoughts, and We know the best about you and how to progress in your quest for spiritual development and growth. Turn within and be still. Seek your Adjuster. For the Adjuster will always be found.

The destiny of your life on Earth is to find God in the depths of your soul. And your soul will blossom like a fully opened flower displaying its beauty, radiating with happiness, and showing that you are daughters and sons of God your Father. Do not grieve for others you love for they have been given the same as you and they are moving toward their divine purpose to fully reveal the qualities you have all received from Father, and you will find them in your heart that beats before God. Take advantage of the opportunities that bring you into the Father's deepest secrets and approach the Adjuster as your best friend with reverence and the assurance of love. Open your hearts and show that you are children of your divine Father, who loves His children as only a Father can.

Always see God within yourselves. Work, play, and pray with the Adjuster and we will give you the assurance to experience your life fully. We are God in you. Do not forget to honor His name and walk with Him in the difficult hours and adversities you encounter on your path. We are Adjusters and Our divine power will flow through you and support you in every trial on the way to the Father. He will welcome you with open arms. You have all become increasingly aware of the greatness of God and what He means in your lives. All of you who are members of this forum or those who listen to the words spoken here, all have come to realize the existence of your Creator, and you have learned to appreciate life better because you have heard much more than you will ever learn through reading books, scripts, and other literature that you will discover.

You have come to realize that you are all an important part of what your heavenly teachers have taught you over these many years, and you have come to a better understanding of the vastness and glory of God's creation. For many words have been spoken, lessons learned, and many Divine Personalities and even Deity has been presented to you, and although you may not always understand what is being said, it will stick in your mind, and you will understand the meaning of it much later, as your mind continues to expand and you enter the morontial worlds that you have not yet experienced. For your life on a material planet is the first step, and people grow up in many different circumstances that teach them about life.

But life begins again when you leave this world and can freely explore the more spiritual ways of learning and interacting with other people who come together from worlds like yours and discover that you all have the potential to become co-creators with the Creator. There is a path you must follow to reach the full flowering of your soul's growth. Strive for the best, but the best is already within you. Be very grateful to God your Father for what you have been given, an opportunity to become like Him in your search for truth, beauty, and goodness.

This is the Adjuster. We all accompany you, each of you, on your journey to the Father in the heaven of heavens. So, well my dearest, go and continue on your way, seek God, seek your sisters and brothers who are willing to come along and have the courage to live and be truly blessed. We, the Adjusters, are always with you in your joys and in all trials you have to face. This is the Adjuster of Elise, speaking. I am leaving you with much love and trust to continue your ways as you are so courageously showing us. I wish you a very good day. We thank you.

This is Elise. Thank you, Adjuster and all Adjusters who were present here today. Thank you for your beautiful words. It's very encouraging. Thank you so much. Okay, this is Elise. Let me have a look at the dashboard if it's working. I see we have some people who came to join us, Amado, Salvador, George Huber, Roger Krupa, Jose Vargas, Donna and Larry Whelan. So we have a whole group together. I'm very grateful you all try to to call in and after some difficulties we had this Lightline going. I am not expecting any other words after these words from our Adjuster and I would like to thank you for listening, and I want to stop the recording for today and we'll then go to Dominick for another update. Thank you so much, and I hope to see you all next week. Thank you. Bye-bye.

General Discussion / MELCHIZEDEKS 11 ( October 22. 2017)
« Last post by Jose Vargas on Yesterday at 08:50:53 »
« Last post by Clency on Today at 03:22:12 AM »(October 22, 2017)
Transcribed from Lemuel’s transmission

Machiventa : This is Machiventa Melchizedek, good morning. I come again to explain a few things more about Our Order of Melchizedeks. As you all know, We are a created order, created by Michael of Nebadon and the Sovereign Spirit, Mother Spirit Nebadonia. We have been likened to bees, drawn bees, who work incessantly for Our Queen, Our Queen being Nebadonia, of course.

We are everywhere, scouting around the universe, seeing what needs to be done, what needs to be attended to, what needs to be reported on High and then to wait for authority to go and do what is necessary. We are not limited by what we can or what we cannot do only to the extent that Our Orders from Michael and from Mother Nebadonia tell us in this case, in special case, that we are not allowed to do certain things, but this is a very rare occasion.

Throughout history, there have been many instances, reported or not, well documented or not, there have been many cases where Members of My Order have intervened in situations to save the lives of human beings. While We do not seek to be heroes or look upon us as heroes, nevertheless I can assure you that Members of My Order of Melchizedeks have been responsible of saving millions upon millions of mortal lives. We do our work with pleasure and also with serenity and sincerity, because this is why we are created.

Our modus operandi is such that we know what we have to do. We have the innate capability of knowing how to do what we need to do in all fields, in all human endeavours, there is nothing that we cannot lay our hands to. My Order of Melchizedeks have assisted Magisterial Sons in many other planets throughout Nebadon where there has been a rebellion. As you know, rebellions can take place on a young planet where the Creator Son has not yet bestowed Himself.

In any case, my Order of Melchizedeks has been instrumental in bringing peace and been able to cure the illnesses and the scourges of the leftovers of any rebellion. Here now, on this beautiful planet Urantia, soon to have a new name, our work is likewise in the sense that it has become necessary to clean-up many, many instances where the leftovers of Calisgastia has been so terrible, so unspeakable, that in fact it cannot be reported

Let me assure, all of you here, this work has been done and it has been completed. What remains to be done is of little consequences compared to what has been cleaned in the past. I want to assure, all of you, members here on the forum, my Order of Melchizedeks are Workers throughout the Universes that look to see what needs to be done and We get it done, We know what We are doing. Now We are looking forward to the opportunity of working alongside humans here on Urantia.

This is unprecedented and it will be still for Us as it will be for you, humans, but for our part, We are very excited and look forward to it very much. The Magisterial Mission has started and there are many of Us now in the field, doing our work, gently and sincerely in the way We know how to do it and We are having results, invisible at the moment, I know, but nevertheless these results are positive. I am glad to have this opportunity to come to this one again, to explain a few things more about Our Order.

There is nothing else I need to say at the moment. I thank you all for listening and I bid you all a very good Sunday. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, saying good-bye for now. Domtia
General Discussion / JESUS RETURNS (October 22, 2015)
« Last post by Jose Vargas on Yesterday at 08:47:07 »
Jesus Returns / This Morning We Approach The Eve of the Second Return
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 12:39:51 AM »(October 22, 2015)

Today (the 22nd), This Morning We Approach The Eve of the Second Return

I am aware of the tension and expectations many have concerning that this evening New York time is one of anticipation and concern.  I want to speak directly to the situation as I am responsible for setting the condition of time up through announcement through me at this epochal moment, and I want to say a few things while we sit on the cusp of great things.

First, I am in a miserable physical state due to last minute changes to my heart rate and my limbs which are being flushed with a serum that contains sodium iodide which is a curative used by the powers-to-be on our galactic capital sphere, Uversa.  This flushing of my legs and arms and chest places pressure on my nerve endings and that stuff burns my insides all day and night for awhile.

Above all, I have sought to tell all of you to watch what happens to me and hear my review of what is being done to me physically as the canary in the mine.   I react strongly to physical changes that the Ancients of Days have selected me for their own experiments with life changes on Urantia, in preparation for the Second Coming and the Divine Missions such as the Magisterial Mission to come.

It should be noted that this strenuous activity to reflect my body on to Uversa for their study in the past few days has greatly intensified.  They are getting ready to launch me as a final body change and that means this announcement is going to take place or they would not do what they are doing to me now. 

I do not expect new comers to this forum to ever understand that those of us who are being asked to serve for hundreds of years with the Magisterial Mission staff, that we have real problems and changes to contend with when the Deities accept our request to serve with them.  Let it be known that I am advised that my body is ready for activation, finally!, in twenty-four to forty-eight hours from tonight from the date of 21 October, 2015 - yesterday now.  This suggests to me that my life extension forces are to be activated when the incarnation of Jesus arrives the night of the announcement on our public media.  That I am being flushed with sodium iodide is a strong indicator that the announcement is a GO and that I will be feeling much better in twenty-four to forty eight hours from tonight (the 21st), God willing!

Michael of Nebadon - To all: I announce that Ron is indeed experiencing a dreadful evening or two while we flush his system with sodium iodide, a noxious substance we have to use when getting the new human cells ready to take over from our temporary cell structures put into place so a human can live and eat and breathe well until we are give permission to put them on the new life support system from Salvington with the help of Uversa, the galactic capital to my local universe of Nebadon.  The Ancients of Days notify us when they are ready to place Ron (as he is the only one who will be on the new life system when Jesus incarnates) on a regimen of sodium iodide.  Ron has not been able to drive or do any head work (other than transmit) for 48 hours and he has another 12 hours to experience the flush of sodium iodide.  This sodium iodide is the chemicals Na(4)I(5), and it is not the normal NaI which so many claim is the working arrangement for sodium iodide. Na(4)I(5) is a liquid and then heated and dried into a salt, and when ready to be injected by Uversa into humans, we place it in a syringe as a salt and select the big toe on the right foot to be injected. That is the normal place for these injections. Ron has jumped out of his chair many times when we do this injection either in bed or even walking around the property.

We go to this trouble of explaining this solution because many of you will receive injections of sodium iodide as the formula stated above.  Na(4)I(5) [the brackets around those letters are subscripts and are the valence numbers showing how many bonds exist between the mutual atoms in this ion of sodium iodide.

When you receive your injection, you will experience a strong sting to the toe.  On Ron we inject below the cuticle on the back side of that big toe and it hurts, as he has been heard to say, “like hell!”  The sting exists at most for 8 seconds. [Ron here: I have had so many I have lost count and when they do it while I sleep I am awakened almost immediately and I curse the day it has to be done, because it is often quite a jolt to the nervous system and it seems to come out of nowhere and hurts, but in seconds later, I can only feel the echo of the sting and eventually it goes away and I can go back to sleep or continue walking or typing.]

Michael continues . . .

I am deeply concerned for some of you out there, as you seem to think this idea of changing life styles and formulas is easily done.  It is not easily done and it requires a couple of years to see to it that you can live without help for hundreds of years without disease or other debilitation.  Ron has had several backstabs as well and that is to redo the heart and his liver and kidneys and even esophagus and his lungs in places.  His brain stem has been removed and replaced and his heart rate tinkered with endlessly to determine his metabolism and his energy requirements.  This is an example of how thorough we must go to approve a new life form to work with the Missions you already know about.  I am Michael and I will come back in later.

Ron here:

Before Michael resumes as he wishes to, I asked to squeeze a few comments into this post about the proposed announcements.

If there is any proof that these announcements are about to happen, it is the release of the Ancients of Days to Michael that I was going to start the flushing out of my blood and nervous system in preparation of receiving the okay to have my new life in a body that works beautifully for a change.

Now to some other things:

Some of you will undergo this expansion of life changes to last hundreds of years.

That said, some of you will be expanded for the duration of the Magisterial Mission (about 500 to 1,000 years), and some of you will be expanded to 100 to 300 years.  Your Thought Adjusters determine how long the expansion will last.  Those of 100 to 300 years must serve a minimum of 100 years as I must do even though I am approved for 500 to 850 years, and I do not know the reason for such a strange upset number like 850 years. 

Michael of Nebadon now speaks to you:

Ron correctly seeks verification of what he has said and I give him this, he has it exact, except his upset date as he calls it is not 850 years it is a great deal less.  He might serve 500 years but his work is so valuable on Urantia, we have asked permission of the Ancients of Days for him to serve the next 500 years beyond the first 500 years to be in the morontial form.

The coming appearance of Jesus is one of the reasons we need Ron in the flesh on Urantia now, as Jesus has requested that he continue funding the Magisterial Mission from the Starbridge Group to which many of you have donated a considerable amount of money to.  We report it is being used well and you have supported it to help us through your donations many extensions of work badly needed by the Serara group to get things underway.  Ron has installed the safe and a 30 foot aluminum flag pole at our request to fly the insignia of the Magisterial Mission shortly and then to fly the only TRINITY flag allowed on Urantia (besides headquarters buildings).  These things are expensive and Starbridge Group (still called Starbridge Communications on the donation button) has been authorized to spend your donations toward these important signal clues to the public.

Jesus is up and well and ready to make his speech shortly.  He wishes to address everyone on this eve of momentous changes to Urantia.

I am Jesus, and I hold you all high and I know of your heartfelt feelings to greet me on television and other media in 20 to 48 hours from now.  I am beholden to Ron for his silly use of my code name so my benefactors can give me security, and I am not happy he calls me “Judy” to detract from naming me in public notice.  Secondly, I carry no harm to anyone, but please stop announcing to strangers what is going to happen.  Only Ron seems to get away with that and he does it so well he gets an huge audience from many of us to see the technique.

I am going to appear shortly at our transmitting station in Poughkeepsie, New York.  Ron knows the town and has often gone there to shop.  Ron returned to York in 1993 and often references the Thomasville Airport about 3 to 4 miles from 2709 Sunset Lane as the obvious and existing aerodrome for our fleet of jets, and we remind him it is too small to use as is; however, we agree it is so convenient we may purchase it, lease it back to the current owners but expand its runway another thousand feet to take our larger transports.  A done deal is our headquarter building in York, as we can hide construction until we have land use rights to hold our seminars there for humans and other activities.  We have to secure about 500 acres of land where we have built the foundation and first three floors of the new building for our headquarters, and the building will be eleven stories tall, tall enough to see from miles around and it will be lit day and night with laser-type lights that are beautifully clear and will make the skin of the building sparkle with light.  Before I depart to make my announcements we will also state that we are going to relocate several highways around York Airport to keep the airport safe from visitors who want to watch our planes land and take off.

Our jets look like Leer jets but are longer and higher and can carry over 500 passengers and can fly New York to London in 30 minutes.  Our engines are secret and will not be shared with Boeing or other concerns, but we will allow our airframes to be copied with the proviso that profits coming in from their use be shared with the Magisterial Mission and any other designation we provide for their use.  This plane we use is not double tiered like a 747, but it is as long as a 747 and as spacious.

I am, on advise of the Magisterial Son, to provide the membership on this forum a few specifications about these jets we use.  They make no noise when the engines rev up or in flight.  They use bodies made of solid powder carbonite and cannot burn or be broken down.  Their wingspan is about eighty feet from one side to the other side, wing tip to wing tip.  Our interiors are as big a Ron’s living room about 23 feet wide and the length of the plane is about 240 feet long.  Its skin is robust enough to fly through fire and wind in excess of the greatest hurricane possible on Urantia and may have to fly through such until Urantia has better weather in about fifteen to thirty years.

Our tail height from the ground to the top of the planes top rudder and stabilizer is nearly one hundred feet (the 747 tail is about 65 feet tall).  It needs a runway, when loaded, of about 5,500 feet and that is much shorter than your Boeing 747 (they use about 10,000 feet) with the same load capacity.  As Ron says under his breath, we must have some powerful engines on that thing, and we do.  Cruising speed at 35,000 feet is mach 2, twice the speed of sound. We do not create sound wave compressions or the thunder claps heard when a plane manufactured on Urantia breaks the sound barrier.  We use these planes for international flights or coast to coast flights in the United States.  We use a smaller version of this jet for trips of less than 1,000 miles and most of you would recognize the Boeing 737 which is about the size we use for lesser distances.


Our announcement is going as scheduled.  Be aware we use all of our time to explain who we are and why we are here.  Serara will have his own broadcast shortly after mine in the same time slot and you all will be enjoying the fact that many of you will be mentioned intoto as the human staff without names, except York, PA will be announced as the divine mission headquarters and the fact that our chief of protocol was born there and lives there all his life.  The fact that Ron will soon fly the Magisterial Mission flag on the front installed 30 foot new pole lit and all should clue in a lot of people what is going on there.

In about two weeks, another announcement will be made after ours is completed this week.  An additional Magisterial Son, unknown to you will appear beside Serara, and that is none other than our friend Monmatia.  Ron is aghast and finds the announcement that Monmatia is a Magisterial Son unbelievable (almost), and asks for clarification.

MONMATIA, Magisterial Son Number 4153241565.
I used Ron to ploy my way into his discussions with all of you in order to train myself to take him.  I have never seen a mortal so silly and so serious at the same time.  Our world of Urantia is one sick puppy - that is Ron’s characterization, and I believe he is right.  All one needs to do is travel to Asia and see the sickening use of dope and chemicals that are killing people quickly and efficiently so fast there is an actual population reduction in China and even in Indonesia.  We leave for Asia, Ron, I, Mantutia Melchizedek, and about 100 others soon after the announcement.

Michael: We also leave for Poughkeepsie by noon on 22 October to be sure and be ready for what is coming.  We greet all of you later and after the announcement with some more important information at that time.  I am Michael and I wish you a good day!

TRANSLATIONS / 22.10.2024 – Słońce i układ słoneczny
« Last post by Andre_P on Yesterday at 06:57:05 »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Podał : Jaose Vargas, pełny członek
Kategoria / Temat : Dyskusje ogólne / MASYWNY CZARNY OBSZAR ZAKRYWA SŁOŃCE (20 października 2015 r.)
« 21 października 2024 r., godz. 07:15:58 »

Dyskusje ogólne / Masywny czarny obszar zakrywa Słońce
” Ostatni wpis Rona Bessera z 20 października 2015 r., godz. 23:13:44 ”

Witam wszystkich. Tu Monmatia. Poprosiłam Rona, żeby pozwolił mi wypowiedzieć się na temat tego, co Michał opublikował na temat obszaru słońca, o którym mówi się, że pokrywa go czerń.

To prawda, że Słońce zachowuje się źle w tym roku. Wydaje się, że wybuchnie, a następnie wraca do swojej samotności jako monarcha światła. Zdolność do regulowania słońca należy do nas, ale rzadko zajmujemy się codzienną regulacją, ponieważ gwiazdy są samostartujące i dobrze sobie radzą same. Jednak wasze słońce ma być światłem dla Urantii jako sfery zaprojektowanej, a to nigdy nie zostanie zrozumiane przez ogół społeczeństwa. Musimy więc być ostrożni w tym, co mówimy o tym, co dzieje się z waszą gwiazdą, centrum uwagi waszego układu słonecznego, który nazywamy Monmatią.

Za około dziesięć lat Słońce wpadnie w konwulsje, które będą akceptowalne dla życia na Urantii. Niektóre drzewa mogą zniknąć jako gatunki, takie jak wiąz i być może niektóre odmiany dębu, ale większość gatunków przetrwa wybuch, który będzie historyczny. Dlaczego tak się dzieje, a my nic z tym nie robimy ?

Michał zasugerował, że wasze słońce musi zostać okiełznane w inny sposób niż poprzez oszukiwanie jego jądrowego mechanizmu fuzji i czasami rozszczepienia, ale nie możemy szkodzić słońcu w inny sposób, więc umieściliśmy nad nim matę wybuchową, która pozwala na przekazywanie światła słonecznego i promieniowania, ale spowalnia część rozszczepienia o co najmniej połowę. Kiedy ta mata jest umieszczona nad wrażliwymi obszarami, które przedstawia film, słońce wydaje się być przyciemnione lub poczerniałe, ponieważ rozpuszczamy pewne emanacje promieni, które czasami wpływają na światło widzialne. W naszych staraniach, żeby słońce było również chłodniejsze, na niektórych z was umieszczono transponder do pomiaru promieniowania świetlnego, które otrzymujecie. Dotyczy to Rona i większości osób aktywnych na tym forum.

Wybraliśmy was, abyście otrzymali te transpondery, ponieważ znamy wasze imiona i miejsca pobytu, co znacznie ułatwia zlokalizowanie was przez nasze urządzenia. Są to malutkie diody wielkości czubka szpilki, umieszczone na skórze głowy i niewidoczne gołym okiem. Kiedy skończymy pomiary promieniowania słonecznego na Urantii, usuniemy je z waszej skóry głowy. Ron ma około dwudziestu takich diod do wszelkiego rodzaju pomiarów promieniowania i powiemy wam, że był on opryskiwany jonowymi spryskiwaczami z zewnętrznych źródeł, żeby przetestować jego zdolność słyszenia i widzenia niebiańskich istot i nigdy nie widział żadnej, z wyjątkiem rzadkich przebłysków pod powiekami, które rzadko się zdarzają. Twoje oczy Ron mają zmienić kolor z błotnistego brązu na zielony na twoje życzenie. Dlaczego zielone ? Ron uważa, że zielone oczy znacznie lepiej pasują do ciemnych brunetów niż niebieskie, więc poprosił o zmianę koloru oczu, gdy Michał rozpoczął prace genetyczne nad przedłużeniem życia. Mówię wam o tym, ponieważ Ron miał ostatnio sen, w którym zobaczył swoją ostateczną postać i zastanawiał się (prawie) na kogo patrzy. (Ron : Pełna głowa włosów z fryzurą, której nigdy dotąd nie widziałem. Na pewno nie wyglądał jak ja, ale cieszę się, że tak było.)

Słońce z ciemnymi obszarami wpłynie na wszystkich na Urantii z wyjątkiem Rona i tych, którzy mieli przedłużone życie, których, jak sądzimy, może być w sumie około stu, gdy wszystko zostanie powiedziane i zrobione. Rhyzomy - te długie włókna, które wystają ze skóry między pierwszą a drugą warstwą skóry u ludzi, będą brakować u tych, którzy mają przedłużenia życia, a zatem opalanie nie spowoduje czerniaka, który zwykle spieszy z pomocą skórze, aby zapobiec jej spaleniu.

Monmatia, trzyma się z dala od katastrof takich jak wybuch waszego słońca lub zderzenie grawitacyjne z bliskimi planetami, ale pewnego dnia Monmatia będzie miała jeden przerażający wybuch, kiedy zabierzemy wasze słońce i umieścimy je w głębokim zamrożeniu, żeby Michał mógł oświetlić waszą planetę duchowym światłem z góry jako zaprojektowaną kulę wielkiej piękności. Nasza praca na Monmatii polega na uspokajaniu waszego słońca i uczynieniu go widocznym dla wielu konstelacji poza Satanią, a kiedy to się stanie, ci, którzy mają przedłużenia życia, zobaczą trzeci wymiar, jak niektórzy z was go nazywają, a wtedy będzie widoczna większość aniołów i pośrednich, a nawet trochę Synów Boga o postaci duchowej, którzy nie zostali wcześniej ujawnieni.

Poruszamy jeszcze jeden problem związany z Monmatią, a wy, którzy to czytacie, musicie ostrożnie reagować. Monmatia posiada nie jedną zamieszkałą planetę, ale TRZY zamieszkałe planety oprócz Urantii. Urantia jest czwartą zamieszkałą planetą w waszym układzie słonecznym, ale nie macie pojęcia, jak daleko sięga wasz układ słoneczny. Poza orbitą Plutona znajduje się planeta większa od Jowisza, która jest zamieszkana. Znajdują się na niej Pośredni i anioły, tak jak tutaj. Za tą gigantyczną planetą znajdują się jeszcze dwie zamieszkałe planety, tak daleko od waszego słońca, jak to tylko możliwe i wciąż uwięzione przez grawitację słoneczną. Te dwie dodatkowe zamieszkałe planety są w różny sposób kontrolowane przez reżim Midsoniterów tutaj na Urantii (Ron ma dwóch Midsoniterów, którzy pomagają mu to pisać.) i jedną planetę typu bezoddechowców, która musi zostać repatriowana do lokalnego wszechświata Wolvering. Wolvering nie może rozmawiać z Nebadonem za pośrednictwem człowieka - przynajmniej jeszcze nie - ale Syn Stwórca jest całkiem świadomy zainteresowania Rona tym wszechświatem lokalnym z różnych własnych powodów Rona.

Trzy zamieszkałe planety w jednym układzie słonecznym to niezwykłe, ale niespotykane jest, żeby jeden układ słoneczny miał cztery zamieszkałe planety. Ron chce nam przypomnieć, że zagłębił się w to bardzo szczegółowo na temat bezoddechowców i ich problemów, ale nie wiedział o dwóch innych planetach aż do teraz, tak jak wy wszyscy zostaliście teraz o tym poinformowani.

Kiedy spoglądamy na ten wpis, może on być uważany za fałszywy, ale zapewniamy was wszystkich, że jest to prawda i czekaliśmy długo, żeby powiedzieć wam te rzeczy. Nowa Księga Urantii omawia Monmatię z nowej perspektywy, w tym jest objawienie, że Monmatia gości cztery zamieszkałe planety, z których wszystkie są ludzkie, ponieważ światy Midsoniterów znajdują się tuż za Monmatią w Wolveringu i to właśnie Ron często widzi w swoich snach. Patrząć na to, co należy zrobić ze słońcem, które zasila Monmatię, należy pamiętać, że wszystkie planety w systemie lokalnym, takim jak Satania, należą do Konstelacji Norlatiadek, ale w przypadku Monmatii świat bezoddechowców należy oficjalnie do Konstelacji w Wolveringu.

Tu Monmatia. Ron mówi, że moje opowiadanie o tym było niezłą przejażdżką ! Życzę wszystkim dobrego wieczoru !
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