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        YouTube: TBD coming soon

Welcome to Tuesday Lightline everyone, it's May 21, 2024. Lightlines for those listening are universe broadcasts from various spiritual centers of yes ministry. And when you hear a beep, that's just someone entering the meeting. Just have to speak over it. Welcome, Roger. But for those new and possibly listening, these are universe broadcasts picked up by a human receiver of a transmission, an old process of give and take, its called transmission. That’s for sort. Previous Lightlines outlined this in detail, of which there are two right now. I'm speaking to the audience that might be new and listening on YouTube, we've just started uploading Tuesday Lightline to that.

So, we're going to possibly do something novel today, not too far off the scope. But we do have a change of pace with some lessons. And where do we begin? Is there anyone to bring some order to my speech? And before we do so, we pray to Father, and we thank Jesus for showing us the Father within, and the weight of the Father through Michael, our beloved Creator Son of this universe we live in.

Welcome, everyone, this is Arthura. I will speak to the group and strive to bring order to the slight chaos of the human mind. Greetings to all. We have quite a lesson today, as I admonish this transmitter to relax and get on the beam of transmission. You listen within, and when you feel the stream, let go, and let the stream take you. Some of you understand what that means, and some of you will catch up.

I am Arthura and I hail from parts outside of the Creator Sons universe. The universe is administered and broken down, for lack of a better word, into distinctly named units, with different properties that you could loosely call reality. Some of that reality includes time and space and some of it does not. And yet there is a common denominator regardless, and that is what Jesus referred to as the Father. You could talk about this without such a personality name or pronoun, for those of you allergic to them, that there is a universal source, but you miss out on the fact that source also has personality when it deals with other personalities, of which you are part of that mystery. This mystery defined as personality, that changeless aspect of you that is constant, regardless of your form, or your status in time and space.

Also, with the folks new to the Lightline, there is a reference material of revelation. In other words, this is an qualified as a loose definition of revelation. Transmission broadcasts don't always contain revelation, but they do contain the personalities of you could say the regulator's that is divine administration's, and deities, and all have the common denominator of this one deity, the universal Source and Center, the Father. The Prime Creator could be somewhat confused, depending on what aspect of the universe you're talking about. The local universe, in other words, has a Prime Creator, the Creator Son, who is in all respects the Father of his local creation. But his purpose with you is to graduate you, those who are endowed with this Spirit of the Father, to graduate you beyond the boundaries of this local creation and onward to Paradise, which even resides outside of space and time. For that reason, you are on the precipice of what the fifth epochal revelation foreshadows and calls for, which is new symbols and a reformation of religion.

What remains constant amongst all of that change is the particle experience of the individual unit, you, of your unique personal experience, regardless of time and space, or the religion of the time. But you are capable of having this spiritual growth that literally qualified you for salvation in a non material form.

Now, the material form is now beginning to be understood as fundamentally electric. We will be for, for record sake, speaking some recorded revelation of the fifth epochal, which is found an a book released in 1955. But before we begin, we speak to the fifth epochal revelation, and then we will speak to the lesson to solidify that home. That not only did the end section of this book asks or hint that new symbols are needed, but that you should be doing something with it. And this was after the last session discussing the Bestowal of Christ Michael in the life and times as Jesus, and how the church made a mistake of making a religion about Jesus, or that basically what you do if there is an error to be held in the evolution of a religion. Certainly a revelation is that you do something about it, as opposed to doing something with it.

The transmitter doesn't entirely understand the statement either, but understands enough to go with it, that to do something with it, emphasize on with is to create a harmonic wave, you could think about it that way. And then if you were doing something about it, stress the word about, you are creating a gravity field. What this does, is creates the false notion that you are doing something with it, when in fact, you are only doing with it to perpetuate that it exists at all. You can linguistically check the math enough to understand that if you identify as a book, if you identify as a Urantia reader, a Urantia Foundation, UAI, what have you, you are not to be burned at the stake, but you can easily understand that you are doing something about it and you should stop fooling yourself that you're doing anything with it.

Your endless study groups, conferences, need to teach, is doing something about it. That's not to say it's not worthy of anything. But the fact that you in general have done something about it to the extent that you prosecute those who do anything with it needs to change. And so, we ask you to begin to understand the new symbols that are emerging, new ways of thinking about reality that will provide a scientific understanding of brotherhood, and that brotherhood is a harmonic and not a gravity force. Brotherhood is not necessarily electric, but harmonic wave frequency and with that, gravity tends to lock you in, gravity keeps you within a force, or as a harmonic, frees you to be free of gravity sometimes.

Alright, I've lost my I've lost my place. Where do we start again, Arthura?

This is Arthura. Let me begin by clarifying that these are transmitted files and downloads that the receiver receives. He is asked to convey the words he understands enough himself to understand the concepts and communicate them. That's the art of transmission. That if you do not have the concepts and vocabularies, it is very difficult for a transmitter to speak to anything not understood. And therefore is it the work of the transmitter, on the aspiring transmitter, to constantly update with new information, to constantly update his or her own vocabulary, and be an open system to information. Those with a closed system are more inclined to be a less effective transmitter, but probably a more effective administrator in performing any work to be done, but you could be your own worst enemy.

So let's grapple back with the lesson of Brotherhood as a harmonic gravity, is electronic, and if you're doing something about revelation, you have a specific gravity. In that sense the foundation had a specific gravitational pull to preserve the text. Secondarily to that was distribution of said text, and that broke down within one or two generations and that gravitational force. And now, nothing is escaping it from within its gravitational pull.

But to that effect, the contrast is the Magisterial Mission and Foundation. They are different. The Mission is the deities themselves in the form of Magisterial Sons. Avonal Sons, Sons of Paradise origin, brothers of a Creator Son. The universe has a push in a pole, an exhale and inhale, a positive and negative, those sorts of things. The Creator Son from Paradise works in such harmony with the Avonal Sons that execute and perform bestowals onto the planets within the domains of these Creator Sons. Both are working on behalf of the Father, of the Paradise Deities, which you could think of as the first, second, and third Source and Center, which is personified in the Holy Trinity, the Paradise Trinity.

And the fact that your religions confused whether Jesus is the Eternal Son or Holy Spirit as the Mother Spirit, is simply this harmonic, that what happens on smaller scales, typically is expressed in larger scales. So you simply need to expand the harmonic, if you're stuck in the mind gravity of the local universe and everything that's happened. Of course, that's your entire reality. But if you're thinking that Jesus is the Eternal Son, just understand, he is of the same source as are you, sons of God. And that you can understand orders of different divine beings, if you understand the taxonomy of personalities through the Paradise Trinity of the Universal Father, spoken to initially on this Lightline, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit.

Those are unqualified deities, meaning, they need no qualification. That does not mean they are unfit. Unqualified means in this context, they require no qualification, for there are no - you could say - antecedents. The difference is the concept of the Supreme, which is a qualified deity in so much as it was created by the Paradise Deity. And your ancient traditions have this force of supremacy, which is expressed in the observation of the grand universe of time and space.

So, the Grand Universe you could say by definition includes time and space, the Masters Universe contains everything outside of the Grand Universe. Those are the higher harmonics of your spiritual ascension. You will die and cease to be an electronic material form, and you will survive as something greater than that in a new form.

Well, we hinted at that measures, thank you for listening so far. And thank you all for attending today. We welcome Charlotte as well. Welcome Charlotte.

Arthura, you're here but I, I know you're not transmitting. You're asking me to…. okay, I'll read from this first. Okay, some of the novelty of those joining a Lightline and this forum, where you can talk more offline of these Lightlines at Serara is a name that's out there on the internet as far as cartoon characters go, but this is the name identified as one of the Magisterial Sons. So, if you get confused looking at the Internet, just as you see lots of different versions of a Michael character over the years, same thing probably happened with Serara. But Serara is one of these Magisterial Sons, and the Magisterial Foundation simply wishes to do something with them. If we were doing something about it, I suppose, we would be trying to convince you all that Serara existed and that you should know about it.

Instead, the .. those involved with the Magisterial Foundation, strive to work with these Magisterial Sons. And of course, it's under the executive direction of the Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon. And all of us are subject to the will of the Father, and unified in doing the business of the Father. So, the Magisterial Foundation has worked with the revelation and proposing to help in the Missions has produced a patent. And so, this is an example of something you can do with revelation.

It's something you can do with, I'll repeat that, revelation. And this is Arthura. We're beginning again. And I'm just going to use this transmitters notes as we go. But, who else has used revelation? Those who have been great minds have understood the importance and significance of symbols. The symbols of old, one of the oldest symbols is the flower of life. And new symbols have emerged with new industries out of many patents. And this transmitter listen to some information that seem to qualify for some of this. And that would be the, the lectures, the content, the website discoveries of these symbols, at a website called well, it's six letters in the row. T as in Tom, C. O, T as in Tom, L. (

The patent owner of some of these patents needs to be researched, but he certainly understands space respiration. He has made .., and also has made discoveries in electricity, and gravity. And so some of these need to be extrapolated. Some of you listening are waiting for work, and here's some work we can give to you, if you want to do something with it, rather than do something about it. If you're listening constantly, you're doing something about it. We asked you to do something with it now. You can look at that website,
Ø  you can find out who's on the board,
Ø  you can find out who … where all the patents are,
Ø  and you can cross reference that in sections related to the ultimaton, and the fifth epochal resolution.
Ø  You can find out what harmonic wave resequencing is

But we need you to listen to a Joe Rogan podcast, with a…. with talents on it, which just recently came out.
Ø  You need to find out what those table of elements are, that had been produced in the past that they that these terms are referring to.

The table of elements can be completely repurposed into wave harmonics, and frequencies.
Ø  Some of you can help the board by researching those who are challenging the utility of current particle physics. They're out there.
Ø  You can find out about Eric Weinstein. He's a seems to be a champion of at least calling for new models of physics to be unleashed.

Well, that's a that's a bad word, I suppose, but the same lesson, the same gravitational pull of current physics understanding is there. And so, it is not enough to do something about it, and contact traditional organizations who are more interested in their self preservation and preserving the status quo, as opposed to being an open system of information for the sake of a harmonic brotherhood.

Do not make the mistake of assuming that everyone is interested in a harmonic. Most people are interested in the status quo of the that gravitational force is given off.

Ø  We need we need someone in the Magisterial Foundation to be part of a newsletter. And that means making sure there's an actual email list with names and emails to give communications to. And that's certainly to be expanded to multiple corporations that are nonprofit.
Ø  Another good segue is that for those interested in the patent, there is the … (Dominick someone get the reference material)  … there is the bullet point or the information that the electricity is being broadcast on an FM carrier wave at 86.4 megahertz (MHz). That's been brought to our attention that that may not be possible. And that given these current constraints, we urge those people to investigate the possibility that it could still be broadcast at 87.3. 87.3.

Those currently involved in the Magisterial Foundation are Ron Besser, the patent inventor, and creator of the nonprofits themselves. That took a lot of resource at the time, and he has worked with the deities, the Magisterial Sons, and the Force Organizers of the universe to produce that patent.

The reason someone should be looking into that website referenced earlier, is those symbols being created out of a non two dimensional view. In other words, it's greatly expanded to at least four dimensions of the symbols coming out of the negative space in the flower of life, with nothing like a straight lines versus curve, curvature. And looking at energy has electric, magnetic, but also has frequency and light, sound and color.
We will now read ..

Do you want to do that?

Yes. But we will now read for the record, as we've outlined these things, it's not to get too much into these things. That we just outlined. But now you can do some research as compared to some of the statements made in the fifth epochal revelation, known as the Urantia Book, and specifically related to the term ultimatons.


The transcription temporarily ends here at 33:39 min of the audio recording. I publish the first half of this transcript in order to enable you to start your research as you wish, until I complete it with the second half soon, which you will easily notice by seeing me removing this insert.

Dear Lisa,
Thank you so much for your care. I am still working on the transcription of the Tue LL from yesterday, and since could not keep my eye open last night, I am now in a wheeze as usual, so just give you a quick answer.
Yes, doing double translation sounds like trouble, but why not try to do only one to experience the result? I have some saved transcripts also, but still working on putting them into order from the beginning of LL in January 2020 to date, when I can tell which ones are missing. I talk to you more about it later.
God bless you and keep you in His peace,
Hi Valeria,
regarding the reconstruction of the Light Lines archive, I don't have the audio tapes, but I have saved all the transcriptions of the Light Lines starting from 2021 on Word files.

But I don't know if they will be useful, because, with the aim of making them for my personal use, I saved them in an Italian version with Google, and I also underlined and highlighted in color all the topics of greatest interest to me.

If we wanted to make them go back to the original text, we could do the reverse (i.e. using Google to translate them back into English), but then it would require a lot of correction work which I don't know how reliable it could be, without checking with the original.

In any case, I wanted to point out this opportunity, in case a better solution was not found.

Best wishes

As Pleiadeans, we can help you in the pursuit of the proper information, water. food, and/or other ingestables, new exercise methods, elimination of environmental and internal toxins, proper sleep, and of course, peace that meditation can help improve. 

I would like to know more about proper sleep , new exercice methods  nad proper information about my job, if possible.  As well if these news about Gesara and the Galatic Federation is true. 
Dear Lemuel, thank you for your beautiful words of truth and deep wisdom that you never miss to share with us. We love to hear from you, but very sorry for you having to go through another surgery. We all are hopeful that you will come out to start the healing process. We wouldn't want to miss you.

I hope it will cheer you up a little that I was able to find ALL your audio recording transcripts mostly from 2020, collected in a large file of over 400 pages. It also includes working audio links to each message and some comments from forum members. I listened to some and read some of it today and it is such an incredible value, very precious, filled with revelations too. I will upload the entire volume as one to my Dropbox in order to provide you the link on the forum. I also created table of content to easily navigate within the large document.  

I still have some formatting to do, so it will be available after you come out of the hospital. Perhaps listening to them will transfer some healing energy to you, they are so beautiful with the birds chirping in the background. I would offer to you if you would like it to publish this collection under your name, for it is worthily will stand the test of time. I also have all the audio recordings saved up. Great value for a series of audio books. Please let me know what you think about this good idea. I wish you the best Lemuel, get well soon! Valerie
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Tus LL 05.21.24 ARTHURA
« Last post by Dominick O on Yesterday at 17:35:29 »

YouTube: TBD coming soon

New Symbols, Old Rebellion, Basics of Universe Organization of Time and Space and outside of it.
The analogy of universal brotherhood to harmonics.
Until the version of the predestined film arrives in your language on Netflix in your country, I believe it is possible to buy the book on the internet in English, on several websites, including AMAZON.

Arigo: Surgeon of the Rusty Knife

For anyone who wants to buy the book, I believe it is for sale on websites like AMAZON:
See link below:


Some comments on the Book (there are 130 reviews!)
This book is thorough and detailed in describing what becomes obvious - that this is one of the most incredible lower socioeconomic class saints of all time. For those of us who fully understand quantum physics and who themselves have experienced metaphysical events, it is an astounding confirmation of those realities. Jim Roach MD
Well-written and an easy read
A very good description of 'miraculous' work that Arigo under the command of Dr. Fritz to cure the ill and heal the sick
o Good and detailed information about all the doctors that investigated Arigo/Dr. Fritz

I have witnessed and assisted Dr Fritz working through Aran Kleber in Salvador Bahia (in the years 2015, 2016, 2017) and I can testify that as soon as Dr Fritz is incorporated in Aran Kleber I can converse in German with Dr Fritz - fluently! I can speak English as well as French and Dr Fritz understands everything that I'm saying.

Fortunately, Dr Fritz is still very active in Brazil nowadays (2017) and to me it's always a delight to see him performing such incredible surgeries.

The story of Arigo only goes to prove the existence of a supernatural force that goes beyond scientific medicine. There will always be those who doubt this story hence the author has given enough documentary evidence of this person and his work. There is no surgeon without a mortality or a morbidity but Ze Arigo provided it otherwise. It is a humbling book for any surgeon. There is always a God above us.
This book has been a real eye opener, in the literal sense as well, given that the man being written about is known for jabbing pen knives into people's eyes without the use of anaesthetics or hypnosis. Fuller does a phenomenal job in going over Arigo's history and motivations while keeping a critical and restrained (heh) eye, over the course of his research. There are videos on YouTube where you can see for yourself the puzzling effects of what Arigo does, and as someone with a keen interest and knowledge of this sort of thing; I can safely say that Arigo is the best evidence of the supernatural that I've seen so far.



Enquanto não chegar a versão do filme predestinado em seu idioma no Netflix em seu país, eu acredito que é possível comprar o livro na internet no idioma inglês, em diversos sites, entre eles na AMAZON.

Arigo: Surgeon of the Rusty Knife

(Arigo: Cirurgião da Faca Enferrujada)

Para quem quiser comprar o livro, eu acredito que está a venda em sites na internet como AMAZON:
Vide link abaixo:
Alguns comentários do Livro (são 130 avaliações!)
This book is thorough and detailed in describing what becomes obvious - that this is one of the most incredible lower socioeconomic class saints of all time. For those of us who fully understand quantum physics and who themselves have experienced metaphysical events, it is an astounding confirmation of those realities. Jim Roach MD

(Este livro é completo e detalhado ao descrever o que se torna óbvio – que este é um dos mais incríveis santos da classe socioeconômica mais baixa de todos os tempos. Para aqueles de nós que entendem completamente a física quântica e que vivenciaram eventos metafísicos, é uma confirmação surpreendente dessas realidades. Jim Roach MD)
Well-written and an easy read
A very good description of 'miraculous' work that Arigo under the command of Dr. Fritz to cure the ill and heal the sick
o Good and detailed information about all the medical doctors that investigated Arigo/Dr. Fritz

I have witnessed and assisted Dr Fritz working through Aran Kleber in Salvador Bahia (in the years 2015, 2016, 2017) and I can testify that as soon as Dr Fritz is incorporated in Aran Kleber I can converse in German with Dr Fritz - fluently! I can speak English as well as French and Dr Fritz understands everything that I'm saying.
Fortunately, Dr Fritz still is very active in Brazil nowadays (2017) and to me it's always a delight to see him performing such incredible surgeries.

(Bem escrito e de leitura fácil
Uma descrição muito boa do trabalho ‘milagroso’ que Arigo sob o comando do Dr. Fritz para curar os enfermos e curar os enfermos
o Informações boas e detalhadas sobre todos os médicos que investigaram Arigo/Dr. Fritz

Testemunhei e auxiliei o Dr Fritz trabalhando através da Aran Kleber em Salvador Bahia (nos anos de 2015, 2016, 2017) e posso testemunhar que assim que o Dr Fritz for incorporado na Aran Kleber poderei conversar em alemão com o Dr Fritz - fluentemente! Posso falar inglês e francês e o Dr. Fritz entende tudo o que estou dizendo.

Felizmente, o Dr Fritz ainda hoje é muito atuante no Brasil (2017) e para mim é sempre uma delícia vê-lo realizando cirurgias tão incríveis.)
The story of Arigo only goes to prove the existence of a supernatural force that goes beyond scientific medicine. There will always be those who doubt this story hence the author has given enough documentary evidence of this person and his work. There is no surgeon without a mortality or a morbidity but Ze Arigo proved it otherwise. It is a humbling book for any surgeon. There is always a God above us.

(A história de Arigo apenas prova a existência de uma força sobrenatural que vai além da medicina científica. Sempre haverá quem duvide desta história, por isso o autor forneceu provas documentais suficientes desta pessoa e do seu trabalho. Não há cirurgião sem mortalidade ou morbidade, mas Zé Arigo provou o contrário. É um livro humilhante para qualquer cirurgião. Sempre existe um Deus acima de nós.)


This book has been a real eye opener, in the literal sense as well, given that the man being written about is known for jabbing pen knives into people's eyes without the use of anaesthetics or hypnosis. Fuller does a phenomenal job in going over Arigo's history and motivations while keeping a critical and restrained (heh) eye, over the course of his research. There are videos on YouTube where you can see for yourself the puzzling effects of what Arigo does, and as someone with a keen interest and knowledge of this sort of thing; I can safely say that Arigo is the best evidence of the supernatural that I've seen so far.

(Este livro foi uma verdadeira revelação, também no sentido literal, visto que o homem sobre o qual se escreve é conhecido por enfiar canivetes nos olhos das pessoas sem o uso de anestésicos ou hipnose. Fuller faz um trabalho fenomenal ao repassar a história e as motivações de Arigo, mantendo um olhar crítico e contido (heh), ao longo de sua pesquisa. Existem vídeos no YouTube onde você pode ver por si mesmo os efeitos intrigantes do que Arigo faz, e como alguém com grande interesse e conhecimento nesse tipo de coisa; Posso dizer com segurança que Arigo é a melhor evidência do sobrenatural que vi até agora.)



Dear Lemuel

I remember a long time ago, years ago, here at the Serara Forum, when you Lemuel asked Ron Besser if he could do broadcasts. And yes, Ron Besser said yes.

And you, Lemuel, have become one of the biggest transmitters here at Forum Serara.

But don't worry, get plenty of rest for Thursday's surgery.

We have the possibility of continuity of our souls in heaven. God willing, and mainly depending on ourselves, one day all of us here at Forum Serara will be in heaven, and maybe we will meet and talk about our group.

How a group of people of different nationalities and languages met at the Serara Forum in search of God's light, even though most of them don't know each other physically, at least not for now, but only through written messages and topics that demonstrate our spiritual essence a little , the spiritual essence of each person.

It was here at the Serara Forum that I first heard about the book A Course in Miracles, which was a message sent by Jesus to an English psychologist.

And how beautiful this book is. It was only after many years of hearing about this book on the Serara Forum that I started reading it last year.... Now, for example, there are just a few lessons left to complete the workbook of 365 lessons, one for each day.

Today I am in the following lesson:

My sinless brother is my guide to peace. My sinful brother is my guide to pain. And I will behold the one I choose to see.


There are many beautiful lessons in the Course in Miracles dictated by Jesus to an English psychologist, starting on October 21, 1965, coincidentally, the same exact day that I was born, in the city of Estrela-RS, Brazil.

One of the most beautiful lessons for me is that there is only one child of God.

Like this?

Yes, there is only one unique son of God, the son of God, collectively, which is all of us, who are one and complementary to each other.

My brother Lemuel, as well as the other members and visitors in the light of God, Father, we are all one collective Son of God, one being. A being that complements each other.

So Lemuel, I pray that your surgery on Thursday goes smoothly and that everything goes well. And always remember that we are one, one spiritual family in the light of God, the Universal Father and that if God wills, all of us who believe in God, the Universal Father of all, regardless of the name that each religion gives, we will all go continue our walks in the heavens, after our physical deaths, after our passage here on Earth.

My brother Lemuel... If we are all one collective being, a collective child of God, Father, I am you, you are me. We may be different human beings, from different countries, with different languages, but we are complementary human beings. And this maxim applies to every spiritual family.

Whatever the destiny, Lemuel, always remember the possibility of the immortality of the soul.


Querido Lemuel

Eu me lembro há muito tempo, anos atrás, aqui no Fórum Serara, quando você Lemuel perguntou para Ron Besser se podia fazer transmissões. E sim, Ron Besser disse que sim.

E você Lemuel se transformou em um dos maiores transmissores aqui do Fórum Serara.

Mas, fique tranquilo, descanse bastante para a cirurgia de quinta-feira.

Nos temos a possibilidade de continuidade de nossas almas nos céus. Se Deus quiser, e principalmente dependendo de nós mesmos, um dia todos nós aqui do Fórum Serara estaremos nos céus, e talvez a gente se encontre e comente sobre nosso grupo.

Como um grupo de pessoas de diversas nacionalidades e idiomas se encontrou no Fórum Serara na busca da luz de Deus, mesmo a  maioria não se conhecendo fisicamente, pelo menos não por enquanto, mas apenas por mensagens e tópicos escritos que demonstram um pouco nossa essência espiritual, a essência espiritual de cada um.

Foi aqui no Fórum Serara que eu ouvi falar pela primeira vez do livro um curso em milagres, que foi uma mensagem enviada por Jesus para  uma psicóloga inglesa.

E quanto lindo é este livro. Só depois de muitos anos de ouvir falar deste livro no Fórum Serara que eu comecei a ler no ano passado.... Agora, por exemplo, faltam poucas lições para fechar o livro de exercícios de 365 lições, um para cada dia.

Hoje eu estou na seguinte lição:

O meu irmão sem pecado é o meu guia para a paz. O meu irmão pecador é o meu guia para a dor. E contemplarei aquele que eu escolher ver.


Existem muitas lições lindas no Curso em Milagres ditada por Jesus para um psicóloga inglesa, a partir do dia 21 de outubro de 1965, coincidentemente, o mesmo dia exato em que eu nasci, na cidade de Estrela-RS, Brasil.

Uma das mais lindas lições para mim é que existe apenas um filho de Deus.

Como assim?

Sim, existe apenas um filho único de Deus, o filho de Deus, de forma coletiva, que somos todos nós, que somos um só complementares um ao outro.

Meu irmão Lemuel, assim como os demais membros e visitantes na luz de Deus, Pai somos todos um só Filho de Deus coletivo, um só ser. Um ser que se complementa um ao outro.

Então Lemuel, eu rezo que sua cirurgia de quinta-feira seja tranquila e que dê tudo certo. E lembre-se sempre que somos um só, uma só família espiritual na luz de Deus, Pai Universal e que se Deus quiser, todos nós que acreditamos em Deus, Pai Universal de todos independentemente do nome que cada religião dá, todos nós iremos ir continuar nossas caminhadas nos céus, depois das nossas mortes físicas, de nossa passagem aqui na Terra.

Meu irmão Lemuel... Se todos somos um só ser coletivo, um filho coletivo de Deus, Pai, eu sou você, você é eu. Podemos ser seres humanos diferentes, de países diferentes, de idiomas diferentes, mas somos seres humanos complementares. E essa máxima se aplica a toda família espiritual.

Seja qual for o destino, Lemuel, lembre-se sempre na possibilidade da imortalidade da alma.

To Ron Besser:

I just want to say this, for a few years now FATHER has told you that you would be around for some time, and I believe HIM.  Now HE didn't include anything about being attack by good spirits gone bad.  But I do recall someone telling you of some long suffering you had to go through.

Now I'm not an astrologer but I do know that Jupiter is moving out of Tauras into Gemini which should give you some breathing room. Followed by Uranus and Venus to help add that sparkle in your life, isn't that your fifth house? You are still going to have problems though with Pluto because it moves back into Capricorn around the end of July until November then it sails in Aquarius for next two or more decades. Well, what you say? ;D

No good-byes here Lemuel, get well soon.  May the Doctor's hand be guided by the FATHER WILL for a complete recovery.  We all love you very much and miss that old man's flavor.

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