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Messages - Ron Besser

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I have separated this from the post above because I must warn you all that we are in a dangerous setting ourselves, and need to be relentless about understanding what is happening.  I doubt you can know it dramatically, but listen to it put simply:
Our work is related to the 5th epochal revelation.  The seraphim of that particular era fully support it and work to see to its demise not, but to perpetuate its use among all of you.
However in 2019 there was a universe disaster and we cannot examine anything without understanding it and for goodness sakes really listen to the situation as we have it now:
In that year the supreme attempted to take  control the TIME SECTOR OF THE MASTER UNIVERSE.
I underlined that for double emphasis.  Everything since June of 2019 has been to re-evaluate what to do with Urantia (1) and (2) what to do with the keys to the Kingdom, Jesus has tried to offer the laity on this planet.

It is now 2024, June as a matter of fact, and this is what we are left with:
1 - Not much for the planet Urantia;
2 - Not much for the Creator Son or Gabriel;
3 - Not much for we humans who tried to support the missions to this planet;
4 - The problems keep escalating, and the human population suffers ever more because of it.

There are several consequences, and those who are sniffing spirit for the fun of it will never understand unless they know spirit better.
1 -  No one is allowed to make a promise to Urantia easily anymore.  That includes our work and the work of the Spirit on Urantia that is exclusive to Urantia (it will speak in a minute);

2 - I have no consequential view other than to warn all of you that the slip is in to harm you, and you must be wise as Jesus's serpent to get through it these days.  I cannot guarantee this message makes any sense to you new people, but the older Members of t he Discussion Forum know what I mean, and please be careful what you say or transmit for the next few weeks.  We are not in good stead but are overseen by the rebel seraphim and do not have a choice otherwise suddenly!

3 -  I am about to be broken off they they think, but before I go, I remind all of you to care tremendously about your prayers to get this travesty rectified, and until it is rectified, you are all operating under a rebellion government that has nothing to do with what Urantia needs or wants.  Here is CHRIST MICHEAL:

"I am wondering how Ron can get this done, but he has the respect of the FATHER, and he gets what he wants to write about this WARNING.

"Do not take for granted any communication transmitters you receive now until we clear the planet of this menace !

"Do not take for granted you can read this well either, as it is fully under the cabal that Ron makes this report, and you Alise have the double trouble today of having to watch after children on break and that may interfere greatly, but DO YOUR LIGHTLINE AS USUAL.
"I am Christ Michael truly, and I must defend no one as Ron is on a tear, and you will find him direct and annoying again, but you better head this or face perjury.  He has no mind other than to warn you and this is well taken by Me and the rest of the Salvington care givers.

"Fully, you must understand that Ron put up all of this infrastructure and it must work well for the time being.  I know there are other transmitters, but none like this one and I make sure this one is heard.

"Finally, there is a structure you must agree to now:

"No one gets to hear anything soon except what I approved to be maintained.  While that is not all settled, there are workers in the western part of the United States that have been activated, but they are poison yet for they refuse cooperation.  I say no more than to warn those transmitting west of the Mississippi your time is reduced to make good and soon.  K"  Michael of Nebadon

"I seldom give credit, but Ron is fully up to his sleeves trying to make sure you are at least reverting to your old selves with considerable care.  The spirit cabal is at it and will fully deceive you if you are not resting on the Michael of Nebadon speech shortly to be given.  All transmitters are required to listen, but the new ones may not hear anyhow.

"Alise you are required to do your LIGHTLINE TODAY, as it is very important to stand your ground with Ron and the rest.  I leave this alone for now.  Please follow your schedules this week.  FATHER OF ALL. K"


The above is an example of a dirty response not by the Pleidates but by the transmitter.  There is calm here and not there, and I must agree with the transmitter (Carole Deptula) on very few issues, but most interesting is this pass which is very important to me, and listen.  Carole says this and you might thing it is funny, but listen:
Carole D.
Song at Sunrise:
I have had many questions that were not prepared enough to present on a Light Line or forum site. It seems I must mull things over for a while before things can be brought into proper order. But I have a problem that others may be experiencing also: My 5* doesn't work. With nothing coming forward in the way of questions it looks like we are not interested.

Ron B.
Carole you do not recognize the invalid creature in your conversations.  You are not fully involved with Machiventa or the Pleidians; you are actually involved with the discrepancy of a vicious minority called a seraphic cabal.  I suspect that is far above you and you however, will not get a true straight answer when you mix the Pleadians with the cabal.   You should be more careful who you connect with today (anythim after the 5th of May and including today).  The falseness you detect is the insidious control of Urantia right now! of insurrectionist angels.  Not all angles are in this, but you picked a group to converse to and that is mostly so but with good rapport at times with Machiventa and the Pleadians.

My suggestion is that this report was very difficult for you and it is difficult to read too, and that is because you are not fully reporting in a clear channel what the good guys (the Pleadians and the Melchizedeks) have to tell you.  

My advise is to throw this transmission away, and when you are feeling better, try it again, and we will listen with industry.  I am disgusted with the seraphic cabal and they have nothing good to say to anyone.  Their removal is incident soon and be very careful how you connect.  Examine your Thought Adjuster perhaps on this evincing problem about who to trust.
With all good works hope for you, I am Ron Besser, and hoping you can keep your cool about things to develop soon.  My post on this is below.  Thank you!


This is Ron Besser.  I must cancel the Lightline for this Sunday, the 2nd of June, due to the misfortune I cannot make it or see to it easily.  This does not abandon you, but it does state that there is cabal so strong on Urantia, that no one can do the usual business and be secure about what it to be told, said, or otherwise promoted.  Here is Machiventa Melchizedek to say a few words about today and the proposed Lightline that should be held today, but there is no wisdom enough to avail a good transmission at all.

MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK SPEAKS:  "I have held forth for centuries on URANTIA, and I have never seen what I am seeing today.  For reasons of State there is nothing left to say or do at the moment, and Ron loves doing these Lightlines, but he is being scalded to  death by an unremitting cabal that hates first and never lets a thing pass for good reward to humans now.

"I am sure that Ron prefers a tidy way to exit the scene but they are blocking the normal processes, and for that reason no one dare pass today or tomorrow without special permission from Michael of Nebadon, or anyone can adjust to any requirement for any purpose.  It is painful and it is reminiscing  of Lucifer so many years ago.  For t hat reason we must truncate all Lightline until there is room for them, and there is a decent way to say good bye to the decent traditions Ron has placed before you. 

"From now on, the entire race of men and women on Urantia, are under siege  until the Melchizedeks can refrain further from this radical emergency started this morning and will continue until we knock the insurrection quickly.

"I am quite sure this can be handled better than we are doing right now, but until we can get free to do it, there is no Lightline of consequence until the seraphim in charge of this insurrection are set free for all of us to reserve the ministry of God correctly.  No one is expected to post to this notice, but if you do, do it gently as there is very little left of Ron's temper to say much further.  Good day until we have a better announcement in the future.  

"I am MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK reporting one favoring factor for Ron and the rest of you:

"No one is allowed on or off this sphere of trust and good will until there is an adjudication not only of Ron but all of you for daring to hold a Lightline proposal at all.  More on  this later.  Meanwhile, the LIGHTLINE FO 2 JUNE 2024 must be cancelled until further notice.  Good day to all of you.   K"


There is apparently a revival of a teaching mission subject of transmissions and this one is from Machiventa Melchizedek to a group out west, and I think the transmission is of high quality and that you all might enjoy it.  Without further ado I send you this copy to read similar now to the old Teaching Mission decades ago.  Enjoy!
Ron Besser for MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK who thanks anyone to join this group in particular if you can find them.


2024-05-27 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia (Formerly CTAG) #12
Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
TR:  John Morris
Invocation: JT
Machiventa: Good morning. This is Machiventa, your Planetary Prince. I am here as a representative of our universe sovereign, Christ Michael. I represent the ever-descending sons of light to the material worlds of time.
In the course of the evolution of human mind, there comes a moment when that mind can comprehend a larger understanding of the context in which it exists. Mind on Urantia has come to this point. The pull of spiritual gravity has drawn thinking mortals to seek for the truth of their existence and the purpose for their life. There is a hunger on Urantia for a greater understanding of what life is about. The current status of affairs on this world no longer makes sense to an ever-increasing number of its inhabitants. It is time to end this confusion and to make forever clear humanity's place in creation.
This is why I have asked you to make my presence known; and along with this, all the ideas of how to create sustainable families, societies, and civilizations. Where does the power lie to accomplish this? Let me quote from your Urantia Book text. “Intelligence may control the mechanism of civilization, wisdom may direct it, but spiritual idealism is the energy which really uplifts and advances human culture, from one level of attainment to another.” I believe this is in Paper 81:6.27.
The Spirit is the source of the power to effect the needed change now on your world. A secular approach will only do so much and will not by itself accomplish the needed results. While we work on many fronts, we must not neglect the spiritual approach to our work. By announcing my presence and presenting a spiritual context for secular ideas we are creating a holism in which this work can exist and tap into the spiritual hunger and longing of humanity and become a soul-satisfying experience for advancing mortal thinking.
There is much latent creativity waiting for expression and we must channel this energy into positive venues of expression. This is our present task—to put a spiritual context around the budding creativity of human evolution, and direct humanity's ever-expanding search for truth, beauty, and goodness in productive directions that will resonate with the longing within each thinking mortal and provide them with a vision of a world settled in peace, cooperation, loving kindness, and love. If you think this is utopia, consider the option of dystopia in an ever-increasingly violent and eventually destructive alternative of allowing greed and materialism to ultimately destroy your world. I am not alarmist. I am not fear mongering. I am here to affect the continued evolvement of Urantia into the era of light and life: your planet's destiny. Now I need the free will participation of the citizens of Urantia to consciously assist in uplifting Urantia out of the effects of the Lucifer rebellion into the light of a new dispensation of peace and sustainability. Thank you. Now, if you have questions, let's entertain them.
JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you, John.
Deborah: All right. Thank you. Well, Machiventa, while you were speaking, I thought, well, I could use that phrase, and I could say it that way. And I thought I should write an article for my paper's faith section and announce the very things that you're talking about. Now, I've written articles in there before, and this would be quite a unique one.
So, I was wondering if you have some advice on how I could open up that article, you know, how can I draw people of different religions into what I'm going to say that kind of builds on what they already believe. That's my question.
Machiventa: Yes. Thank you Deborah. Yes. These ideas of how to attract people, to connect with their curiosity, is done quite well through the sharing of personal stories. How is it that you came to this understanding of the context of how you see your spiritual life? Share that with them. And be not afraid of how they might receive it, but simply be honest with people and tell them about the joy that you're discovering, the hope that is in your breast that you would share with them and humanity at large. That positive vibration, will be well received. Thank you.
Recca: Thank you. Good morning, Machiventa, on this beautiful Oregon morning. I am a member of a board of directors which is in contention right now, in animosity, but which has to move forward. And I'm taking just the tip of your opening statement as bringing a spiritual aspect to a secular, board meeting atmosphere. Do you have any suggestions for me [on how to do that]?
Machiventa: Yes. Good morning to you, Recca on this beautiful Oregon morning. It’s so nice to see you here.
Boards of directors can be wonderful cauldrons for the triggering of unaware, unexpected biases and pain bodies that you have within you as each of you struggle to bring your passion for a project to fruition. Usually when conflict arises in such situations, there is a cross-current of purpose. It's good to go back to ground zero and examine your vision and your mission statements and see what it is that drew you together into creating a board and having a particular project or mission that you feel you want to accomplish. Because without a unity of purpose and a wholehearted support of that purpose, it's difficult to move beyond contention.
In your relationship to those on your board, regard them with love, with compassion. And know that no matter what you have in terms of differences of opinion, you are brothers and sisters in a spiritual sense. That doesn't always mean you will reconcile differences to the point of being able to work out these clashes of purpose, but it should bring clarity to the individuals if they are sufficiently spiritually mature and aware as to what the issue is for them personally and what it is they need to work on in their own practice. Because that is the secret, really, to remaining in a harmonious relationship with one another. As imperfect beings, we will at times, each in turn, fall into a position of less than love with one another, and we will contend with one another from the point of view of our egos. It's a great gift because it shows you exactly what it is that you need to work on. And if you can accept that as a gift, and do that work, you can experience in a short time great personal growth.
So, in terms of your contention on your board, it takes a real vulnerability and courage for someone to be the leader; to call for a timeout and say, let's reflect here and see what it is that is presenting the issue, get a clear understanding of it. Let's see how that aligns with our mission and vision statement. And encourage each member to take that time for spiritual reflectivity and to truly seek for guidance in how best to resolve it that is in line with their understanding, at this moment, of their Creator’s will for them. I hope that that helps, Recca. If you have further questions on that, please ask.
Recca: That’s very telling, for me. Thank you, Machiventa. I have, in moments of trial and personal impatience with these board members, had to step back and view our group as being on the Morontia worlds, the transition worlds, and recalling our activities here on the planet, viewing our little group here as a transition world recovery group. And that has helped me to see our mission and our vision for the transformation of this community center in a broader sense that is in line with our Urantian goals for cooperation. It is a telling point in our community right now, that cooperation is not a high option.
If I may ask one more question, I’d like to balance all of the work that I’m doing in this community board with the overwhelming work that I have at my own little piece of property (11 acres of agriculture and forest). Could you give me some comments on your observation of how I’ve handled it so far, alone, and how I could be more balanced in my personal work and my public work?
Machiventa: Certainly. Thank you, Recca, for your willingness to open yourself up in a personal way to talk about your personal life and your personal growth and spiritual efforts.
In everyone's life, as far as mortals on this world are concerned, you have within you the perfect guide. And so, what I would suggest (not just for you, Recca, but for everyone) is, if you're not already doing so, you need to be able to find a way to access this guidance. This guidance that you have within you is personal. It's unique. It understands your personality. It knows what you need. And it has with it the perfect plan for your accomplishment of all these lessons that you're currently involved in and yet to get involved in.
The answer really lies within. Set aside some time, and I would suggest it's the first thing you do in the morning upon waking and getting dressed and go into the stillness and truly dedicate yourself to trying to connect with your indwelling spirit. There are many ways to do this. Some use music, some use a beautiful natural setting, some just use the written word of inspiring spiritual literature to kind of get into a space that focuses their mind. But I would suggest to anyone that if you lack the idea of how to do it, that you simply just try to do it and learn how to discipline your mind, so that eventually, if you persevere, you will come to a place of feeling that divine presence. And if you truly and sincerely in your heart desire to do the will of your creator, then you will begin to be guided into what that is for you. Is it more work on your property? Is it less work in your public realm or is it the opposite? Maybe the property’s become too big for you to handle, and you want to have less time taking care of it and more time doing other things. You will get clear if you consistently persevere in seeking your Thought Adjuster's guidance for you.
This is the cusp that this world sits on. This is the wonderful transition area and opportunity that awaits this world. People want to see outside of themselves for confirmation of who they are and that they're loved. When we talk about these high spiritual ideals of conscious contact with the spirit of the First Source and Center, and a personal plan for the evolution of your life, a lot of people can become okay with that and have an idea of it in their mind. But they have yet to have enough faith to persevere in making it a real experience in their heart: a really heartfelt experience of connection. Because when you can do that, you begin to sense that you are unconditionally loved by your creator, exactly the way you are, and that everything you've done, whether you have regrets or feel guilt or remorse about, is forgiven. All of it is simply a lesson.
And you may spend time in early stillness practice sorting through those lessons and bringing the trauma of those lessons to the light of divine love, so that they can dissipate, you can be relieved of them, and you don't drag them around behind you anymore. That is part of what Jesus meant when he said, the truth shall set you free.
When you truly feel connected and loved unconditionally as a child of life, this is how you begin to bring your ego back into a proper perspective. Because everything that's happening on your board is simply a contest of wills and position taking amongst egos. And people are looking outside of themselves for confirmation, of being loved, of being worthy. Depending on how their ideas are received, they want to contend with another, instead of simply just accepting the grace in every present moment. Just simply allow yourself to be present as love and allow it all to play. Each is responsible for their own personal growth and decision-making, and where you get that guidance is where you find the real answer to your question, Recca. Thank you.
Recca: That was pretty darn good. Thank you. Thank you very much. And I'd like to thank the efforts of the Teaching Mission and the Correcting Time teachers from when I started experiencing your guidance from back in 1989. I can attest to a faith fact that my confidence in learning the lessons through the transcripts has gradually, not precipitously, brought me to a faith in our progress on this planet. And I'm dealing with this small group of five other people right now, which is just a microcosm of our world. I appreciate your guidance today, Machiventa. Thank you. I'm finished.
Machiventa: You're most welcome. Thank you, Recca.
JT: It seems the most common invitation we get from people to interact with them is for a conflict. Now they just want a piece of information from you so they can classify you as a friend or foe.
Recca: I hope to bring some peace and equilibrium tomorrow to our annual board meeting and to our continuing board meeting. And I'll apply what I've heard you say today, and all of everyone’s support. Thank you.
Machiventa: A further suggestion for you tomorrow, Recca.
Recca: Yes?
Machiventa: We have this sort of idealistic teaching on the seven core values. But if you appeal to each member of your board on the basis of those values, knowing that they're innate to them, that whether they're aware of it or not, it's also in their DNA. And you can say, “Let us talk about what we all want. Do we all not want equal access to opportunities? To grow to the limits of our potential and provide a quality life for ourselves and our families? And if that's truly what we all want, then instead of emphasizing our differences, why don't we work together to cooperate. I'll help you get what you want, and you help me get what I want? Then the discussion really should be, how do we do that? And see if you can find some cooperation around these values. I offer that as a suggestion for you. Thank you.
Recca: Thank you. I'll try that. I hope I have the...well, I'll ask for access to that, to the speaking. You know, I can run off at the mouth. I'll try not to run off my mouth tomorrow. Thank you. (Laughter)
JT: Any other questions for Machiventa? (Pause) Looks like that's all we have today. Machiventa. Do you have a closing for us? We appreciate your being here.
Machiventa: Yes. Thank you. Where does the answer lie when conflict arises? How to solve issues on an interpersonal level, and how to be at peace within ourselves? These are all questions that this world is dealing with. You see it in families, you see it in organizations of all kinds, you see it within communities and nations, and you see it within the nations of the world: a great deal of conflict. And when the ego is left to run the show, there will always be nothing but conflict. For that is the legacy of 200,000 plus years of Lucifer's false idea of liberty, and the result of trying to give immature, imperfect mortals self-liberty before they've actually earned it.
Everybody's assuming ultimate absolute liberty for themselves, without any regard to what the effect is on others. Contention is the result. That contention can spark into unimaginable violence. This is where I say that spirit is the power. As the part goes, so goes the whole. As the whole goes, so goes the part. Right now, the real power for each part in this world to contribute to a more peaceful whole is that they know that the true power to find the happiness, the joy that they're so desperately
seeking in the outer world, does in fact lie within them. They need nothing more but to go within and have faith that they can find the answers that they're looking for. This is not a doctrine, this is not a theology, this is simply truth. And that truth can be experienced throughout every culture in this world, under any thought system in these cultures. It doesn't need to be presented in just one way. It can be adapted. People need to know they have choice. They need to be redirected in their thought patterns. As within, so without. This is why the Thought Adjuster is named that.
In my closing, I want to share with you a short transcript from the Teaching Mission. And this is one of the reasons why I also would like to see this body of knowledge preserved. These lessons have been given over and over again, from many different facets, many different points on the compass, so that many different kinds of minds can open to them and can receive them. This particular transcript comes from a T/R called Lytsky. She wrote a wonderful book, The Guiding Light Within. [The transcript is] called “Godward with Right Thinking.”
I will leave you with this, spoken from the point of view of the Thought Adjuster.
“Where your attention is, that is where your heart is. You are still very scattered in your thinking, and so you are very unaware of my presence. Discipline yourself to live in a greater awareness. Try to always focus your attention on the work at hand. First of all, in this manner, your attention to details will become sharper and your thinking capabilities clearer instead of diminishing with the aging process, as is now an almost worldwide accepted truth. This accepted theory points out that older people are prone to forgetfulness and all kinds of mental maladies. This is not necessarily true. More attention needs to be given to the quality of thoughts and the discipline of thinking. As the saying goes, thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. It follows that negative thoughts attract negative vibrations. Positive thoughts attract positive vibrations. As a man or a woman thinketh, he or she becomes. Secondly, another important aspect of healthy and clean thinking is, of course, the moral code one lives by. Do unto others as you would like to be treated. Likewise, you must love each other, since you are each other at your spiritual root source. Thirdly, the quality of food one imbibes is what the delicate balance of the chemical electrical mechanism of the brain mind rests upon. Drugs and alcohol are denatured food. They may result in misfiring, and over long periods these affect the delicate balance, resulting in the weakening of the cognitive areas of the brain. Each of these three points is worthy of contemplation. There are many others that will be revealed in time to come.
Your concern and mine rest upon your free will dedication to enlarge your focusing and listening skills when you come to me in the stillness of your heart so I can nurture you in my love and fertilize and lead your thoughts Godward with right thinking. So come and practice this most important skill.”
Now, the reason I share this with you is because this is an illustration of the richness of the treasures that this generation has been entrusted with. It doesn't have to be reinvented, it simply needs to be shared more widely so that people can access what they need, what their Thought Adjusters are guiding them to, so they can continue this process of evolution in their minds and their hearts and their ability to become the very thing they seek: To be at peace within, and to be at peace with those around you. In such a peaceful environment, this loving-kindness will grow exponentially. Then this world can change from one of being locked in the mind-patterns of separation from Spirit into the acknowledgement of the possibility of experiencing connection, even now, in this mortal life. So, I wish you all pleasant growth and connection with Spirit. And I look forward to our next time together. Thank you.
James: Thank you, Machiventa. And thank you, John.

Dominick is correct, and to all of you I am not quite gone yet, but I feel that unless the Medieval sense of character for a departed soul is remained (that means put to sleep as the word "remain" has this curious meaning too, to mean sleep for a future revelation, and don't try to parse that too much as Webster's Dictionary never remembers old meanings anymore.)

I did not mean to confuse some of you, especially those who do not speak English naturally.  It is a language the devil developed I am almost sure, and is a polyglot of  change that new speakers ought to leave alone and just speak current meanings.
Dominick is right and I ask him to remember the old way we did things, because I am making sure the Dominick has this property and address to have and hold as hos own in the name of the Magisterial Foundation and the care I have for all of you.  Together, we have seen to the old idea that man has a right to say something, regardless of how mundane, and we have said for a good long time here for awhile anyhow.  

I am not leaving yet, but I have been hit hard by a stammer in my nervous system and a bad left eye that keeps reminding me that nothing is easy, even to seeing to the next generation of that which we all like to talk about, and that is what to do with God, and what does he want, now?  I laugh with Michael of Nebadon, as he can joke with the best of them contemporary souls with you today.  I can remember when Jonathan Winters cam over to the mansion worlds, and I had a moment to speak to him.  I also remember him as the Colonel, dressed in the suit of the civil war proclaiming the NBC late night show as on the way to his duties to clear out still living rebels in the audience.  Forgive me FATHER, but I still like that version of yourself as we still have rebels here that refuse to clear Urantia too.

In any case, I am nearly 82 years of age and I am, frankly tired of blameless hope and may you all continue to believe in the Lord and what he intends to do here soon.  I spoke to the Magisterial Sons this morning, and they are preparing for a good run on Urantia, regardless of what else may be transforming itself to be seen here on Urantia too.  Our coming Presidential elections have some surprises coming for all of you and I hope you can take it!  For instance I doubt Trump will be able to run in spite of his insistence that come hell or high water, he will be President again.  Well, I personally doubt it but the American political system is fairly pedantic, and there may be no room for the Trump candidacy especially if he gets locked into an American cabal itself-- and that is  the extreme right wing of the Republican party.  The Democrats will be wailing over the loss of good works when the Presidential candidates attempt to put their candidacy right, and be mostly wrong for the majority of folks who vote here, and that is because by November this year, there will be no one available to run for President out of the Republican party.  I dare not say what Trump does about it.

"This is MICHAEL OF NEBADON - As usual Ron gets ahead of himself this morning.  He is determining he is being called home as most of you are, but I have a surprise for some of you:  he may stay  the length of my tenure on Urantia, but I configured a statement from the UNIVERSAL FATHER, that his time on Urantia could be extended until there is someone of his stature to take on the bus boy work of the Magisterial Foundation truly.  Ron found the right man but the right man does not like a number 2 spot and so he may quit, but before he does he is reminded that duty is always to preserve what you have regardless of what else you want to do.  Dominick is a loyal and giving person, but the future is rough, and he must fight to keep his home and his care ready to battle the evil that comes to Urantia, even as we prepare to do a Lightline for all of you soon again.

"I asked Ron to put that title in special treatment and he finds the right emphasis.
"We are sure the Lightlines are to continue, but there is a big change coming.

"The trial that is passing us now is the right to be heard.  It will be the right to be part of the MISSIONS TO URANTIA, and that is pardonable, but listen:  

"Let this sink into all of you.  Ron started reading the Urantia Book in 1978.  He went through several iterations, but was always loyal to the idea that it spoke the truth and it was worth every sacrifice to maintain if for now and into the future.  The 6th epochal revelation is coming, but it must first allow the 5th epochal revelation to stand tall briefly, and to be heard by the majority of people if they can be forced to attend it somehow before it must be put aside for the 6TH epochal revelation to appear very soon. 

"The 6th EPOCHAL REVELATION is ready to dissemination, and Ron is to receive it, but he needs repaired as his heart is tired and his worth is diminished by endless taxation and loss of revenues due to the entire mess of capitalism.  Here is my assessemtn for what is to happen in the next ten (10) years for you:

1 - No more ease of transition to the Mansion Worlds.  The population on Urantia is so modified it has lost its status as a fully and attritioned carrier of the Bestowal of Christ, 2000 years ago nonetheless.

2 -  No more ease of thought about God, as the old Bible is still important, but it must be revised to include the spiritual concerns since the 2,025 death of Jesus of Nazareth.  

3 -  Jesus dies precised 2,024 years, 9 (nine) months ago today, the 28th of May 2024.  You historians are so rung up on that terrible calendar, today the 28th of May 2024, 5 PM New York time today,  Jesus died  using the 5PM hour of New York time day light savings time as the unit to compute the time he died  1,994 years ago and about six hours more allowing a change in the orbit of Urantia in 1953 and in 1957, when Urantia became a stellar planet for the time being.  The orbit was adjusted by the supreme being at that time and now it takes the same time to orbit the sun, but slightly one hour shorter than it did in the death year of Jesus of 30AD, April 6th by your calendar today.  Try to remember that as it is to esoteric for a Creator Son to recall it easily.  I doubt I can make you change your ways about remembering Jesus, but he died painfully and poorly all those years ago now.

4 - The years I must recount to myself are the last memories of I have of hanging on the cross.  It was a horror and no one coule recount the times as I have.  But the trial for Jesus is still resident on Paradise, and it must not be forgotten.  I am truly sorry for that and I must recount it carefully, and the death was inglorious as all deaths are, but for one saving grace, and that is the FATHER allowed the spirit of Jesus to float free before he spoke His last words, and the spirit said this:


"That was over 2,000 years ago by your calendar minus 30 years, for he died  by your present calendar in thirty AD and that must be the last word I speak again of it now.  Creator Son of Nebadon.

CREATOR SON PREDICTIONS . . .   continue . . .

"I want it to be understood that these predictions allow no change in your calendar or changes to be affected by the death of anyone here.  BUT:

"I also want this station to be continued after Ron's death as he must live better than he does, but he has requested a time extension for his time here and it is not granted for long, but for long enough for him to establish a good working order for all that he has proposed for all of you. For that reason he has a few months more than usual but that is all Besser!

5 - Ron Besser will live for a few more month enough to see the appearance of the Magisterial Sons and that is all.

6 - Finally China and the United States will have a decent rapport over what they have fought over for years and peace will survive for decades until China feels repressed by an American presence in the South China Sea, and refuses to give anymore.  For that reason we predict a consequential war-like summit and the US agrees it must withdraw not from the South China Sea, but from Formosa, and that the Formosa people must take their own defense on again.  This is in regard to a change in the Formosa legislature which regards Chine the nature parent to the national Island. of care  for so many now.    This is the new rapport of China and the new re-founding of the Chinese Empire, but a Democratic China finally.  

7 - I must leave these predictions now and hope you have had a good visit, as I am  A CREATOR SON, and leave you all guessing what it to happen next.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON, speaking to Ron Besser the last day of May almost, and we hope to see you all on a Lightline soon.  K"


MATTHEW OF ARAGON, and who is the same person as the Apostle Matthew, but is now a preferred name of Matthew as he has returned to oversee the change in ERAS on the planet Urantia.  Take it as you can, as new history is now being written, and Ron has no real idea what he has dipped into.  We will attempt to get used to the newly revealed facts surround this case of a revised agenda for URANTIA.   It is not only a new Biblical era, but also a change in personnel.  
Ron here -  For your edification I am also having trouble typing this.  Why?  I used the chronographic method of typing for over 10 years, but this typing is hell and is slow and easy to make errors.  For that reason I am keeping these new messages short.  I do not know what is really going on, but I assume we have new spokesmen as well as a flash in the pan of a new Creator Son, as MICHAEL OF NEBADON sounds different too, and I will stick with it if I can.  I now turn this over to the Apostle Matthew who prefers to be known now as MATTHEW OF ARAGON for these speeches:
Matthew of Aragon -  "I am truly the Apostle to Jesus Christ.  But I must advise we rehears portions of the 5th epochal revelation, still in print as this is written (May 27th, 2024 @ 530PM).  Do not read this if you are adverse to Biblical change, as we must make big changes now:

"I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  Thank you Ron, as you always make sure you give me space and happiness when I must make something perfectly clear.

"Two years ago Ron you sat right where you are and started the work of the 5th epochal revelation more the masses than ever before.  But now you are forced back again and must slave under the tutelage of another, since I prepared the way, got stuck, and then all hell broke lose with the end of God the Supreme.

"I am furious with God the Supreme, but it must be reported that Deity is no longer resident in the Universe, and must be regarded as an antique for he never showed any compassion for change, but compassion for thievery and disregard for most of our administrative wises.  For that reason I must tell all of you I have decided on a major change for URANTIA and for all the planets in the 600 series of which there are twelve.  You will know them intimately Ron, and you will be delivered up here in a few minutes of our time, but right now you must finish your work on Urantia, and then be done with forever.  Your work is exploitation not, but o a kind regard to Me and the ways I like to work.
"For reasons of State, please conjoin with all those you can and abide in Me while I reregister Urantia as a backward planet avoiding the best of life for its own sacred cow reasons.
"I want it to be known that we all favor the old idea of Urantia, but it is now heading probably for a major war again, as the United States and China are posturing as though there are lines to be crossed and the US will not back down this time.  I am not going to outline it now, but I am going to tell you Ron what to expect with all you speak to as well;

"Do not expect must gratuity from any you serve with.  They are through with what was planned.
"Second, expect nothing but a slow draw from those you depend on now, as they are done with the past and want a new future and you represent the old ways mostly.  However, you have revived enough today to hear the clarion call of what it to happen;. What is to happen is this:
1     No one is listed to come to Urantia now.  The Magisterial Sons have quit.
2     There are no Missions left.
3     There is nothing from ME until I can reconstruct Urantia after my favorite planet which is not in this system.
5     No one can tell me how to run Urantia, since it busted its polarity in WWII and has not repaired it yet.
6     I leave Urantia mostly to the Planetary Prince for sometime, and you are coming up here to work the Trinity Supreme Court with G.
7     No Missions even from the Magisterial Sons, as they are producing nothing but fake reports to the good and I am not listening anymore and that ends all of my list now.
I close with this caveat Ron:  Your electric planet will be built and soon,  It is too good to let sit but you must make sure it does not get sold in the cacophony of sale and you are not going to be drafter by the Untied States to do it, but probably by Taiwan or Japan or Korea and you like working with them already and they are polite and caring.  Do not get this too much up your nose, as I have an important announcement to follow this one shortly.


WE are now at a juncture of history that unless one pays very close to the situation, those that follow will never understand what has happened.

[ The Apostle Matthew speaks not. but MATTHEW OF ARAGON now:]  We have traded the last six months of history for an erasure.

Matthew of Aragon - I do not expect the majority of people to ever understand what we mean by an erasure:  It is this:
GOD THE ULTIMATE can erase history as after all it is a matter of a time lapse, and no time lapse in spirit is important to God the Ultimate of God the Absolute.  God the Supreme exists only in theory now.
For REASONS OF STATE, only those initiated over a period of years may write of this change, and Ron you are one of the few who has this history well enough done to speak to it fully.  The one you are used to working with will quit and leave the area not but is considering a full report back to the West to edify his return shortly.  That is not known to him or you yet, but he is being enticed to return and he will.
That upsets you current plans great enough to leave your wondering just what is the heck gives?  Well, for you everything, and for Michael of Nebadon, he does not lost you, hut he loses the fine history you prepared for years, and now it must be truncated and never seen again, and even the invention may go by the board if they cannot find the way to intervene and transform it. 

There is not forgiveness or loss but this entire decade has been transformed out of existence in order to preserve the idea of a God delivered ending to the travesty on earth.   What does that mean?
The History of Earth, as you have partially written yourself, how has to turn aside and be replaced by a written record of the truth of the times, and the times are more than your history at this time.  For your reasons alone, you are so ill you can hardly get out of bed, but you managed it well today, and for that reason you are back into the history of the NEW ERA..

WE have announced a new era now that long ago, but we lost the Supreme being after a considerable flap as to who He was and what the Supreme stood for.  No longer is that Deity available, and you are the first to experience its lost when his advocates tried to shut your work down on the evening of June 19, 2010 and again a storm in 2014, and then the Supreme died by his own hand.  Today his capital sphere is a shallow sphere burned out and just rotating slightly at the moment.
WE are also certain you were injured and for that reason you were allowed to continue in that vein until 48 hours ago.  Then you crashed and Dominick has little to deal with it all for now.  This is catastrophic to you and you are not well today mostly because of it.  Yet it must be picked up and a discuss must be accord to all that wish to continue.  I want another post after this one Ron to explain the present situation in the unvierse now.  K"  Matthew of Aragon and not the Apostle Ron.

The Anunnaki pantheon, as Dominick mentions in his reply, were actually bread street annukai from the planet nearby, never mentioned by Michael.  The reason it was not mentioned at all is because the then present Planetary Prince, Caligastia, did not care to mention them at all.

I am told they called themselves the Annukai (really a variant spelling from what your use).  Caligastia used the present spelling using the double “n” in front, and never recognized any of them as worthwhile.  Caligastia finally got rid of them because they never recognized his rule or office.

Now, I am told, this entire franchise, is out of favor due to the fact the  Anunnaki pantheon has no franchise listed or left, and that the Universal Father has no sense of their history, as they appeared and disappeared so fast they did not establish a lasting reference.

The Anunnaki pantheon is a five tiered vertically document long lost to civilization, but it was written out by the Hemites, as long lost civilization, not of the Middle East but of Northern Europe and was referenced to the real document(s) in the 10th century AD.   My transmission observation seems to think they book or scroll outlining its reasons for being published was destroyed in a fire in the Askasic Kingdom of Darma, t (or Diomeen or Dorameen, as the spelling is unsure from the source.)

For my own purposes I leave this alone for the moment to ascribe why this strange history is repeated so often and paricularly in the askashic (or Askashasa as I hear them prounounced it sometimes, and I am not sure of any spelling here either).  The reason is that Caligastia held them as contemptible.  The Askara as Caligastia called them were a fine group of yellow to darkish tan face color but had no slanted eyes, and worked well with any group that took an interest in them.  This would have been about 700AD to about 1300AD, first in China, then later in the Itanlian, Florentine area of civilization.

For that reason; i.e. the confused history of their appearance and probably their meaning, the Florintines called a halt to their advance over the eastern trade routes and blocked their appearance until they actually died out in about 1574-5.  There is not Vatican records I am told, and there is no actual history that is spoken other than what I spoke to above.  They are now a remnant of religious history and that may even end because there is no actual record of these motions by a yellow sect of humanity from about the 10th century to the 15th century.  That’s it from my sources.  And I thank them very much for it is a dying history even on the Mansion worlds.  K

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “I do have a recollection of some of those people, and they were a kind group, but far too small to make things last unless they got eastern European support.  There for awhile it appeared they would get it, but the confusion they created with the BIBLE and the GOSPELS caused havoc in the first two books of their liturgy.  That liturgy is gone today destoyed by the Russian barbarians in the 7th Century AD.  It lives slightly in the Easter Orthodox Church today, but is a lost cause for centuries now.  

“Ron is having a terrible time today getting the right side of revelation.  He gets it and then it swells so quickly he cannot get it down fast enough.  For that reason I must adjust this brain for his brain is patented on the current century USA, and it does not lime limited views of anything.  Consequently we are faced with a truncated history if he dopps into it too fast.  The Askaic Record is t heir Bible, and for that reason the oldest generation of t he Chinese heirarchy utterly destroyed it in 1547AD and left is scattered in the sun and rain for total dissolution.  The Askaic Record as it was reportedly told to the west, now no longer exists.  But it will be revived to some extent when I arrive in the Kingdom of Man on Urantia shortly.  

I am Matthew of the Apostles, now speaking;

 “I see Ron you are having some confusion at the moment over the changing messaging taking place.  You are safe, as you have full control of the ability to transmit, but we are removing some from doing so since they are not able to fully transmit the message for full information.

“For that reason Ron, you are now placed in the Akashic Records no longer, and have no reference at all, except you are reported out as a transmitter from the last half of the 20th century to the first quarter of the 2020's.  You have not done enough to be famous or are you famous enough within your own transmissions, but you are among the very few who recognize the Creator Son, the FATHE, and the ETERNAL SON, and the INFINITE SPIRIT.

“Then for that reason you are not limited in Urantia’s historical reference, because you are insisting on being part of the future Magisterial Missions to come within days of this writing.

I suggest you do not another post now.  K: MATTHEW OF THE APOSTLES. k


The Magisterial Sons report
15:50 May 25, 2024- New York time

Dear List,
Ron has entered a hospice for a few minutes in order to reclaim his natural mind.  Last evening the cabal entered and insisted he give in, and of course he refuse point blank.  They decided to end his life and pulled the main vertical stem out of the mind without permission.  This leaves him destitute and he would doe this evening as a result of the impoundment of the vertical stem you all have to keep your vital signs running well.

I, Monjoronson have decided to intervene on his behalf for it is a wicked set of triplets that has been placed on his mind use and he is unable to respond properly to much of this right now.  For that reason we are opening the valve on Urantia that allows intervention not but an operation that allows the spirit to sustain those we have identified as viable to participate in our Missions.  That includes Ron.

I have therefore released a style of penmanship to Ron that allows him to continue until he dies, and that is soon if we cannot get the cabal off t he planet and resurrect the normal spiritual containment issues.  For that reason no one is allowed near him until he has a normalized control pattern again.  That is afforded to him now and he knows it well.  However, we are forced to sign off and that is normal when dealing with an individual like this.  We speak shortly.  (1601 PM time New York).

- - - - 16:12 New York time zone - - - - - -

I have persuaded Michael of Nebadon to look at the situation of Urantia.  

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “ We are clearing the planet again, and this time if your are a seraphim you are removed to a neutral corner of the universe.  Ron is not the only one taking it hard to today, and that is the last straw for this Cabal on Urantia.  I have nothing more to say for the moment.  K”

The Assigned Sentinel - “I refuse any further modernization of Nebadon until I am assured there is nothing to do for humans or other lower level beings.  I am the Assigned Sentinel.

Ron, rest easier, as that cabal is no longer living and has no further assignment ever in the universe of universes.  In about ten to twenty minutes, you feel immensely better and resume your normal place.  You are not going to see Dominick or anyhone today as he is ill as he can be over eating potato chips laced with scar tissue of the type of you dislike immensely.    Be assured you are alive and well again shortly Ron, and this is typical of a star shaven human who knows where to deliver the goods and keeps them well.  You a re doing very well Ron, and keep them informed.  For our work we are going into mostly secrecy as the planet is in need of help organically as well as with telegraphy from us.  K”

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “You all have a sense of propriety and I assume you will all catch this in a later time frame, but Ron is very close to the whole issue and whenever it happens from the cabal is the first to catch it hard.  We leave for the time being.

New York time is now 16:20:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Escape hatches and such are close on the planet.  We are now certain the cabal is closed out but Ron’s space area is hard to seal and he is not experiencing leg problems yet but if he does there is a liaison member there set to clear his area too if there is any tom foolery again.  K”

Assigned Sentinel - Two of my predecessors have been removed before me, and I do not want that to Me.  For that reason I am closing my representation on Uversa permanently, and will not attend its retrospective return to its position during the Jesus regime on Urantia.  I consider the entire Bestowal accredited but unworthy, and I will not have anything further to do with it?

[Ron here . . .   I am forced to take all this conversation.  There is general silence at 1625 but I am unaware of anything ]

16:30 - I have no sense of transmission to me or a sense of knowing what is going on.  I do know this and that the Assigned Sentinel is a high being and it deals with .  I have copied what the Urantia Book says about them as follows while I ma waiting  for the resumpting of the transmission from the universe in general. . . .

The Assigned Sentinels from the Urantria Book Paper 24

“ 24.5.2 Much as an Associate Inspector represents the Seven Supreme Executives to a whole local universe, so in each of the ten thousand systems of that local creation there is an Assigned Sentinel, who acts as the direct representative of the far-distant and supreme board of supercontrol for the affairs of all seven superuniverses. The sentinels on duty in the local system governments of Orvonton are acting under the direct authority of Supreme Executive Number Seven, the co-ordinator of the seventh superuniverse. But in their administrative organization all sentinels commissioned in a local universe are subordinate to the Associate Inspector stationed at universe headquarters.”

16:32 - I have been assigned to the fourth regiment of the Universe corollary to the Assigned Sentinel corp.  I have no group name nor dare I disclose my rank and order.  However, the Assigned Sentinel has let it be known that I am to trial anything coming out of this source, and I am in opposition to Michael of Nebadon, and stand put until I am relieved by proper  authorities.

16:36 - I am the Assigned Sentinel again.  I relieve all in duty in Nebadon and leave for Uversa at once as commanded by the Ancients of Days.

General Announcement
About 16:40

“The Assigned Sentinel is in custody. [Ancients of Days just announcend]

Ron - I have received more injuries and leave it alone for now.  Nothing life threatening but folks you do not want to stand next to these devils.  They inflict harm.  

“This is extraordinary to record this at all Ron, but congratulations for coming on line when they was to happen.  I did not know it myself, and finally there is a clear area above your heard now and that is the first in two years for you.  Congratulations.

Now for all of you who read this as it happened today.  It is 16:45 in the afternoon and there is no prinicple headset problem with Ron or the cabal which is all but gone over Ron and his forces he employs to keep things normally transmitted.  We a re now clear and I want to say this:

“I EXPECT BIG TROUBLE later tonight and I cancel all activities such as communication stand downs across the network.  I am finished with this transmission Ron, and you are a remarkable recorder too/ Best of wishes.

Ron - I cannot determine if we have a Lightline tomorrow or now.  Stay tuned and we will take this by the ear as best we can.  Thank you for listening.  R

Morontial Universe HQ-

“I am a useful Sentinel myself Ron, and you are welcome to transmit tomorrow if you can find the energy.  They have hit you hard again and you are among the few on the planet who knows what this mess really is.  Do not stand strong but do a Lightline Sunday if you can (May 26th).  Thank you.  Assigned Sentinel forecaster here.  

Ron - I will be happy to do the 2PM Lightline tomorrow regular place regular station.  This communication space is a bit wobbly so I am leaving it alone until I am called to open it again.  Thank you all!  R


General Discussion / Michael Speaks to the Israel war today
« on: May 25, 2024, 12:14:23 pm »
For May 25, 2024 (Saturday)
Michael Message
From the Magisterial Foundation
Transmitter May 25, 2024


I am Michael of Nebadon, and I do have a bit of news this morning on this holiday weekend for Memorial Day in the United States.

I have concluded that the next Mission to Urantia is off and on, but mostly off, as the clearing mechanism from the old transmitters is still not operating perfectly well.  What that is, is a subject to be discussed later this year and that is when I can make sense of what is happening on Urantia, entirely.

When I say “what is happening on Urantia,” I am implying there are things showing up on Urantia, I did not put there.  For one of them is a call for peace by endless communicating officials around the world.  The  ICJ (the EU Supreme Court, I think), ordered Israel to cease its rack of Ramtha but stopped short of ordering peace, for one thing, and I, MICHAEL OF NEBADON, also believe it is time for Israel to stop its fury and get into the idea of peace in Gaza.  I know Ron feels that the refugees in Gaza should be settled in Jordan, but Jordan is not happy with Aljazeer’s latest rumblings about peace either.

For that reason let me discuss our view of the Israeli conflict briefly.


“When we adjust a planet’s welcome, we are always sure to understand its present condition via the cost of blood and tears in endless wars of attrition

“For that reason, Urantia is constantly being adjudicated over endless poverty of peace and must subject itself to a constant barrage of thought from the spirit on high.

“Israel is a country which has do be carved out of the Mideastern lands, and for that reason it angered the Bedouins or Arabs who tend herds of animals for a living.  The Bedouins of Gaza, known as the Palestinians have been boisterous about the right to use their herds over vast areas of land they called their grazing fields, but recently the population of the Bedouins have really jumped, and they are now squeezed into a place called Gaza, and the West Bank of Israel.  This has led to serious conflict, and for the Palestinians it has caused a rupture in many of their controls for good government over the people of the Palestinian nation.

“I happen to know that the Palestinian homeland was severed, not by Israel, but by others at one time, and this has led to a diaspora not seen since the Hellenistic regimes of thousands of years ago.   For that reason, Israel claims suzerainty over the region and fights wars of attrition  every five or six years now with the Palestinian people.   As a result the scare they produce both in Israel, and Jordan, and most of the other Arab states, ends in a general war, and then there is peace for another five or six years.

“Now the Palestinian order of government has insulted Israel, by drawing down five or six thousand brutal fiefdom’s which stormed the borders of Israel last October, and then refuse to leave after taking Israeli hostages.  This has burdened Israel none stop now and it has determined that is the last time the Paletinians shall ever have the chance to do that again, and the war is now a war of attrition, and it is very important to recognize that the Palestinian people have been reduced to a slave type conquest that will lead to another and much more deadly war then Israel’s has today!

“For that reason, I Christ Michael, insist on the last review by the ICC Supreme Court, which just released its findings, take one more step and disallow Israel and Palestinians to ever live as close as they presently do, and to insist that JORDAN become the centralized home of the Palestinian  people.   There is no mistake that Israel was formed out of the desert lands used by the Palestinians, but they never claimed it as their homeland, but used it as a grazing land only.  Now they are preparing a JIHAD again, and this time they will be eliminated not only by Israel, but by several Arab States, which will join in to defeat a Hamas that has no idea why it is fighting in the lands of what Aljazeer claims does belong to Israel and all the Arabs in the Middle East.  This includes the city of Jerusalem as well.

“I conclude, as Christ Michael, that there is nothing left to discuss but to remove the Palestinian State and place Israel in charge of the small area.  That is not meant to be Gaza, but to be the West Bank, and cede it back to Palestinian interests.  This is difficult at best and I MICHAEL OF NEBADON, do not expect ever to see such a negotiation again, but in the 1970's this was possible but the Ben Gurion government would not hear of any Palestinian to live that close and decreed all of the eastern end of the Mediterranean as the cult of Jewish concerns.  They (Israel) has never learned to live in peace and harmony with such an enemy as the Palestinians have become, and there will never be peace until one faction is totally eliminated.

“For that reason, I am suggesting that Israel cede the West Bank not, but to cede Gaza to an international agency which guarantees the Gaza area be under internation control and government, and that the West Bank not be ceded back to the Palestinians but to be negotiated by the existing Arab powers, to decide the fate of the Palestinian home land which is truly the West Bank of Israel today.

//MAP of Israel and Gaza to be inserted here//

I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and this map clearly shows the problems in the Middle East today.  Why Churchill ever thought the Arabs would live peacefully with the Jewish homeland is impossible to say, but he took the decision simply and well, and for that reason we are ready to lay down the cross over the assignment, but predict that the people of Israel will never be at peace for the rest of their lives while the Palestinians will lose everything but what they though they had in peaceful negotiation so many years ago now.

I leave all of this alone for now.  

Michael of Nebadon, and the heart of Jesus Christ so many years ago now.  K”

Ron Besser - As your transmitter today, I think you see the health and climb of what it takes to end the Palestinian problem, and the Arab problem in general to deal with another Arab element, the Jewish State, and that there never will be an end to hostility unless Israel cedes the West Bank to the Arab homeland of the Palestinians.

 I have not reported the dictation of Jesus, and it is HE who wishes the landing of Arab States to continue as they are but to eliminate Hamas and the Hezbollah  horror waiting to strike Israel from the north of Israel.  Jesus has spoken on the problem several years ago, and I quote from that statement Jesus made:

“[Jesus said:] “There is no representation I can give full credit to, but I am sure that Israel has in its heart a change of venue for any of this misery if it can get a peasceful Palestinian homeland off its back door, and release the Palestinian cause to the modern world, and to preserve the peace as is required of all good nation states, wherever the Palestinians can find a home to finally rest and achieve the greatness they once held as one of the nations of Palestine of old.  K.”

Ron - And finally this from the Palestinian leader ARAFAT:

“I am judicious and alone up here on the mansion worlds, and that is the true heaven for all Palestinians and world affairs of the Arabs as they may be.   For your life Ron, let this stuff be, as it is so acrimonious it is not safe to deal it at all right now.  But for the Palestinians, they shame they fell right now will be vindicated for the rest of their lives, probably, in Jordan, for you automatically agree with me that the Palestinians must find a home land away from the Israeli conflict alone, and this requires the work of all Arab states now.  This is not an easy thing to say to your character, but you are too use to peace and tranquility that no one forces you Ron, to look at the cause of the Palestinian homeland at all, and that is the shame of the people of the Western Democracies, as they do not know what it is to be homeless for so many years without ever calling themselves a people any longer.

“We are not like the KURD'S of Turkey and of other States in the Middle East, but we are finding common ground with them because of these wars.  I am ARAFAT and I am delighted to see you accept me as a normal human being finally Ron, and I will interview you when you come over.  I AM ARAFAT. Good day!”

Ron - I believe we have come to the end of our work here today, and I thank all who contributed to such a difficult situation on Urantia.  K


General Discussion / Michael Message new May 24 2024
« on: May 24, 2024, 14:38:28 pm »
Magisterial Foundation
Michael of Nebadon speaks
May 24, 2024
This is Michael of Nebadon.  Here are a few points to be made today to the discussion forum now:

1 - I will return to Urantia shortly; (Ron - this announcement is to detract from other transmissions that insinuate otherwise)
2 - I will bring with me a new era to the State of Affairs on Urantia;
3- I will bring a forth estate with me, and the fourth estate is not the news media, but it is my fortune to bring you a happy state of affairs that Ron must stay in the flesh for and he is improving today quite a bit;
4 - There is no MAGISTERIAL MISSION today, but shortly it will be ALL MAGISTERIAL mission when I get through with the CABAL;
5 - There is a strong indication that Ron will receive divine unction to stay the course as he very much wants to but is weakened by the cabal to stay the course with them, and he refuses anything to do with them;
6 - I am silly with this man and I must keep my decorum, but as usual I relax when he is available and I want to tell you even FATHER enjoys the wackiness of Ron, and I decree he is to be with you for at least four more months unless we cannot undo the death threat he has now;
7 - Today is Friday, the 24th of May, 2024, and Ron is trying to stay the course without any help from Me or elsewhere, and is finding it very difficult to do.  For that reason I am standing by and batting down any attempt to put him in the deep freezer of death for months if we can afford the work.  In other words, I intend to keep busy for months if he can keep his vitality working;
8 - No one today is equivalent to this person we call Ron, as he has the right stuff and works hard to maintain it with Dominick and his Board of Directors.  No one ever had such a grand standing as Ron does in the future, but that has to be done later and not now.   Let us pray for his continuance!
9 - Without Ron you do not have a coherent set of vibes to keep you all together, and that is essentially your purpose as a group today.  The later appearing transmitter out west have no real region to claim as their own, but Ron claims most of what is doing east of the Mississippi River and California and Washington and Oregon.  I have no idea why I say this but it happens to be the case.
10- And finally this: we are going to hold a special meeting on Urantia, this evening, in Ron’s living room.  He layed down about 9am and could hot stand it and up again at 10 am and it has been nothing but posts since then.  I want you to know this:

“This is MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I am making this plea to all of you now.  One of your earlier member, DaCandyman is back, and Ron is delighted, but it might be temporary unless DaCandyman understands that there is fire and brimstone about to appear all over the globe, as URANTIA itself is reforming its boundaries again, and you Ron worry about the West and I worry about the South, and it is a desire of both of us to clear those areas while you and I and the others can, because the tectonic plates have been seriously disturbed again, by a passing gravity wave.

Pressure Wave Danger
“No one should be smart and just move, but listen: the West coast is super vulnerable and the United States could lose half of Washington State, the north of Oregon, and what is left of Vancouver  Island.  Do not despair over it if it happens quickly as no body will feel it as it is a pressure wave that starts it, and you are not familiar with those things as you have never known them before.

“Those familiar with Andy Rooney know what he said in the 1980's “it won’t be me that starts it, but it will be me that ends it, because I refuse to participate in a California disaster, period!”

“That is typical of Ron too, and I almost sure he will be here to warn all of you as I am now making sure he is okay enough to continue and that is worthy of small fortune in the lands of the mansion worlds, as only six individuals on the mansion world today are so assigned and they get lots of attention.  For that reason alone Ron, I salute you for being so hard working you hardly notice that the criticism of others on your electric plant will suddenly cease and somebody might come along and finance it.  I hope so.

“And finally this to all who are assembled on this discussion forum.  You could have triple the number of people on this site as members but Ron is forced to hold the question hard to keep people from joining too easily.

“If you would like to be a member of this site, send him an email at and give your 1 - user name; 2 - the password you want to use - 3 - and your email you want to use as the member.  

He will personally sign you up.  He gets ungodly email from the eastern Europeans and Russia and it takes a lot to remove over 2,000 members who all they want to do is sell you shoes or purses or drugs, and they all do.  Remember see the email in the above paragraph, and send him the date to be a member and he will sign you up.  Thank you.

“Good day for now from MICHAEL OF NEBADON.

General Discussion / Micahel Message new Mary 24 2024
« on: May 24, 2024, 14:35:14 pm »
Magisterial Foundation
Michael of Nebadon speaks
May 24, 2024
This is Michael of Nebadon.  Here are a few points to be made today to the discussion forum now:

1 - I will return to Urantia shortly; (Ron - this announcement is to detract from other transmissions that insinuate otherwise)
2 - I will bring with me a new era to the State of Affairs on Urantia;
3- I will bring a forth estate with me, and the fourth estate is not the news media, but it is my fortune to bring you a happy state of affairs that Ron must stay in the flesh for and he is improving today quite a bit;
4 - There is no MAGISTERIAL MISSION today, but shortly it will be ALL MAGISTERIAL mission when I get through with the CABAL;
5 - There is a strong indication that Ron will receive divine unction to stay the course as he very much wants to but is weakened by the cabal to stay the course with them, and he refuses anything to do with them;
6 - I am silly with this man and I must keep my decorum, but as usual I relax when he is available and I want to tell you even FATHER enjoys the wackiness of Ron, and I decree he is to be with you for at least four more months unless we cannot undo the death threat he has now;
7 - Today is Friday, the 24th of May, 2024, and Ron is trying to stay the course without any help from Me or elsewhere, and is finding it very difficult to do.  For that reason I am standing by and batting down any attempt to put him in the deep freezer of death for months if we can afford the work.  In other words, I intend to keep busy for months if he can keep his vitality working;
8 - No one today is equivalent to this person we call Ron, as he has the right stuff and works hard to maintain it with Dominick and his Board of Directors.  No one ever had such a grand standing as Ron does in the future, but that has to be done later and not now.   Let us pray for his continuance!
9 - Without Ron you do not have a coherent set of vibes to keep you all together, and that is essentially your purpose as a group today.  The later appearing transmitter out west have no real region to claim as their own, but Ron claims most of what is doing east of the Mississippi River and California and Washington and Oregon.  I have no idea why I say this but it happens to be the case.
10- And finally this: we are going to hold a special meeting on Urantia, this evening, in Ron’s living room.  He layed down about 9am and could hot stand it and up again at 10 am and it has been nothing but posts since then.  I want you to know this:

“This is MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I am making this plea to all of you now.  One of your earlier member, DaCandyman is back, and Ron is delighted, but it might be temporary unless DaCandyman understands that there is fire and brimstone about to appear all over the globe, as URANTIA itself is reforming its boundaries again, and you Ron worry about the West and I worry about the South, and it is a desire of both of us to clear those areas while you and I and the others can, because the tectonic plates have been seriously disturbed again, by a passing gravity wave.

Pressure Wave Danger
“No one should be smart and just move, but listen: the West coast is super vulnerable and the United States could lose half of Washington State, the north of Oregon, and what is left of Vancouver  Island.  Do not despair over it if it happens quickly as no body will feel it as it is a pressure wave that starts it, and you are not familiar with those things as you have never known them before.

“Those familiar with Andy Rooney know what he said in the 1980's “it won’t be me that starts it, but it will be me that ends it, because I refuse to participate in a California disaster, period!”

“That is typical of Ron too, and I almost sure he will be here to warn all of you as I am now making sure he is okay enough to continue and that is worthy of small fortune in the lands of the mansion worlds, as only six individuals on the mansion world today are so assigned and they get lots of attention.  For that reason alone Ron, I salute you for being so hard working you hardly notice that the criticism of others on your electric plant will suddenly cease and somebody might come along and finance it.  I hope so.

“And finally this to all who are assembled on this discussion forum.  You could have triple the number of people on this site as members but Ron is forced to hold the question hard to keep people from joining too easily.

“If you would like to be a member of this site, send him an email at and give your 1 - user name; 2 - the password you want to use - 3 - and your email you want to use as the member.   

He will personally sign you up.  He gets ungodly email from the eastern Europeans and Russia and it takes a lot to remove over 2,000 members who all they want to do is sell you shoes or purses or drugs, and they all do.  Remember see the email in the above paragraph, and send him the date to be a member and he will sign you up.  Thank you.

“Good day for now from MICHAEL OF NEBADON.

Hi Candy Man, I am happy to see you again, and I hope your interest will see you reply on topics that interest you.  And I thank you for your reference to me, and yes, I am 81 years of age now and will be 82 in the second week of June if I live long enough to reach that time.  Fortunately for many people, including you Da Candy Man, there is a revision coming with the Magisterial Sons.  Look at Paper 20, I believe it is, for a dissertation on that Order of Diving Sonship. and that will tell you want you want to know, and how Urantia will now have a Magisterial Son Mission, and that is along with the Michael Mission which he has not divulged for now.  I am also told that Michael might rescind the appearance of Jesus again until the world knows how to behave better.

In any case DaCandyMan, I am happy to see you back and may you keep yourself together enough to sign in and join us, as there is lots to tell in a few days, as MICHAEL OF NEBADON, is going to keep me alive on the planet for awhile he just says, and that is a big surprise to me, because today I am slumped into a corner with only enough energy to write posts.

I do hope you are able to maintain a liaison with us as you are always valuable in your input and I just like you being here to keep the Australian flag flying with us, or was that New Zealand?  Our poor Sue attempted to remove herself by taking poison and she is no longer speaking here, but the lovely girl from Australia is here and much of what was done in the past is gone too, but a new era is promised and I hope I make some of it too.  I look forward to hearing your views and your patterns of hope for yourself and your small family.  Good day and blessings!  Ron

General Discussion / An Era Has Ended - Michael of Nebadon speaks
« on: May 24, 2024, 11:16:40 am »
An Era Has Ended:
Urantia Missions
The Magisterial Foundation
May 24, 2024

This is Ron Besser, and when I got up this morning, the 24th of May, I had this peculiar sense of deja vu that I do not like.  It feels like I have gone under this spell once before and now it is started again without me knowing a thing.

You as the list of people who have been through all of this with me, know darn well that the anniversary of so much has passed and that there is a stillness before a storm not, but a stillness of not much being done.  That is at least how I take it this morning, and I do leave it alone so you can feel what you think too.

In the last 24 hours, there has been nothing much to report and I am feeling physically low and out of real worth to do anything but to allow the standard activities continue.  I also have nothing much to say except this:

What was planned was magnificent.  May you all have it again some day, but I am getting the fact that Michael of Nebadon, is truly out of patience with the United States, and its allies, and the southeastern quadrant of this world with China and Japan and the Philippines, are reaching for a semi-peaceful accord, but the belligerents in North Korea, Taiwan, and perhaps the Philippines, we reach an uncomfortable accord, but war may eventually break out.

The Philippines have a history of being quiet when they are unfairly under the thumb of other regional powers, but this time you have a young Marcos, and he is not going to easily be silent on the incursions of China and North Korean doings around them.  Watch out for a boulder cast by North Korea if it demands an outer sea barrier of protection by extending its personal zone around the country from 3 nautical miles to 7 natuical  miles and then demands that South Korea do the same, but my guess is that South Korea will not fall victim to the insinuation that South Korea has too small of a footprint around the Korean Peninsula and demands it too force the land protection to be seven miles around the South Korean lands.

I am not making a forecast so much, but warning all that the Korean question is becoming a tinderbox of scare and potential war footing, as the United States has a warranty for South Korea where it insists t hat North Korea mind its own business and let the South Korean republic alone.  They have.   But until now Korea has nothing to say about the proposition that it is a divided country eternally, and the North Koreans see it unified under North Korea forever.

For reasons of State I leave that subject now and welcome this from MICHAEL OF NEBADON:

“We are in a state of confusion not up here.  But Ron is quite affable about the state you have and says you are not worried but concerned since nothing has been said what will replace the proposed Missions we have been planning fo r years now.

“The truth of the matter is that we have quit planning anything.  Why?

“The answer lies in the indestructible error made by Lucifer so many years ago.  The planet URANTIA is slowly turning itself into a pariah state and I dare not allow it to become that.  After all, it is a Bestowal Planet, and I refuse to allow it to become a prison world too.  That is its prospect unless North Korea ceases to exist as it is, and that Russia forever loses its war like tendencies for good.  For that reason I am stating the following:

1 - North Korea shall shortly have an intercontinental ballistic missile armed with a nuclear charge and the United States does nothing about it.

2 - Because of that nuclear threat from North Korea, the Korean principle course will be to unify but from the South and not the North.

3 - Further, the lands known as Japan, will incorporate the southern part, not of Korea, but of southern Okinawa as a start of the remediation of the Japanese homeland with its northern neighbor Vladivostok Island.  Keep in mind that Vladivostok has less than 6,000 people living on it, plus it is an important submarine base for the Russians.  But it is so strategic I doubt that anything to do with it will be peaceful in the coming years.  I am particlarly upset with the Vladivostok government, for it is both Russian and in a small sense, is somewhat independent even from Russia.  This is going to be a terror some day unless we can change the currents around Vladivostok Island, since the sea currents favor that place for submarine basics of safe harbor and the like.

4 - Vladivostok Island and the northern Japanese islands are potentially at risk of damage due to earthquake activity surfacing in that area again.  The topographic areas for plates has it fairly peaceful, but when Russia exploded a secret atomic test on the island in the 1950's. the belt of salt under the mantle fractured with the result the island can be inundated by a heavy sea storm and more atomic testing.  No one has warned the Russians of this danger and the loss of submarine bases in the area could be very difficult for the Russian oligarchy to accept peacefully; i.e., it may attempt to seize the northern Japanese Island in compensation.  Again, this is a war zone if we are not careful.

“I now accept that Ron is going to pass shortly.  He cannot maintain the steady drum roll of change over a simple discussion forum or the trial to quit the idea of free electricity, but that is what is likely to happen if there is not a surprise visit by the Magisterial Sons soon.  The entire matter of Ron and his work has supplemented my ideal of a perfect Mission for the American hetemony of invention and trust.  However, the signs are pointing again to a trust being built between the present electric industry and the loss of invention, as they are insisting on the long trail of lines to conduct electricity to homes and offices.

“This flies in the face of invention and care, and Ron must go on to his reward soon as he can no longer afford long periods of wait and so on.  Today is a likely day for his disappearance but he has this post to make for me and I insist he be bright and awake to do it.  

“Finally, let the best of your nature’s persist when Ron goes, as he is the silk and powder you use to keep this web site going and all that you find entrancing about ME and my Mission.  For reasons of State he is following one of my last orders to him to broadcast this too:
“WE are holding a final statement later today about the Missions to Urantia.

“WE are holding a final statement, also later today, about the constituency around Ron which makes it so hard for him to communicate easily.  Today already he has had to remove to strands of infrastructure they insist putting around him, but he refuses to use it, and for that reason they have no control ove what he says.  And for that reason he is considered a mole on Urantia which I agree and he is very useful.

“For that reason, let us assume he goes over to the mansion worlds today, and leaves Dominick in charge.  Dominick is quite able to run the Magisterial Foundation, but Dominick lacks Ron’s experience, and as a result does not especially care about signing on every day to learn what I have to say regarding the rulership of not only Urantia, but also for Penoptia and Denson, similar products like Urantia, which are in considerable disarray in governments and often war like situations developing all the time.  

“For that reason let us finish this post with the following information for all of you:

“We are considering giving Urantia a boost of power, but if we do that we learn that the Power Directors would leave Urantia as a self sustaining  product of others and we do not want that to happen.  Then, we do this:

“For sixty-two years I have watched over Urantia, because it is my Bestowal Sphere, and for 62 years I have nothing much to say, except to say this: In all of these years I have never forgiven humans who trial good behavior for reasons of State, but I am about to send a Mission to Urantia, which will clear several cabals on Urantia, and leave the planet alone to heal.  For that reason alone I beseech those who remain on the planet to continue their work with Ron, the Magisterial Foundation, and those who support the Missions for other reasons.

“That will ensure we have something left to develop while Ron relaxes on the Mansion Worlds not, but is infused with My spirit for good.  He is a dandy posture to do this but is dying due to lack of care for his planetary body.  He is no longer about to hear completely everything I wish to say but that is made up today by being able to hear what I have said now today.

“Be quiet for a moment and realize that this entire matter is now ready for exposition while you are all still compliant with this discussion forum.  He holds the one who can keep things peaceful while harsh things are sometimes said, and you all are worth a great deal to find a peaceful way to exchange views, however, Dominick will come to the forum shortly and he has no such powers of persuasion to deal you well and that spells trouble for Ron and therefore he will insist on having some say on the forum just what is to be done.   Ron will live substantially well for the time being but will be quiet for much of what time is left.  That is to keep t he dungeon of thought out of here and to make this place sparkle to be sure you have a good connection to me and My Universe.  For reasons of State, I connect this well to the Melchizedeks, and they wish to say this:”

“I Machiventa Melchizedek says the following to you:

“I am quite sure Ron is displeased at facing death so soon after being assured he had a long time to go, but the FATHER has spoken to the powers on Urantia, and they despise Ron, to the point they will not leave him alone.  Today they had to removed twice and tomorrow who knows how many times.  For that reason Ron is not withdrawn from Urantia, but he he leaves Urantia f or a good talk to FATHER, and then back to Urantia for a good refill of the Magisterial Foundation with the proper crecdentials to see to its heritage.  We are delighted he can type this at all, as I, Machiventa Melchizedek, I am on a standard frquency and he is battling to keep it in place not, as FATHER has made it clear this has to be heard:

“No one is removing you Ron, but you are exhausted from trying to keep this transmission going and you do so well I am amazed at your capacity and willingness to stay the course.  For that reason we leave not but you must press the stop button after I say this to all of you:

“DO NOT BE CONCERNED with everything happening right now on Urantia.

“The Israel War will simmer down and the Palestinians are done as a people of problems now, and leave it to Israel to determine its own fate too, as they are no longer the single power in the region as Hamass has vowed a currency of hate from now on, and it shall establish a war party against Israel for years to come.  The only fare that will be charged is to see to it the Israel maintains its borders.

“Third, the entire matter is not a Mission concern, as Jerusalem remains cohabitable with the old Arab regime and the new regime of a place that JESUS will make pilgrimage to Jerusalem often in his new form for Urantia.  

“Fourth, JESUS will appear again, and shortly.

“Fifth, there is a sad end to Ron not, as he is able to see it through until he is well again here on Urantia, as he is necessary for your comfort too as he reports honestly what is really happening.  

“Sixth, there is an end to irregular broadcasting signals with Me and others shortly, as they do not know the proper protocol and it ends for good shortly.  K”

Ron - Thank you Machiventa Melchizedek, and this is running way long, so I cut the transmission and let things return to normal for all.  Thank you!  Ron


Yes, Lemuel I feel the same as Truthseeker.  We all are finding our age and out transcription of what our part has been for remembering what could happen and what did happen and all of it has been inspiring to be part of.  You yourself Lemuel have been a large part of these things and I am with you in the famine of parts of these things we wanted and did not get for Urantia.  I pray for your successful outcome for your operations soon, and I do hope that we can continue with your participation soon enough.  I am meeting my maker soon too Lemuel, so I might see you over there to reminisce about a Second Return that is still pending for a much younger population.  In any case let this be a reminder to all that God plays an even hand even though we as individuals may not be able to play all those hands due to age.  May you feel good and a success with what has to be done Lemuel, and I too will pray for your success and come back soon! 

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